Aba ta bhagawan le matra
- १ स्वरवर्ण
- २ क, ख, ग, घ, ङ
- ३ च, छ, ज, झ, ञ
- ४ ट, ठ, ड, ढ, ण
- ५ त, थ, द, ध, न
- ६ प, फ, ब, भ, म
- ७ य, र, ल, व
- ८ श, ष, स, ह, क्ष, त्र, ज्ञ
सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्
अबadv.now, from now on
अऋणी adj.free from debt
अङ्क n.numeral, digit, issue, number [of a periodical], mark [in an examination], score, points [in a game],
अकडn.insistence, obstinacy, stubbornness, persistence
अकडोadj.obstinate, stubborn
अकण्टकadj.free from trouble,
अकथनीयadj.inexpressible, indescribable, inexpressible, obscene, indecent
अकथ्यadj.inexpressible, indescribable, inexpressible, obscene, indecent, filthy, unutterable
अकपटadj.guiltless, frank, open
अङ्कपत्र n.label, fillet
अकबरn.name of the third Indian Moghul Emperor
अकबरीadj.related to Akbar, pure, unadulterated
अकबरेadj.pungent chilli, extraordinary hot
अकमकाउनुv.i.to hesitate, to pause
अकमक्कadj.confused, baffled, disconcerted, dumbfounded, perplexed
अकमक्क पार्नv.t.to be confused, to be baffled, to be in a quandary, to be taken aback, to be disconcerted, to be rattled, to hesitate, to pause
अकरणीयadj.improper, unfit to be performed
अकर्ण deaf, having no ear
अकर्तव्यadj.improper, unfit to be done
अकर्न n.official record, document, list of official records
अकर्मn.unnecessary act, wicked
अकर्मण्यadj.idle, useless, good for nothing
अकर्मीn.a do nothing, sinner, evil- doer, rogue, villain
अकल्पनीयadj.unimaginable, unthinkable, inconceivable
अकवतn.duty, God
अकस्मातadv.suddenly, accidentally, unexpectedly, all of a sudden
अंँकाइn.estimate, evaluation
अकार्थ adj.without cause, pointlessly, in vain
अङ्कितadj.marked, written, endorsed, encounted
अङ्कुरणn.germination, beginning
अकुरोn.shoot, seedling, bud, fresh shoot of a plant
अकेलो adj.alone
अक्कलn.knowledge, cleverness, thought
अक्कलीadj.clever, intelligent
अक्कासिनुv.i.to fly up
अक्षरn.letter [of the alphabet], [written] character, [except numerals], alphabet, syllable
अक्षांश n.latitude
अक्सरadv.often, frequently, usually, many, a lot
अगतिn.decline, lack of progress
अगल–बगलadv.from left to right, on both sides
अगल्नुv.t.to adopt, to accept, to follow, to embrace, to hug
अगाडिpostp.in front of, before, ahead, toward the front, first
अगाडि बढाउनुv.t.to lead forward
अगाडि बढ्नुv.i.to advance, to move forward
अगाध adj.unfathomable, bottomless, deep
अगार n.cinder, ember, the black substance of charcoal
अगालोn.hug, embrace, armful, the bent arm
अङ्गीकृतadj.adopted, agreed, promised
अङ्गीकृत नागरिकताn.adopted citizenship
अङ्गीकृत नेपाली नागरिकताn.adopted Nepali citizenship
अङ्गुलn.finger, a finger's breadth
अङ्गुली प्रतिमुद्रा n.finger impression
अङ्गुली मुद्राn.fingerprint, nameprinted ring
अगुल्टोn.piece of burning wood
अगुवाn./adv.leader, leading
अङ्गूर n.grape
अंँगेठीn.iron or clay vessel to carry fire, portable fireplace
अंँगेनाn.fireplace, hearth
अगोछाn.towel, napkin
अग्नि n.fire
अग्निकाण्डn.fire, conflagration
अङ्ग्रेजn.Englishman, Westerner, white man
अङ्ग्रेजीn./adj.English, British, English language
अग्लोadj.tall, high
अग्ल्याउनुv.t.to lock, to pull to [a door]
अघाउनुv.i.to be satisfied with eating
अघाडिin front of, before, toward the front, first
अघिalready, before, previously, formerly, facing, in front of, ago,
अघि नैadv.already, long ago
अघि लाग्नुv.t.to go first, to go ahead, to lead, to guide
अघि सर्नुv.i.to advance, to volunteer, to incite, to instigate
अघि–अघिa long time ago, in times gone by
अघिल्तिरadv.in front of, facing
अघिल्लोadj.first, former, front, anterior,
अघिसम्मadv.until recently
अङ्कn.numeral, digit, issue, number [of a periodical], mark [in an examination], score, points [in a game], act [in a drama]
अङ्क र अक्षरfigure and letter
अङ्क र अक्षरले बोलाउनुto call by figure and word
अङ्क-गणितn.arithmetic, mathematics
अङ्ग पुग्नुto be the procedure complete
अङ्ग-रक्षकn.body guard
अङ्ग-रक्षाn.protection of body
अङ्ग–भङ्गn.mutilation of a limb
अङ्ग–भङ्ग गर्नुv.t.to amputate, to dismember, to mutilate
अङ्गीकार गर्नुv.t.to accept, to follow
अचम्मn.surprise, wonder, amazement
अचम्म पर्नुv.i.to be surprised, to be amazed, to be astonished
अचम्म पर्नुv.t.to surprise, to amaze, to astonish
अचम्म लाग्नुv.i.to be surprised, to be amazed, to be astonished
अचानकadv.suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly
अचानुn.cutting board for meat
अचानोn.cutting board for meat
अचारn.hot and sour pickle, pickles, chutney, salsa
अचारणn.conduct, behaviour, practice
अचेठ्नुv.t.to discipline, to impress, to press, to push with force
अचेलadv.these days, nowadays, recently, presently
अच्चेरn.letter [of the alphabet], [written] character, [except numerals], alphabet, syllable
अछुतadj.untouchable, of lowest caste
अछुतीn.untouchable, lowest caste
अछुतोद्धारn.reformation of untouchables
अजङadj.huge, very big, enormous, formidable
अजातadj.outcaste, low caste, not born
अजातशत्रुadj.having no enemy
अज्ञातadj.unknown, secret, obscure
अझadv.still, yet, moreover, now
अझै conj.even then, even now
अञ्चल अदालतn.zonal court ancal
अञ्चल न्यायाधीषn.zonal judge
अञ्चल प्रशासनn.zonal administration ancal
अञ्चल सभा n.zonal assembly
अञ्चलाधीशn.zonal commissioner
अञ्जलीn.the open palms of the hands held together and slightly cupped, a double handful, offering in worship, tribute
अञ्जुलीn.the open palms of the hands held together and slightly cupped, a double handful, offering in worship, tribute
अटलadj.firm, irrevocable, resolute, unwavering, steadfast, still, unmoving
अटाइनुv.i.to fit into, to be contained
अटाउनुv.i.to fit into, to be contained
अटुटadj.unbroken, continuous, continual
अटेरीadj.headstrong, obstinate
अट्टालिकाn.balcony, verandah
अठचालीसadj.forty-eight, 48
अठतीसadj.thirty-eight, 38
अठसठ्ठीadj.sixty-eight, 68
अठहत्तरadj.seventy-eight, 78
अठारadj.eighteen, 18
अठासी adj.eighty-eight, 88
अठ्याउनुv.t.to catch firmly, to seize, to clutch, to grasp firmly
अडाउनुv.t.to support, to hold up, to stop
अडिनुv.i.to stop
अडुवाn.not castrated animal
अडेरीn.castor-oil plant
अड्कनुv.i.to get stuck, to be stopped, to be halted
अड्कल्नुv.t.to guess
अड्काउनु v.t.to cause to stick
अड्डाn.office; court of law
अड्नुv.i.to stop, to cease moving
अढाइ बजे adv.half past two
अढाइनीn.the senior woman in a palace harem
अतः conj.hence, therefore, thus
अंतर्देशीयadj.inland, domestic antardeshiya
अंतर्देशीय जलपथn.inland waterways antardeshiya
अंतर्देशीय पत्र n.inland letter antardeshiya vanijya
अंतर्वासन n.internship, confinement within prescribed limits
अंतर्वासितadj.interned antarvasit
अंतर्वासित गर्नुv.t.to intern
अतिadj.very much, exceeding, extremely, beyond
अतिक्रमणn.infringement, contravention, violation
अतिथिघरn.guest house, guest chamber
अतिथिशालाn.guest house, guest chamber
अतिरिक्त adv.extra, additional, excessive
अतीतn./adv.past, gone
अतृप्ति n.insatiability, lack of appeasem*nt
अत्तरn.scent, fragrance
अत्यन्त adj.a lot, much, very much, exceedingly, utterly, extremely
अत्याचारn.atrocity, tyranny, excess, outrage, oppression
अत्यावश्यकadj.very necessary, essential
अत्युक्तिn.hyperbole, exaggeration
अथ्र्याउनुv.t.to make sense of, to understand
अदालतn.law court
अद्वित्तियadj.unparalleled, second-to- none
अधमadj.mean, low, wretched, base, vile
अधर्मn.sinfulness, irreligiousness
अधिकारn.right, authority, procession, proprietorship
अधिकारीn.officer, one having authority, magistrate, proprietor
अधिकृतadj.authorised, vested with authority
अधिबेशनn.session, meeting, sitting
अधिराजn.supreme ruler, sovereign, overlord
अधिराज्य n.sovereignty, empire, kingdom
अधेरीadj.dark, gloomy
अधोगति n.fall, downfall, degradation
अध्यक्षn.chief, master, director, chairman, superintendent, supervisor
अध्ययन n.study, learning, tuition, perusal
अध्यायn.chapter, section, canto
अध्यारोn./adj.dark, gloomy, sad, darkness, ignorance, gloom
अनगिन्ति adj.countless
अनन्तadj.infinite, endless
अनर्सा n.a kind if sweet bread made of rice flour, sugar and butter
अनवरतadj.unceasing, constant
अनाथadj.uncared for, orphaned
अनादरवाचीadj.non-honorific [ling.]
