3 Ingredient Cashew Ice Cream Recipe (2024)

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Just 3 ingredients for deliciously creamy cashew ice cream. The best cashew ice cream recipe—no churn, super easy and satisfying! Vegan, Paleo.

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Allow me to welcome you to the best Cashew Ice Cream Recipe. Like, ever. No, you don’t have to soak cashews. No, you don’t have to bust out the ice cream maker (unless you really want to). No, you don’t have to sacrifice taste for ease.

Now, for the YES’s! (Oh, yes the YES’s!!).

Yes, you should grab all of your ice cream appetites. (Okay, I admit that sounded weird.) Yes, you should grab your favorite cashew butter, and yes you should absolutely get excited!!

Today’s 3 ingredient cashew ice cream recipe is the creamiest homemade cashew ice cream, made with luscious coconut milk and the simplest whole ingredients.

You ready? Let’s make this!

How to Make Cashew Ice Cream

This paleo cashew ice cream recipe is so easy to make! See for yourself:

Add & Blend

Just add all cashew ice cream ingredients except optional add-ins to a food processor and blend until smooth.


Pour the liquidy ice cream mixture into a freezer-friendly ice cream container.


Chill until firm enough to fold in cashews, then chill some more until frozen.


Thaw until scoopable, then scoop up & enjoy the best cashew ice cream ever! That’s really, truly it.

Easy Homemade Ice Cream Recipes: 4 Ingredient Banana Peanut Butter Ice CreamLow Carb Chocolate Ice CreamStrawberry Vegan Ice CreamAlmond Joy Paleo Ice Cream

3 Ingredient Cashew Ice Cream Recipe (2)

An Easy 3 Ingredient Cashew Ice Cream Recipe

All you need are 3 simple ingredients to make this cashew ice cream recipe:

#1: Full-fat Coconut Milk

#2: Cashew Butter (try Homemade)

#3: Pure Maple Syrup

q&a for cashew ice cream

Can I use homemade cashew butter in this recipe? Yes! Learn here:How to Make Homemade Cashew Butter.

Can I pour this cashew ice cream mixture into an ice cream maker? Yes! You can churn this vegan ice cream in anice cream maker to make it extra creamy and light. Just make sure to churn it before freezing.

Can I use a different seed or nut butter? Yes! Try peanut butter, sunflower seed butter or almond butter! If you prefer almond butter , try my almond butter ice cream.

Where do I find full-fat coconut milk? Click here to findfull-fat coconut milk.

How much sweetener should I use? Use the amount listed on the recipe, or add to taste. Simply take a taste of the cashew ice cream mixture before freezing—while it’s still in the food processor. Then, add more sweetener as needed.

Rich ‘n creamy cashew ice cream made with just 3 ingredients and a few minutes of prep—the best cashew ice cream recipe!

3 Ingredient Cashew Ice Cream Recipe (3)

So how’d you like making your very first homemade cashew ice cream recipe? Not your first? How presumptuous of me!😉I mean, how’d you like making thebesthomemade cashew ice cream, ever?Hehe! Thank you so much for sharing in these kitchen adventures with me! ‘Til the next one…

Sending you all my love and maybe even a dove, xo Demeter ❤️

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3 Ingredient Cashew Ice Cream Recipe (4)

📸 Did you make this cashew ice cream recipe? Take a pic and share it on Instagram with the hashtag #beamingbaker & tag @beamingbaker. I’d love to see it! 📸

More Ice Cream Recipes

  • 3 Ingredient Mango Ice Cream
  • Keto Coconut Ice Cream
  • Vanilla Vegan Ice Cream
  • Best Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream Recipe


3 Ingredient Cashew Ice Cream Recipe (5)

3 Ingredient Cashew Ice Cream Recipe

★★★★★5 from 20 reviews
  • Author: Demeter | Beaming Baker
  • Total Time: 10 minutes
  • Yield: 10-12 servings 1x
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Cashew Ice Cream Recipe: just 3 ingredients for deliciously creamy cashew ice cream. The best cashew ice cream recipe—no churn, super easy and satisfying! Vegan, Paleo.



Cashew Ice Cream

  • 1 (13.66 oz) can full-fat coconut milk
  • ½ cup unsalted, natural creamy cashew butter (try homemade)
  • 3 tablespoons pure maple syrup*
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract (optional)

Optional Add-ins

  • 2 tablespoons roasted cashews, chopped


  1. Add all ingredients except the Optional Add-into a food processor or blender: coconut milk, cashew butter, maple syrup and vanilla (if using).
  2. Blend until smooth. Periodically scrape down the sides of the blender/processor.
  3. Pour into a freezer-friendly container with a lid, such as this insulated ice cream tub or these super cute mini ice cream containers.
  4. Cover and place into the freezer. Freeze for 1 hour. Then, if using, fold in chopped cashews—the ice cream mixture will be thickened & creamy—this will prevent the cashews from sinking to the bottom.
  5. Freeze for an additional 2-5 hours, until firm. Enjoy! If enjoying the next day or later, allow to thaw for about 30-60 minutes at room temperature, or until soft enough to scoop.

More Ice Cream Recipes

  • 3 Ingredient Mango Ice Cream
  • Vanilla Vegan Ice Cream
  • 4 Ingredient Almond Butter Ice Cream
  • Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Ice Cream


*This recipe is lightly sweet. If you like sweeter ice cream, add 1-2 more tablespoons maple syrup. Taste the ice cream mixture before freezing to adjust to taste.

Storing Instructions: Store for 1-2 weeks in the freezer. Before enjoying: allow to thaw for 30-60 minutes at room temperature, or until soft enough to scoop.

ToQuick Thaw: Making sure your ice cream is in a microwave-safe container, heat in 15-second increments until softened & scoopable.

Recommended Tools

  • Food Processor: Nothing beats this food processor. It’s probably my most-used kitchen appliance.
  • Reusable Ice Cream Containers: This tall, rectangular Insulated Ice Cream Tub fits perfectly in your freezer door. For pint-style containers: Reusable Ice Cream Tub or Mini Ice Cream Containers– perfect for homemade ice cream & love that they’re reusable!
  • Trigger Ice Cream Scoop: The trigger makes it super easy to create beautiful scoops of ice cream without it getting stuck. Best Ice Cream Scoop: I seriously love this scoop! It looks amazing, and scoops like a champ.
  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Category: Dessert
  • Method: Freeze
  • Cuisine: American

Keywords: cashew ice cream, cashew milk ice cream

© beamingbaker.com. All content and images are protected by copyright. Please do not use my images or recipe without my permission. Please do not republish this recipe, instead, include a link to this post for the recipe.

This post may contain affiliate links, which allow me to make a small commission for my referral, at no additional cost to you.

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3 Ingredient Cashew Ice Cream Recipe (2024)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.