Bibingka Recipe (Homemade): delicious Filipino rice dough pie (2024)

Bibingka Recipe (Homemade): delicious Filipino rice dough pie (1)

Author:Joost Nusselder,author of The Essential Japanese meal planner cookbookUpdated August 15, 2020

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Though served any time of the year, you know it is already the Christmas season if more Bibingka Stallsstart setting up in just about any corner of the Philippines.

Another well-known delicacy during Christmas, this homey mixture of rice dough, butter, eggs, and milk is a sure favorite of the Filipinos to eat after attending the Simbang Gabi.

However, with this Homemade Bibingka Recipe, you will never have to wait for the Christmas season to come again to enjoy this very Filipino dish the same as the Cassava Cake.
Bibingka Recipe (Homemade): delicious Filipino rice dough pie (2)

Bibingka Recipe (Homemade): delicious Filipino rice dough pie (3)

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In this post we'll cover:

  • 1 Two ways of making Bibingka
  • 2 Homemade Filipino bibingka recipe
    • 2.1 Equipment
    • 2.2 Ingredients1x2x3x
    • 2.3 Instructions
    • 2.4 Nutrition
  • 3 Homemade BibingkaRecipe ( The Alternative Method)

Two ways of making Bibingka

In making the base for this Homemade Bibingka Recipe, you have a choice of whether to make the rice dough or the Galapong from scratch or to buy it ready-made from the wet market.

Another choice, which is the easier one makes use of rice flour.

Bibingka Recipe (Homemade): delicious Filipino rice dough pie (4)

Homemade Filipino bibingka recipe

Bibingka Recipe (Homemade): delicious Filipino rice dough pie (5)Joost Nusselder

Another well-known delicacy during Christmas, The Bibingka Recipe is a mixture ofrice dough,butter, eggs, and milkis a sure favorite of the Filipinos to eat after attending the Simbang Gabi.

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Prep Time 10 minutes mins

Cook Time 15 minutes mins

Total Time 25 minutes mins

Course Dessert

Cuisine Filipino

Servings 1 pie

Calories 1334 kcal


  • Banana leaves (optional)

  • 3Aluminum Pie Pans


  • 2 cups Rice Flour
  • 1 cup Sugar
  • 2 tbsp Baking Powder
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 (13.5 ounces) can Gata (Coconut Milk)
  • 2 tbsp melted Butter
  • 5 beaten Eggs


  • 2 Salted Egg (Sliced lengthwise)
  • Cubed Kesong Puti or Keso de Bola
  • Softened Margarine
  • Grated mature coconut
  • Sugar to taste


  • Rinse banana leaves under warm water and trim away thick edges.

  • Cut leaves into about 10-inch diameter rounds (large enough to cover bottom and sides of baking pan).

  • Quickly pass and heat leaves over stove flames for a few seconds or until just softened.

  • Line pie pans with the leaves, making sure they are intact with no rips.

  • In a large bowl, combine rice flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt.

  • Whisk together until well dispersed.

  • In another bowl, combine coconut milk and butter and stir until blended.

  • Add to rice flour mixture and gently stir until batter is smooth.

  • Add beaten eggs and stir until blended.

  • Divide mixture and pour into the prepared pie pans.

  • Arrange egg and cheese slices on top.

  • Bake in a 350 F oven for about 20 to 25 minutes or until golden and toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.

  • If desired, place under the broiler for about 1 minute or until nicely charred.

  • Remove from heat and spread margarine on top.

  • Garnish with grated coconut and sprinkle with sugar to taste.


Calories: 1334kcal

Keyword Bibingka, Dessert, Egg pie

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Bibingka Recipe (Homemade): delicious Filipino rice dough pie (6)

Homemade BibingkaRecipe ( The Alternative Method)

  • On a large pot mix in the rice flour, water, and salt, adding more water depending on how consistent you want the dough. The dough is already consistent enough once it doesn’t stick to your hands anymore. Reserve the dough for later.
  • Next comes mixing the butter, sugar, beaten eggs and the rice flour dough, salt, baking powder and coconut milk and fresh milk. Mix all of these for five minutes after which you put the mixture on a pan and put it in the oven.
  • After 15 minutes, bring out the pan from the oven and garnish the bibingka with sliced salted egg and grated cheese. Bake the bibingka once again until the top becomes golden brown.
  • Bring the bibingka out of the oven and you have the option to add grated coconut or brush it with melted butter or sugar.
  • Together with puto bumbong, bibingka is perfect with coffee to balance its sweetness.
  • With this bibingka recipe, it is sure that preparing bibingka will now be accessible for you and your family in any season.