अनादि adj.having no beginning, self- born
अनिconj.and, then, and then
अनिच्छित adj.undesired, unwished for
अनुकूल adj.favourable, agreeable, friendly
अनुक्रमणिकाn.contents, list of contents
अनुगमन n.follow-up
अनुपस्थित adj.absent
अनुभव n.experience, feeling, sensation
अनुभूतिn.real knowledge, experience, sensation
अनुमति n.permission, consent, assent
अनुमानn.inference, guess, presumption
अनुरूप adj.resembling, corresponding, similar, analogous, congruous
अनुरोधn.request, entreaty, prayer
अनुरोध गर्नुv.t.to request, to ask for, to pray
अनुवादn.translation, immitation
अनुवार n.face, countenance
अनुशासनn.discipline, instruction
अनुसन्धानn.research, investigation
अनुसरणn.compliance, accordance
अनुसार postp.according to, in accordance with, equivalent to, in conformity with
अनेकadj.several, many
अनौठाadj.queer, unusual, extraordinary
अनौठोadj.queer, unusual, extraordinary, strange, peculiar
अन्कनाउनुv.i.to hesitate
अन्ठाउन्नnum.fifty-eight, 58
अन्ठानब्बे num.ninety-eight, 98
अन्डा n.egg
अन्त n.end, conclusion anta
अन्त गर्नुv.t.to end, to finisch
अन्तरn./adj.difference, interval; inner, inter-
अन्तरविरोधn.self-contradiction, inner contradiction
अन्तराल राज्यn.buffer state
अन्तरीक्ष n.space, universe
अन्तर्गत adj.included, comprised
अन्तर्मुखिadj.introvert, inward-looking
अन्तस्थ देश n.buffer state
अन्तिमadj.last, final, conclusive, ultimate
अन्त्यn./adj.end, last run
अन्त्येष्तिn.the last rites after death, funeral ceremony, obsequies
अन्दाजीadv.appropriately, about
अन्धभक्तn.blind follower, superstitious person
अन्न n.grain, food
अन्न-भण्डार n.granary
अन्भाउनुv.t.to say good-bye to the couple in marriage, to send away a bride
अन्माउनुv.t.to say good-bye to the couple in marriage, to send away a bride
अन्य adj.other
अन्यत्र adj.elsewhere, somewhere else, in some other place
अन्याय n.injustice
अपचीadj.undigested, undigestible
अपढadj.illiterate, unlettered
अपनाउनुv.t.to adopt, to make use of, to apply
अपरझठadv.suddenly, surprisingly, all of a sudden
अपराधn.crime, offence, guilt, fault, sin
अपराधी n./adj.criminal, wrongdoer
अपरिचितadj.unknown, unfamiliar
अपशोचn.regret, sorrow
अपहरणn.abduction, kidnapping, usurpation
अपील n.appeal, contradiction, objection
अपूर्व adj.new, strange
अप्रत्याशिकadj.unexpected, sudden
अप्सराn.nymph, fairy, spirit
अबेरadj.late aber
अबेर भयोcomp.it is late
अबेला n./adj.lateness, late
अभयn.lack of fear
अभावn.non-existence, absence, lack, scarcity
अभिनयn.mimicry, imitation
अभियानn.expedition, march, exploration
अभियोगn.accusation, allegation, charge
अभिरामadj.extremely beautiful, sublime
अभिरुचिn.inclination, earnest desire, liking
अभ्रकn.mica, talco (a soft mineral)
अभ्रखn.mica, talco (a soft mineral)
अमरadj.immortal, undying
अमरकोशn.(a Sanskrit dictionary compiled by Amar Singh)
अमलाn.a kind of fruit [sour-sweet]
अमान्य adj.unaccepted, unobeyed
अमिलो adj.sour
अमीर adj.wealthy, rich
अमीरीadj.wealthy, rich
अमूल्य adj.priceless, invaluable amurta
अमृतn./adj.elixir, nectar; immortal
अमोल adj.priceless, invaluable
अम्खोरा n.brass pot for drinking from, tumbler
अम्बा n.guava
अरबnum.one billion,
अरूadj.another, more, either, further
अरू कोहीsomeone else
अरे (reported speech marker)
अर्कोadj.another, next, second
अर्तीn.advice, counsel, lesson, instruction, precept, moral lesson, admonition
अर्थn.finance, wealth, nmeaning, significance, import, interpretation, explanation
अर्थ-मन्त्री n.minister of finance
अर्थदण्ड n.fine
अर्थशास्त्रn.economics, political economy
अर्थात adv.that is to say, in other words, i.e.
अर्पनुv.t.to offer up, to dedicate
अलमलिनुv.i.to be bewildered, to be amazed, to be confused
अलिadj.a bit, a little, few
अलिकतिadj.a little, a small quantity
अलिलो adj.lacking salt, tasteless
अल्ग्याउनुv.t.tho lift, to raise, to release, to set free
अल्झनुv.i.to get caught up in
अल्झाउनुv.t.to entangle
अल्मलाउनुv.t.to confuse, to lead astray
अल्लारे n.rover
अल्सी adj.lazy, idle
अवकाशn.free time
अवधिn.periode, time, limit, term, duration
अवनतिn.decline, downfall
अवरोधn.obstruction, hindrance, impediment, restraint, taboo
अवलम्बनn.support, reliance
अवलोकनn.look, gaze
अवसरn.opportunity, chance, occasion, scope
अवसर पाउनुv.t.to take a chance
अवस्थाn.condition, state, age, phase, despondency
अवहेलनाn.neglect, disdain, contempt
अवहेलाn.neglect, disdain, contempt
अविच्चिन्नadj.uninterrupted, continuous
अविवेकपूर्णadj.without reason, for no reason, unfounded
अविश्वासn.distrust, disbelief, non- confidence, suspicion, doubt
अंश n.share, division, fragment, ingredient, contribution, element, portion, clause, sub-clause
अंशको हकn.heirship, right to the paternal property
अंशदान n.contribution, donation
अंशधर n.share-holder, heir
अशान्तिn.lack of peace, unrest
अशिक्षितadj.uneducated, unlettered, illiterate
अंशियारn.co-heir, sharer, partner
अशुद्ध adj.impure
अश्लील adj.indecent, vulgar
असंख्यadj.innumerable, countless, beyond number
असंगतिn.incoherence, irrelevance, absurdity, irrationality, incompatibility, anomaly
असत्adj.evil, bad, non-existent, illusory
असन्तुष्ठadj.dissatisfied, discontented, displeased, reluctant
असफलadj.unsuccessful, failure
असभ्यadj.uncivilised, uncultured
असमयn.untimeliness, bad or unfitting time
असरn.effect, influence, mark, authority
असलadj.real, true, pure, unadulterated, morally good
असलीadj.real, genuine
असहमतिn.disagreement, dissent, discordance
असाढn.Asadh or Asar, third month of the Nepali year [June- July]
असाधारणadj.unusual, uncommon
असाध्य adj.very, extremely
असामयिकadj.inopportune, untimely, inconvenient
असारn.Asadh or Asar, third month of the Nepali year [June- July]
असी eighty, 80
असीमadj.boundless, unlimited
असीमितadj.boundless, unlimited
असोजn.Ashvin or Asoj, fifth month of the Nepali year [September-October]
अस्ताउनु v.i.to set [sun, moon or star]
अस्तिadv.the day before yesterday, recently, the other day
अस्तिको बिहीबार last Thursday
अस्तित्वn.existence, being, entity
अस्पष्ठ adj.not clear, indistinct, vague, dim, obscure, blurred, ambiguous
अस्पष्ठताn.lack of clarity, uncertainty, haziness
अस्वीकारn.non-acceptance, rejection, refusal, denial
अहङ्कारn.arrogance, conceit
अहिले adv.now, this time
आइपुग्नुv.i.to arrive
आउनुv.i.to come
आकर्षण n.attraction
आकस्मिकadj.sudden, abrupt, accidental, casual
आकांक्षाn.wish, desire, intention
आकारn.size, shape, form, outline
आकाशn.sky, space
आकाशे तार–मार्गn.cable railway
आकाश्वाणीn.radio broadcast
आकृतिn.size, shape, form, outline
आकृष्टadj.attracted, drawn, charmed
आक्रमणn.attack, invasion
आँखाको नानीn.pupil
आखिरadv.at last, eventually
आँगनn.yard, courtyard, house, home
आगामी adj.coming, forthcoming, ensuing
आगे adj.before, future, in furute
आग्रह n.desire, longing, craving, zeal, urging, insistence
आग्लोn.latch, bolt
आघातn.blow, assault
आघीn.storm, whirlwind, hurricane
आघौंadv.next year
आङn.part, body, portion, limb, procedure
आचारn.conduct, behaviour
आज बिहाना comp.this morning
आजीवनadj.throughout life, for a whole life-time
आज्ञाn.order, command, instruction, permission
आँट्नुv.i.to dare, to take the risk
आठnum.eight, 8
आठn.courage, boldness
आठाn.wheat flour
आडn.support, prop
आडम्बरn.conceit, ostentation
आतङ्कn.fear, terror, panic, phobea, suffering
आतुर adj.sick, wounded, impatient, anxious
आत्तिनुv.i.to be frightened, to be nerveous
आत्मनिर्भर n.self-dependence, self- support
आत्मविभोरता n.fascination
आत्मसम्मानn.self-respect, self-regard
आत्महत्या n.suicide, self-murder, self- killing
आत्मा n.mind, heart, intellect, soul
आत्माबोधक adj.reflexive [linguistics]
आत्माभिमान n.self-respect, self-esteem
आदरणीय adj.respectable, deserving honour
आदरणीय सदस्यn.honorary member
आदर्श n.ideal, value
आदान–प्रदानn.giving and taking of things, exchange, social communication, give and take
आदि n./adj.beginning, primary, origin, first, basic; etcetera, etc.
