Fool's Fest 2019 - results | Psychedelicwrestling (2024)

TWO WEEKS PRIOR to April the 1st...
"I Think We're Alone Now" - Tiffany

"U-S-A ... U-S-A" the fans shout in Fox Theater. The teens at the show raging on hormones, the adults there trying to cling onto their youth. Is this American entertainment?

"You hear that chanting? WE did that.... BAAAAAYBAY!" Aj Riot seemed hoped up on something with an uninhibited attitude as they were invited backstage this Royal Pain by the PRESIDENT, not CEO though. Zmiz has his one hand on Doc's right shoulder and then grabs Riot from around the back of the neck with the other. He gives his wily smile at their big Boss man, but nothing can dampen this last show of the regular season to him, this chant might be on Royal Pain, but he feels in his soul it belongs to his Asylum. Ryan Seymour looks out the curtain at the crowd gathering at the last Royal Pain before Fool's Fest the stupid American marketing department messed up the spelling. Sales for tickets haven't suffered, Zmiz and Riot give out free attendance and viewers on Twitch seem to be growing...but the coverage isn't as BIG, already Ryan has began to panic this ISN"T AMERICA they are going to be showcased in! This is the WORLD, this is HOME, this is SYDNEY HONEY! These matches going to his precious Country were big... here, but who really cares about them back home? He called Levinator to ease the anxiety hoping he will at least show up tonight, travel back, show up to do a fan meet and greet to entice some media to show up? PCW is a USA product now, the PCWA's shine has been tarnished in the Aussie people's eyes. Ryan's cell phone rings and he looks at it his anxiety leaps through the Fox Theater roof as he sees it is his father Red Bronco.

"Allo Papa. Have you watched tonight's episode?" Ryan inquires with much tension in his voice. He loosens his collar to keep his voice from cracking. This is his first ( Fool's Feast ) since moving PCW to the "United States" and it seems that grammar is not the only thing he has lost. Red's stern voice calmly answers, though showing extreme annoyance at his son.

"I never miss my baby, I started following athletes when you were never thought of Ryan. I built that company from nothing, I am the one who developed a following and what did you do?! Look what you have done to it! Horrible, jackass. Where is the new talent America was suppose to offer? I didn't want to move I was happy staying here on this continent, and traveling the islands. All I have seen is a bunch of dead weight Ryan and I am not liking it at all Son. You think I named you President because I can't do the job anymore? You have the funds to get help and you hire more jackasses! This mess up, what the F*** is Fool's FEST Ryan?! Are we serving Turkey?! We have an Annual sports Feast now, how old are you, have you not been raised on tradition? Integrity? I think it might be high time I just sell this company..." The bucking Bronco that his father had became known for interviewing athletes with hard hitting questions, not stopping completely at the line. Red is fair and jest, but always looking for progression. When steps go backwards he doesn't see a problem with severing limbs even those of his own family. THIS raises Ryan's nerves!

"Wait Pops I have a handle on things this will still be a great show. This is my shot to win you all back. I need you, I need my countrymen, I need my home. Everyone has that special homecoming they anticipate every year, I know that I have. I lost my way, I know I have, but now here I am. I will not let you down this is our family legacy that is being tarnished you are right. I am stopping it right now." His father doesn't say goodbye hanging up on him. Ryan looks back at the crowd. His Home crowd will not be so loving of him he let Levitt spit in their faces. He is waltzing around as the champion right now and somebody needs to do something about it. The priorities around the PCW have been screwed up for far too long and it is time that the Seymour family took back control of their product. He looks at his phone and starts to dial Sophie's name poppin up before he hits dial and moves it up to his ear. He turns around noticing the hired journalist crew standing there. His phone volume is loud enough to be heard by the sound guy.

"Ello Sir how may I help you today?" Ryan smiles as he hears Sophie answer him directly rather than her man servant. He looks angrily at the camera crew now.

"One moment Your Majesty I have some peeping birds." He cups his hand over the phone. "Do you mind, this is personal business. If you want to know what it is about than I would suggest that all of you AMERICAN ... GREAT BRITAIN ... EUROPE ... ASIA tune in to find out how a real host presents a spectral to their audience." He is so full of confidence and a sickening grin dripping with just a touch of arrogance. He licks his lips as they become dry and points the crew to the exit before returning to his phone call with the scene blackening out. What did that mean? It is time to go to sleep and travel over seas for FOOL's FEST 2019.

Fool's Fest 2019 - results | Psychedelicwrestling (1)

Finally here we are at the Sydney Opera House in Sydney Australia. Mr. Seymour has called a meeting with his two GMs and the Road Agent Riot. Word has gotten around that Big Red Bronco isn't happy at all.


"OOPS! Spell check doesn't catch everything you know?! Go screw yourself Sophie! She thinks she is better than us because she has money, tell her Mr. Seymour tell her about the viewership. Tell her about how people flock to the Battleborn arena.

As Zmiz looks smug and Riot is jittery backing up with Doc placing his large hands on Riot's shoulders for comfort. Sophie remains silent and just looks at the PCW Ryan Seymour, his stomach is in knots already without the three of them feuding. This meeting is important, maybe it the wrong choice? They are back in New South Whales, and those in attendance at the Sydney Opera house they begin to pop out of their seats and applaud. They are so loud it echos through the halls to where they are filming, Ryan smirks realizing this is his home turf not theirs for once.


My family built this company from a traveling carnival sideshow, My father selling tickets and than wrestling two or three, maybe four matches a night as different people under new mask. I like Sophie's style and she knows how to step in and handle things with authority. After all that work him and a few men did some Americans relocated here to help build the brand into a sanctioned sporting commission. Suddenly we had a TV deal with the Americans, we were reaching so far now, Europe was able to watch us as well. When my old man named me President, I didn't hesitate to sign big names, to make big matches. I am not concerned about what backlash happens just how the product turns out. Execution can be sh*t if your production and product sell, and your technique is flawless. Now look at us, an international franchise two shows racking in views and shares. Still... nothing... NOTHING compares to this, being HOME. This is the land the PCW was born in, this is the PCW... no MY personal proving grounds! Every year I get to write a love letter to the world about her and now here we are, do you all follow?

People cheer Ryan taking authority, it can be heard over the 3 talking in the backstage area. Zmiz can see that on his home turf Ryan stands a bit taller, he than turns to Sophie while pointing at the other three.

Ryan- As for you, do I need to hire a new General Manager for my Fox show? They get an allowance, they have been in the business of running things for about a total of two years between them. What gets back to me I keep in a ledger, you write your own checks Madame. I suggest that by the end of the night you present me with the funds to cash them or you will be bankrupt. Either one way or another the PCW will be satisfied by the end of the night, that is a Presidential Promise.

Riot chuckles at her regaining Ryan's attention. The sharp dressed corporate executive shakes his head looking at Zmiz and Riot like ticks.

Ryan- No King of Fool's This year, why is that? I wonder...

He pauses and licks his chapped bottom lip thinking over what he is about to say. This shuts Riot up fast catching the rich kid's eyes, Zmiz and Doc secretly pat their self conscientious buddy on the back to reassure him that he did his best and at least the people got damn flyers to look at. The Sydney Opera House is filled enough and so grand that your skin could just goose bumps.

Ryan- Do you all realize what it is like to be like this? Of course not, even for this one day you all just suck that energy off of us, this is our holiday, this is our show, it is our stage....

"So Mr. President what are you telling me?"
He seems like he could bite his teeth in half, he stays calm. clicking his tongue he ignores his anger.

Ryan- I have a better idea gentlemen, I will tell everyone. This is my crowd tonight, so if you don't mind. He walks past them and Zmiz gives Riot a look before we fade out. The Screen gets black, there is a chorus of laughing, big chuckles bellow out like bass horns and tiny snickers chime in accompanying the chuckles like bell symbols. Quote start to appear in our vision as the black screen's void is filled.

“The person who writes for fools is always sure of a large audience.”
― Arthur Schopenhauer, Religion: A Dialogue and Other Essays

“He who hesitates is a damned fool.”
― Mae West

“Compromise is a stalling between two fools.”
― Stephen Fry

Slowly the music to Evanescence's song Everybody's Fool plays, in the center of the ring Kristine Otto is dressed like a punk rock star. Her eyes dark shadowed with a Red flare over lapping them that punctuates the blue. In the ring with her is a guitarist, on the main stage is a drummer and bass guitar. Everybody's Fool by Evanescence
plays and the crowd gets quiet.


Perfect by nature
Icons of self indulgence
Just what we all need
More lies about a world that
Never was and never will be, Have you no shame don't you see me?
You know you've got everybody fooled.

On the large screen set up a video plays along with the music as Kristine sings passionately to open up our event. Bouts with Josie Pleasure, the shocking dominace of Gabriel Ohio. Raven's masterful ability to lead people, all captured in poetry of the moving images.

Welcome to another Special edition of PCW, tonight is the annual Fool's Feast celebration inside the Sydney Opera House. Man, just look at all these people Val these fans are ecstatic about the PCW homecoming, this year's attendance I was told tallied. All profits from this show went to Aspect in commemoration of World Autism Awareness Day tomorrow.

Val- The fans really are jumping out of their seats Rev, and though tonight is dubbed the Fool's Fest we are still celebrating it just like any other year. Some sponsored young men and women from the Aspect organization are here to enjoy this night with us. Our PCWA President Ryan Seymour spares no expense when it comes to this show so these people are in for a huge special I am told. Big matches, big situations, this is the time to act a fool and do it big!

No one Knows by Queens of the Stone Age plays.
The Sydney Opera House knows this is Ryan Seymour's anthem. They rise out of their seats as the PCWA President enters their presence. Being the good man he is he stops to kiss kids on top of their head and gives a smile and wink to their mother and father after. The crowd cheers because not only to they hardly see Ryan but he sees his appearances for special reasons like them!

Ladies and Gentleman please welcome to the ring, the president of PCWA ... Ryan Seymour!

He respectfully enters the ring still embracing the warm loving response from his home crowd of Sydney, Australia. He smiles from ear to ear unable to hide how happy he is to be back home with his company for their yearly special.

Is this really happening? The President of PCWA is out here right in front of us? I bet his Daddy is really proud right about now, his son returning home after a tip over seas. How you think we did this Season Val?

Val- I am bias Revelation I think every show we ere a part of was fantastic, this must be some big news he is about to lay down to be with us live. Mr. Seymour doesn't usually make time to grace the ring with his footsteps.

The crowd cheers, they love their home grown organization and are VERY happy to see them finally traveled HOME. He takes a moment to look around blowing them a kiss greatly appreciative of their love. He holds his hand up while biting his bottom lip to keep in his emotions.

Ryan Seymour -
Wow all that love... Thank-you! You know every year I come here, this is a building I loved with my father. I brought our company here. Usually there is a FEAST of COMPETITION to be had that many will travel around the world to come to see. I get word that workers are kidnapping one another, and the authorities are getting involved. This sadly looks bad. I am all for fun and games out there, that is what PCW is about, but I am not paying for your freedom. You break the law you will be given your pink slip. Tonight we begin what is the journey to a new season. Half way there and our Undisputed Championship mocks the country where it all got started... the Undisputed champion has soiled all over the words he promised the fans.

