Get Your Weekly Horoscope here | Astrology Hub (2024)

NICE PROBLEMS ARE STILL PROBLEMS | Weekly Horoscope | September 9th – September 15th 2024

Every square brings a challenge, and the Sun/Jupiter square on September 12th is no different. This conflict in planetary energies is often portrayed as gushing Pollyannaism, an inflated sense of self-importance, or even hubris, but your problem will be simpler than that – too much of a good thing. Now, people will say that there’s no such thing, but there is. Jupiter is as much a planet of tests as its counterpart, Saturn. Indeed, these planets are two sides of the same coin. Saturn withholds, Jupiter bestows, and when the planet of good fortune forms a square to the Sun, it goes overboard. It’s not the flood of opportunities that will be the problem; it will be keeping up with them. Now, you can run yourself into the ground chasing after the next golden apple, or you can try to regain control of the wheel – which means slowing down or even putting some things on hold. Good fortune is not as fleeting as you fear, which is why it’s important to pace yourself and to prioritize. This is how you transform a lucky break into something long-lasting and sustainable while delivering on all those promises you made.

FAMILY MATTERS | Weekly Horoscope | September 2nd – September 8th 2024

On September 4th, Mars enters Cancer. Cancer is the zodiac sign most associated with hearth, home, and family. Many people equate it with an idealized past, giving it the rumpled folksiness of a Norman Rockwell painting, but not all families are the Waltons. Sometimes they're the Sopranos, and Mars traveling through this sign is bound to bring up conflicts with the outside world. Cancer is tribal by nature. Blood ties will always supersede social ones, so don't be surprised if you find yourself torn between family and friends, tradition and love, or facing some kind of upset in your personal life. This may fly in the face of what feels comfortable and familiar, but we don't live in a world of white picket fences and manicured lawns anymore. “Family” has evolved in both meaning and reality. It may feel strange having to make certain adjustments and sacrifices over the next few weeks, but it's meant to expand your understanding of family and not diminish it. Mars will be in Cancer from September 4th to November 3rd.

WAKE-UP CALL | Weekly Horoscope | August 26th – September 1st 2024

Uranus retrogrades are famous for pendulum swings. They're not as abrupt in their about-faces as a typical Uranus transit, but they can be just as absolute and uncompromising. Let's say you've spent months rallying against a cause, refusing to yield an inch on a hotly contested point or even considering seeing things from a different perspective. Well, when that pendulum swings – like it will on September 1st – you may find yourself waking up on a different side of the brain. You may start to embrace (if not exactly champion) the very things you once found objectionable. But instead of it hitting you suddenly like a bolt out of the blue, this realization will gradually dawn on you over the next few months so that the changes you elect to make are more gradual and long-lasting. Uranus will be retrograde until January 30th.

CROWDED SKY | Weekly Horoscope | August 19th – August 25th 2024

There's an extraordinary cluster of planetary squares all taking place on August 19th. It begins with a T-square comprised of Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn followed by a Full Moon/Uranus square and then concludes with an extremely rare Jupiter/Saturn square. This is a raucous combination and you can expect things to get dicey. That's because squares are combative energies in Astrology which means that none of these planets are in the mood to cooperate, much less back down. Think of a barroom brawl from one of those old Western movies where chairs go flying as cowboys tumble over tables or smash bottles over each other's heads. It's absolute mayhem which means it would be a good idea to find a quiet spot to wait things out. In the end there will be a return to calm and peace, but only after the planets have exhausted themselves which should be some time around August 29th.

IT'S ALL FUN AND GAMES UNTIL SOMEONE GETS HURT | Weekly Horoscope | August 12th – August 18th 2024

There's no denying that there's a rambunctious quality to the Mars/Jupiter conjunction on August 14th. That's because Jupiter is exuberant by nature and can't help but enliven the energies of any planet it's near. One becomes more daring, loud, and boisterous when Jupiter is next to Mars, and given that they are both traveling through the zodiac sign of Gemini, baiting. This is all right as long as it's in the spirit of fun, but Mars, when aroused, has a tendency to take things too far. It's not unlike a child in a classroom who—emboldened by a prank—tries to outdo himself. Whatever the joke, stunt, or escapade, things look like they'll get out of hand, which will result in a slapdown courtesy of the Mars/Saturn square on August 16th. How severe this will be all depends on taking responsibility. Come clean with what happened, and you'll get off with a light reprimand; pin the blame on somebody else, and things will only get harder.