आदिकविn.first poet, pioneer poet
आदिकाब्य n.first epic, Ramayana
आदिकारणn.first cause, fundamental cause
आदिकालn.primeval time
आदिजातिn.tribe, tribal, autoethon
आदिवासिn.aborigine, original inhabitant
आदेश n.order, instruction, command
आधा adj.half
आधार n.foundation, basis, support
आधारभूटadj.basic, fundamental
आधारितadj.based upon
आधिn.storm, strong wind
आधियार n.sharer of half the land or crop
आधीadj.almost a half
आधुनिकadj.modern, recent, current
आन्तरिकadj.interior, inner, internal
आन्दोलनn.agitation, riot, movement
आप n.mango
आपसn.those close to oneself, relatives
आपसमाadj.among each other, among themselves
आफैadv.self, personally
आफ्नूadj.one's own
आफ्नोadj.one's own
आबद्धn./adj.bound, tied up confined
आभासn.glimpse, shadow, reflection, vision, faint memory, inkling
आमadj.common, general
आमदानी बढाउनेn.income generating
आमनिर्वाचनn.general elections
आमाजूn.husband's elder sister
आमैn.grandmother [rural]
आम्दानी n.income
आयाराम गयाराम n.frequent defectionist
आयोग n.commission
आयोजना n.project
आरम्भn.beginning, start
आरामn.comfort, rest
आरोप n.imputation, allegation, insinuation, accusation
आर्जेn.prophecy, prediction, forecast
आर्थिक adj.economic, financial arthik
आर्थिक महत्वn.economic importance
आलस्यn.laziness, idleness alchi
आली n.ridge at the edge of a field- terrace
आलु ताछ्नुv.t.to peel off potatoes
आलुबखडा n.plum-tree
आलेखn.writing, script, anything written
आलोकn.enlightenment, light, brightness
आलोचनाn.criticism, critique
आलोचनात्मक adj.critical
आल्मारीn.shelves, cupboard
आल्हादn.delight, fulfilment
आवत–जावतn.coming and going, connection, transmigration
आवश्यकadj.necessary, needful, inevitable
आवश्यकताn.necessity, need, requirement
आवस्यक्त n.need, necessity, requirement
आवाजn.voice, sound, report, uproar
आवासn.dwelling, place of residence
आविष्कारn.discovery, invention
आशंकाn.suspicion, doubt, fear, dread
आशयn.meaning, aim, intention, purport
आशिषn.blessing, benediction ashis
आशिष दिनुv.t.to bless
आशीर्वचनn.blessing, benediction
आशीर्वाद n.blessing
आशीर्वाद n.blessing, benediction
आशुadj.quick, speedily, immediate, swift
आशुतोषadj.contended, easily pleased
आशूn.tear, teardrop
आश्चर्य n.wonder, surprise, astonishment
आश्रमn.hermitage, residential institute
आश्रयn.dependence, resort, reliance, retreat
आश्रितpostp.depending on, relying on
आश्विनn.Ashvin or Asoj, fifth month of the Nepali year [September-October]
आसनn.seat, stool, office, post, posture, throne
आसन्नadj.imminent, impencing, near, close
आसपासadv.nearabout, nearby
आस्थाn.faith, reverence, veneration
आहतadj.struck, beaten
आहारn.food, diet
आहाराn.food, diet
इच्छाn.wish, desire
इच्छितadj.desired, wished for
इज्जत n.honour, status
इत्यादीconj.etcetera, etc.
इत्रिनुv.i.to be mischievous, to talk mischievously about sex
इन्द्रियn.sense, sense organ
इमानदारadj.honest, faithful
इयरफोनn.earphone, hearing-aid
इरादाn.wish, desire, will, plan, intention
इलाका n.jurisdiction, possession, limit, area under control
इलाम n.Ilam (a district in Eastern Nepal)
इलामेn.inhabitant of Ilam
इशाराn.gesture, sign, indication, wink
इष्टadj.wished, desired
इस्कुसn.a kind of vegetable
इस्पात n.steel
ईखn.jealousy, envy, vengeance ikh
ईख फेर्नुv.t.to take revenge
ईमानn.truth, belief, faith, honesty
ईमानदारadj.honest, trustworthy, faithful
ईमानदारीn.honesty, faithfulness, integrity
ईश्वरn.God, the Lord
ईर्ष्याn.jealousy, envy
ईर्ष्यालुadj.jealous, envious
उन्नुv.t.to wreath, to thread, to string, to pass a thread through a needle
उकालीn.upward gradient
उकालोn./adj.steepness, upward gradient; steep
उकाल्नुv.t.to lift
उकास्नुv.t.ro raise, to rouse
उकुसमुकुसाउनुv.t.to stifle, to cause claustrophobia
उकेल्नुv.t.to vomit, to spew out
उक्काउनु v.t.to break open, to initiate
उक्किनुv.i.to be selected, to be picked out
उक्तadj.mentioned, said
उक्तिn.statement, remark, a saying
उक्लनुv.t.to climb up, to ascend
उखानn.proverb, saying, aphorism
उखुn.sugar cane
उखेल्नुv.t.to uproot, to remove
उग्र adj.wrathful, angry, fierce
उघार्नुv.t.to open, to unlock
उघ्रनुv.i.to be opened
उचाल्नुv.t.to lift up
उचो adj.high
उच्चadj.high, lofty, upper, superior ucca
उच्च पर्वतीय adj.alpine
उजाडadj.deserted, isolated
उठाउनुv.t.to wake up, to rouse, to cause to rise
उठ्नुv.i.to get up, to stand up, to stand
उडाउनुv.t.to cause to fly; to waste, to squander, to gobble
उडानn.flight, act of flying or fleeing
उडुस n.bedbug
उड्नुv.i.to fly
उताadv.there, thither
उतार्नुv.t.to cause to get off, to cause to descend, to help to descend, to take off (clothes)
उतिadv.that much
उत्तमadj.supreme, best
उत्तरn.answer, reply; north
उत्तरदायी adj.responsible, answerable, accountable
उत्तराधिकारीn.heir, successor, inheritor
उत्तानोadj.flat on one's back
उत्तेजितadj.excited, quickened
उत्थान n.upliftment; progress, emancipation
उत्तिखेर adv.meanwhile, at that time
उत्पत्तिn.origin, production
उत्पादन n.production
उत्पीडक n.oppressor
उत्पीडित n.oppression, persecution, harassment
उत्पीडित वर्ग n.oppressed class
उत्रनुv.i.to get off, to descend, to float, to rise out of, to rise above
उत्रिनुv.i.to get off, to come down, to descend
उत्सवn.entertainment, festival, celebration, festivity
उत्साहn.enthusiasm, excitement
उत्सुकताn.enthusiasm, excitement
उथल–पुथलn.overturning, change
उदय n.rising, ascent, dawning
उदाउनुv.i.to rise (sun or moon)
उदारadj.high minded, munificent, generous, open-hearted, noble-minded
उदारताn.generosity, liberality, magnanimity, nobleness
उदारवादी n.liberal, liberalist
उदाराशयadj.generous, high-minded, magnanimous
उदासी adj.sad
उदाहरणn.instance, example, illustration
उदाहरणीय adj.exemplary
उद्गार n.exclamation, emotional statement
उद्देशn.desire, wish, intention, purpose
उद्देश्यn.aim, objective
उद्धारn.kindness, charity
उद्यतadj.ready, prepared, raised, brought up
उद्यमशील adj.industrial
उद्योगn.industry, enterprise, effort, diligence
उधार्नv.t.to rip up
उधिन्नुv.t.to dig up, to pick out, to find out, to search, to select
उनन्चासnum.forty-nine, 49
उनान्सत्तरी num.sixty-nine, 69
उनान्सयnum.ninety-nine, 99 unasi
उन्चालीसnum.thirty-nine, 39
उन्तीस num.twenty-nine, 29
उन्नत adj.risen, progressed, improved
उन्नति n.progress, rise, advancement, improvement, prosperity, elevation
उन्नयन n.uplift, development
उन्नाईसnum.nineteen, 19
उन्नायकn.uplifter, reformer, leader
उन्मूलन n.uprooting, destruction, eradication
उन्साठीnum.fifty-nine, 59
उपक्रमn.plan, programme, preparations, beginning, preamble, preface
उपचारn.remedy, medical treatment, care
उपजn.crop, produce, product
उपत्य n.valley
उपदेशn.instruction, counsel, lesson
उपनिषद् n.Upanishads (the theological part of the vedas)
उपनिषद्वाली n.(someone who is following the teachings of the Upanishads)
उपभोक्तn.consumer, user
उपभोग n.enjoyment
उपमाn.comparison, simile, likeness
उपयुक्तadj.proper, suitable, appropriate
उपयोग n.use, utilization, application
उपयोगिताn.usefulness, utility
उपरpostp.above, over, for
उपर्नाn.scarf, shawl
उपलक्ष्यn.sign, implication, ourpose, occasion
उपलब्ध adj.gained, felt, acquired, attained, available
उपलब्धीn.achievement, accomplishment
उपसभापतिn.vice-chairman [of a meeting, organization or party]
उपसंहारn.conclusion, summary
उपस्थितिn.presence, attendance
उपहारn.present, gift
उपाख्यान n.legend, tale, episode (of a narration); proverb, sying
उपाधि n.title, attribute, designation, status
उपिया n.flea
उपेक्षाn.slight, indignity, neglect, disregard, contempt, scorn
उपेक्षित adj.neglected, ignored, discarded, disregarded
उफ्रनुv.i.to jump, to leap
उब्जनीn.production, productivity
उब्जनुv.i.to grow, to grow up, to be produced
उब्जाउनुv.t.to produce, to cause to grow
उब्रनुv.i.to be left over
उभयलि¨n.double gender
उभिनुv.i.to stand up, to stand, to get up
उभ्याउनुv.t.to cause to stand, to raise up
उमार्नुv.t.to cause to sprout
उमाल्नुv.t.to cause to boil
उमेर n.age, length of life
उम्कनुv.i.to escape, to get free, to slip out
उम्मेदवार n.candidate
उम्रनुv.i.to sprout, to spring up, to grow up
उम्लनुv.i.to boil, to bubble up, to simmer
उराल्नुv.t.to instigate, to incite
उर्लनुv.i.to surge up, to rise up, to come in waves; to become angry
उल्टोadj.opposite, upside-down
उल्लंघनn.violation, contravention
उल्लासn.joy, delight
उल्लेख n.mention, reference, description
उल्लेखनीयadj.remarkable, worthy of being mentioned
उल्लेखितadj.written, mentioned
उषा n.dawn, daybreak
उसिÌन्नुv.t.to boil while cooking
उसो adj.like that, such
उहा pron.he, she [very polite]
उहिले adv.then, at that time, many years ago, long ago
ऊचाइn.height, tallness, summit
ऊनी कम्मलn.wollen blanket
ऋचाn.verse, hymn
ऋणn.debt, loan, due, obligation
ऋणीn./adj.debtor, indebted
ऋतुn.season of the year
ऋषि n.sage, saint, wise ascetic
एint.hey! listen!
एउटा adj.one [non-human] euta tukra
एउठा टुक्रा a small plot of land
एक खेपadv.once
एक चोटि adv.once ek
एक छिनadv.for a moment, for a short time
एक न एकone or other
एक पल्ठadv.once
एक बाजिadv.once
एक सय एकnum.one hundred and one, 101
एक सय दुईnum.one hundred and two, 102 ek saya
एकचालीसnum.forty-one, 41
एकटकadv.incessant, continuous
एकताn.oneness, unity, union, sameness, solidarity
एकतीसnum.thirty-one, 31
एकत्रितadj.united, gathered
एकनासadj.similar, in the same way, monotonous, uniform, all the same
एकलै adv.alone, only
एकसट्ठी num.sixty-one, 61
एकसरोadj.single, without cover, once
एकहक्तरnum.seventy-one, 71
एकाअर्कालाईadv.each other
एकाउन्न num.fifty-one, 51
एकाकीadj.alone, solitary
एकातिरadv.to one side, on the one hand
एकादेशमाin any country
एकानब्बेnum.ninety-one, 91
एकान्तn./adj.solitude, loneliness; alone, lonely
एकाबिहानadv.very early in the morning
एकासीnum.eighty-one, 81
एकीकरणn.integration, amalgamation, unification
एकीकृतintegrated, united, unified ekkai
एकोहोरिनुv.i.to concentrate on one thing only
एक्काईस num.twenty-one, 21
एक्कासिadv.suddenly, at once, all at once
एक्कै चोटि adv.at the same time, at once
एक्लोadj.lone, solitary, alone, single
एघारnum.eleven, 11
एजनditto, loc cit.