He pauses with sadness in his voice, but keeps himself professional as things are live. He looks around the live crowd, he needs their attention before the cameras. Editors can make him look good later.

Ryan Seymour -
It cost me time to be out here and my time equals lots of money. So after tonight... I will NOT see this problem anymore. This brings me to a NEW ... TOPIC... WARRIORS ... FIGHTERS... Come to PCW's Proving Grounds and show us just what you have to offer. Will you prove yourself worthy of being on Royal Pain? or will you like to stay and build up a reputation first? Don't be shy my friends, The President is not out here everyday. I am here because I care. With that being said we have the opening match coming up to determine who will face the winner of tonight's Undisputed Title match.

The crowd cheers deafening him, they all know Anthony Bennett is in this match and they are hot like a roaring fire for him. They sway and chant proudly, "we want Showtime... we want Showtime Ryan takes a moment to look around the crowd here at the Sydney Opera house. The lights shine down brightly and the seats seem to be packed.Revelation- Listen to these dummies, chanting everything. You would think they got free tickets or something?!Val- That is a rude assumption Rev. They are excited to see their home town, or homeland heroes. It is not everyday that the PCWA throws a show for the people of Sydney, Australia... but boy howdy when we do.The cameras scan over the crowd to a private seating area where Levinator is dressed nice with a good looking girl on his each of his arms with two girls on each of their arms and a drink in every hand. He smiles as fans scream loudly, seeing this man out of his home estate is a treasure. He chuckles a drink and tosses the cup into the fans before holding his hand up waving. The cameras pan back showing the rest of the VIP section where Blake Archer's wive is a few rows back with her children and Blake's daughter Rain. to their left sits Mrs. Dan Fair, she stands up and waves at the fans her husband having a moderate amount of respect for competing here locally. Ryan Seymour watches this on the double screens set up on each side of his entrance stage.

Ryan Seymour -Due to the actions of some in the following bout, I have acquired the fine services of the New South Wales Police Force. He lets the NSW Police Force come out and surround the ring, mostly along the entrance ramp. They are there to keep any interference unscheduled from happening tonight. Ryan Seymour -Finally some professionals... so to recap... The shenanigans stops HERE...I am getting calls from Red Bronco, my father. Majority share holder of PCWA, aka, my boss. I don't like that at all. You think this is some madhouse, some frat boy asylum?! This is a professional institution! We are the Psychedelic Championship Warrior Association! we are not some festival of fools. Get the F out... The best of the best like Desmond Masters come here to challenge our champion. I personally went out and scouted this young man and I seen the type of talent that he could showcase on this very stage and I thought... that... now THAT I have got to get. Do you all remember how passionately I pursue the things that I want, the things that I feel we all need? That man up there, get a spotlight on that man...

A spotlight brightens on and than dims to a box seat where LEVINATOR stands up, he smiles and waves at the crowd. This being the one place where he will perhaps get cheers, he stands up ripping his white dress shirt to reveal and SHOWTIME, Melbourne made, Sydney Born t-shirt. This gets a large amount of cheers out of the fans, so ready to forget all his short comings. Ryan chuckles this off returning to the microphone.

Ryan Seymour - Still our talent deserves to climb to that spot too huh? Some... New Blood...Someone like Brandon Young. (fans boo) He has yet to be pinned or submitted on PCWA broadcasting, impressive... no? (fans keep booing) I Guess he does have that Atlanta attitude. How about Daffney just tossing her name in the hat? Doesn't that excite you? (Fans moderately react, typical Goths) Alright how about the Apex Predator from Glasgow? (A few loyal Natural Order acultist seem to be in attendance as a section of the Opera House makes some noise that echoes back to Ryan) Well that really only leaves... (Fans roar before Ryan says anything) Ok I get the hint ...what am I still doing out here... without further adieu on with the show. He waves his hands to the opposite side of the stage and the background stage goes black. Lights dimly come back on lighting a path for Ryan to walk off of stage left. A spotlight opens on stage right, the anticipation builds in the silence over who's music will they hear first?

"The Beautiful People" by Marylin Manson plays Daffney walks out with her precious crowbar, and Bumblebee Champion Jett beside her. She lets out a shrieking screaming and than makes her way to the ring cradling crowbar like a baby and shushing the crowd so not to wake him. She hands him off to one of the Jett like a mother would a sleeping baby and reassures him that she'll come back to get him. She rolls into the ring and hops onto her knees for her famous scream that rocks the house, she then crawls to every corner and glares at the fans with a sneer then brings herself to a standing position via the ropes and does some arm stretches and leg stretches while she awaits the arrival of her opponent her eyes looking at the Police that are there in uniform. He seem protective over Crowbar like he is her only protection. Jett walks to the commentary table with Crowbar carefully sitting him down so Crowbard has a good view of the match and places a headset on.

Revelation -Daffney thinks she is the rightful Undisputed contender, what you think Val? I am uh...I am hungry, can I barrow money for nachos? How about you Jett?

JETT- So I just sit down and the first thing you do is ask me for money for nachos? Sorry I thought my name was jett not atm. (Sneering at revelation he turns his attention to val, his face becoming a soft smirk now.) Val how are ya? Good to see the champ huh?

Val -Indeed, I have heard the things you've said about the Undisputed champion, but not any retort. Travis Levitt is a silent man, but Welcome to the table Jett. How do you feel about Daffney's chances of adding to her waistline? Daffney might think that she is in a big spot, but her feud against Noel Tully was nothing like we have seen Hall of Famer Josie Pleasure do. Unless she wins this match this is just my opinion, she is Bumblebee material. Yes, but Brandon Young has only suffered one loss since signing, and Anthony Bennett is in his home country for once. That has to boost his confidence and energy tonight.

JETT- That's an idiotic first thing to say, val. Daffney has been scratching and clawing her way up to the top of the mountain for quite awhile now. She hasn't let anything stop her. Shes one of the best pcw has to offer, well besides me of course. Josie pleasure wishes she was in Daffneys spot tonight. She may be in the hall of fame, but what did she really do to get there? I am sorry ... Who... (he makes a motion of moving his hand towards his mouth.)

Revelation -Well if that isn't the pot calling up the kettle... You two are forgetting the leader of the Natural Order. He is looking to make a statement tonight and becoming the new number one contender for our Undisputed championship is the strongest statement you could make Val. The Apex Predator is on the prowl, is that why you are out here Jett?

JETT- Imma give credit where it's due. The dude is impressive. He's tough. He's got a fire inside that burns bright but tonight is not his night. At the end of the show people are gonna only be talking about jett... oh and daffney of course

Element Eighty - Rabies hits the PA.

Element Eighty - Rabies hits the PA. Dolphus burst through the curtain extending his arms like one of greatness Adam and Danny his team mates are with him. The trio high five each other before Danny and Adam leave walking off stage, while Dresden walks past the Commentary table his eye hooked one on one with Jett as he than rolls into the ring and slicks back with hair while popping his bublegum. Daffney is crouched in the corner like an animal ready to leap. He hops down keeping an eye on her while their opponent is coming out next. The fans get so loud things seem mute!

Revelation - Whoa there was some tension there Champ...The leader of the pack, or the Natural Order i guess. This guy is more than a stack of ribs you'd order on rack Thursday. Why am I stuck on food?

JETT- He is just jealous of my gold plan and simple.

Val -It is a true story that Revelation is always hungry. Well I would put some bbq on those abs, but that is another story for another time. Why is The Wolf even in this match? Brandon and him stand on another level, not that I am rooting for Brandon Young here. He is a total jerksickle and I could do without him. I just like giving credit where it is due and he is the only person I feel is worth this man's time. He has nothing to be jealous of.

Revelation- Who is jealous now, or I mean... who is bias now?

Jett stands up holding his Bumblebee title belt and pretending to cry and pout at Dolphus. He exits the ring without hesitating getting back into Jett's face. The Wolf is much bigger, but Jett's co*cky attitude seems just as big as he doesn't back down. Dresden takes a clean right punch at Jett hitting him in the jaw and sending him back over the barrier into the crowd. The official prevents Dresden from going after him.

Music to "Stinkfist" by Tool plays.{Something has to change. Un-deniable dilemma.
Boredom's not a burden anyone should bear.
Constant over-stimulation numbs me
But I would not want you
Any other way.}

Fans forget what just happen poping for their personal hero. The spotlights criss cross and Anthony Bennett emerges throw a streaming shower of sparks as he stands on the stage letting the sparks shower on him as he stands arms spread wide like a bird's wings as he is wearing a signature Robe that his Father used to wear. His spotlight slows and steadies on just him as Anthony takes off the robe shouting loudly unable to contain his excitement of being home!

{Just not enough. I need more.
Nothing seems to satisfy.
I said, I don't want it. I just need it.
To breathe, to feel, to know I'm alive.}

He straightens his denim vest and slowly takes off his sunglasses as the sparks disperse in the background behind him he tosses his $100 sunglasses into the crowd, that is some lucky fan! Unlike anywhere else in the world this is a place that will never stop loving him and he is unable to stop loving back. He puts his vest with his robe before entering the ring he backs off Dresden who is waiting for the bell and a right time to strike, Daffney still seems lost in the corner. The fans are strongly behind Anthony in this one yelling showtime with passion as a hive mind. He points to the seat where his father is the fans wishing they were closer to photo bomb cheer.

Revelation - I guess Jett is out than? That lost some popularity for The Wolf. Levenator is only here for this guy if I had to guess. None of the other warriors matter at all. How do you think Anthony will fair tonight Val?

Val -

He has the genes, and I would say he has home town advantage, but some people here hold a grudge against the Levine family right now. Their a national treasure here no doubt, but Anthony hasn't quite earned that reputation his father has.

Pretty Fly for a white guy plays by The offspring

♫ Give it to me baby. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Give it to me baby. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
Give it to me baby. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

And all the girls say I'm pretty fly
For a white guy.
Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, cinco, seis. ♫

[Brandon Young comes out to his theme song. Flanking him are his homies Kyle, Franco, Leo, and Willie. Announcing them with a thunderous voice is BY's spokesman.

DESHAUN-- Ladies and Gentleman, the man that was almost killed by Blake Archer! The Man responsible for The King of Canines retirement from televised program that matters. haha... I hope everyone is on the pill tonight because the birth rate is about to increase, he is The One and Only Disrespectful Youth himself, The Man of the Year... Brandon B MONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY YOUNG!

Brandon jumps into the ring and looks around this crowd isn't phasing him on the surface, his opponents circle close. BY shouts at Daffney to get her attention, he signals he will be the one to beat he boyfriend for his title soon, than laughs asking what she will do about it. BY's arrogance is shining before the bell even rings getting under everyone's skin.]

Revelation -

Hahaha what a burn! I love it, this guy is going to win calling it now. What a talent! I can see why you think he will win this match tonight Val.

Val -

Just calm down Rev I never said that, you need me to get a hankie for that drool?