Bibingka Recipe (Homemade): delicious Filipino rice dough pie (7)

Bibingka Recipe (Homemade): delicious Filipino rice dough pie (8)

Bibingka Recipe (Homemade): delicious Filipino rice dough pie (9)

Bibingka Recipe (Homemade): delicious Filipino rice dough pie (10)

Bibingka Recipe (Homemade): delicious Filipino rice dough pie (11)

Note: Notice the method posted? We posted Two (2) Different methods and different ingredients in making Bibingka, Simply choose what you think is easy to prepare.

Confused? Send us a message or comment below regarding the Recipe. Thank You.

Also read: this is how you make delicious Filipino Egg Pie

Bibingka Recipe (Homemade): delicious Filipino rice dough pie (12)

Check out our new cookbook

Bitemybun's family recipes with complete meal planner and recipe guide.

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Bibingka Recipe (Homemade): delicious Filipino rice dough pie (13)

Joost Nusselder, the founder of Bite My Bun is a content marketer, dad and loves trying out new food with Japanese food at the heart of his passion, and together with his team he's been creating in-depth blog articles since 2016 to help loyal readers with recipes and cooking tips.

Bibingka Recipe (Homemade): delicious Filipino rice dough pie (2024)


Is bibingka made of glutinous rice flour? ›

Bibingka (bee-bing-ka) is a simple Filipino cake made with rice, butter, eggs, sugar and coconut milk and topped with cheese, salted duck egg and grated coconut. Glutinous rice flour is more commonly used today but traditionally, rice was soaked overnight and ground.

What is Bibingka in English? ›

The term can be loosely translated to "[rice] cake". It originally referred primarily to bibingka galapong, the most common type of bibingka made with rice flour. Other native Philippine cakes have also sometimes been called bibingka.

Is glutinous rice flour the same as sweetened rice flour? ›

Many wonder, "Is sweet rice flour the same as glutinous rice flour?" Simply put, yes, glutinous rice flour is the same as sweet rice flour. It's an Asian pantry staple with a high starch content, making whipping up mochi in the kitchen a breeze.

What kind of rice do Filipinos cook with? ›

Jasmine or “milagrosa” in the Philippines is similar to basmati, except shorter, thicker, and even more fragrant. It's a Thai import and features prominently in Southeast Asian cuisine. You can have it with any Pinoy ulam or as the central ingredient in several fried rice dishes, like Indonesian nasi goreng.

What can I use instead of basmati rice Philippines? ›

  • Jasmine Rice: A Fragrant Alternative.
  • Quinoa: A Nutritious and Gluten-Free Option.
  • Long-Grain White Rice: A Versatile Substitute.
  • Wild Rice: A Hearty and Flavorful Choice.
  • Cauliflower Rice: A Low-Carb Alternative.
5 days ago

How do you do the Filipino rice trick? ›

Here's what you do:
  1. Add the amount of rice you want to cook to a pot.
  2. Optionally, rinse and drain the rice.
  3. Make sure the rice is level.
  4. Put your index finger on top of the rice and add cold water until it hits your first knuckle.
  5. That's it!
Mar 20, 2024

What is glutinous rice flour in Philippines? ›

Glutinous Rice Flour is ground from long-grain or short-grain sweet white rice and is also called sweet rice flour or sweet rice powder. Sweet rice grains are typically solid white. Dough made from glutinous rice flour becomes sticky in texture when heated.

Is Tteok made with glutinous rice flour? ›

Tteok (Korean: 떡) is a general term for Korean rice cakes. They are made with steamed flour of various grains, especially glutinous and non-glutinous rice. Steamed flour can also be pounded, shaped, or pan-fried to make tteok. In some cases, tteok is pounded from cooked grains.

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Sweet rice flour is derived from glutinous rice, also known as sticky rice, which is commonly used in Asian cuisine. It has a fine texture and a slightly sweet taste, making it a popular choice for making mochi and desserts. On the other hand, tapioca flour is produced from the root of the cassava plant.

What is made from glutinous rice? ›

Sweet rice flour, also known as glutinous rice flour, is a type of gluten-free flour made from ground sweet rice. It's used to make Hawaiian butter mochi, Japanese mochi, and tang yuan (Chinese sweet rice dumplings).

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