एवंconj.and, as also
एवमस्तूadv.so be it; Amen
एशियाली adj.Asian
एसियायी adj.Asian
ऐंचातानाadj.out of control, controlled by outsideforces
ऐनn.law, legal code, rule
ऐनाn.mirror, looking glass, pane of glass
ऐसेलुn.yellow raspberry
ओइरनुv.i.to drop, to fall headlong
ओइराउनुv.t.to cause to drop, to cause to fall [in large quantity]
ओइरिनुv.i.to drop, to fall [in large quantity]
ओइरिनुv.i.to flow continually
ओइलाउनुv.i.to wither, to fade
ओइलिनुv.t.to be withered
ओकट्नुv.t.to occupy, to reserve, to hinder
ओखती n.medicine
ओगट्नुv.t.to occupy, to reserve, to hinder
ओछ्यानn.bed, bedding,sleeping-mat, quilt
ओछ्याउनुv.t.to spread bedding, to spread a rug,to spread a mat
ओझेल adj.hidden, screened off
ओठn.lip, lips
ओढाउनुv.t.to cover up sombody else
ओढ्नुv.i./v.t.to cover oneself up; to wrap, to cover
ओढ्ने n.blanket, bedcover, bedroll
ओधानn.three-legged iron stand for putting a cooking vessel over a fire
ओर्लनुv.i.to comedown, to descend
ओर्लिनुv.i.to comedown, to descend
ओसारिनुv.i.to be moved from one place to another
ओसार्नुv.t.to move something from one place to another
ओहर दोहरn.the act of coming and going ohor
ओहोर दोहोरn.the act of coming and going
ओह्राल्नुv.t.to cause to descend
औचित्यn.propriety, appropriateness, validity
औपचारिकadj.formal, ceremonial aupacarik
औपचारिक आदरवाची adj.formally polite [linguistics]
औंल्याउनुv.t.to point at
औषधिपसल n.chemist's (shop), pharmacy, drugstore
औंसीn.new moon, last day of the dark half of the month
क, ख, ग, घ, ङ
सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्
कक्रिनुv.i.to become stiff by cold, to be numbed
कक्र्याउनुv.t.to make numbed
कङ्गालadj.poor, penniless, penurious kanka
कछुवाn.turtle, tortoise
कटहरn.jack fruit
कटाउनु v.t.to cause to be cut, to cause to be beheaded
कट्टरadj.diehard, orthodox
कठिनुadj.difficult, hard, arduous, not easy
कठोर adj.hard, harsh, rigid, unkind, cruel
कडाadj.hard, harsh, cruel, unkind
कतिpron.how much? how many?
कति बजे?comp.at which time? kati
कति बज्यो?comp.what's the time? kati
कति भयो?comp.how much is it?
कतिमा?comp.for how much? katinu
कथनn.utterance, narration, statement
कथाn.story, tale, fable, narrative katha
कथा हाल्नुcomp.to tell a story
कथितadj.said, narrated, told
कदमn.step, footstep
कदरn.respect, value, appreciation
कन्चठ n.temple
कपडाn.cloth, clothing, apparel, wear
कपालn.hair of the head, head kapal
कपाल कोर्नुv.t.to comb the hair
कपाल नुहाउनुv.t.rinse hair
कप्नुv.t.to carve, to chisel
कब्जा n.possession, occupation kacauro
कमadj.little, less, small
कमजोरी n.weakness, debility, deficiency
कमाइn.income, returns, mode of earning
कमाउनु v.t.to earn, to acquire wealth, to cultivate
कमेरो n.white clay used in painting walls
कम्ताadj.less, insufficient, short
कम्तीadj.less, insufficient, short
करदाताn.tributory, tax-paying, tax- payer
कराईn.cooking pot [with a wide mouth]
कराउनु v.i.to shout
करीबadv.almost, aproximately
करुवाn.brass pot with a spout
करेलो n.a bitter vegetable, bitter gourd
करोडnum.crore, 10 million, 10.000.000
कर्तब्यn.duty, task
कर्म n.deed, act, work
कर्माचारीn.employee, officer
कलहn.quarrel, scramble, dispute, fray
कलाn.art, craft, technics
कलाकारn.artist, technician
कलाकौशलn.state of being skilful
कलिलोadj.ender, soft, delicate, young
कलेजी adj.dark-red
कलेजो n.liver
कल्प n.era
कल्पना n.imagination, fiction,
कल्पनाशक्ति n.powers of imagination
कल्याण n.welfare, good
कल्याणकारीadj.propitious, auspicious, beneficial, good
कष्टn.pain, distress, trouble, hardship
कसरीpron.how? in what way?
कसौंडीn.cooking pot [with a narrow mouth]
कस्नुv.t.to tighten, to pull firmly
कस्ले लाग्यो?comp.who has taken it?
कहलाउनु v.i.to be called, to be famous
कहाpron.where? in what place? kahan
कहा पनि adv.nowhere, not anywhere
कहानी n.saying, proverb, story kahile
कहिले कहींadv.sometimes, from time to time
कहीं कहींadv.at some places, in many a place
काइयो n.comb
काकाn.father's brother
काकीn.father's brother's wife
काखn.position formed while sitting cross-legged on the floor, side of the body above the hip, lap
काखी n.arm-pit
कागn.crow, raven
काचोadj.raw, unripe, immature
काजn.work, duty, job, occupation
काजूn.cashew nut
काट्नुv.t.to cut, to chop, to cancel
काण्डn.chapter, branch, incident
काधिनुv.i.to be fatt [with eating]
कानूनn.law, regulation
कानून बमोजितaccording to the law, in conformity with the law
कानो adj.blind in one eye, one-eyed
कान्का लोतीn.ear lobes
कान्छीn.last born female child, nice young girl
कान्छोn.youngest [of brothers]
कान्तिपुरn.Kantipur [an old name for Kathmandu]
काफल n.a fruit like strawberry but with a hard pit
कामn.work, duty, job, occupation
काम गर्नुv.t.to work
कामकाजn.business, occupation, work
कामदारn.worker, labourer, porter, helper
कामनुv.i.to tremble, to shiver
कायमadj.fixed, settled, firm, steady kayam
कायम गर्नुcomp.to fix a date
कारखानाn.workshop, factory,
कारणn.cause, motive, purpose, reason, occasion, origin
काराn.imprisonment, confinement
कारागारn.prison, jail
कारागृहn.prison, jail
कारादण्डn.prison sentence
कारावासn.prison sentence
कार्तिकn.seventh month of the Nepali year (October- November)
कार्यn.action, act, duty, occupation, profession, function, role
कार्य समितिn.working committee
कार्यकारिणी adj.executive
कार्यक्रमn.programme, schedule
कार्यान्वयनn.execution, implementation
कार्यालय n.workshop, office
कालn.time, period, era, age, season, death
काले n.a dark skinned human being
कालो adj.black
कालो दाल n.black lentils kalo
कालो मासn.black lentils
काहिंलोn.fourth eldest [of brothers]
किconj.or, either; word to denote interrogation or doubt
किट्नुv.t.to grind teeth, to gnash, to decide, to fix, to specify, to resolve
किनमेल गर्नुv.t.to go shopping, to buy
किन्तुconj.but, only, without
किन्नुv.t.to buy
किरायाn.hire, rent
किंवदन्तीn.rumour, hearsay, false report, popular talk, vague talk, tradition
किसमn.kind, sort, class, species
किसानn.farmer, peasant
किसिमn.kind, sort, class, species
कीरा n.worm
कीरोn.insect, worm
कीर्तिमान adj.renowned, famous, celebrated
कुखुराको पोथीn.hen
कुखुराको भाले n.co*ck, rooster kukhurako
कुचक्रn.intrigue, a secret plot
कुच्याउनुv.t.to crush
कुटनैतिक क्षेत्रn.strategical area
कुटपिटn.beating, exchange of blows kutnaitik
कुट्नुv.t.to beat, to hit
कुण्डn.pond, tank
कुद्नुv.i.to run
कुद्नुv.t.to hew, to carve
कुनadj.which, what
कुनचाहिंadj.which one?
