10 Slow Cooker And Crock Pot Dog Food Recipes (2024)

Many dog owners don't like feeding their dogs commercial, store bought dog food. This could be because of the expense or simply because they don't know what the food contains. A solution to this is to make your own. We have collected some of the best home made dog food recipes here and have included links to the websites where they originally appeared. A lot of the recipes use similar ingredients and are made in a Crock Pot or slow cooker. We suggest you visit the sites, check out the recipes and, maybe, come up with your own unique variation suited to the needs of your dog. When you change your dog's diet you should discuss the changes with your veterinarian.

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Easy Crockpot Dog Food

This recipe was posted on the Damn Delicious blog. It is healthier and cheaper than store bought dog foods. You can put all the ingredients in the crock pot before you go to work. When you get home home you will have several days dog food waiting for you.


DIY Slow Cooker Dog Food

This is another slow cooker recipe, this time from the Life in Pearls and Sports Bras blog. The author did her research to find which nutrients her dog needed and then created her own recipe. Her dog is eating healthier and she is saving money.

Easy Slow Cooker Dog Food

10 Slow Cooker And Crock Pot Dog Food Recipes (3)

This recipe is from the 12 Tomatoes blog. It is cooked in a slow cooker. The author says is doesn't matter if the recipe cooks a little longer than planned. Dogs love it even if it is a bit mushy. It is easy to make so there is nothing stopping you from cooking up a batch every week.

Scooby's Organic Stew For Dogs

10 Slow Cooker And Crock Pot Dog Food Recipes (4)

This recipe which gets dogs drooling was created on the Happy and Yummy blog by Melissa Heller. She says that it takes about 15 minutes to cut up the ingredients and 5-8 hours to cook. The problem is that now her dogs have tasted it they won't go back to store bought food.

How to make your own dog food! Easier than you think!

10 Slow Cooker And Crock Pot Dog Food Recipes (5)

The author of this recipe which appeared on the Life In The Hundred Acre Woods blog searched the web and YouTube for ideas to feed her dogs in a healthier way. This recipe was created as a result of what she found. You can use fresh or frozen vegetable. She doesn't give her dogs corn, white rice, pasta or white potatoes. She says dogs don't digest these items very well.

DIY Slow Cooker Dog Food: With Pork

10 Slow Cooker And Crock Pot Dog Food Recipes (7)

This is another recipe for slow cooker dog food from the Life In Pearls And Sports Bras blog. This recipe is based on vegetables and pork. She has a 20 pound dog and says it costs $10 - $15 per month to feed it. To keep her dog's diet balanced she adds multivitamins or a scoop of yogurt or cottage cheese to the food.

Make-Ahead Doggie Stew Recipe

This recipe uses chicken meat and chicken livers. The author, who posted the recipe on the SkinnyMs blog recommends buying chicken when it is on special and freezing it until needed. Other vegetable can be substituted for those given in the recipe and a list of alternatives is provided,

Chicken Thigh And Vegetable Dog Food

This recipe uses chicken thighs, ground turkey and a mixture of vegetables. It is from the BarkPost blog where the author, Ally Nesmith, recommends making your own dog food as a method of avoiding the fillers and additives which are found in commercial dog food.

Easy Chicken And Brown Rice Dog Food

Boneless chicken breasts provide the protein in this recipe from The Bark blog. One of their readers has calculated that a cup of this dog food provides about 200 calories.

Homemade Dog Food With Chicken Breast And Ground Turkey

This recipe is also based on ground turkey and chicken breasts. It comes from the aflux blog and the author, Anna, recommends that you find what your dog likes and use that as the basis for your own version of the recipe.

Quick Navigation

Easy Crockpot Dog Food

DIY Slow Cooker Dog Food

Easy Slow Cooker Dog Food

Scooby's Organic Stew For Dogs

How to make your own dog food! Easier than you think!

DIY Slow Cooker Dog Food: With Pork

Make-Ahead Doggie Stew Recipe

Chicken Thigh And Vegetable Dog Food

Easy Chicken And Brown Rice Dog Food

Homemade Dog Food With Chicken Breast And Ground Turkey


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10 Slow Cooker And Crock Pot Dog Food Recipes (2024)
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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

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Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.