COSMIC MONKEY WRENCH | Weekly Horoscope | August 5th – August 11th 2024

Mercury retrogrades are famous for sowing the seeds of confusion, sprinkling flies in the ointment, and making you look left when you should have been looking right. They're not exactly deal breakers, but they can certainly throw a cosmic monkey wrench into the smooth workings of your day-to-day life. That's why it's always a good idea to add two weeks to any deadline that you're working with and to go over any contract or agreement with a fine-tooth comb.

You don't want to get snagged on a hidden technicality or brought up short by an overlooked addendum. You might also postpone purchasing any big-ticket items during this time because chances are you'll find some kind of fault in the merchandise or discover that the price was inflated or the property over-valued. Mercury will be retrograde from August 5th to August 28th.

RUDE AWAKENINGS | Weekly Horoscope | July 29th – August 4th 2024

Unexpected turnarounds and surprise about-faces abound when Venus in Leo forms a square to Uranus in Taurus on August 2nd. And in the most public way! You'll be discovering sides of people you thought you knew (but now realize you didn't) while finding yourself left high and dry by those who promised to be there for you.

It's both eye-opening and jaw-dropping because this planetary square impacts those relationships that have always appeared fixed and solid. But it's not all bad. You could also see the welcome return of friends you haven't seen in years as well as old bosses, ex-clients, and secret crushes who are now ready to confess that they had feelings for you all along. It's a wild and crazy week so eat lightly, remember to breathe, and keep your sense of humor handy.

TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY | Weekly Horoscope | July 22nd – July 28th 2024

Few planetary aspects are as unforgiving as a Sun/Pluto opposition, and given that the one on July 23rd will be the first to occur in the zodiac signs of Leo and Aquarius, you can expect it to be especially powerful. Whatever thin hope you were banking on will be abruptly removed. Beginnings are over before they've begun, endings are as swift as they are premature, and any chance to appeal or regroup is immediately snuffed out, which means you'll have no choice but to accept defeat on July 23rd.

However, the Sun always rises on a new day. It's something we all know but don't fully appreciate until we've reached the nadir. Moreover, the Sun doesn't rise any brighter or stronger than when it's traveling through its own sign. This won't restore what you've lost, but it will pave the way to a new future. As July is succeeded by August, you will see your faith rekindled, your heart emboldened, and your optimism restored. The Sun in Leo is an indefatigable reminder that tomorrow is another day.

FRENEMIES | Weekly Horoscope | July 15th – July 21st 2024

Mars in Gemini stokes rivalries – the reason being that twins are siblings and sibling rivalries are the earliest form of competition. Everything you learned about winning, losing, thwarting, and outwitting comes from those early years spent battling with your sibling for Mom or Dad's attention.

All of this will come rushing back while Mars, the planet of combat, is in Gemini from July 20th to September 4th. You can expect to lock horns with a competitor during this time, but instead of a knock-down, drag-out fight, you may discover that this person is a plus, not a minus. Why? Because a competitor motivates you to try harder than you would have on your own.

They'll also tell you things your friends won't because friends will only say what you want to hear while a competitor tells you the things you need to hear. It's one of life's weird contradictions how an enemy can be a friend at the same time, but that's how Mars in Gemini works. Mars will always push you to be the best that you can be according to the zodiac sign that it's in.

BEING THE BIGGER PERSON | Weekly Horoscope | July 8th – July 14th 2024

Are you playing games with somebody’s heart? Or is this person playing games with yours? These are questions worth asking when Venus, the planet of love and beauty, forms an opposition to suspicious Pluto on July 12th. An opposition is when two planets sit opposite one another on the cosmic seesaw. And like a seesaw, one planet dips while the other planet rises and vice-versa. Seesaws aren’t balanced, so don’t look for anything that’s fair and even-keeled. There's nothing equitable about them. The problem is that each of you thinks that it's the other person who's being manipulative, which is why there is so much withholding, testing, and maneuvering going on. In the end, this is all about relationship – whether it's romantic or financial – which means that you must either find a way to build trust or end this association because right now it is bringing out the worst in both of you.

Get Your Weekly Horoscope here | Astrology Hub (2024)


How accurate is your horoscope? ›

Astrology has been rejected by the scientific community as having no explanatory power for describing the universe. Scientific testing has found no evidence to support the premises or purported effects outlined in astrological traditions. Where astrology has made falsifiable predictions, it has been falsified.