कुन्निadv.I don't know, perhaps, maybe
कुमारीn.princess, unmarried women
कुराn.word, matter, affair, talk
कुराउनीn.milk boiled down till nearly solid
कुराकानीn.conversation, talk, chat
कुर्नुv.t.to wait,to attend
कुलn.race, generation, family, clan, dynasty, parentage
कुशल n./adj.happiness, wellbeing; skilful, proficient, expert
कुशासनn.bad government, maladministration
कुसलधारे adj.torrential, heavy
कुस्तीn.wrestling kusti
कुहुनोn.elbow kuhunu
कृतज्ञadj.thankful, grateful
कृषि उत्पादनn.agricultural production
कृष्ण पक्ष comp.dark fortnight, the phase of the waning moon
केटाकेटीमा comp.in childhood
केरा n.banana
केलाउनुv.t.to sift, to remove impurities
केवलadv.only, mere, all, whole
केशn.hair of the head
केही कुराको मतो मिल्नुcomp.to agree upon, to arrange
केही कुरामा अनुरोध गर्नुcomp.to ask for, to request
केही कुरामा मतो मिल्नुcomp.to agree upon, to arrange
केही कूराको अनुरोध गर्नुcomp.to ask for, to request
कैदn.imprisonment, jail kaid
कैद गर्नुv.t.to arrest
कैदखाना n.prison, jail
कैदीn.prisoner, captive, convict
कैफतn.statement, remark, description
कैफियतn.statement, remark, description
कैयुadj.innumerable, many, several
कैयौंadj.innumerable, many, several
कैलोadj.light-brown [hair]
कोट n.coat
कोटा n.room
कोट्याउनुv.t.to prick, to scratch
कोतपर्व n.(a histsorical event: Jang Bahadur's coup of 1846 that brought the Rana family into power)
कोतपर्व पश्चातafter the coup of 1846
कोदालीn.spade (with short handle)
कोदालोn.spade (with long handle)
कोदोn.a kind of millet
कोप n.anger, wrath
कोप-भाजन n.victim of anger
कोपिला n.bud
कोरिया n.Korea
कोर्नुv.t.to scratch
कोशिशn.endeavour, attempt, exertion, effort
कोशिश गर्नुv.t.to try
कोसn.a measure of length (distance of about 2 miles)
कोहीadj.anybody, anyone, someone
क्यारेI suppose
क्रमn.series, chain, order, method
क्रमजोरadj.weak, ineffective
क्रमबोधकn.ordinal number
क्रमशःadj.step by step, by degree, serially, successively
क्रम्माfor this reason, so
क्रान्तिn.revolution, pace, movement, declination, invading, surpassing
क्रियाकलाप n.functions, rites, ceremonies
क्षमताn.ability, capacity, might, power
क्षेत्रn.file, plot of land, area
क्षेत्रफलn.products of the land, field crops, area
खज्ञानn./adj.ignorance; ignorant
खडाadj.erect, upright
खडुकुलो n.a very large cooking vessel with rings on two sides to hold
खड्कुडोn.a very large cooking vessel with rings on two sides to hold
खण्डn.part, section, chapter, division, piece, canto
खण्डनn.refutation, rebuttal, repudiation, denial
खण्डितadj.broken into pieces, split
खतमn.end, finish, conclusion, death
खनाउनुv.t.to cause to be dug
खनिज पदार्थn.mineral product
खनिनुv.i.to be poured out
खन्नुv.t.to dig
खन्याउनुv.t.to pour out
खपतn.consumption, sale, demand
खप्पर n.skull
खम्बा n.pillar, pole, post
खरबnum.100 billion,
खराउn.wooden sandal, wooden slipper
खराउनुv.t.to fry hard, to overparch
खरानी ashes, ash-coloured
खराबadj.bad, wicked, spoiled, naughty
खरायो n.hare
खरिड्नुv.t.to buy, to purchase
खर्च n.expense, expenditure, disbursem*nt, oulay
खसाउनु v.t.to cause to fall
खसी n.castrated he-goat
खस्नुv.i.to fall, to die
खस्रो adj.rough, coarse, frank
खाची n.Khanchi [one of the former mini stets of western Nepal]
खाचो n.requirement, need, necessity
खाटn.bed stead
खाद्यान्नn.food grains
खानि n.mine
खानुv.t.to eat
खाने कुराn.food
खारिजadj.dismissed, rejected, discharged
खालाn.the outer layer of skin
खाली adj.only, mere, merely, alone
खाल्डोn.valley, ditch, trench, pit, hole
खासadj.real, true, particular, proper
खिचडीn.a mixture of rice and lentils cooked together
खिचलोn.interference, meddling; disturbance, quarrel, turmoil
खिचोलो n.meddling, quarrel, interference
खीर n.rice pudding
खुकुरीn.a Nepalesed curved knife
खुडाn.a kind of sword, a kind of scimitar
खुत्रुक्कn.the sound produced by little articles when dropped
खुम्चिनुv.i.to shrink
खुवाउनुv.t.to feed
खुशीpleasure, delight, cheerfulness, glad, happy
खेतीn.agriculture, cultivation kheti
खेती गर्नुv.t.to till the ground, to carry out agriculture
खेती-पातीn.agriculture, cultivation
खेतीकमाइ n.agricultural income
खेद्नुv.t.to chase
खेर n.time, length of time, destruction, loss, waste
खेरि postp.during
खेल n.play, game
खेलाउनुv.t.to cause to play
खेल्नुv.t.to play, to act
खोइpron.where (is it)?
खोज n.search, quest, pursuit
खोजखबरn.trace, quest, search, enquiry
खोज्नुv.t.to search
खोपोn.a small hole in the wall for keeping things
खोरिया n.uncultivated land, nature reserve
खोर्सानीn.chilli, hot pepper
खोलोn.small river
खोल्नुv.i./v.t.to open, to unfasten, to explain, to annotate
खोसुवाn.thieve, one who snatches
गठन n.formation, construction; act of building,modelling or shaping
गड्डीनरसिङadj.enthroned, installed as king
गणतन्त्रn.republic, republican system of government
गतिn.speed, motion, movement, condition, circ*mstance, position
गतिमानn.speed, movement, full motion
गतिविधिn.activity, movements, frequentation, state of things, position of progress
गतिशीलn.speed, movement, full motion
गतिहाराadj.lazy, sedentary, idle, stagnant
गते n.date [according to the Nepali calendar]
गत्त adj.hopeless, having nothing
गत्तमadj.hopeless, having nothing
गत्वरadj.transitory, perishable, mortal
गथासो n.long tale of oneself, nonsense
गदगदadj.glad, happy, pleased, joyful
गदरn.mutiny, rebellion, revolt
गदा n.club, mace, bludgeon
गद्गद्thick mud or any thick substance, muddy, swampy
गद्दरn.mud, dirt, swamp
गद्दर–पोशn.door mat for rubbing off mud
गद्दाn.soft and thick bed, mattress gaddar
गद्दीn.throne, saddle cloth, cushion
गद्दुn./adv.a bear's cub; useless, good for nothing, worthless
गद्य n.prose, ordinary writing
गद्य-कविताn.prose poetry
गद्य-काब्य n.prose, belles lettres
गद्र्याक–गुद्रूकn.sound produced by the trampling of feet or hoofs
गन्द्र्याम्मn.terrible sound produced by the fall of heavy things
गधा n.donkey, ass
गधापच्चिसीn.adolescence, an unexperienced age
गनगनn.grumbling, murmuring, prattling
गनगनाउनुv.i.to grumble, to mumur
गनगनाहट n.grumbling, murmuring, prattling
गनथनn.idle talk, gossip, a long tale
गनथनाउनु v.t.to talk nonsense, to gossip
गन्जगोलn.confusion, topsy-turvey, chaos
गन्जीn.sweater, vest, jacket, undershirt
गन्जीफाn.a kind of playing cards or ist game
गन्तीn.number, reckoning, attendance
गन्दगीn.filth, dirt, impurity
गन्धn.smell, odour, stink, scent, perfume
गन्धक n.sulphur, brim-stone
गन्धद्रब्यa sweet scented substance
गन्धर्वn.a celestian or heavenly musician, a class of demi- god
गन्धर्व-विवाहn.a kind of marriage by mutual agreement, love marriage
गन्धर्व-वेदn.science of Music
गन्धव-विद्या n.music, the science of music
गन्धाक्षत n.sandal-wood, tice, etc. for puja
गन्धिक n.the scent of perfumery merchant
गन्धीa perfumer, one who sells essences or scented oils, scented, perfumed, having a sweet smell
गन्नुv.t.to count, to reckon, to deem
गपशपn.prattle, tittle-tattle
गप्फडprattler, braggart, tattler
गमक्र्याउनुv.t.to clutch, to seize
गम्भीरadj.deep, grave, far down
गराउनुv.t.to cause to do
गरीब n./adj.poor, penniless, humble, needy
गरीबीn.poverty, penury, humility
गरेरै छाड्नुv.t.to perform at all cost
गर्जन-तर्जन n.threat, intimidation
गर्जनुv.i.to thunder, to roar, to bluster
गर्न छोड्नुv.t.to stop to do something
गर्न थाल्नुv.t.to start to do something
गर्न दिनुv.t.ro allow to do something, to cause to do something
गर्नुv.t.to do
गर्भn.womb, foetus, embryo garerai
गर्मीn.heat, warmth
गल्लीn.lane, by-lane
गहिरो adj.deep, profound, solemn
गह्रुंगोadj.heavy, weighty
गह्रौंadj.heavy, weighty
गाउ n.village
गाउ विकास समितिn.Village Development Committee, VDC
गाउघरn.neighbour, villager
गाउनिवासी n.villager
गाग्रीn.a metal water-vessel
गाग्रोn.a large earthenware or metal jar for water
गाजा n.marijuana
गाड्नुv.t.to bury
गाथा n.story, tale, verse, song, lay
गाथाकारn.author of a narrative tale
गायबadj.missing, vanished, dissappeared
गाला n.cheeks
गालि n.rebuke, abuse, reproof gali
गालीn.rebuke, abuse, reproof
गाली गर्नुv.t.to tell off, to insult
गासn.mouthful, morsel
गास्नुv.t.to join together
गाहकn.buyer, customer, purchaser
गाहकी n.buyer, customer, purchaser
गाह्रोadj.difficult, arduous, hard
गिजा n.gum
गिद्ध n.vulture
गिर्नुv.i.to fall, to drop, to come down, to be degraded
गीलोadj.soft, overripe, overcooked
गुठीn.a religious or benevolent society, trust, pledge
गुणn.quality, virtue, merit, attainment
गुणबोधकadj.qualitative [gram.]