The four warriors look around to see who will make the first move, as Daffney inches to the center from the corner BY makes a fake out move and dodges out of the ring. Anthony rushes into The Wolf and the two men start clobbering each other with lefts and rights of fury. Daffney interrupts their brawl with a kick to Anthony's gut and than a right hook to Dresden's jaw. He holds his chin and shakes it off retaliating with an even harder right overhand punch that staggers Daffney back a few steps. She keeps her balance with her agility, but Dresden is right on top of her with a back hand chop!He hits her again, he grabs her wrist yanking her forward and tossing her into the ropes using an Irish whip, The Wolf runs off the opposite ropes and shoulder tackles Daffney off the rebound sending her down hard to the mat. Anthony stands back up quickly taking advantage of Daffney being down. He clips Dresden's left knee out from under him taking him down smartly. He stomps on the same knee again and again causing him to cry out loudly in sheer agony. Anthony latches Dresden's ankle under his armpit and wrenches it shifting around to tweak Dresden's knee more. The wolf grits his teeth and lands into the move holding a handful of Anthony's hair. He than strikes him with a sharp left, again with a left, Dresden hits him like putting a nail in wood before Anthony lets go of him backing off from the offense.

Revelation -Little confused why Showtime backed off there, he was right on top of The Wolf.

Val -He realized what a sin it was? Even if Anthony is not completely liked this disrespect The Wolf is giving him is not earning any respect from this crowd.

As both men are to their feet BY runs in he hits a surprising dropkick that floors both men. He shouts proudly and taunts them calling them stupid fools! Daffney is crawling back to her hands and feet, BY out of her vision punts her ankle sending her feet out from under her. He collapse on top of her for a quick cover questioning if she can lift him, do you lift bro?!


Daffney kicks out!

Revelation -Fast quickout by Daffney. BY will need to find a better target...

Val -That doesn't seem to be his plan he continues his assault on the Scream Queen giving her a verbal lashing as well as a physical one.

BY continues his offense tugging Daffney into a chin lock, she groans her eyes close her face cringing in pain. he sees that Anthony is recovering with each breath he takes laid out on the mat. Dresden behind him is using the turnbuckles to pull himself up, but Brandon can still hear his heavy wheezing and the Homies voices carry through the roar of the voiceless crowd. He stands up still holding Daffney transitioning to a sleeper. Anthony charges and BY tosses Daffney at him their heads collide sending Anthony and her flying in opposite directions. BY swiftly jumps on the second rope he bounces back into a dropkick, but Dresden pushes Anthony out of the way and grabs BY's legs fighting with him in a prone position. The fans go mad!!

Revelation -Seems The wolf might be attempting to flip BY over onto his stomach, perhaps a Boston crab attempt?

Val -BY still has a lot of fight left in him more core strength than I realized, my goodness! Look at those ripples bulge as he strains to twist against The Wolf's tension. I think he could escape this Revelation!

Revelation -Not a chance...

BY collapse to the ground, taking exhausted breaths. The fans laugh and cheer, The wolf has seemed for the moment to have won them over as he flips BY to his belly and pulls back on his legs. BY screams frantically desperately crawling from one side to the other looking for an escape. He thinks about tapping, but fights the urge shaking his hand back and forth and shaking his head in a defiant NO. Just in time to save the match, Daffney breaks up the pin attempt. Her skull is busted open as is Anthony's still on the mat. She swings a clothesline at Dresden and he duckes her, stopping himself on a dime, he grabs her from behind hitting a german suplex into a bridge pin.



Daffney kicks out!!!

Revelation -The Wolf should have went for a deeper pin, Daffney shoulder up right after the two count folks.

Val -This Bumblebee division has been founded recently on Daffney and Noel's epic battles over the strap during the American tour, now she ends Season 2 wanting to upgrade to a new division. The Wolf's getting irritated Rev.

Dresden shakes his head the irritation deep in his cold eyes. He punches the mat in frustration jumping to his feet. Anthony Bennett stirs but is seeing metaphorical stars as his eyes seem crossed. Dresden grabs BY from behind into a full nelson facebuster, BY clips his lip off the mat as he hits. He holds his lips as he stands back up shocked about what just happened while Dresden is stalking him ready for the Wolf Bite... he spots BY as he turns...but the HOMIES yank BY out of the ring before Dresden can hit the move. BY thanks the Homies catching his breath. The people boo, but the Homies tell them off they did what they had to in order to save BY. As Deshaun checks on their Man of the Year inside the ring Dresden has little time to be confused....
Daffney rolls him up from behind!!
Dresden kicks out!!!

The competitors stand back up Dresden furious hits Daffney with an enziguri. Daffney's eyes roll back in her head as the crack is heard of his foot off her skull. Dresden looks around rolling Daffney out of the ring so that just him and Anthony are left alone in the ring right now. Dresden hits Anthony and then gives him and elbow. Going for an Irish whip, but Bennett reverses it, he kicks Dresden in the gut and lifts him into a spinning spinebuster!!!

Revelation -These two men are slugging it out, spinebuster from The Wolf to Showtime stops that series. I am sure their faces are thanking them. Bennett is showing a lot more awareness going move for more than I figured he would.

Val -He would say it is genetics, but I am not totally sure I agree with that. The Sydney Opera House seems to have forgiven him in their excitement, can you hear them?

Revelation-HUH?!The cheers blow the roof off the place, the fans feel like Anthony can put this away as they stand up to get better looks.

Showtime breaths heavily as he is living solely off his countrymens energy right now, he staggers up holding his arm up in the air. Together with his fist bouncing in the air conducting them. Oi, Oi, Oi! Faster, Louder, the voices stir together! He rushes at Dresden as he stands up hitting a running superkick!! He is refilled with adrenaline now, Bennett picks up a kneeling Daffney hoisting her easily on his shoulders. He pauses for a moment rotating her around off his shoulders almost like his father would do, but into his Box Office Smash (Samoan driver.) Bennett covers Daffney's shoulders holding her legs down to her chest with his shoulders.
BY breaks up the count!

The fans turn aggressive violently with boos. Some from the front row toss popcorn at the ring in anger. BY hits Anthony Bennett with Disrespectful Youngster (Brandon spits in his face, and then low blows Showtime. Brandon finishes this up with an swinging neckbreaker.) He folds up Anthony's outer leg as the Ref counts.
The Wolf breaks up the count!

Revelation -This person saves the match now that person, VAL... I am losing my mind. Tell me when someone decides to stop all this madness!

Val -

Each person wants to advance up the ranks to challenge whoever leaves here tonight as the PCWA Undisputed Champion. The desire to be declared the UNDISPUTED among all warriors...

Brandon and The Wolf are tired, but BY has ridden this out with a low profile saving his punches. He makes eye contact with Dresden offering a handshake and truce. The Wolf isn't about to have any of that during a match shaking his head with a laugh. He rushes at BY and he dodges, grabbing Dresden's head and neck jumping and snapping them back as he tries to hit him hitting the Drop of Youth (Zig Zag) The Wolf wasn't prepared for the swifter version of the wolfbite BY covers Dresden!


Revelation -
BY did it! He is going to challenge for the championship, this is the fastest rise through the ranks I think I have seen in the longest time! Wow, I mean nobody has gotten this good this fast since the 2018 Cleveland Browns.

Val -

You need to settle yourself there is a lot of show yet. He was real swift about it I guess I have to admit that... uh... everyone really put everything they had into this one. It was all out on the line from bell to bell. I don't think there is anything to be ashamed of.


The homies storm the ring raising BY on their shoulders. Deshaun claps his hands and demands the audience does the same. Daffney rolls out of the ring with the help of Jett, her disappointed look seems to fade with his arrival at ringside. Anthony Bennett rolls out of the ring looking exhausted and disappointed, but the fans are still happy to see him. Being a good sport he still gives them hand touches as he passes.


YOUR winner and number one contender for the PCWA Undisputed Championship... BMoney...Brandon Young!!

THE WOLF won't have this!!!

He gets out of the ring rushing viciously into Anthony Bennett!! He hits him hard and over the guard rail! Dresden mouths off to the cameras and fans about this lose isn't a set back, it is a wake up.

The Wolf
"Time to wake up!! The Natural Order is done sitting back, you hear that Showtime?"

That hot blooded fighting spirit doesn't go down so easily. Anthony shakes as he stands his body weak, he runs with all he has leaping over the guard rail at Dresden with a lariat! The two men collide and tumble to the floor, Dresden hits and punches Anthony hurting him and raking his eyes seeming hell bent on causing bodily damage. Bennett fights back lifting The Wolf up and shoulder tackling him into the ring apron, twice, no... three time to get him to drop him. The Wolf stabs a thumb in his eye, and hits him with The Wolf Bite!!! Dresden looks down at Bennett with disgust, the fans boo him and he can care less. A smirk crosses his lips, the win doesn't matter now, this message seems to be what he was looking for all along...

He shrugs and walks away.

Segment # 1Step Two - Apprehension

Ryan Seymour stands with the NSW Police Force as the Nameths enter the parking lot area. Bambi is with them her clothes look dirty and her hair seems unkept and like she could use a bath, but other than that as they promised healthy. He shakes his head because this tag team match needs to happen to Ryan his empire, his company is the most important thing. The cage they have her trapped in and how they got her there in it across international waters says a lot...

As the Nasty Nameths enter the building Freddy begins scratching his arm.

Freddy -"Dwayne, I smell bacon."

Dwayne- "Freddy, are you sure? We just got here."

Freddy -"Dwayne, I got the itch and you know what that means."

Dwayne- "Freddy, simmer down. Focus we got a match to win."

Dwayne and Freddy are leaving the building to a rental car they open the trunk and grab Bambi out of it. Freddy tugs her arms behind her and Dwayne give her a giant backhand dropping her to her knees. He holds the tag team championship he holds with his twin.

Dwayne- "You tell that pretty husband you got that after tonight he isn't going to be so pretty, but Freddy and I ... we still going to be Revival Tag Team Champions!"

He spits a large amount of dark tar at her it rolling down her chest. She cowers at the vulgarity as Freddy laughs and sees Dwayne put his hand up high not one to leave his brother hanging he gives him one up top for the wicked words. They lift her up about to head backstage when a gang of officers start walking down the ramp and Dwayne and Freddy see Ryan Seymour pointing a finger at them as he proclaims loudly to the NSW Police officers behind him.

The twins toss Bambi in the air at the group of authority and take off running. The officers remove their taser and shout their warning, but the boys keep on running Dwayne is about to jump the barricade, but two officers grab him as he wrestles to get loose again. Freddy kicks one of the officers in the gut to save his brother rather than escape himself. He stands up but is tackled by an officer as another comes to help by placing his knee on Freddy's back and he to gets a pair of security ties.

They both are going crazy screaming obscenities and making threats as the officers escort them up the ramp to find Queen Sophie and Jenkins standing there next to Mr. Seymour. She says...

Queen Sophie
"Make sure you keep them separate. Let Mr. Primo know that his wife Miss Klymaxxx, been located and removed."

She turns from Jenkins to Mr. Seymour as if wondering if this has convinced him that she has set things right at all?

"I told you I had the itch." Freddy grumbles.

Dwayne says nothing he glares across the way at Bambi, the horror is in her eyes and yet she is finally free. She trembles but unable to move, from behind them an elated Alejandro screams.



