Easy Almond Jelly Dessert Recipe (2024)

BY :Bebs | Published: | Updated: | 10 Comments


5 from 2 votes

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Light and refreshing, Almond Jelly is a classic Asian dessert of almond-flavored jelly that can be eaten on its own or usually pairedwith lychee or other fresh or canned fruits.

Easy Almond Jelly Dessert Recipe (1)
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This almond jelly with lychees is one of the easiest desserts I've ever made. It is also quite refreshing as it is served chilled. Perfect for regular day dessert but elegant enough for special occasions.

With its subtle flavor and sweetness and overall being a light dessert, it is not surprising that one serving is never enough.

Easy Almond Jelly Dessert Recipe (2)
  • What is Almond Jelly?
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  • Deliciously Easy Almond Jelly with Lychees
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What is Almond Jelly?

The original almond jelly or almond (Annin) tofu, as it is known in China where the said dessert hailed from, is really made fromthe apricotsweet kernel and not almonds. They look and smell alike and have the same Chinese translation, "Xingren" leading to the confusion in translation.

Easy Almond Jelly Dessert Recipe (3)

How is it made?

Traditionally, apricot kernels are soaked in water, then ground to extract the 'almond milk'. This liquid is then sweetened and mixed with a gelling agent,usually agar, and then heated. It is then chilled to let it set into soft tofu-like consistency.

Easy Almond Jelly Dessert Recipe (4)

Nowadays, almond jelly is still a popular dessert, not only in China but in most Asian countries like Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and, of course, the Philippines.

It is also much easier to make with as less as six (6) ingredients, that includes jelly powder, water, almond essence, sugar, milk and, in this case, canned Lychee, I am quite happy with this recipe.

You can, of course, make alterations and use fresh fruits in season. I am thinking of melon, mango, and peaches right now...

Easy Almond Jelly Dessert Recipe (5)

I've already mentioned the difference in using jelly powder and gelatin powder in my Coffee Jelly recipe, which you might also want to check out. I've also used jelly powder in this recipe.

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Easy Almond Jelly Dessert Recipe (6)

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Deliciously Easy Almond Jelly with Lychees

5 from 2 votes

Light and refreshing, Almond Jelly, a classic dessert of almond-flavored jelly that can be eaten as is or pairedwith lychee or other fresh/canned fruits.

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  • 3 cups water
  • 1 pouch clear jelly powder (gulaman/agar agar) - 25g (see Note 1)
  • 1 cup milk
  • ¼ teaspoon almond extract
  • cup sugar - adjust as preferred
  • 1 can whole lychees with the liquid syrup - 565 grams


  • In a pot, add the water and gradually sprinkle jelly powder, stir until dissolved.

  • Bring to a soft boil then remove from heat. Add milk, sugar, and almond extract and stir until completely dissolved.

  • Pour mixture in a 9x9-inch square pan and let it cool to set.

  • Using a knife, cut through the almond jelly horizontally and then diagonally to make diamond-shaped cubes.

  • Transfer almond jelly to a large bowl or container with lid. Add the lychees including the liquid syrup from the can. Cover and chill.

  • Serve cold.


Note 1. Gelatin powder can also be used and I would recommend using Knox but you may have to adjust the amount, 1 envelope =2 cups of water, so you will need 3 envelopes. The procedure is also different. You just dissolve the gelatin in hot water or and refrigerate for 2 hours or until set. Whatever you use , follow the package instructions.


Calories: 41kcalCarbohydrates: 7gProtein: 0gFat: 0gSaturated Fat: 0gCholesterol: 2mgSodium: 14mgPotassium: 32mgSugar: 7gVitamin A: 40IUCalcium: 30mgIron: 0mg

Have you tried this recipe?Mention @foxyfolksy or tag #FoxyFolksyRecipes!

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Can I use Knox( Gelatine)?

Yes, you can. You will need 2 envelopes to make this recipe. Or use 3 envelopes for firmer jelly. Follow package instructions.

Can I use evaporated milk?

Sure, you can

Can I use almond milk?

For a non-dairy option, you can use almond milk.

More Easy Desserts

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Reader Interactions


    What do you think?

  1. Maria says

    I just tried this recipe and somehow the jelly set too hard…what could this be due to? I checked the ingredients and I believe I followed the recipe correctly. The only thing I did re the pan, because the pan was old, is I set parchment paper in the bottom. Could that have absorbed some of the liquid?


    • Bebs says

      Different brands of jelly powder have different water or liquid to powder ratio. You can try adding more water next time or cut the amount of the jelly powder next time.


  2. Katherine says

    What kind of milk did you use? What’s best to use for this recipe? Fresh or evap milk? Thank you!


    • Bebs says

      Both are ok to use. Whatever is available is the best.


  3. Hi says

    Easy Almond Jelly Dessert Recipe (23)
    Absolutely love the recipe! I ended up tweaking it a little for more almond flavor. My hardest challenge with this simple recipe is waiting for the jelly to set!


    • Bebs says

      I can understand how waiting can be so difficult sometimes.😉


  4. Sue says

    I tried this recipe as written and dismally failed when the agar agar was not disolving in 3 cups of water. Then I read the directions on the packet (Telephone brand) and found out that 1 pouch of agar agar (25g) needs 12 cups of water. I had to triple the recipe to try to get the agar agar to dissolve and even then, it wasn't dissolving well.