गुन्द्रीn.mat made of rice, wheat or corn-straw
गुन्द्रुकn.fermented and dried vegetables
गुप्तadj.obscure, hidden, secret, private
गुप्तचर n.spy, emissary
गुप्तीn.spy, detective
गुमराहadj.misled, astray
गुमाउनुv.t.to lose, to forfeit
गुरुn.spiritual teacher, master, guide
गुरुङn.Tamu, Gurung [a Nepali nationality]
गुलाफीadj.pink, rose-coloured
गुलियोadj.sweet, sugary
गृहn.house, abode, residence, dwelling
गेरुadj.ochre, red-brown
गैर सरकारी संस्था n.Non Government Organization, NGO
गैरप्रजातान्त्रिक adj.undemocratic, non- democratic
गैह्रadj.all, whole gainda
गोठn.cowshed, byre
गोडमेलn.weeding, removal of weeds
गोड्नुv.t.to weed, to remove weeds
गोदामn.godown, storehouse, granery
गोदावरीn.Godavari [a village in Kathmandu valley]
गोद्नुv.t.to beat severely
गोपालप्रसाद रिमालn.Gopal Prasad Rimal [ a famous Nepali poet]
गोप्यadj.confidential, secret, private
गोबर n.cowdung [used as plaster on the floor of the house]
गोमन सर्पn.cobra
गोरुn.ox [castrated]
गोरोadj.fair-complexioned, white [skin]
गोलीn.a small ball, bullet goli
गोली गाँठोn.ankle bone
गोलीद्वारा मृत्युदण्डn.death penalty by shooting
गोष्ठीn.symposium, small assembly, discourse
गौणadj.secondary, subordinate, indirect, inferior, expressing associate quality
ग्रह n.planet, evil star, eclipse
ग्रहण n.acceptance, reception, act of receiving or holding
ग्राम n.village
ग्लास n.glass
घटकn.factor, component, constitutent, ingredient
घटनाn.incident, event, accident, episode
घटाउनुv.t.to cause to decrease, to subtract
घटीadj.less, few, little
घट्ट n.corn mill, water mill
घट्नुv.i.to decrease, to lesson, to decline
घडी n.clock, watch
घण्टn.clock, watch
घनn.large hammer, cloud, solidity
घना adj.thik, dense, solid, grumous
घर हेर्नुto run the household, to do the housework
घरेलु उद्योगn.cottage industry
घाउn.wound, sore, hurt, injury, ulcer
घाटीn.throat, mountain pass, vale
घाँटीn.throat, mountain pass, vale
घाटुn.a Gurung dance
घामn.sunshine, heat of the sun
घिउn.melted butter
घुम्नुv.i.to move about, to roam, to turn round, to go around
घूसn.bribe, emolument, graft
घैलोn.a large water-vessel, a huge pitcher
घोडाn.horse, pony, hammer of a gun
घोरल n.Himalayan wild goat
घोषणाn.declaration, proclamation, announcement
घोषित adj.declared, proclaimed
घ्याम्पोn.a large clay jar, a store-jar
च, छ, ज, झ, ञ
सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्
चक्कु n.knife, cutting knife
चखाउनु v.t.to cause to taste
चटाउनु v.t.to cause to lick
चड्नुv.t.to mount, to go up, to ascend, to ride, to improve
चढाउनु v.t.to cause to ride, to offer [to superiors]
चढ्नुv.t.to climb, to mount, to ride
चन्दा n.donation
चबाउनु v.t.to chew
चमडाn.skin, hide
चमेरो n.bat, vampire
चम्कनुv.i.to glitter, to shine
चम्काउनु v.t.to polish, to cause to shine
चम्सुर n.[a kind of pungent vegetable eaten raw as herbal medicine]
चरणn.foot, leg, a quarter of a
चराउनु v.t.to make graze
चरितn.character, conduct, manners, behaviour, work, occupation
चरित्रn.character, conduct, manners, behaviour, work, occupation
चरो n.bird
चर्कनुv.t.to crack, to split, to break
चर्काउनुv.t.to cause to crack, to cause to split
चर्कोadj.hard, bitter, heavy, difficult, loud, piquant. lively, excessive, high
चर्खा n.spinning wheel
चर्चा n.talk, enquiry, query, praise, remark, commendation
चर्नुv.i.to graze
चलनn.custom, habit, style, conduct
चलन गर्नुv.t.to use
चलाउनु v.t.to cause to move, to put to use, to move, to despatch
चलाकadj.clever, sly, cunning, shrewd
चलाखadj.clever, sly, cunning, shrewd
चलानn.despatch, consignment calan
चल्तीकाadj.common, normal, in circulation
चल्नुv.i.to move, to be current, to be in use, to work, to flirt
चल्लोn.young chicken
चवन्नnum.fifty-four, 54
चवाउनु v.t.to chew
चवालीसnum.forty-four, 44
चहार्नुv.t.to loiter, to linger, to walk about, to spend time idly by moving about
चाख्नुv.t.to taste
चाँगुनारायणn.Changunarayan [an ancient site in the eastern part of the Kathmandu valley]
चाट्नुv.i.to lick
चाडोadj.quick, fast, soon, immediately
चाणक्यn.[name of Kautilya, the author of the ancient Arthashastra]
चानचुन adj.about, a little, miscellaneous
चापn.arc, segment of a circle, semi-circle, rainbow
चामलn.husked but uncooked rice
चारnum.four, 4
चारतर्फadv.on all (four) sides
चारतिरadv.on all (four) sides
चारैतिरadv.on all (four) sides
चालिसnum.forty, 40
चाहिनुv.i.to be necessary, to be required
चिउराn.flattened rice, beaten rice
चिकित्साn.treatment, remedy, medication, therapy
चिकित्सालयn.hospital, dispensary
चिजबिजn.goods, furniture, wares
चिट्ठाn.lottery, game of chance
चिट्ठीn.letter, written message
चिठीn.letter, written message
चितूवाn.leopard, panther
चित्तn.mind, feeling, spirit, heart, attention, memory, thought
चित्रn.picture, painting, illustration, image
चिनाउनुv.t.to introduce, to cause to recognize
चिनारीn.identity, acquaintance, intimacy, familiarity
चिन्तनn.thinking, study, reflection, contemplation, meditation
चिन्ताn.woory, anxiety, care, concern, reflection
चिन्नुv.t.to recognize, to know, to identify, to distinguish
चिमोठटनुv.t.to pinch, to nip
चिर्नुv.t.to split, to rip up
चिसोadj.cold, wet, moistened, damp ciso
चिसो पानीn.cold water
चिहानn.grave, graveyard, cemetry, tomb, burial ground
चीन n.China
चील n.eagle
चुचुरोn.peak, summit, highest point
चुटाइn.beating, thrashing
चुट्नुv.t.to thrash, to beat
चुनाव n.election, selection
चुम्नुv.t.to kiss, to caress
चुलेंसीn.a curved instrument for cutting and preparing vegetables for cooking
चुलोn.cooking place, stove
चुल्ठोn.plaited hair, interwoven hair
चुस्नुv.t.to suck
चुहिनुv.i.to drip, to leak
चुहुनुv.i.to drip, to leak
चूडाn.crown, crest
चूडामणिn.a kind of valuable ornament or jewel worn on the head
चूप लाग्नुv.i.to be quiet
चेतनाn.intelligence, consciousness, animation, rationality, spirit
चेताउनी n.to warn
चेत्नुv.i.to be conscious, to recover the senses, to be on the alert
चेपाङn.Chepang [a Nepalese nationality]
चेलिबेटी बेचविखतn.girls trafficking
चेलीn.female disciple, female pupil
चेहराn.face, appearance, countenance
चैत n.twelfth month of the Nepali year [March-April]
चैत्र n.twelfth month of the Nepali year [March-April]
चोखिनुv.i.to be pure
चोट n.wound, bruise, hurt, mental agony
चोड–पत्रn.written consent of divorce, quitclaim
चोर n.thief, robber, swindler
चोर्नुv.t.to steal
चौका n.eating place surrounding the store
चौडा n./adj.width, breadth; wide
चौडाइn./adj.width, breadth; wide caudha
चौतरियाn.member of the royal family
चौतर्फadv.on all (four) sides
चौताराn.sincere and benevolent member of the royal family
चौंतीसnum.thirty-four, 34
चौपट्टैadj.exceedingly, exceptionally
चौबरadj.four times
चौबीसnum.twenty-four, 24
चौरानब्बेnum.ninety-four, 94
चौरासी num.eighty-four, 84
चौंसट्ठीnum.sicty-four, 64
च्याउ n.mushroom
च्याख्लाn.ground corn
च्यात्नुv.t.to tear
छnum.six, 6 cha
छ पत्र adj.sixfold
छक्किनुv.i.to be deceived, to be astonished
छक्याउनुv.t.to tell lies, to deceive
छत्तीसnum.thirty-six, 36
छन्थ्यालn.Chantyal [a Nepali nationality]
छन्दn.meter, prosody, intention
छपन्नnum.fifty-six, 56
छब्बीसnum.twenty-six, 26
छयानब्बेnum.ninety-six, 96
छयालीस num.forty-six, 46
छयासीnum.eighty-six, 86
छर्नुv.t.to scatter, to disperse
छलफलn.discussion, debate chalphal
छलफल गर्नुv.t.to discuss
छल्नुv.t.to deceive, to trick
छहारी छहत्तर shade, shelter, protection chahattar
छाउनुv.t.to cover, to roof
छाउरोn.cub, puppy, kitten
छाड्नुv.t.to leave, to leave out
छाता n.umbrella
छातीn.chest, breast, bravery, courage
छात्रn.scholar, disciple, pupil
छात्रावासn.hostel, boarding house, lodging
छाद्नुv.i./v.t.to throw up, to vomit
छानवीन n.selection, search, scrutiny, choice
छान्नुv.t.to choose, to select, to sieve
छान्नेn.filter, strainer
छापाखाना n.press, printing press
छापिनुv.i.to be published
छाप्नुv.t.to print, to publish
छाम्नुv.t.to touch, to feel
छायाn.shade, shadow, reflection
छायाn.shade, shadow, reflection
छिटोadj.quick, smart
छिंडीn.cellar, basem*nt
छिराउनुv.t.to cause to go through
छिर्नुv.i.to go through, to bore through
छुटकाराn.release, freedom, rescue
छुट्नुv.i.to be left, to separate
छुनुv.t.to touch
छुरावाजीn.exchange of dagger-blows
छुवाछूतn.untouchability, contamination
छुस्करn.tell-tale, backbiter
छेक्नुv.t.to stop, to hinder
छेत्रीn.Chetri, Kshatriya [the second highest class (varna) of the Hindu social hierarchy]
छैसठ्ठीnum.sixty-six, 66
छोटोadj.short, small, condensed
छोड्नुv.t.to leave, to leave out, to abandon, to relinquish, to give up
छोप्नुv.t.to cover, to hide
जगn.foundation, ground work
जंगल जमाउने कामn.afforestation, reafforestation
जंगल तयार पार्नेn.afforestation, reafforestation
जग्गाn.landland, field, estate
जङ्गलीadj.savage, wild, beastly
जञ्जालn.worldly domestic affairs, family, wife and children
जतिadv.that much, about jativacak
जन-आंदोलनn.popular movement, people's movement
जन-जागरण n.popular awakening, renaissance
जनचेतनाn.ethnic consciousness, national consciousness
जनजातिn.ethnic group, nationality
जनजीवनn.public life, public living
जनतन्त्रn.people's democracy
जनतन्त्रिकadj.democratic, democratical
जनताn.people, public, mass, mankind
जनपक्षीय adj.related to the people
जनप्रवाद n.hearsay, rumour, common talk
जनमतn.public opinion
जनवादn.a political principle in which the supreme administrator must be elected by
जनश्रुतिn.rumour, hearsay, common talk
जनसमक्षcomp.in public
जनसहभागिताn.popular participation
जनस्वास्थ्यn.public health
जना n.(counting word for persons)
जनावरn.animal, beast
जनैn.sacred thread of a Bramhin
जन्म n.birth, life, nativity, production
जन्मथलोn.birth-place, place where born
जन्मदर n.birth rate
जन्मदाता n.father, progenitor, producer
जन्मनुv.i.to be born
जन्मभूमि n.birthplace
जन्माउनुv.t.to give birth to
जप्नुv.t.to mutter prayers, to repeat mantra or prayer, to tell beads
जमाadv.tol, in sum, altogether
जमाउनुv.t.to make solid, to freeze
जमीन n.land, field
जम्नुv.i.to be frozen
जम्मा adv.tol, in sum, altogether
जयn.victory, conquest, triumph, gain, profit
जयप्रकाश मल्ल n.Jayaprakash Malla [the last Malla king of Kathmandu]
जरायो n.a kind of deer
जरीमाना n.fine, punishment, money penalty
जरीवानाn.fine, punishment, money penalty
जरुरी adj.urgent, immediate
जल-शक्तिn.water power
जलवायुको प्रभावn.climatical influence
जलाउनुv.t.to set fire to
जल्नुv.i.to burn, to be kindled
जवानn.young man, youth
जवाफ n.answer
जवाफदेहीn.responsibility, accountability, obligation
जस्तै conj.as for example, i.e., like
जस्तो conj.as for example, i.e., like jasto
जस्तो देखिन्छcomp.it looks like
जस्तो सुनिन्छcomp.it sounds like
जहा pron.where
जहाजn.ship, vessel
जहानn.family, members of the family
जागरणn.awakening, wakefulness
जागीर n.employment, Job, service, monthly salary, wages
जाग्नुv.i.to wake up, to be alert, to be angry
जाचn.exam, test
जाच्नुv.t.to test, to examine
जाडोn./adj.coolness, winter, chill, cold
जातn.class, caste, kind, sort
जातपातn.caste system
जातिवाचक नाम n.generic term
जातीय adj.national, pertaining to the nation
जातो n.handmill for grinding corn etc.