His voice breaks cracking as he runs to her, she draws away at first, but why? She didn't mean to.. suddenly she becomes sick to her stomach as the reality hits her, she remembers everything. She vomits violently and out of control. Primo falls down next to her holding onto her filling with worry. As Freddy is still being dragged away kicking and screaming as the guards yank him and use a tranquilizer to get him down. Dwayne remains calm on the outside, he wants to keep his wits, he starts to let out a slight chuckle as Bambi blacks out.

Alejandro goes from worry to rage, he leaps up and dashes at Dwayne tackling him his head hitting hard into the cement sidewalk as Primo hits him. Primo unleashes punch after punch his aggression finally overflowing and uncontrollable as officers pull him off and have no choice now but to arrest Alejandro as well. Ryan is standing there with his arms crossed observing this all happen before pressing his thumb to his lips. He shakes his head back and forth keeping his thoughts to himself.

Segment # 2Blake Prepares

In the locker room there is a knock. Blake finishes tying his laces and answers the door to his smiling wife holding one of their twins Jake. He kisses her and than their son.

Blake- What brings you here babe?

Mary-Jane: I wanted him to see his Daddy off for this big return. Hun I know you feeling a lot of doubt latley over the thing with Travis Levitt.

Blake- MJ that's cool... I am not sure what he has an attitude over. I am just out here trying to live my life and people always have to find a reason to blame me for their problems. Blake Archer wasn't there when I had my 31st birthday, or Blake Archer wasn't there when I had my hysterectomy... Babe... I'm married to you! We have kids together. We are trying to raise this family we created, and I am just trying to live my dreams along side that. Maybe ... I just...

Mary-Jane: You will do great baby. Tell Daddy he will beat some butt!

He chuckles watching her move their toddler's arm and gives them another kiss before seeing them off and heading down the hallway towards the Gorilla position. He passes his opponent who is entering second. Gabriel Ohio stands alone holding onto his Holiday Mayhem case, lost in his own imagination.

Ohio: ... Soon.

Blake shakes his head and continues on thinking what a freak but keeping his mouth shut as we fade out.

Fool's Fest 2019 - results | Psychedelicwrestling (2)

Revelation - Well it seems the clash of the Giants is about to happen, our program is a little remixed that printed up isn't it Val?

Val - Yes it is, but our Producers and the President seem to be working stuff out to keep the fans engaged. That is why Blake and Ohio are fighting up next, you know probably better than most just how tough a man Blake Archer is am I right Rev?

Revelation - Physically yes, which is what I want to see. Gabriel Ohio doesn't need Mistress Pain to play head games for him. Since his debut he has risen all by himself getting into opponents heads and dominating them physically. I think that is what motivated Blake to step up to challange Ohio, he wants to stop this toxic duo before they really get rolling.

Val- I think you might be right Rev, we send it to Kristine Otto standing in the ring.

Kristine Otto "The following contest is scheduled for ONE FALL! Introducing first… he hails from Canton, Ohio while weighing in at 295 pounds! He IS The KING of Canines!! BLAKE ARCHER!"

♫ Reach out and touch faith.
Your own, Personal Jesus.
Someone to hear your prayers.
Someone who cares.
Your own Personal Jesus.
Someone to hear your prayers.
Someone who's there. ♫

Archer steps out from behind the entrance. He holds his fist up above his head and than precedes to make his way towards the ring. He reaches his hands out to his sides touching fingertips with those stretching out to touch him.

Feeling's unknown and you're all alone
Flesh and bone by the telephone
Lift up the receiver
I'll make you believer. ♫

He stops and hits the steel rings steps than climbs them to the ring apron and stepping over the top rope into the ring. His charming smile is on his face while he poses for each side of the ring striking a reaction out of the fans.

Revelation - This is typical Archer always pandering to the fans, he would have had a much better career if he cared more about himself than other people. I guess that is why everyone likes him though better than his alter ego Dorian Blake.

Val - I have never encountered Mr. Dorian, and I hope I never have to Rev. I much rather see the never say die Archer out here fighting for all the regular joes. Something I am not sure that his opponent cares very much about.

Kristine Otto “And his opponent… He hails from Parts Unknown! He weighs in at 280 pounds! He is Gabriel OHIO!”

The Lights flicker until the sounds of electricity fill the arena as it is plunged into darkness. A Moon appears on the titan-tron and a white glow appears on the stage. Standing in the glow is the near 7 foot tall Gabriel Ohio, leather jack blowing in the wind, looking down at the floor. He looks up and walks slowly to the ring. He reaches the ring and steps up onto the apron and then over the top rope, his presence felt.

Revelation -

I am still taken back each time I see this guy, he is bigger than Blake, not as big as Big Lev, bigger than Doc! I mean just whoa... glad I am retired. I also stated he is really good at getting into his opponents heads, I think he knows his size plays a factor of those mind games. Hey if you got it ... flaunt it.

Val - I agree Rev. Ever since stepping foot in the PCW we have watched Gabriel Ohio claim victim after victim and Blake Archer said the buck stops with him. Well Mistress Pain seems to think Gabriel is the future of the PCWA the King of Canines thinks he is just a super sized version of Trueblood, could that be true? Is Ohio just a smoke and mirrors type of guy? I sure wouldn't say that to his face.

The two men face each other from across the ring. Two monsters of the sport about to battle to see who is the better man.


Archer and Gabriel take off at each other before locking up in the center of the ring. Every fan is on their feet to see these two huge men face off. Ohio swings Blake around then catches him with a solid knee in the rib cage! Blake groans hunching forward as it catches him off guard. Ohio then falls back into the ropes to slingshot forward at Blake, full speed ahead! Archer ducks the clothesline attempt completely! He hits the ropes on the opposite side of the ring to come flying back at Gabriel, who counters with a huge big boot! The sudden kick to the face sends the big man flat on his back.

Revelation - That is one series of attacks with Ohio coming out on top. I like seeing the old men can still go these days it adds a foundation to matches so you can see what the younger guy is really made of. Wouldn't you agree Val?

Val - I like the quick pace, I think the age is irrelevant, but I can see the value of getting slow and methodical vet who knows the ring well... if that is what you mean? Blake still seems like those ribs might be hurting him.

Blake shakes his head to regain his bearings but Ohio strikes with stomps down onto the fan favorite void of any mercy. Archer continues to take stomps before finally latching on to the large right foot of his opponent, Gabriel Ohio! Blake twists the foot with all he’s got! Ohio has little choice but fall to the mat to grasp hold of his now ailing ankle.

The crowd reacts to Blake halting Gabriel’s onslaught with a positive reaction! This causes Ohio to leap up but now obviously favoring the ankle. Gabriel charges at his opponent, who catches him for a wicked spinebuster the ignites the crowd! Archer quickly cradles a leg!


Kick OUT!

Revelation - Archer tries to steal one, that would have taught Mr. Ohio a lesson. haha! I don't think one he would have liked to well, but it is the lesson This grizzled veteran is trying to teach this young man. The taunting, the stalking, it is all becoming too much.

Val - Archer is signed to a guest contract he doesn't have to put up with Gabriel Ohio at all Revelation, so what purpose did he really have to challenge him?

Revelation - The stalking, the SOOn... Soon what? Archer doesn't like head games Val, none of Legendary likes them unless they are the ones playing them. It is a matter of principle Ohio hasn't paid dues girl!

Ohio kicks out then rolls out of the ring to gather himself. The fans hate this pause in action showering the large man with boos. While Blake realizes he must continue to build on this momentum. Blake doesn't have time to catch his breath he rushes from one side of the ring to the other side gaining just enough speed to leap high over the rope to the outside onto Gabriel! Archer gets caught by the throat, out of midair! Ohio impressively lifts him one handed back up and clutches Blake’s throat in a death grip of sorts not giving him a chance to recover, briefly before Gabriel lifts him up into a chokeslam that transitions into a backbreaker! The front row winces at the impact that leaves Archer writhing on the outside floor. He rolls around three times the pain shooting up his back from the move.

Revelation - OUCH! Chokeslam into backbreaker counters Blake's signature suicide over the rope dive. I hate admitting it but I am impressed with the amount of scouting that Ohio has done for this match. He really seems to have Blake's number tonight no matter what offense The King of Canines tosses at him.

Val - It is his own form of therapy, Ohio finds pleasure in collecting victims. Blake is his main focus right now, his artwork he has said in the past is what he does in the ring. I guess that would outside it, but I get the picture. Not anything like Monet.

Blake stumbles to one knee as Gabriel approaches slowly, directly in front of Archer. Ohio comes in fast but Archer comes up with a big time uppercut! The shot sends Gabriel into a seated position on the steel steps. The referee begins his count finally but neither superstar pays it much attention. Blake charges at his helpless opponent, who moves out of the way at the last possible moment! Archer crashes into the ring post face first!

Revelation - Oh! I hope he has good dental!

Val - He got too aggressive and ran right into that perfectly placed possum trap from Ohio.

Gabriel laughs at the boos that come his way while slowly making his way back to Blake. He bends down and carefully flips Archer over to reveal a bloody face from a busted nose. He pulls Archer up by his hair so the camera can get the best view of this. The referee’s count inside the ring reaches three as Gabriel gets Blake to his feet only to irish whip him into the ring post again! The crowd turns as Ohio stomps Archer as soon as he hits the outside floor. “FOUR!, the referee calls out!

Revelation - Does Ohio care about winning or just beating the hell out of Blake?

Val - Right this moment I am not totally sure Rev...

Gabriel grins as he lifts up Blake once more his body limp like a large sack of potatoes. He hoists the large wrestler up onto the apron before sliding back in himself. SEVEN!" The Official Shouts. Ohio looks down at him convinced this will be declared a K.O victory for him as the numbers dwindle closer to Nine. Archer gets to a knee somehow to shock his opponent. Gabriel gets to his feet and faces down Blake stuck in his shadow. Archer still sits on one knee with a bloody face now. Ohio walks right up to Blake bends down to come face to face with Archer for bloody mist! Blake is blinded by the mist which causes him to strike out blindly.
Archer gets to his feet only to be caught in up in a Fall From Grace!

The crowd boos without an ounce of remorse while Ohio hooks a leg!





Revelation - I think AUssie fans feel very let down by The King of Canines tonight. He should have superman'd out of that Fall from Grace or something... How fickle can they be, this man has given so much of his life...He just... he couldn't have lost... he just couldn't have...

Val - You know people don't care about yesterday or tomorrow it is all about today baby, what can you do for me right now. Gabriel Ohio made really easy work of that old Legend, that is what I think we all just witnessed first hand. There is no more room for doubt. It might be a little salt in the wounds but this was such an impressive win. Ohio is like a forest fire in this company.

Kristine Otto “Your Winner… Gabriel Ohio!”

