Almond Flour Muffins - Healthy Recipes Blog (2024)

Home » Keto Breakfast Recipes » Almond Flour Muffins

Last updated: · Recipes developed by Vered DeLeeuw and nutritionally reviewed by Rachel Benight MS, RD · This website generates income via ads and uses cookies.

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These light and fluffy almond flour muffins are incredible. Their texture is very close to traditional muffins.

These tasty muffins freeze well, so you can make a double batch. They're perfect for breakfast or as a quick and filling snack.

Almond Flour Muffins - Healthy Recipes Blog (1)

These almond flour muffins are easy to make, light and fluffy. They're perfect for breakfast; my kids also like having them in their lunch boxes. I often double the recipe to ensure plenty of them in the freezer; you can quickly defrost them in the microwave.

Almond flour bakes beautifully when combined with eggs, a sweetener, and a leavening agent. It produces baked goods comparable in texture and taste to traditional baked goods.

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Almond Flour Muffins - Healthy Recipes Blog (2)

You'll only need a few simple ingredients to make these almond flour muffins. The exact measurements are included in the recipe card below. Here's an overview of what you'll need:

  • Eggs: I use large eggs in most of my recipes, this one included.
  • Sour cream: Please use full-fat sour cream.
  • Sweetener: I use stevia. You can use a granulated sweetener instead, including sugar, if you don't mind the carbs.
  • Vanilla extract: It's best to use the real thing - pure vanilla extract.
  • Orange zest: It greatly enhances the muffins' flavor, so please don't skip it.
  • Almond flour: I use blanched, finely ground almond flour. I don't recommend using coarse almond meal in this recipe.
  • Sea salt: Just ¼ teaspoon.
  • Baking soda: You can replace it with 2 teaspoons of baking powder (gluten-free if needed).


  • Use lemon zest instead of orange zest. I tried both versions and prefer orange zest, but the lemon zest is good, too.
  • Omit the orange zest and use coconut extract instead of vanilla extract.
  • Add ¼ cup of dark chocolate chips or chopped pecans to the batter. Or both!

Almond Flour Muffins Instructions

Scroll down to the recipe card for detailed instructions. Here are the basic steps for making this recipe:

Mix everything in one bowl, starting with the liquid ingredients and then adding the dry. One of the best things about gluten-free baking is that you don't need to worry about over-mixing the gluten, so you can use one bowl and mix until smooth.

Almond Flour Muffins - Healthy Recipes Blog (3)
Almond Flour Muffins - Healthy Recipes Blog (4)

Divide the batter evenly among greased foil liners.

Almond Flour Muffins - Healthy Recipes Blog (5)

Bake the muffins for about 20 minutes in a 325°F oven. Cool them before serving. You can dust them with a powdered sweetener to make them prettier.

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Expert Tips

  • The orange zest is an important ingredient. I tried making this recipe with and without it, and there's a big difference in flavor. If you decide to skip it anyway, I recommend increasing the vanilla extract from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon.
  • It's best to use foil or parchment liners, not standard paper liners. It's been my experience that these muffins sometimes stick to paper liners, even well-greased ones, but they don't stick to greased foil or parchment liners. As you can see in the photo below, it's easy to remove foil liners.
Almond Flour Muffins - Healthy Recipes Blog (7)

Recipe FAQs

What sweetener should I use?

I use stevia glycerite. I find that the glycerite formulation greatly minimizes any aftertaste. The amount of stevia I use equals about ½ cup of sugar. You can use sugar (if you don't mind the carbs) or any granulated sweetener instead of stevia.

Can I substitute Greek yogurt for sour cream?

Since I use baking soda to help these muffins rise, the batter needs something acidic to activate the baking soda. The sour cream does that.

You could replace it with full-fat Greek yogurt if you wish since Greek yogurt is acidic, too, but it won't be as good as sour cream in terms of flavor and texture.

Can I substitute coconut flour for almond flour?

No. Coconut flour is highly absorbent and needs extra liquid and eggs to work in a recipe. If you'd like to use coconut flour, try this recipe for coconut flour muffins.

Are they dense or heavy?

Not at all. I used to think almond flour baked goods were dense, but this is not the case when you formulate them correctly. The photo below shows off their wonderfully airy and fluffy texture.

Almond Flour Muffins - Healthy Recipes Blog (8)

Serving Suggestions

These almond flour muffins are perfect for breakfast or a quick snack. They are lovely just as they are, but you can cut them in half and top them with any of the following:

  • Unsalted butter
  • Peanut butter
  • Almond butter
  • Walnut butter
  • Keto hazelnut spread
  • Cream cheese

If you'd like to turn them into cupcakes, you can frost them with any of the following:

  • Cream cheese frosting
  • Yogurt frosting
  • Chocolate whipped cream

Storing Leftovers

You can store these muffins in the fridge, in an airtight container, for up to 4 days. Gently reheat them in the microwave to take the chill off, 10 seconds per muffin at 50% power. These muffins also freeze well in freezer bags for up to 3 months.

Almond Flour Muffins - Healthy Recipes Blog (9)

More Muffin Recipes

  • Coconut Flour Muffins
  • Keto Chocolate Chip Muffins
  • Keto Blueberry Muffins
  • Keto Chocolate Muffins

Recipe Card

Almond Flour Muffins - Healthy Recipes Blog (14)

4.98 from 485 votes

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Almond Flour Muffins

These wonderfully light and fluffy almond flour muffins are perfect for breakfast or as a quick and filling snack.