जानकारीn.knowledge, information
जानिएको adj.known
जानुv.i.to go
जान्नुv.t.to know, to understand
जामn.congestion, dregs, rusts
जारी adj.proceeding, continued, current, in force
जालीn./adj. 1. forgerer, netting, web, film; imitated, forged
जिउदोadj.living, alive, lively
जिउनुv.i.to live
जित्नुto win
जिम्माn.responsibility, care, custody
जिरेल n.Jirel [a Nepalese nationality]
जिल्ला n.district
जिल्ला प्रमूख अधिकारीn.Chief District Officer, CDO
जिल्ला विकास समितिn.District Development Committee, DDC
जीउ n.body, person, frame
जीत n.victory, triumph, success
जीरा n.cumin
जीवजन्तुn.living being, animal
जीवजन्तुn.animal, living being
जीवनn.life, existence, animation
जीवनशैलीn.way of life, habits, lifestyle
जीवनीn.life-story, biography
जुकाn.leeches, tapeworms
जुक्तनुv.i.to be forthcoming, to be collected, to be united, to be entangled
जुटadj.group, party
जुटाउनुv.t.to collect, to gather
जुट्नुv.i.to be collected, to be united
जुठ्याउनुv.t.to get dirty, so soil
जुत्ताn.shoe, slipper, boot
जुनpron.which, whichever
जुनसुकैpron.whichever, whatsoever
जुनेलोn.large millet
जुरमुराउनुv.i.to be active, to be alert
जुलुसn.procession, marching
जुवाn.game, gamble
जुवा खेल्नुto gamble
जुहारn.jewel, jewellery, gem
जून n.moon
जूनकीरी n.firefly
जेठn.second month of the Nepali year [May-June]
जेठाजुn.husband's elder brother
जेठानn.elder brother' wife
जेठानी दिदी n.husband's elder brother's wife
जेठी सासुn.wife's elder sister
जेठोn.eldest [of brothers]
जेल n.jail, prison
जेहन्दारadj.intelligent, wise
जोईn.wife [rural]
जोख्नुv.t.to weigh
जोड n.power, strength; join, addition, total, the sum total
जोड्नुv.t.to add, to join
जोत्नुv.t.to plow, to harness
जोबन n.youth, puberty, flower of youth
ज्ञानn.knowledge, intelligence, understanding, wisdom
ज्ञानी n./adj.learned, intelligent, informed, erudite
ज्यादाadj.too much, in excess, excessive
ज्येष्ठn.second month of the Nepali year (May-June)
ज्योतिर्विद्याn.astronomy, astrology
ज्योतिषn.astronomy, astrology
ज्योतिषीn.astrologer, astronomer
ज्वाइn.daughter's husband, son- in-law
झगडाn.quarrel, dispute, squabble
झण्डाn.flag, banner
झन झनmore and more
झम्टनुv.t.to spring upon, to assault
झर्नुv.i.to fall, to descend, to go down
झलमलadj.bright, resplendent, brilliant
झल्कनुv.i.to mshine, to glitter, to glisten
झस्कनु v.i.to be startled, to get frightened all of a sudden, to feel sudden alarm
झागडn.Jhangad [a Nepalese nationality]
झाँट्नुv.t.to thresh (paddy), to rebuke
झिक्नुv.t.to take out, to take off jhinge
झिंगे माछाn.shrimp
झुक्नुv.i.to bow down, to stoop
झुण्डाn.group, assembly, bond
झूटोadj.untrue, false
झूठोadj.untrue, false
झोल n.broth, soup
झ्यालखानाn.jail, prison
ट, ठ, ड, ढ, ण
सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्
टकn.reflection, light; gazing, staring; looking at the things with closing the eyes
टपरी n.a plate made of leaves, leaf-plate
टल्कनुv.i.to shine, to glitter, to sparkle
टल्किनुv.i.to shine, to glitter, to sparkle
टाउको n.head
टाकुरोn.summit, top, peak, apex
टाटु n. Taatto
टाटोn.mark, spot, scar, stain
टाढाadj.far (away)
टारी खेतn.terraced field
टास्नुv.t.to stick, to fasten, to join
टिक्नुv.i.to last, to remain, to endure
टिन n.tin
टिप्पणीn.note, annotation, comment, commentary, observation, critical remark
टिप्पणीकार n.commentator
टुक्राn.a small piece,
टुक्रिनुv.i.to be divided to pieces
टुंगिनुv.i.to come to an end, to be finished, to be completed
टेक्ने लौरोn.staff, walking stick
टेनिस n.tennis
टेर्नुv.t.to obey, to respect; to pay attention
टोपल्नुv.t.to pretend, to make a pretext
टोलीn.small group, btch, party, team
ठगn.cheat, knave, swindler
ठगाहाn.cheat, knave, swindler
ठग्नुv.i.to cheat, to deceive
ठण्डा मरुभुमि n.tundra
ठण्डाadj.cold, chilly
ठमाउनुv.t.to recognize, to know
ठम्याउनुv.t.to recognise, to know
ठाउn.place, spot, opportunity
ठानाn.police station. police post
ठान्नुv.t.to think, to determine
ठिटीn.lass, girl, young women
ठिटोn.lad, boy, young man
ठीकadj.right, correct
ठूली आमाn.father's elder brother's wife, mother's elder sister
ठूलो बा n.father's elder brother, mother's elder sister's husband
ठूलो बुवाn.father's elder brother, mother's elder sister's husband
ठेक्नुv.t.to fix, to sum up, to appoint, to post
ठेल्नु v.t. push, pressडडाल्नुn.back
डढ्नुv.i.to burn, to be burnt up
डम्फुn.a kind of drum
डरn.fear, dread, alarm, risk, danger
डरलाग्दोadj.dreadful, terrible, dangerous
डरलेout of fear
डराउनुv.i.to frighten, to be frightened
डल्लोn.round thing, cloth, lump
डसनाn.cotton rug for lying on, mattress
डाक्नुv.t.to call, to invite
डाडn.fine, penalty, punishment
डाडा n.hill, hillock, pole of a roof
डाडीn.pole, staff (of a palanquin)
डाडोn.hill, hillock, the pole of a roof
डाँफेn.the nine-coloured Himalayan pheasant [the National Bird of Nepal]
डालोn. basket
डेढ बजे adv.half past one
डेरा n.residence, booth, camp
डोकोn.a big basket carried on the back
डोरीn.cord, rope
डोरेठोn.footpath, way to walk
ढकढक्याउनुv.t.to push down, to tap
ढकनेn.rice fried in butter and cooked in milk
ढाक्नुv.t.to hide, to cover, to conceal
ढाचाn.design, way, method, make up, manner
ढाँट्नुv.i.to tell a lie, to deceive
ढाडसn.encouragement, hope, assurance
ढिकी n.a machine for husking rice
ढिंडोn.boiled flour paste
ढुक्कadj.free from axiety, secure
ढूकुटीn.barn, storehouse, treasury
ढोकाn.door, gate, gateway
ढोल n. Drum
त, थ, द, ध, न
सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्
तकलीफ n.trouble, pain, affliction
तटn.shore, bank, beach, coast
तटस्थadj.neutral, objective, indifferent
तड्कनु v.i.to walk speedily, to shout, to cry
तड्किनुv.i.to walk speedily, to shout, to cry
तताउनु v.t.to heat, to warm up
तत्तवn.truth; true state, essence, substance, the real factor of bringing things into existence
तथ्य n.truth, reality, substance
तनहुn.Tanahun [former mini-state; today district in western Nepal]
तनावn.tension, tenseness, strain, tautness
तपn.penance, practice, heat, warmth
तमुn.Tamu, Gurung [a Nepali nationality]
तम्सनुv.i.to be forward, to be active
तयार गर्नुv.t.to make ready
तयार हुनुv.i.to be ready, to make ready
तयारी n.readiness, preparation
तरङ्गn.wave, whim, caprice; emotion, vibration
तरफ conj.towards
तरफ n.direction, side
तरीकाn.method, manner, way, means
तरुणn.young man, youth, juvenile
तरुनो n.young man, youth, juvenile
तर्क n.debate, discussion, argument
तर्कानीn.vegetable curry
तर्फn.direction, side
तर्फबाठpostp.on the part of, from
तर्बुजाn.watermelon tari
तलpostp.down, below
तलकpostp.upto, as long as
तवरn.manner, way, mode, method
तसर्थint.on account of that, from that reason, therefore
ताईn.flat iron pan
ताउn.sheet of paper
ताकn.time, hour, opportunity, chance
ताजाadj.fresh, not stale; green, unfaded; recent
तातो adj.warm, hot
तातो पानीn.hot water, warm water
तान्नुv.t.to draw, to pull, to drag
तापn.heat, warmth; mental sorrow, anxiety, regret
तापनिconj.although, nevertheless
ताप्केn.frying pan
तामाङn.Tamang [a Nepali nationality]
तारीको सागn.mustard greens [small]
तारीखn.date [according to the western calendar]
तार्नुv.t.to deep fry
तालमेलn.co-ordination, concordance, harmony, agreement
तालिकाn.list, key, table, schedule
तालीम n.training, teaching
तिघ्रा n.thigh
तित्री n.a sour fruit [relished for pickle], tamarind
तिथिn.date [according to the astrological calendar]
तिनमाunder it, under them, under there
तिनमा आघी भन्दा केही बढीa little bit more than half of them
तिरpostp.towards, in direction to
तिर्नुv.t.tp pay
तिर्सना n.desire for drink and food, thirst; desire, wish, ambition
तिहुनn.vegetable stew
तीखोadj.sharp, pointed
तीन num.three, 3
तीसnum.thirty, 30
तुलनाn.comparison, similarity
तृतीय पुरुषवाचकn.third person [grammar]
तेईसnum.twenty-three, 23 tekne
तेत्तीस num.thirty-three, 33
तेब्बर adj.thrice, threefold, three times, triplicate
तेलबीज n.oilseed
तेस्रो ध्रुव n.third pole
तेह्रnum.thirteen, 13
तैपनि conj.though, notwithstanding
तोक्नुv.t.to fix, to determine, to appoint, to decide
तोरीका फल देख्नुto be astonished
तौलनुv.t.to weigh, to compare
तौलिया n.towel
त्यतिको adj.that much, that big
त्यस ताकadv.at that time
त्यसप्रतिadv.in this connection, concerning this
त्यसैadv.in that way, without any reason; free, vain
त्यसैलेconj.therefore, so
त्यसो हुनालेconj.so, thus
त्यस्तोpron.such, that kind of, like that
त्यागn.desertion, abandonment