  5. nicole (thespicetrain.com) says

    What a fascinating recipe, I love the sound of it! Also love the presentation in the bowls, it looks beautiful. Thank you for sharing, Bebs! 🙂


    • Bebs says

      Hi Nicole, just checked out your amazingly beautiful site. So this nice comment coming from you means a lot to me. And I just downloaded your Prop-Talk Ebook, a new fan here!


      • nicole (thespicetrain.com) says

        That is so wonderful to hear, thank you, Bebs!! You made my day! 🙂


Easy Almond Jelly Dessert Recipe (2024)


What is Chinese almond jelly made of? ›

What is almond tofu or almond jelly? It's a Chinese dessert made with sweet apricot kernels or also known as Southern almond (南杏仁). The kernels are soaked and then blend until smooth. The “milk” is collected and the pulp can be used to make porridge, cakes, cookies, or bread.

Is almond jelly healthy? ›

Almond Jelly is a refreshing, light and healthy dessert made with just 6 ingredients- perfect for the summer! Vegan & gluten free.

How long does almond jello last? ›

Almond jelly is a delicious after-meal dessert as well as a midday snack, especially on hot weather days. It can be prepped ahead of time and will keep in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Store the jelly and fruit in separate containers to maintain quality and freshness.

What is Japanese jelly made of? ›

Kanten (寒天)—commonly used in Japanese desserts—is a white and semi-translucent gelatinous substance obtained from algae. Just like gelatin, it solidifies liquid and is the key ingredient we use for making jelly.

What is the Chinese jelly dessert called? ›

Grass jelly, also known as leaf jelly or herb jelly, is a jelly-like dessert originating from China. It is commonly consumed in East Asia and Southeast Asia.

What is the downside of jelly? ›

It's a flavored, gelatin-based dessert that's low in calories and fat. But it's also high in sugar and artificial sweeteners, which may be harmful to your health.

Is it OK to eat jelly every day? ›

Therefore, you should consume them in moderation. Jams and jellies have a similar nutrient composition, and their pectin content may offer some health benefits. However, they're high in sugar and should be consumed in moderation.

What are the healthiest jellies to eat? ›

  • 8 Healthiest Jams and Jellies.
  • Best: Smucker's Low Sugar Strawberry Preserves. ...
  • Best: Polander Raspberry Fruit Spread. ...
  • Best: Raspberry Chia Smash. ...
  • Best: Blake Hill Naked Blueberry Spread. ...
  • Best: Good Good Cherry Jam. ...
  • Best: Crofter's Superfruit Just Fruit Spread. ...
  • Best: Food For Thought Truly Natural Black Cherry Preserves.
Apr 3, 2024

What does almond jelly taste like? ›

An iconic offering on any dim sum cart, Almond Jello is at once lightly sweet, ethereal and creamy. Sort of like an Asian panna cotta. I love making it for summer gatherings when you want a little something sweet to end a meal, but not something super heavy.

Is almond paste the same as almond cake filling? ›

The almond paste and almond filling are very different products and should not be used interchangeably in a recipe. The Almond Filling is a jam-like filling for cakes, pastries, and cookies. The Almond Paste is usually mixed or cut into a recipe for an almond flavor, or as a layer in tarts and pies.

What happens when we apply almond oil on our face? ›

Almond oil has been used for centuries to treat dry skin conditions, including eczema and psoriasis. Improves acne. The oil's fatty acid content may help dissolve excess oil on the skin, while the retinoids in the oil may reduce the appearance of acne and improve cell turnover. Helps reverse sun damage.

Is it OK to eat out of date jello? ›

As you might have guessed, dry powdered jello has a pretty lengthy shelf life. We're talking years. Most boxes are stamped with a use-by date. This is an indicator of the timeframe in which the jello will have the best quality, although it is safe to use far beyond that date.

Does jello go bad in a box? ›

A key factor in determining the shelf life of Jell-O mix is whether it is unopened or prepared. An unopened box of Jell-O gelatin (how long does jell o gelatin last?) can last practically indefinitely when stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat.

Does homemade jello go bad? ›

Yes, jello does expire in the fridge. Following on from the previous section, prepared jello must go in the fridge and can only last for up to 10 days. This is because it has been mixed with water and then set. If the jello has fruit mixed in with it, you should use it no more than three days after it was prepared.

What is Chinese almond cookie made of? ›

Ingredients in Chinese Almond Cookies

Almond flour, almond extract, and slivered almonds ensure that you get an intense flavor that will eclipse any paper-filled treat. Set out a plate of these for the upcoming Chinese New Year. Almond cookies symbolize coins and will be sure to bring you good fortune.

What is Chinese grass jelly made from? ›

Grass jelly is made by boiling a plant called Chinese mesona along with starch and potassium carbonate (the same alkaline substance used to make alkaline noodles and jianshui zong). Grass jelly is mostly tasteless, with a slight hint of bitterness and the texture of jello.

What is Chinese gelatin made of? ›

Donkey-hide gelatin is an important traditional Chinese medicine made from donkey skin. Despite decades of effort, identifying the animal materials (donkeys, horses, cattle and pigs) in donkey-hide gelatin remains challenging.

Is Chinese almond a nut? ›

chinese almonds

Well, it's not actually made from almonds but rather, apricot kernels. Yes, another drupe, hence the similarities.

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Name: Eusebia Nader

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