Prep Time15 minutes mins

Cook Time20 minutes mins

Rest time20 minutes mins

Total Time55 minutes mins

Course: Breakfast

Cuisine: American

Diet: Gluten Free

Servings: 10 muffins

Calories: 178kcal

Author: Vered DeLeeuw


  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 cup sour cream (8 ounces, 240 grams)
  • 1 ½ teaspoons stevia glycerite (equals ½ cup or 100 grams of sugar)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 tablespoon orange zest
  • cups almond flour blanched, finely ground (6 ounces, 168 grams)
  • ¼ teaspoon sea salt
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda


  • Preheat your oven to 325°F. Line a muffin pan with 10 foil liners and grease the liners well.

    Almond Flour Muffins - Healthy Recipes Blog (15)

  • In a medium bowl, whisk the eggs, sour cream, stevia, vanilla, and orange zest.

    Almond Flour Muffins - Healthy Recipes Blog (16)

  • Mix in the almond flour, whisking until the batter is smooth and free of lumps. Mix in the sea salt and baking soda.

    Almond Flour Muffins - Healthy Recipes Blog (17)

  • Using a 4-tablespoon scoop, divide the thin batter evenly among the muffin liners.

    Almond Flour Muffins - Healthy Recipes Blog (18)

  • Bake until the top of the muffins is golden and a toothpick inserted in their center comes out clean, 20-25 minutes.

    Almond Flour Muffins - Healthy Recipes Blog (19)

  • Cool the muffins in the pan on a wire rack for 20 minutes, then serve. You can lightly dust the muffins with a powdered sweetener to make them prettier.

    Almond Flour Muffins - Healthy Recipes Blog (20)



  • I use Bob's Red Mill Super-Fine Almond Flour. One cup of this flour weighs 4 ounces, so 1.5 cups weigh 6 ounces. It's best to measure almond flour by weight, not volume.
  • Occasionally, baking soda can cause a reaction in baked goods, resulting in an ammonia smell. If you're concerned about it happening, use 2 teaspoons of fresh, gluten-free baking powder instead.
  • The orange zest is an important ingredient. I tried making this recipe with and without it, and there's a big difference in flavor. If you decide to skip it anyway, I recommend increasing the vanilla extract from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon.
  • It's best to use foil or parchment liners, not standard paper liners. It's been my experience that these muffins sometimes stick to paper liners, even well-greased ones, but they don't stick to greased foil or parchment liners.
  • You can store these muffins in the fridge, in an airtight container, for up to 4 days. Gently reheat them in the microwave to take the chill off, 10 seconds per muffin at 50% power. These muffins also freeze well in freezer bags for up to 3 months.

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Nutrition per Serving

Serving: 1muffin | Calories: 178kcal | Carbohydrates: 6g | Protein: 6g | Fat: 14g | Saturated Fat: 5g | Sodium: 128mg | Fiber: 2g | Sugar: 1g


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Cup measurements refer to the standard American cup, which is 240 milliliters. Most of my recipes are low-carb (or keto) and gluten-free, but some are not. Please verify that a recipe fits your needs before using it. Recommended and linked products are not guaranteed to be gluten-free. Nutrition info is approximate, and the carb count excludes non-nutritive sweeteners. Nutrition info may contain errors, so please verify it independently. Recipes may contain errors, so please use your common sense when following them. Please read these Terms of Use carefully before using any of my recipes.

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About the Author

Almond Flour Muffins - Healthy Recipes Blog (31) Vered DeLeeuw, LL.M., CNC, has been following a low-carb real-food diet and blogging about it since 2011. She's a Certified Nutrition Coach (NASM-CNC), has taken courses at the Harvard School of Public Health, and has earned a Nutrition and Healthy Living Certificate from Cornell University. Her work has appeared in several major media outlets, including Healthline, HuffPost, Today, Women's Health, Shape, and Country Living. Click to learn more about Vered.

Reader Interactions


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  1. Paula

    Hi, just tried this recipe, adjusted for 9 muffins. Turned out, my disposable aluminium muffin cups are quite shallow, and I managed to get 10 muffins. Used low fat yogurt and 80 grams of sugar. Taste is OK. I baked them for almost 30 minutes, but the inside wasn’t done. I added another 12 minutes, still not done. I wonder why? My oven should be working well.


    • Vered DeLeeuw

      Hi Paula,
      If you used regular yogurt (not Greek), that added too much liquid to the batter, causing it to be wetter.
      It could also be that the almond flour you used wasn't blanched and superfine flour. This could also affect the muffins' texture.


      • Paula

        Thanks. I did use store-bought blanched almond flour and run it through my power blender once before using it. Maybe the yogurt issue. Thanks for your inputs. Will try again 🙂

  2. Mary

    Almond Flour Muffins - Healthy Recipes Blog (32)
    I wonder if by adding sour cream to all almond flour recipes it will give the recipe a lighter texture.


    • Vered DeLeeuw

      Sour cream is a great addition, for sure. I do have recipes such as this almond flour cake that are excellent even without sour cream.


Almond Flour Muffins - Healthy Recipes Blog (2024)
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