Gabriel exits the ring grabbing his Holiday Briefcase that promises him an Undisputed title opportunity, he glares into the ring at Blake. The blood trickling down his face from his nose, still he is not broke, he sits up the Official asking if he is ok. Ohio stares at this before sliding under the bottom rope delivering a huge shot with the briefcase to the back of Blake's head with all of Gabriel's weight! He gets up on his knees turning to look at Blake who is out cold and grinds his elbow into his face. Ohio is viciously attacking without remorse or empathy. Blake struggles to block or defend himself at all only getting meaningless punches in that do little to nothing. Gabriel grabs his briefcase sizing up Blake as the King of Canines tries to find his feet, Ohio slams the case off his Skull!! Blake hits the mat holding his head in his hands hiding his face. More Officials come to the ring pulling Ohio off Blake, finally they do so when he feels he has sufficiently turned the crowds stomachs beating up their hero, he gives in. Looking at Blake stain the mat as he gasp for breath, his nose disfigured and his forehead gashed open. Ohio takes in the picture of his opponent's blood on the canvas that matches his trophy. he exits the ring cutting out of the scene.

Segment # 3What Path is left for the Wicked?

Backstage Raven smirks at all the carnage he has caused and how he is probably the most hated man on the roster. Ella comes racing up to him with a kiss.

Ella- Babe you look pale, eat something.

Raven- not before the match. Afterwards we will all go out and celebrate. I am very proud of The Wrestling Prodigies, you know babe they are like my own flesh and blood. We have taken them in, and mentored them. We are there for them when nobody else seen fit to help them grow. I seem them going a long way in the tag division when they want to, but I must lead by example....

Ella- how will you do that babe?

Raven- Simple, I will free myself of shackles, I will start myself on a new path. Tonight's event is the first step of my journey. I have summoned, and I have pleaed and I am just going to have to accept that Shane is dead and buried. I can do nothing else Ella.... I have finally defeated what I was always fighting. Now I find myself asking what every man in my situation does... what about Raven... what does he do from here?

Jett, I betrayed you? I did what had to be done, you will always play victim, you will always think you are the hero. When I am the NEW Bumblebee champion of the world people will have no choice but to call you one thing and that is a loser.

Ella- I agree baby, what about Josie?

Raven pauses. Josie seems down perhaps she doesn't want to play?

His mother had always taught Raven never to break his toys so he shrugs his shoulders and shakes his head giving a little smile to Ella.

Raven- No, leave her be.

He turns his hands rub around his waist he feels the empty space there. So long his life has been consumed by one thing and now he can choose something else.

Raven- Tonight I am winning the Bumblebee championship Ella, I am following the path I was born for. Tonight I teach Josie and Jett what a true champion fights like.

Ella claps her hands like he just gave the most compelling speech ever. Suddenly the cops are placing him in custody, but only one wrist so far and Raven like the true lunatic he is poses like Jesus on the cross with a maniacal laugh as several cops rush him and get him cuffed and dragged out. She tries to go along with him, but the cops refuse her. That just makes matters worse as she becomes agitated as to begins spewing nonsense still fighting her way towards Raven.

She gets to Raven, but they pull her away from him. Unlike some countries these authorities detain Ella for her safety, but with no charges. Raven gives her a look that she sees and stops resisting knowing it is for the best right now. Tears stream down her face turning Raven cold as we fade away.

Segment #5
The show must go on!

Backstage Riot and Zmiz are watching things happen on a monitor, both chuckle, Doc taps Riot on the shoulder and points at Ryan Seymour standing behind them. He looks humiliated and furious. His father embarrassing him, is this show not good enough?! Now the tag team champions are going to be taken to jail!

Ryan- "GUYS! Get off your arses and f*cking move! What the hell?! The Nameths are two of our biggest stars you can't let them get locked up, get the F*** out there and talk to the authorities right now!!!"

Riot- Well like Mr. Seymour ya see I am not sure how to handle outside...

Ryan- WHAT?

Zmiz- Yea we can totally handle things on the home-front but over seas Riot and I are a little new boss. We thought you had this handled.

Ryan blinks wondering if he heard right. He feels like his brain is about to explode. What else could possible unfold and explode in front of him right now? Is the MOON MADE OF CHEESE?! He waves his hand through the air unable to control himself any longer.

Ryan- "You're fired! You are both fired! Get the hell out of my sight!"

Riot - "Wait... Wait how we getting home?"

Ryan- Not my problem.. Security!

He rubs his temple and Zmiz calms both Doc and Riot down, it seems the big man isn't too happy about his two friends being fired.

Zmiz- I got us taken care of. We will be in touch Mr. Seymour, you'll need us again. As sure as the Earth is round and we revolve around the sun we will be back and we will not forget this happened. You will need The Asylum once more and when that day comes Mr. Seymour I will laugh. Let's get out of here, Wasn't anything fun to do anyway...

Ryan seems to still be in a panic the tag team champions are still apprehended he can't delay their match any longer. Coming from the locker room area the Fair Brothers scramble to be the first to speak to Mister Seymour.

Dan- Is is true your father is bailing out?

Ryan- What, no who said that?

Vincent- The locker room talks Ryan, if you are not in charge anymore and the old man is back, we want to renegotiate our contracts with him.

Dan- I want to be recognized at the same level as Big Lev for the things I have contributed to this brand!

He isn't able to take this more attacks he is doing his job wrong? This is more than Ryan can handle.

I haven't seen any contributions in a long time Dan and Vincent your time shinning in the Bumblebee division has long since past. What have you to really have to offer the sport community anymore? The Nameths might be lucky they are locked up tonight so they don't have to embarrass themselves facing two guys who cant go anymore.

He says this holding back a smirk, they need a fire lit, they need to return to being passionate. They want money, he has none. His father has the money, fight for passion he thinks, fight to give the fans something worth putting hope in. Give the world back life! It works the brothers yell at him and Dan even offers to post bail.

Dan- "Here what will it cost. Go... get them out.

He reached in his back blue jeans pocket pulling out his fat wallet and throwing a stack of hundreds at Ryan never losing eye contact with him as he does so. Vincent licks his lips and nods slightly smiling about the iceman his brother is known to be coming out right now staring off with the President.

Ryan- Go get ready for you tag title match.


We return to ringside where Revelation and Valmia are going over notes and look up upon hearing they are back live. Already the show has had to be mixed around with the tag champs being arrested tonight.

Revelation -
Word is that Red Bronco is on his way from his penthouse to the Sydney Opera House, this is big Val... this is HUGE. Big Poppa Seymour is coming to the show. The only thing bigger than Ryan showing up is this!

Val - I am not totally sure that I believe it, I think it might be a lie by Ryan to get this crowd excited. So far they still seem hung up on the Opening match.

Revelation - Well I will be fair, that Archer vs. Ohio match blew my mind. I never taught I would live to see the day that Archer was beaten to a pulp like that. That has really given a blow to the hearts of those in Sydney tonight.

Val - Not the Australian Sensation who is walking down to the ring. I can't believe this is her just hijacking the show right now?

Revelation- Maybe he is just bored?

Levinator walks away from the seats of five ladies he has brought with him and starts walking down the steps to the ring area. He is noticed right away people get louder with their football chant thinking it will get into Big Lev's head. He enters the ring and ask Kristine Otto for a microphone. The fans split between boos and cheers Big Lev being a man who people respect no matter they love or hate him for what he has done representing their Country. He taps the mic making sure it is hot and wired for sound, the amps scream at the fans hurting their ears and silencing them.


This is what I like... respect. My career I earned my respect and what I couldn't get I took just like that.

He chuckles giving the fans his signature finger click the camera flashes from the smart phones going off blinding the camera briefly. Levinator smirks and turns around for the opposite side of the Opera house making sure they get just of good a view of him as the other side had, giving another snap the place lighting up like war time flash grenades.


No matter what sorry state the PCWA has come to I am the one called in to save it. Back when I was just a young eighteen year old stud, to back to two years ago when I returned to define the Undisputed championship and retire the last of the old guard. I am not even gone for a full year and look at how sad the affairs around here have gotten. Tell me and be honest with yourselves, are you all seriously happy with this horse sh*t? Are you happy with kidnappings, with fruitless love stories, with mindless competition. At least I was something to see, at least I picked my moments. Look at the kingdom I lead compared to Levitt, he knows NOTHING.

You hear me Levitt your reign is garbage! It embarrasses me that I looked past you letting you win that strap just so you could do this. NOTHING... I hate to say it, but... nah... I .. Hahaha! I can't believe I almost sunk so low. You know for as worthless and good for nothing as Travis is he is 100 TIMES better than if Blake Archer was our Undisputed Champion. At least Levitt might make it to the Hall of Fame someday but let's face it Blake the only way you are going to make it is when Josie and Shane get inducted as Legendary. Did you watch his match against Gabriel Ohio a little bit ago? Hahaha!

Big Lev seems overcome by hysteria laughing at how beaten Blake had been by the end of the match he must be in medical by now getting stitches or who knows what else. Lev wipes a tear of complete joy from his eyes but unable to wipe away the smile.


I am not usually a mark, but kudos to Ohio on that match, that gave us just a peek of why he is holding the Mayhem Briefcase, not some old, washed up loser like are those baby boys? You know MJ if you ever need a REAL man around to show them how to act manly you know who to call love.

He says giving a wink to the fixed camera. From the back there is a murmurer, it is the fans jumping up as someone walks through them. BLAKE ARCHER! He is bandaged and stitched up, cussing up a storm as he climbs the stage to get to the ring. Levinator is ready for him stomping hard on Blake's shoulder. The big man groans, this appears to be a very bad idea as he whines and grabs his shoulder blade. Levinator picks him up on his spaghetti legs making sure Blake looks at him eye to eye. There still seems to be a lot of anger and resentment between these two men that hasn't been resolved. Blake punches Lev!

This creates some space and Blake rushes forwards into a spear! He might not have all of it but both men go down and Blake unleashes rights and lefts of a man possessed on the PCWA Hall of Fame'r. Blake is getting steam making his comeback, he is in a LOT better shape than it seems the layed off Levinator has let himself get. He has Levinator on the ropes, but from behind .. the Psychedelic Champion rushes to the ring!!

Levitt holds up his title belt, he calls Archer's name crashing the metal right off his skull as he turns not giving him a chance to get up. Levinator chokes Blake with his large boot and picks up Blake delivering a SRI!! Right afterward Levitt laughs at the older man, he sits him up in the corner. The fans ask questions of WHY, but have no answers. Levitt charges hitting the RESURRECTION KICK!

Revelation -
This is disgusting, I mean I can't believe they just did that to the King of Canines after the punishment he put himself through in that match with Gabriel Ohio. Look at how proud they are too.

Val - I am more curious what this is about? I knew Levitt and Blake had a falling out, but this... why this?


We start by playing Alejandro Primo's music. He walks down to the ring seeming like he much rather not be here. He still does pay fan service tho posing for a picture or two on the way to the ring, he steps through the ropes and into the ring listening to Kristine Otto announce him.

Kristine Otto- Your special Referee for this match, Alejandro Primo.

He cuts her off taking the mic and shooing her out. He speaks clearly and with a lot of passion backed behind it.

Primo- YO, I am not sure which brother thought it was a good idea to mess with MY Bambino, my wife... but that aint cool. I been told by Mister Seymour she is in a secure location right now so I can officiate this match, but I am an honest man. Ladies and Gentleman, I hate the Nameths... I told Ryan I refuse to work this match, I rather someone else do it, I am seeing red right now! I am so hot! The twins are lucky they are in jail, but yet here we are... I shouldn't be held accountable for what is about to happen at my hands.

