20 Recipes Inspired by Your Favorite Christmas Movies (2024)

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20 Recipes Inspired by Your Favorite Christmas Movies (1)Lisa KaminskiUpdated: Jan. 31, 2024

    Recreate your favorite Christmas movies with recipes inspired by famous holiday flicks. From the Grinch's roast beast to Clark Griswold's eggnog, we've got you covered.


    Taste of Home

    Roast Beast Inspired by How the Grinch Stole Christmas

    At the end of this holiday special, the Grinch himself carves the roast beast. We think this roast beef recipe is a worthy substitute for the Whoville favorite.

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    Find Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas on Amazon

    Also, check out these yummy cake recipes if you’re looking for Christmas cake ideas.


    Taste of Home

    Chocolate Biscuits Inspired by Love Actually

    The Prime Minister loves his chocolate biscuits in this holiday rom-com. Whip up a batch of your own dipped English shortbread cookies and grab a cup of tea. And be sure to check out some of our other favorite shortbread cookies, too!

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    Find Love Actually on Amazon

    Want to try more recipes inspired by TV shows? Here, learn how to make Ted Lasso’s biscuit.


    Spaghetti and Meatballs Inspired by Elf

    Who can forget the iconic scene where Buddy the Elf serves up spaghetti loaded with candies, maple syrup and Pop Tarts? We give Buddy props for his originality, but we like this dish with meatballs and not gum balls. If you’re looking for more recipes inspired by movies, don’t forget to check out this Christmas fettuccine.

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    Eggnog Inspired by National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

    We think that Clark Griswold would appreciate a cup or two of this tasty homemade ‘nog. Swirled with nutmeg and vanilla, you have to try this classic.

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    Macaroni and Cheese Inspired by Home Alone

    In one of our favorite ’90s Christmas flicks, Kevin McAllister (played by Macaulay Culkin), asks God to “bless this highly nutritious microwavable macaroni and cheese dinner.” This version is definitely a step up from the microwavable option, but we think Kevin would approve of this recipe (and our other faves, too).

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    Pepperoni Pizza Inspired by Home Alone 2: Lost in New York

    Both Home Alone films are Christmas classics. And like Kevin in the sequel, who can resist a hot pepperoni pizza? Only made better if you get to enjoy it in the back of a limo.

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    Hot Cocoa Inspired by The Santa Clause

    It may have taken 1,200 years for one of the North Pole’s elves to get her recipe right in this movie, but you can whip up the perfect hot cocoa in just 15 minutes.

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    Glazed Gingerbread Cookies Inspired by Jingle All the Way

    Arnold Schwarzenegger taps into his action-star roots to find the most-wanted toy for his son in time for Christmas. While he’s on an adventure, his wife Liz whips upChristmas cookies that are “out of this world.” We think these treats might be what everyone in the film was raving about.

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    Zesty Meatloaf Inspired by A Christmas Story

    Randy might have hated meatloaf, but we’re sure he never had a tasty version like this. Our homemade meatloaf recipe will have all the little piggies asking for more.

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    Sugar Plum Cake Inspired by The Nutcracker

    Sugar Plum Fairy meet this delicious sugar plum cake. Filled with spice and walnuts, this tasty cake is spot-on for the holidays.

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    While you are at it, try these meatloafrecipes that are anything but boring.


    Taste of Home

    Meringue Snowballs Inspired by The Nightmare Before Christmas

    The moment Jack Skellington arrives in Christmas Town, he takes a big bite of fresh snow. These meringue snowballs are definitely tastier!

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    Caramel Apple Pecan Pie Inspired by It's a Wonderful Life

    This feel-good flick gets us into the Christmas spirit year after year. And every year, we admire Harry Bailey’s talent for carrying pies. While we can’t say for sure what he’s balancing on top of his head, we think this pecan-studded pie looks pretty tasty (and just right for Christmas dessert).

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    Plum Pudding Inspired by The Muppet Christmas Carol

    The Muppets took inspiration from the classic British Christmas tale for this holiday favorite. We took some inspiration from the Brits as well with this plum pudding, just like Mrs. Cratchit (or Miss Piggy) would make.

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    Creamy Caramel Mocha Inspired by The Holiday

    Who doesn’t love a good holiday rom-com? In this Christmas movie, Kate Winslet and Jack Black bond over fancy coffee house drinks like these. Get more coffee shop-inspired drink ideas.

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    Beef Stir Fry Inspired by Scrooged

    In this rendition of “A Christmas Carol,” Frank (the ’80s version of Scrooge), grabs a Chinese dinner with his sweetheart Claire. We’d imagine they’d love to dig into a tasty stir fry like this one—or maybe one of these dishes.

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    Roasted Tomato Soup Inspired by Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

    In this classic stop-motion special, Santa looks a little slimmer than usual, but at the last minute, Mrs. Claus is seen feeding him warm tomato soup. He regains his full figure – just in time to hop in his sleigh with Rudolph taking the lead. This rustic recipe is sure to warm bellies just like this movie warms hearts.

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    Turkey, Thyme and Mushroom Risotto Inspired by The Last Holiday

    In this film, Queen Latifah’s character treats herself to an elaborate dinner for one including stuffed quail, lamb shanks, cassoulet and a tempting mushroom risotto like this one.

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    Taste of Home

    Roast Goose Inspired by Christmas in Connecticut

    In this 1945 Christmas flick, food writer (and phony domestic expert) Elizabeth Lane has to pull off the perfect holiday dinner starring, you guessed it, a perfectly roast goose.

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    Ham and Cheese Cuban Inspired by White Christmas

    Sitting in the resort dining room, Bing Crosby tells Rosemary Clooney that when he eats a ham and cheese sandwich, he’s likely to dream of a beautiful blonde (like Clooney herself!). While this grilled Cuban sandwich is a bit of a departure from the classic ham and cheese, it’s still darn delicious.

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    Christmas Candy Train Inspired by The Polar Express

    All aboard! This sweet train is the perfect nod to this heartwarming movie. Plus, kiddos will love helping create this Christmas confection for your holiday movie night.

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    Don’t forget to curl up with a cup of Tom Hanks coffee to honor the beloved conductor of the film, with all of the coffee proceeds going to charity. Or, for the adults in the room, enjoy this Tom Hanks’ co*cktail.

    Find The Polar Express on Amazon

    Originally Published: November 14, 2018

    20 Recipes Inspired by Your Favorite Christmas Movies (22)

    Lisa Kaminski

    Lisa is a formerTaste of Home editor and passionate baker. During her tenure, she poured her love of all things sweet (and sometimes savory) into Bakeable, Taste of Home's baking club. Lisa also dedicated her career here to finding and testing the best ingredients, kitchen gear and home products for our Test Kitchen-Preferred program. At home, you'll find her working on embroidery and other crafts.

    20 Recipes Inspired by Your Favorite Christmas Movies (2024)
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