47 Gluten & Dairy Free Recipes - Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Ideas (2024)

Looking for delicious gluten and dairy free recipes to enjoy? Well you’ll find plenty of ideas below in this yummy recipe round up. All my recipe are intentionally gluten free (as I am a coeliac) but plenty of my recipes are also naturally dairy free.

Trust me, life is sooooo much easier if you can find one meal to cook for everyone, rather than having to make separate dishes. All the recipes in this round can be enjoyed by everyone, whether you are gluten and dairy free or not!

Scroll down to discover some new favourite breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes.

1. Asian Style Chicken Noodle Soup

Super healthy and a great way to use up leftover roast chicken, this noodle soup is the perfect pick-me-up on a cold day.

2. BBQ Pulled Pork

Follow my easy pulled pork recipe for a very versatile meat that can be enjoyed in tacos, bread rolls, pasta, on rice bowls or as a standalone dish with potatoes and salad. It’s also freezer-friendly and a brilliant one to make it you are on a budget.

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3. Butternut Squash Soup

This silky smooth soup only uses TWO ingredients and is naturally dairy free if you skip the swirl of cream on the top (which is mainly decorative tbh!).

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4. Cajun Prawn Tacos with Pineapple Avocado Salsa

These gluten free cajun prawn tacos with healthy rainbow slaw and pineapple avocado salsa are a fantastic midweek option. Packed with flavour they were a bit hit in my house.

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5. Chicken One Pot Wonder

Forgot piles of washing up with this tasty one pot dinner. Chicken thighs nestle in a bed of rice, with tomatoes, olives and herbs giving the dish a wonderful Mediterranean flavour.

Chorizo and fish are such a great pairing and no more so than in this yummy one pan meal. Potatoes, peppers and peas complete the round up.

7. Curried Carrot, Sweet Potato and Lentil Soup

Mega healthy and packed with good vitamins, the red lentils in this soup making it creamy even without the dairy.

8. Easy Chorizo Stew

This is probably my favourite jacket potato topping, but it’s also brilliant with rice and smashed avocado. This speedy chorizo stew only takes 30 minutes to make and can be whipped up using trusty storecupboard ingredients.

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9. Easy Oven Chips

Who doesn’t love a plate of golden chips! It turns out that homemade oven chips and very easy to make and they taste soooooooo good.

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10. Egg Fried Rice

Sometimes we have this as a main, sometimes as a side dish. It makes a great base for the M&S Tempura Chicken fillets with a drizzle of sweet chilli sauce on top mmmmm.

11. Falafel

Transform some humble chickpeas into homemade falafel and then stuff them into some gluten free pittas with salad and tahini drizzle!

12. Homemade Gnocchi

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13. Homemade Pizza

My gluten free pizza recipe happens to be dairy free too (just use df cheese when adding your toppings). Once you’ve tried this recipe you will never be able to go back to shop bought!

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14. Honey Soy Chicken

A succulent chicken breast with a sticky honey gluten free soy glaze, which goes perfectly with rice and rainbow slaw.

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15. Maple Glazed Salmon Tacos

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Homemade granola has been a bit of a game changer for me, as I’ve discovered both how easy it is and how much tastier breakfast can be! I use pecans, cashews and apricots in this granola, but you can easily tailor the nuts and fruit to suit your personal preferences.

17. Mediterranean Baked Cod

A fantastic way to cook fish, without the unpleasant smells you get from frying fillet. This oven baked cod is topped with a delicious Mediterranean vegetable and olive medley.

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18. Mediterranean Fish One Pot

One pots are a fantastic dinner option, as you have very little washing up to do afterwards! They are also a fab way of maximising the flavour in a dish. This fish one pot is sure to be a new family favourite.

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19. Mini Thai Crab Cakes

20. Moroccan Beef Tagine with Jewelled Rice

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21. Nasi Goreng

Spicy Indonesian fried rice, packed with vegetables and topped with a fried egg. If you like sriracha then this recipe is for you!

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22. Pad Thai

A Western version of the classic Thai dish, made using more accessible storecupboard ingredients yet with all the delicious flavour of the original.

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23. Paella with Prawns, Chorizo and Veggies

Another brilliant homemade granola, this time featuring peanut butter and salted tahini (and with optional df chocolate chips).

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25. Peanut Butter Tahini Noodles

My go to dinner when I want a delicious bowlful in a hurry. These noodles take 15 minutes, start to finish, and are dressed with a mouthwatering peanut butter sauce.

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26. Rainbow Rice Buddha Bowl

Wonderfully healthy yet filling, this rainbow rice bowl feature tamari stir fried kale and a maple lemon dressing.

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27. Red Pepper Spanish Tortilla with Lemon Aioli

28. Red Thai Curry Noodles

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29. Roasted Pumpkin Dhal

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30. Salmon with Mango Salsa and Salsa Verde

31. Satay Chicken Coconut Curry

32. Satay Chicken Rice Bowl

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34. Seared Salmon Poke Bowl

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35. Sesame Steak and Shiitake Noodles

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36. Simple Sausage Rolls

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37. Simple Stir Fry

38. Slow Roasted Honey Ham

Your new Sunday roast favourite, this ham is ridiculously easy to make and tastes amazing. The leftovers can be use in all sorts of dishes too.

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43. Teriyaki Chicken Noodles

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44. Teriyaki Salmon Sushi Bowl

The most popular recipe on my blog, my readers come back to this sushi bowl recipe time and time again. Sticky teriyaki salmon pieces, ripe avocado and edamame beans on a bed of seasoned rice.

45. Thai Spiced Pork Rice Bowl

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46. Turkey Burgers with Hidden Veg

47. Honey Mustard Sausage Bake

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I hope you’ve found something to tickle your tastebuds! Please bookmark this page for next time you are feeling hungry :).

Laura xxx

p.s. Looking for gluten and dairy free baking recipes? Try Gluten Free Alice, who has lots of wonderful gf df bakes on her website.

47 Gluten & Dairy Free Recipes - Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Ideas (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

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Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.