The people look around the tag team champions are really here? How? The questions arise as the music continues to play Black Betty by Ram Jam playing inside the perfectly domed architecture the acoustics echoing into a ghostly effect on the crowd. As it slows down a Spotlight sines on the front entrance to the Opera House, the light reflects off the gold of the PCWA Revival Tag Team Champions. The music ends and the people boo, Dwayne lifts the mic slowly to his lips and shouts proudly.

Dwayne- "Truck... Play it again!!"

The song starts over and he and Freddy polish their tag titles taking their sweet time to make it from the front using the long isle to milk their entrance for the exposure, the get up on the stage and into the ring looking over at Alejandro who can barely contain himself as a professional.

Dan Fair steps out seriously to the spotlight on the stage posing in a kneeled muscular position while his brother takes a drink from a golden cup spitting it over a pumped up group of the fans that seem to be like a part of a rave. The brothers put down their accessories glaring at the filthy commoners they are forced to fight for the prestigious titles tonight. Primo takes a swing at the Nasty Nameths right off the bat the Fairs holding back the Ref!

Primo strikes the Dan Fair and than dives forwards for Dwayne, but is caught with an uppercut just in time to counter. The brawling stops as more music blast onto the speaker system. Ryan's Song plays. Mr. Seymour walks out and clears his throat cutting his hand over his throat to stop his music so he can talk.

Ryan- Miss me? hehehe! Seriously I knew you would have a problem with this Alejandro so I would like to direct everyone's attention to the rafters at this moment.

All eyes in the building look up. A cage containing Bambi Klymaxxx is lowered. She seems freighted still.

Primo turns all his attention to Ryan and starts to climb out of the ropes. the cage flies down so her panics and rushes back in the ring like he will catch her. Suddenly Bambi is jerked with the cage to a stop, she is 15 feet in the air above the ring. Primo can't stop staring with high amounts of anxiety.

Ryan- I promised she was in a secure location, this cage is the most secure. Mr. Primo your wife will be free after MY TAG TEAM TITLE match is officiated! So time keeper if you will be so kind, please start the match!


The Nasty Nameths laugh at this situation pointing at Bambi swinging while Alejandro is dressed in the zebra REF shirt. Freddy mocks him as Bambi is hanging over head, but from behind Dan Fair Jr scoops him into a school boy pin!


TWO...Freddy kicks out!

Revelation - Trying fast to become new Revival Tag Team champions. Give the people a little history on this championship Val.

Val - That is easy, after The Wrestling Prodigies Chad and Landon threw away the old titles Mr. Seymour promised a tag team Revival in the PCWA, and the Revival Tag Titles were born. These titles can be defended at any company, on any contienent against any gender. All that must be worked out is that PCWA officals sanqtion the defenses. The same as the Undisputed Championship Revelation.

He blocks a clothesline from Dan hitting him with a chop he goes for a pin not even a one and Dan punches him off him. Dan hits a chop back that staggers Freddy back to his team corner where his brother Dwayne tags himself in. Dan Fair stands there ready for Dwayne as he enters, he backs up to his own brother tagging him in. Vincent and Dan rush Dwayne together with a double shoulder tackle before Primo tells them they have to get the illegal man out. Dan exits leaving Vincent in the ring with Dwayne to show off his technical ability. He flips him with a t-bone suplex and into a sitting abdominal strech. Dwayne slips his head under his opponents arm, but is locked into a front headlock where he must fight to his feet. He punches Vincent once, twice, than a JAWBREAKER!

Dwayne catches Vincent with the counter move and sends him flopping back into the canvas. Dwayne with quick gasp for air crawls back to his corner to tag out to his freasher brother. Aleandro claps his hands signaling the legal tag. The brothers mock him Freddy clapping his hands making sure that Primo remembers his place. He kicks Vincent in the face and picks him up hitting a suplex he goes for a pinfall, One .... Tw...

"One and a Half!" Revelation proclaims!

Freddy stands up yanking on Vincent's arm and dragging him back to his team's corner. He tags Dwayne back in holding Vincent in place while Dwayne climbs up on the second turnbuckle and hits a knee drop to his shoulder from the elevation. Vincent cries out loudly rolling around as he holds his shoulder in agony. Dwayne and Freddy gloat proudly as the fans boo. Dwayne sits Vincent back up driving a knee into his back as he applies a chin lock. Vincent cries, but the sharp pain in his back only makes him panic for an escape, there has to be one! His eyes grow wide as he looks, up above Bambi's cage blocks out the light. Vincent swivels his hips shifting momentum as Dwayne gets tired, he elbows him and than again, he drops his grip and Vincent hits a pale kick to his skull!

Revelation - GOAL! Vincent showing that great agility flattening out Dwayne Nameth.

Val - Yes I don't think that he is down for the count though, these boys have hard heads full of rocks. So they are capable of taking a big beating last I checked.

Revelation- That ain't no lie! Freddy wants in this match so bad he is crawling out of his skin!

The crows pop! They cheer for the opening for the Fair brothers right now in this match. Vincent looks towards his brother Dan holding the tag rope. He crawls to him reaching out their finger tips just inches away from one another. Dwayne turns around to his brother leaping across the ring like a bullfrog despratly reaching for his twin brother's out stretched fingers! He tags FREDDY he jumps on the top rope and across the ring with a forearm right into Dan's chin! He sends the Iceman flying off the ring apron and into the fan barricade. Freddy turns around looking at Vincent, he hooks him into a full nelson hold and lifts him into a slam right on his butt! Vincent holds his tailbone his face cringing in pain. Freddy isn't done as the fan's boo his mocking of the younger Fair brother before kicking out his left knee. Freddy stalks him and picks him up on his shoulders, Nightmare Driver (Death Valley driver into a sit out driverpin) their bodies are laid out!

Revelation - I can't believe it, but I think that Freddy might win this for his team!

Val - It's not like he hasn't before Rev, he needs to get the cover though and stop pausing to recover. That hot streak burnt out fast...

Freddy sits up after catching his breath, he might have smoked too much when they were released from Jail tonight? He covers Vincent for the pinfall as Dwayne rushes in the ring to cut off Dan fair he finds himself met with a belly to belly!!

ONE ...

TWO ...

Dan Fair breaks up the count!
Alejandro backs off letting the teams fight it out a bit more. He looks up as Bambi is crying, he puts his hand on his mouth and blows her a kiss reassuring her everything will be ok. Dan delivers a chop to Freddy and than another backing him up into the corner each hit turning his chest a tomato red. He looks back seeing the official distracted and pokes Freddy in the eyes. Dan lifts him up with a brainbuster and turns placing his baby brother Vincent over Freddy for a pinfall.

Revelation - Come on Primo pay attention! Alejandro do your job!!!

Val - He is worried Rev, don't you understand what he is going through?

Revelation- No this isn't Titanic, this is professional wrestling!

Alejandro finally sees that he is needed and tried to hurry to count Freddy down.



Primo almost starts to cry, this is his fault she must suffer more. He holds the two fingers up hearing Bambi's whimpers and the crowd's cheers.

Revelation - The match continues, you know I am into this actually. Not many so and so in a cage matches are cool, but this is interesting the longer it goes on. How long you think before Alejandro just snaps Val? I should start taking bets...

Val - He can't Ryan Seymour would fire him and the mood he been today he seriously would. He has held out this long, I think his love of his wife will win out over his hate of the Revival Tag champs.

Freddy is desperate and he kicks Dan in the groin! Primo missed this, he can't seriously DQ anyone for it so he shrugs. This gives Freddy an opening as Dwayne is back up on the ring apron with a tag, Freddy picks up Dan and Dwayne hits a bulldog off the top rope! He takes Dan off Freddy's shoulders and the twins hop around riding HIGH off their own hype right now. Dwayne smacks Freddy and points at Vincent, who is alone in the middle of the ring and Alejandro argues with the brothers to get out and fight legally.

They point up to the cage where Bambi is and tell Primo to eat their asses, like his wife... he is too angry to let this slide and punches Freddy, this makes Dwayne retaliate with a facebuster!

Rev- I guess we found his limit huh?

Val- That should be everyone's limit ... gross..What will we do with no Ref now?

Vincent stands up only for the brothers to grab him, double Flapjack!! Dwayne tags Freddy back into the ring, he is on the top rope....MISSISSIPPI SPLASH!!!
He hooks Vincent's leg, Primo is still knocked out!!

A sub Ref is rushing to the ring and slides in... ONE ... TWO ... THREE!!

Ding Ding

Kristine Otto-

Winners and STILL PCWA Revival Tag Team champions.... Freddy ... Dwayne...The NASTY NAMETHS!

Revelation - I can't believe they are STILL champs! I mean I am shocked by this, and free men on top of that. I guess so long as the Primo family is out of their cross hairs now does it really matter?

Val - I just feel so bad for them? What a couple of NASTY boys...The Fair Bros did a valiant effort, but just came up short.



Next match schedualed is the last man standing the two botheres have been at one anothers throats. Lance is shivering he cant believe he is about to beat the hell out of the man he loves more than any other man in the world. The man who he tells all his secrets to and would trust his life and his baby's life with.

Candi Apple

Lance in just moments you will fight your bother James Ryder in a last man standing match.

Lance Diamond

My brother, who is my brother? My brother was a man that inspired people! My brother was a man that would fight for family to the death! My brother was not someone that would throw you under the bus when you have been there through thick and thin. We were XWF world tag team champions! We have traveled the roads together and seen sh*t that we can't unsee. This isn't the military this is just the life of a traveler, my brother is the cowboy but in a way we all are. Well James...

Here I am brother... you want me to stop... you want me to slow down... you think I need to wake up.


James attacks Lance interrupting the interview. "HAPPILY!" He hits Lance with a steel cooking pot he has just for this occasion. Lance then punches James, and he laughs at how weak his baby brother hit him driving a knee to the gut. Lance grabs James locking him into a sleeper hoping it will subdue him enough to get his senses back. Around them the lights flicker .... This doesn't stop Lance, so James punches him striking wildly behind his head and hitting him in the face. Lance drops him.

The lights flicker again .... this time standing there is a deranged looking man with tattered clothes. He is carrying a broken kendo stick that he first uses to attack Lance and than he PLANTS Lance with a perfect looking old school DDT! James is furious he shouts at the stranger to step out of the shadows and that it was his place to punish Lance.

James Ryder: Excuse me, this is my moment, this is MY family who the hell do you think you are?!?!

The man steps out of the shadows and the camera man gets a good shot of the man that assaulted Lance.

Fool's Fest 2019 - results | Psychedelicwrestling (3)

He points his finger at his face spelling out what seems to be the letters ... M - H - W before kicking James right in the stomach and yanking his head under him arm jumping back with another Old School DDT, Trademark edition.

Rev- Was that... Shane Trudex? But I thought that he was missing? What what he spelling, where has he been? I have so many question Val!!

Val- Well perhaps he isn't missing? He sure looked like he knew where he is. I did hear reports that Raven Trueblood and Ella have just arrived back from being detained. I am sending it back to Helen Hinckle perhaps she can shed some light on this?