Which is the accurate horoscope site? ›

Astrodienst ( Astrodienst is a highly respected astrology website that offers free birth chart calculations, detailed interpretations, and a wide range of astrological resources. Susan Miller's Astrology Zone: Susan Miller is a renowned astrologer known for her accurate and detailed monthly horoscopes.

What is the most uncommon horoscope? ›

Aquarius is the rarest zodiac sign out there.

Other government-backed data supports this—between 2000 and 2014, birthdays between January 20 and February 18 (the date range for Aquarius) were very uncommon when compared to other zodiac signs.

What is the big three in astrology? ›

Taken all together, your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs are often called your “Big Three.” Each of these signs plays a v. important role in your birth chart, and each describes a different part of your personality and life story.

What does the Bible say about zodiac signs? ›

Believing in the power and authority of astrology goes directly against biblical wisdom and Scripture clearly states that chasing after false gods is a sin (Matthew 24:24, 1 Corinthians 8:6, Exodus 20:3). There is no biblical evidence that God has given authority to the stars or astrologists.

Is there any truth to horoscopes? ›

Astrology is founded on understanding the positions of the stars, which seems like a scientific enough pursuit in itself. But is there any science to back up whether astrology impacts our personality and our lives? Here's the short Answer: No. None whatsoever.

Which horoscope is trustworthy? ›

The article discussed some zodiac signs that are inherently trustworthy, focusing on their qualities and traits. It highlighted Taurus for its dependability, Cancer for being empathetic and supportive, Virgo for its honesty, Libra for its fairness, and Capricorn for its sense of responsibility.

Which horoscope app is true? ›

Compare the Best Astrology Apps
Sanctuary Most InteractiveFree with a $15/month upgraded subscription
Time Nomad Best for LearningFree, with in-app extras ranging from $5 to $8
The Daily Horoscope Best for HoroscopesFree
Chaturanga Astrology Best for Specific InquiriesFree with in-app purchases for extras
4 more rows
Apr 17, 2024

Which astrology chart is more accurate? ›

The Indian Vedic system of astrology provides the most reliable forecasts. This is due to the fact that Vedic Astrology includes both a birth horoscope and divisional charts, also known as varga charts, in order to examine the birth horoscope in more detail.

Which horoscope is powerful? ›

Astrology identifies Aries, Leo, Scorpio, and Capricorn as the most powerful zodiac signs. Aries leads boldly; Leo commands attention; Scorpio excels in strategy; Capricorn shows resilience. Their unique traits enable them to influence and inspire others effectively.

Which zodiac is hard to understand? ›

Among the twelve signs, Capricorn, Gemini, Scorpio, and Aquarius stand out as the most challenging to understand. Here's why these signs can be so enigmatic.

Which horoscope loves the hardest? ›

Hands down, Pisces is 1 of the zodiac signs who love hard. So, they wear their hearts and their emotions on their sleeves. They will surprise you, support you, and even secretly solve all your troubles.

What are rising signs? ›

While your sun sign represents your core identity and your moon sign reveals your inner emotional world, your rising sign is the driving force behind the energy that you put out into the world. It's also the sign that dictates your first house—one of the most personal houses in a natal chart.

How do you find out what time you were born? ›

The long-form birth certificate is the document recorded at the hospital. Often, it includes more details, like parents' names, dates of birth, hospital name, and yes — the birth time. To find the long-form certificate, call the local government office that manages birth records.

What is a triple zodiac? ›

It's possible to have all3 of these in the same sign like when a person says, “I'm a triple Leo” or Scorpio or Taurus...that means the Sun, Moon and rising sign are all in Leo.

Why do people believe in horoscopes? ›

Why Do People Believe in Astrology? A belief in astrology is, in some ways, a coping mechanism. Research suggests that it helps people make sense of things during times when life feels complex. 3 Astrology becomes a tool that can be turned to for comfort.

Which astrology system is accurate? ›

Arguably because Vedic astrology takes into account all the planets and their movements it is considered to be a much more accurate branch of astrology.

Is astrology true in relationships? ›

People contain multitudes and the ability of any two individuals to find common ground and build romance doesn't follow a specific recipe. The stars cannot predict love, it seems. Though they do help some understand each other better. The key is to remember that your partner or potential partner is not static.

Are horoscope apps accurate? ›

First, the expertise of the astrologer plays a significant role. Experienced astrologers who create content for online platforms can provide more accurate and insightful readings. However, many online astrology apps rely on automated algorithms based on general astrological principles.

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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.