Helen rushes up to the car where Raven is holding the door open for his wife. She rushes to introduce herself the couple are still all smiles.

Helen- Mr. Trueblood... have you heard... you didn't kidnap Mr. Trudex!

Raven- Of course I didn't Helen, I freed him. I have released Shane into the great beyond, now nobody knows where he is.

Helen- He is here tonight.

Raven- What? ... well good for him, I am only here to do one thing and that is the thing that Shane Trudex couldn't ever do in 1000 lifetimes... become the WORLD Bumblebee champion. I an see that the PCW needs a better role model around here. I can't take it easy anymore working out, eating right... whatever I have had to give up and sacrifice to get to this point I have. That is something Jett and Josie will always be too selfish to know about Helen, you poor .... poor girl. Someday you'll be able to say I interviewed Raven Trueblood, wont that be awesome?

Helen raises her brow as in not really, Ella takes Ravens arm and they exit the parking area entering the Opera house. The time for the BUMBLEBEE CHAMPIONSHIP IS FINALLY HERE.

Fool's Fest 2019 - results | Psychedelicwrestling (4)

Revelation- I am hearing that Travis Levitt is unable to be found in the Opera House after that cahoots attack with Levinator. What is our Undisputed champion up to?

Val- I am not entirely sure, I know it is time for this Bumblebee championship and now that Raven is released and we know where Shane is... I cant imagine the emotions in this one.

Josie steps onto the stage as she grinds her hips from side to side, her emotions more robotic than actually into what she is doing. slowly working her hands up the sides of her body then throws them up into the air displaying metal signs. Her twisted smile is gone as she strolls down the ramp never taking her eyes off the ring that lies before her practice swinging her bat. Once there, she rolls inside pulling herself to the center and arching her back in what is known in yoga as an upward facing dog. Pushing her ample breasts outward and throwing her head back in what can only described as org*smic fashion. Making the men i the audience shout with cat calls and whistles. She gets rough with one of the audience members before security separates her.

Kristine Otto

And in the ring first, from Detroit Michigan... she is JOSIE PLEASURE!

the light go blue as the music hits the pa system. I remember everything by five finger death punch the crowed looks amazed but waits to see who it is. A girl walks out looking as fine as ever and then he walks out. Raven lifts his hands showing no hand cuffs of any kind. The fans start chanting crow over and over as raven walks down to the ring led by Ella his wife/manger he enters the ring and walks to the middle as he drops to his knees and poses as the crowed yells "everything!" As a crow appears on the from as the lights go out and the crow flies away, Raven stands in the middle of the ring with a mic.

Kristine Otto

And her opponent, the second Challenger... hailing from Lakeland Florida....Raven Trueblood!


"You all seen I am an INNOCENT MAN, I tried to draw Shane out from his hiding spot. I was angry that he used me like he did, but it is what it is. All that matters to me Josie is tonight. I am not worried about what has happened I am worried about winning that Bumblebee championship and saving it just like I did Shane. I saved him when I buried him in that grave, and I will save the championship tonight when I protect it from you, and FREE it from Jett.

Josie doesn't take kindly to his words she jumps at Raven and swings her bat into his gut. Raven drops the mic and puts his arms out to protect Ella. Josie wrals the bat around his throat and begins to choke him while Ella grabs Josie yanking her hair so hard she rips our entire patches of it. Raven is starting to turn a bright red, he lifts himself to his feet, but Josie reuses to let go, she is furious! He swings her around desperate to get the ability to breath back. Ella kicks Josie's knee out from under her and tends to her husband making sure that he is ok. He placed his hand around his throat checking that nothing is broken, he gets Ella out of the ring while the Ref maintains a presence between the two of them.

Revelation- Josie is just set off! The bull is in the china shop now! That Ref better stay on top of the competitors in this match if he wants to maintain the authority.

Val- Raven was saying everything he could to get under her skin, we are all shocked that Shane has turned up here tonight. Where has he been? Why has he been silent so long? Revelation I have so many questions...

immortal by adema plays, the champion is here! Jett rushes to the ring leaving his Championship belt with Daffney as he runs to the ring sliding under the bottom rope. He bull rushes Raven and Josie giving them a double clothesline. THUD both of them hit the canvas!Bell rings! Ding!

It is clear Josie is seeing red when she looks at Raven rushing at him with a big boot into the side of his face before he can fully stand up. Jett grabs Josie from behind but gets an elbow, he locks his arms only to get another elbow. He lifts Josie, but she wiggles her weight and counters it back into a toss to the mat. Jett shakes off the cobwebs just as Josie hits a dropkick sending him in between the bottom and middle rope. Josie turns her attention to Raven, he jabs his thumb into her eye and delivers a WICKED PATH outta nowhere!!

Revelation- Raven pulled that outta nowhere!

Valmia- He surprised all of us not just Josie, but can he capitalize.

The fans can't believe it, the violent harlot fanatics are worried as Raven covers Josie and tarts punching her, he is not going to let her through this hell so easily mocking her pain and terror. Josie screams as he punches her furious with how Raven is able to punish her right now. She swings her fist blindly Raven rakes her eyes and applies a cross armbreaker. The tension applied, Josie stubbornly refuses to admit that it hurts and Raven tweaks her arm more out of the socket bringing silent tears out of her eyes. She pushes her weight up pushing Raven's weight off her He twist his hips around and kicks her in the teeth. Josie stumbles back pausing to check her mouth. Raven locks her into a front face lock, she strikes him hard in the stomach.

Revelation- Josie is fighting to get free from Raven.

Valmia- The Psycho Bitch could have a lot to prove, people always lay into her with the do you still have it Josie? Right now she has nothing to lose and everything to gain gentlemen. You can see that in how she isn't giving into Raven.

Fans start to feel bad for Josie and dislike how Raven gives no mercy to her. He slaps her down to the mat. They boo him and Raven laughs he lets go even gives Josie a small applause as she pushes herself up her left arm looking hurt possibly dislocated from the cross armbreaker. At ringside Ella shouts and yanks on her hair she can't stand seeing Josie and now she is free wants vengeance! Her husband knees Josie in the back to please her and rakes his fingers over her face fish hooking her eyes. Josie shouts struggling to get momentum to swing towards Raven. Blocking his toss by wrapping her arms around his waist and dropping to her knees. She reaches her finger tips to the ropes knowing they cant give her a release, but some leverage perhaps? Raven lets go and jams an elbow into her shoulder he hurt already. She drops to the mat in silent agony that is etched onto her face.

Revelation- You can get out of this Josie, I seen her in tougher spots. Val I think Josie is the toughest woman on this planet if not she is in a strong conversation about who is.

Valmia- I won't take that away from her. There is a reason Josie Pleasure is in the PCWA Hall of Fame. The years she has devoted of her life to this sport, to her craft. Gabriel Ohio clams to be an artist? Josie is van Gogh. Right now her and Jett are trapped in a risky position...

He picks her up as Jett stands in between the cage and the ropes, Raven tosses her at Jett the two bodies colliding and smashing into the steel mesh behind them. He smiles watching their bodies lay there. Ella shouts loudly being joyful! Raven rushes at them diving into a dropkick, He clips Jett's face smashing him into the steel cage. Josie pushes herself up just as Raven stands, he punches her, but she blocks her. Raven headbutts her, but Josie is only dazed for a second, she blocks another punch and kicks her foot through the ropes into his. Raven stumbles. Josie pulls herself up on the top rope spring boarding off it into a leaping lariat taking down Raven. She turns around wrenching his arm behind him keeping locked onto Raven and managing him like a puppeteer would. Raven drops to his butt knocking his shoulder off her jaw. Josie holds her tongue at first thinking she had bitten it in two, but the numbness fades fast, Raven slugs her. Josie retaliates seeing double as she kicks him hard in the gut! ENSIGURI!!!

Revelation- What a counter, now just climb and you won!

Valmia- Is it really that simple?

Fans shout excited to see Josie gets some momentum from that move. She doesn't want to go for the win she starts to choke Raven, fighting back against the Mad Fowl. Raven knees her stopping this offensive onslaught his knee hitting her in the face. She hunches over as He stands up and jumps into a stomp on her shoulder, Josie is a hurt animal her instincts taking over to protect her dislocated shoulder. He takes deep breaths finding this somehow very funny. He yanks her hair and delivers another knee and lifts her up for a suplex. Josie kicks her feet and counters, she gets her feet back on the ground and stomps on his feet. Josie tries lifting him back, but Raven weighs just a tad bit too much, she drops to a knee holding her lower back as though she might have pulled a muscle trying that one handed was a bit much after all. Fans seem worried, Raven smells the weakness and elbows her hard in the lower back and yanks back her arm. Josie gasp like cold water hit her and crawls away as Raven grabs her in a belly to back, into an overhead suplex.

Revelation- That backfired for Raven!

Valmia- Jett was playing possum to get him in position. You and I both know it, I guess Jett still has some tricks.

Jett has accented the turnbuckle watching Raven and Josie, he is thinking carefully about his attack. Raven goes for another armbreaker, he applies it Raven sees Jett. Josie fights back while he is distracted clocking him in the side of the face getting separation. Raven releases her. Jett flies through the air delivering a diving double axe-handle to Raven's neck! The crowd Roars! What a risk he just took, Raven is slams down to the mat. Jett hits him with several kicks and pulls him up by his right arm. Yanking him forward with some chops than a QUICK suplex with a float a falcon arrow!!

Jett felt all of that as he rolls off Raven jumping up using the pain in his spine as fuel for aggression, he begins seething. Surveying the scene He rushes Josie delivering a RUNNING KNEE! Jett looks up the cage wall he climbs up it his muscles looking weak as his arms strain to pull his body up, but his feet seem much more steady. He inches closer to the top as the other two are waking out of their fuzz dream.

Revelation- If someone doesn't get up this is over! I think I called this right, Jett... well or Josie... the Jays...

Valmia- I think Josie was thrown for more of a loop, she is fighting with one arm.

Raven gets up faster than Josie before Jett can swing his leg over the top of the cage rave crashes into the side of the cage knocking down the Bumblebee champ. Jett groans and rolls on the mat showing that a shooting pain must be going up his spine. He hits the mat angrily pushing himself up. Jett doesn't let up he meets Raven and punches Raven furious for what he cost him at Seasons Beatings still. THIS IS WHAT THE FANS WANTED TO SEE!!! Jett and Raven furiously slams their fist off one another's face each hit swelling and bulging their appearances. The grudge is getting heavier each match these two have to share the ring with someone and right now there is nothing between them. Raven shoves Jett off him tripping him over Josie as she is starting to get up. Raven delivers a SPIKED cutter from behind on Josie! His speed is a bit surprising to anyone that hasn't followed Raven, his wife cheers him on as he climbs the turnbuckles from the outside. He is half way up the cage now. The fans roar off his energy is giving him even more, this makes him hesitate though giving Jett the chance to SPRING back up! He hops on the second turnbuckle grabbing Raven into an exploder suplex off the top rope!

Revelation- Why the hell did he hesitate? Raven could have been on top the cage and over!!

Valmia- I think he might have wanted to give more punishment, or was it the fans reaction? He is strange so I couldn't really tell you what happens in his mind Rev.

The Arena roars as people jump out of their sets at that high risk move. Both men laying on the mat gasping for air as they push themselves to their knees. Raven looks like his bell is rung shaking his head crawling towards Ella's voice. Jett groans as he rolls over looking for Raven, he rolls away from him using the ropes to pull himself up. This time as Raven rushes him Jett dodges out of the way he tosses Raven into the cage bouncing him head first and he bends him over and wraps his arms around Trueblood hitting the TESTDRIVE!

Revelation- Jett hits his finishing move, can he capitalize? This is his moment Valmia!!!

Valmia- He just might Rev, I think the fans feel like is seconds away from victory.

THIS IS IT, the fans start to scream. Jett is on his hands and knees looking up the tall steel cage wall. He blows his hair out of his eyes looking for the door. He crawls over cameras flashing thinking this is the moment, but Ella is holding the door shut. She is refusing to let the officials open it for Jett. He reaches through the cage and tries to grab her. She starts laughing at hi asking if he wants to play? Daffney pushes Ella away from the door hurrying along the official to let out Jett. The Ref stumbles with the keys as Daffney yells at him and threatens him with Crowbar. Ella and Daffney start to brawl, Daffney angrily gains the upperhand smashing Ella's face off the cage. Jett is back to his feet, Josie rushes him, but he dodges. Josie grabs Jett's leg twisting him around pulling him to the mat, she stomps him hard in the nuts!

Revelation- Classic Josie move. Right in the NUTS.

Valmia- A bit uncalled for I think, but it is anything goes in a cage match so they knew what they were doing.

She turns to see Raven he swings for her and she ducks causing him to miss. Josie grabs his head delivering a BULLDOG. Josie behind bashing raven's face into the steel cage ranting and raving in fury. Jett turns her around but she stomps him in the gut hitting her CATTLE MUTILATION!! Both men down Josie shrugs and figures she will begin climbing. Daffney FINALLY knocks out Ella! She gets the official to open the door as Josie is climbing the other side. She Pulls on Jett's arms trying to help him, Josie sees this and jumps down. She grabs his torso and twist Jett around applying pressure to his lower back. He cringes and starts to cry as it hurts him he lets ho of Daffney and punches Josie to get himself free from her hold. He tells Daffney to slam the door, he pushes Josie through the opening. Josie elbows Jett reversing him and Daffney hits him THIS IS IT, the fans start to scream. Jett is on his hands and knees looking up the tall steel cage wall. He blows his hair out of his eyes looking for the door. Daffney pushes Ella away from the door hurrying along the official to let out Jett. Ella and Daffney start to brawl, Daffney angrily gains the upperhand smashing Ella's face off the cage. She turns to see Josie grab Jett's leg. She Pulls on Jett's arms trying to help him, Josie twist Jett around applying pressure to his lower back. He cringes and starts to cry as it hurts him he lets ho of Daffney and punches Josie to get himself free from her hold. He tells Daffney to slam the door, he pushes Josie through the opening, she elbows Jett reversing him and Daffney hits him instead!!!

Revelation-WOW.... I mean WOW! Do you see what is happening Val?!

Valmia- I don't think that is what Daffney meant to do. Jett's eyes are glazed over, he might have a concussion.

People gasp! Daffney's jaw drops. Josie falls forward as Raven grabs her shoelaces tripping her before she can exit the open door now. She kicks him and tries to stumble back to her feet. Raven spears her both nearly fall through the opening, but Josie's back hits the corner instead. Raven unleashes several punches forcing Josie to get defensive, she blocks him with her forearms and than pushes him away. Raven attempts a Wicked Path, but Josie COUNTERS!!! She instead hits with salt in the wound delivering her OWN WICKED PATH! To Raven!!

Revelation- ooooh! How dirty! Raven will be remembering that.

Valmia- I am sure at this point just Josie's name brings a sting to him, but after this match his path will be a new one he said. You think even if he loses?

Revelation- I think Raven sticks to his words as diluted and incoherent they may sound.

Josie crawls to the door and pulls her body through seeming tired and disoriented, the bell sounds as Josie's body hits the outside floor. The official signals for the bell to end the match walking up to the time keeper area and telling Kristine Otto who the winner was.Ding Ding!
Ref. grabs the Bumblebee championship as she presents the crowd with the announcement walking up to Josie and giving her the title.

Kristine Otto
and your winner ... and NEEEEEEW Bumblebee champion, Josie Pleasure!

She sits back in the corner than rolls out of the ring as the cage is lifted walking out almost unphased at all by this big victory.

Going right backstage to a camera After Jett's devastating loss, he is unable to comprehend what just happened as Daffney pleads with him that she made a mistake and she didn't mean it. He sits on the ring steps with his head in his hands, fighting back the urge to explode and he feels by remaining silent he can calm himself to explain. She falls silent and several failed attempts at apologizing so she gives him space and begins her lonely walk backstage feeling dejected and Jett is thankful for the moment as he knows she's hurting to, but he has to wrap his head around it first. When she reaches the top of the ramp she looks back at Jett with tears as she turns back strange men from the NSW Police force file out and surround her. She panics and screams

I'M NEVER GOING BACK AND YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!! Jett's head shoots up at her cries and sees them handcuffing her as she fights them not wanting them to touch her. Jett runs up the ramp without any other thought then to save his girl as he gets a little ways from her and then yanked backwards, he to gets handcuffed, but that means nothing to him as he's focused on Daffney.

Jett- Daffney, it's ok. I will fix this. GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!!! WHY ARE YOU ARRESTING HER?! I'm so sorry Daff...SHE'S A VICTIM!!!
No one listens to either of their rantings as Queen Sophie appears and Jett sneers at her.

Queen Sophie- I think they should be transported separately. Daffney's frightened stare at Jett is ripping him apart and he can't protect her. As they begin hauling her out she screams his name...

Daffney- JEEEETTTTT!!!

Jett- DAFFNEEEEY!!! Why are you doing this?! WHY?!

He says as they escort him past Queen Sophie, whom remains emotionless. Still in the ring, Josie's body shows she is barely eating or perhaps keeping anything down. The bags under her eyes say she is not sleeping. She is just completely and totally obsessed with finding Shane no matter what anyone says. The title she holds seems to mean nothing without him beside her to celebrate. She's dangling between reality and fantasy cuz all she wants is Shane back by her side. His face still haunts her even while wide awake, his voice is still in her ear as she holds conversations with him. Queen Sophie tried for a moment to keep her out of her match cuz of her current state, but even she knew that Josie needed this bit of revenge. She about to walk into her locker room when the cops grab her and slap the cuffs on.

Queen Sophie- Ms. Pleasure, I gave you the match. Congratulations by the way. I look forward to crowning an NEW Bumblebee champion when Ryan and I return to the states, but now it's time you get some much needed rest.

Josie looks confused by her words as two burly guys in white coats push their way towards her and instantly she goes insane. Headbutts one cop, kicks another and tries to escape. The two white coats struggle after her, but catch up, each grabbing an arm and leg as she battles hard to gain her freedom, but to no avail. They place her in the caged paddy wagon and head for the asylum. She beats her head against the cage blooding herself as her guttural screams of a wild animal trapped. She kicks at the sides of the truck and the cage, just anything to cause a commotion.


Yes it took nearly the whole staff to hold her down and sedate her upon arrival they reported. Some extra Officials helped the Law officials. Ryan Seymour joins Queen Sophie on the stage.

:~ Ryan Seymour ~:
Ladies and Gentleman... I am impressed Sophie did keep her promise, but there is no point lying to everyone. It appears I have been... bought out.

The people gasp, what does this mean? Revelation throws off his headset convinced he won't get paid, so Valmia has to take her's off to talk him back into his table position. Ryan takes a deep breath on the stage standing next to Queen Sophie he runs his hand up his hair making sure it is still spiked like he likes. He can feel his partner's eyes on him along with the tens of thousands of people here for this finale.

:~ Ryan Seymour ~:
Yes.... My father didn't like what we were doing on Fox sports, we've been canceled. Sophie... I am sorry. I tried to put as much money as I could into it, but when a network makes up their mind you know how things are. As for all the rest of you, it appears that the United States territories are no longer PCWA property. I guess that means your contracts are now for sale. We are ... staying here folks. (this gets a loud pop) That is not all....

Ryan still feels a lot of emotion he is almost choking trying to talk.

:~ Ryan Seymour ~:
With that being said I am no longer the President of PCWA... and someone that knows this company the policies and our country better than anyone....

knows this sound. The lights dim, dumbs start up inbetween the chaotic noise. The place's roof comes off as the strobe light shines on the
massive figure the music belongs to. LEVINATOR. He laughs as Sophie
looks a bit confused by his appearance on stage and annoyed to see her
biggest nonsense. Beside him the PCWA Undisputed Champion Travis Levitt
is walking with his belt seeming to be the bodyguard for this
appearance, as if Big Lev needs one.

Revelation- He is the
President? Wait... so we are stuck here? Whoa, this is a bit much for
me. I never lived in the southern hemisphere.

Val- I am a bit worried, will this make me a tri-citisan? is that a real thing? I mean really he is our boss??

to the only fighting slash entertainment you will ever need. I thought
at first with all that money you paid me Ryan I would just live it up,
and than your father had a talk to me. He told me about his high high
hopes. Shame... a real shame a real man like him ended up with such a
jackass like you for a son. (People are shocked at these words) My son
is 1000 times more of a man than you Ryan in fact I am not going to hold
him back from pursuing his dream of becoming as famous as Daddy
dearest. Since I didn't approve of MY CHAMP fighting in the main event
though I hate to tell you... this is it. Catch you Later. I am giving
Levitt the rest of the night off. Thanks for being here Ladies and

people boo, Travis seems elated that he has the night off
instead of defending his title. the crowd feels cheated out of the main
event although the last match was worth closing on. They stand and boo
louder tossing empty cups at Levinator that he deflects easily.

:~ Ryan Seymour ~:

Seriously.... that is it?

The giant walks closer to Ryan looking him up and down, he holds the mic close to his chest and looks down to talk into it.

Yea... Ryan, is that a problem?

Travis intimidates Ryan and Sophie on stage before the lights go dim.Before Ryan can think about being more courageous Levinator lifts him up and slams him into his shoulders.

SOON ...

The Giant Screen on the stage reads. Ryan cries having a slender nonathletic
frame. Big Lev does a few spins before tossing him into a rotation, THE
Travis Levitt was hoisted up by the almost mystical appearance
of Gabriel Ohio with his own PCWA Official, he hits Levitt with a Fall
from Grace onto the hard solid wood stage. He covers the champ.




blinks a few times as Gabriel rolls off Levitt and stares at him. He
takes the belt he is presented with appearing to hold back his emotions
about holding it. Levinator looks down at the weak man he sees Ryan to
be and bends over grabbing the mic. He glares at Sophie and than
everyone else.

Well, that just doesn't matter I made that belt it is
still MY CHAMPIONSHIP! This is MY company now and I AM the authority,
you got a problem with that, than how about you come challenge me...

holds his hand out and drops the mic backing away slowly as if he is
daring Sophie or perhaps anyone to question his authority now that he is
the big boss.



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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.