त्राण n.protection, defence, safety
त्रिचालीसnum.forty-three, 43
त्रिपन्नnum.fifty-three, 53
त्रियाकलापn.function, task
त्रियानब्बेnum.ninety-three, 93
त्रियासी num.eighty-three, 83
त्रिसट्ठीnum.sixty-three, 63 tritiya purus
त्रिहत्तरnum.seventy-three, 73
थकाइ n.fatigue, weariness, exhaustion
थकालीn.Thakali [a Nepali nationality]
थरn.clan, tribe, subcaste
थर्काउनुv.t.to frighten, to shake
थलोn.place, land; levelled high place, table land
थाक्नुv.i.to get tired, to become tired, to be exhausted
थाना n.police station. police post
थानीn.pawn, stake, postponement
थाप्नुv.t.to establish, to erect, to place
थामीn.Thami [a Nepali nationality]
थारु n.Tharu [a Nepali nationality]
थालीn.small plate
थाल्नीn.beginning, commencement
थाल्नुv.t.to begin, to start, to commence
थाहा n.knowledge, information
थिच्नुv.t.to press, to crush, to squeeze
थितिn.arrangement, order, custom, regulation, usage
थिति-रितिn.arrangement, order, custom, regulation, usage
थुन n. Breast
थुनचोली n. Bra, Brassiere
थुनुवाadj.imprisoned, arrested thuprai
थुन्सेn.a large close-meshed basket
थुप्रै आउनुv.i.to pour in, to swarm in
थुप्रोn.heap, mound, pile, crowd
थेग्नुv.i.to last, to persist, to endure
थोपोn.drop, speck
थोरैadj.a little, few
दक्ष adj.dexterous, able, astute dakshin
दक्षिण कोरिया n.South Korea
दगुराउनुv.t.to cause to run
दगुर्नुv.i.to run, to hasten, to race
दनुवारn.Dhanuwar [a Nepali nationality]
दफाn.section of a law
दमन n.suppression, oppression
दम्पति n. Couple,husband and wife
दयनीयadj.pitiable, arousing pity
दया n.kindness, favour, mercy, pity, sympathy
दया आउनुto pity, to feel pity
दरबारn.palace, royal court
दरिद्र adj.poor, needy, penurious
दरीn.cotton rug
दर्जाn.class, standard, position, rank
दर्शन n.audience, appearance, vision
दल n.party, group, crowd
दलपतिn.party leader, chief, commander
दलबन्दीn.party politics, group politics
दलबलn.the whole party, army, strenght
दलविहीनताn.independence from party, non-party
दलालn.broker, tout, middleman
दलितn.Dalit, untouchable (as seen by the Bahuns)
दशक सर्वनामn.demonstrative pronoun
दसnum.ten, 10
दसी n.proof, evidence
दस्तवेजn.document, deed
दह n.pond, lake
दाइn.elder brother
दाउराn.firewood, fuel, dried wood
दाजुn.elder brother
दाज्यूn.elder brother
दात मल्नुv.t.to clean teeth dant
दात मस्काउनु v.t.to clean teeth dantko
दात माझ्नुv.t.to clean teeth dant
दातको बुरुसn.tooth brush dantmanjan
दाताgiver, donor, benefactor datri
दातृ संस्था n.donor agency
दान n.donation, gift, religious gift, contribution
दाबीn.claim, demand
दाया adj.right
दार्जीलिङ n.Darjeeling
दाल n.different kinds of lentils
दावा n.claim, demand
दासn.slave, servant, dependent
दासताn.slavery, servitude, bondage
दिउसो adv.at the day time
दिन n.day
दिनभरिfor the whole day
दिनुv.t.to give
दीर्घadj.large, wide, tall, huge, deep
दीर्घकालीनadj.sustained, chronic, long term
दुगुर्नुv.i.to run duhkhi
दुब्लाउनुv.i.to get thin, to be weak
दुब्लोadj.weak, thin, lean, skiny dubnu
दुराn.Dura [a Nepali nationality]
दुराग्रहn.prejudice, improper attempt
दुर्ववहारn.misconduct, misbehaviour
दूत n.ambassador, massenger, courier
दूरदर्शिता n.far-sightedness, prudence, sagacity
दूस्ति adj.defective, corrupted, defiled, contaminated, polluted
दृस्टिn.sight, vision, looking
दृस्टिकोणn.viewpoint, visual angle
देखाउनुv.t.to show
देखिpostp.from, after, owing to
देखिनुv.i.to be seen, to appear
देख्नुv.t.to see
देब्रेadj.left, reverse, opposite dedh
देवता n.god
देवर n.husband's younger brother
देवरानीn.husband's younger brother's wife
देश n.land, country, region
देशान्तरn.terrestrial longitude; foreign country
देशरक्षाn.national defence
दैलोn.door, gate, passage, entrance
दोबर adj.double, twice, twofold
दोषीadj.defective, faulty, guilty, sinful
दोस्रोadj.second dravyavacak
दोहोरीadj.pertaining to both sides
दौडाहाn.touring, travelling, inspection
द्ययि ब्यवस्थाn.parliamentary affairs
द्योतकadj.making clear, showing, manifesting, enlightening, indicating
द्रब्यवाचक नाम n.material noun
द्वादn.couple, duel, quarrel
द्वारा postp.from, by
द्विज n.twice-born, Brahman, oviparous
द्वितीय पुरुष वाचकn.second person [ling.]
द्वितीयार्धn.second half
धन n.wealth, property, riches dhan
धनियाn.coriander dhaniyanko
धनियाको सागn.coriander green
धन्धाn.occupation, business, profession
धपाउनुv.t.to drive away, to chase
धमदेव n.Dharmadeva [a Licchavi king, father of Manadeva I]
धमिलोadj.dim, not clear, dirty, muddy
धम्कीn.threatening, threat, reproof
धरातलn.surface (of the earth)
धर्नाn.the act of waiting for something
धर्मn.religion, duty, creed, faith
धर्मग्रन्थn.religious text
धर्मवाचक नाम n.abstract noun [ling.]
धर्मशाला n.resthouse [for religious puposes]
धर्माधिकारीn.an official responsible for jurisdiction
धार्मिकadj.religious, related to dharma dharmik
धार्मिक स्थान n.religious centre
धाउ n.ore
धाधलीn.chaos, chaotic state
धारण n.holding, wielding
धारणा n.determination, thought, memory
धारा n.water tap, torrent, current of water
धारोn.spring of water, current of water, stream of people
धिमाल n.Dhimal [a Nepali nationality]
धुपn.sun, sunshine, incence
धुस्रोadj.ash-coloured, grey
धेरैadj.much, many, a lot dherai
धेरै अघिadv.long time ago
धेरै लोग्ने हुनुcomp.to practice polyandry
धेरै विवाहn.polgamy
धेरै विवाह गर्नुcomp.to practice polygamy
धेरैजसोadj.many, a lot
ध्यानn.meditation, contemplation didi
ध्वाँसेadj.dark-brown, soot-coloured
न conj.neither, nor
नक्कलn.copy, fashion
नक्शाn.pattern, map, plan, chart
नगरn.town, city
नगरपालिकाn.municipality, municipal committee
नग्न adj. nude, naked
नजरn.eye, vision, sight, look, glance
नजरानाn.gift, present, presentation
नजरानाn.gift, present
नजित्नुv.t.not to win
नजीकadj.near, close to, next to
नतिजाn.result, consequence
नन्दn.husband's younger sister
नन्देभाइ n.husband's younger sister's husband
नपुंसकलिङ n.neuter [grammar]
नब्बेnum.ninety, 90
नया adj.new
नरमadj.soft, delicate, kind, gentle
नराम्रोadj.bad, not good
नसो n.vein
नस्पाती n.pear
नाईंinterj.no, negation
नाउ n.name
नाउ चलेकाadj.well known, famous
नाकn.nose nakka
नाक्का पोराn.nostrils
नागरिकadj.civil, urban, metropolitan nagarik
नागरिक शास्त्रn.civics, civic studies
नाङ्गेadj.naked, uncovered
नाङ्गोadj.naked, uncovered
नाच्नुv.i.to dance nadi
नाताn.relationship, alliance
नातादार n.relative
नातिनी n.granddaughter
नातिशीतोष्णadj.temperate, moderate
नाम n.name, noun
नामकadj.named, bearing the name of
नामकरणn.naming ceremony, baptism
नामकर्मn.naming ceremony, baptism nam-namasi
नामदारadj.famous well known
नामनिशान adj.name, trace, mark; name and address
नामयोगी n.postposition
नामस्थानिकadj.independent from a noun
नायकत्वn.leadership, hegemony
नारा n.slogan, striking word, phrase
नारीn.wrist, pulse
निउ n.pretext, excuse
निकटadj.near, near by, close by, not far
निकायn.body, system
निको adj.cured, well
निजी क्षेत्रn.private sector
निदाउनुv.i.to go to sleep, to become numb
निधान n./adj.destruction, death, poor
निधार n.forehead
निधोn.confirmation, settlement, decision, final word, resolution
निन्दाn.reflection, condemnation, slander, calumny, vilification, censure, blame
निपटाराn.disposal, settlement, reconciliation, conclusion
निपुणadj.dexterous, skilful, clever
निबन्धn.article, essay, dissertation, thesis, bond, fixation
निभ्नुv.i.to go out, to be extinguished
निमित्त n./postp.for, for the sake of, for the cause of, cause, motive, account, reason
निम्ति postp.for, for the sake of
निम्नलिखितadj.undermentioned, following, mentioned below
नियतिn.fate, luck, fortune, destiny, predestination
नियन्त्रणn.control, restraint
नियमn.rule, usage, regulation,
नियुक्तadj.appointed, wmployed, posted
नियुक्तिn.appointment, employment
नियुत्तadj.appointed, engaged, employed, devoted, nominated, assigned
निरadj.near, near by, close by, not far
निरन्तरadj.continuous, constant, incessant, ceaseless
निरन्तरताn.continuity, continuation
निरपराधadj.innocent, faultless, guiltless
निरर्थकn.meaningless, vain, useless, fruitless, insignificant, worthless, futile
निराकरणn.abrogation, annulment, removal
निरोगीadj.healthy, in good health, not ill
निर्णयn.decision, resolution, discernment, ascertainment, determination
निर्दयadj.cruel, brutal, merciless, unkind
निर्दयताn.cruelty, unkindness, severity, brutality
निर्देशn.instruction, order, indication
निर्देशक n.director (of an institute or center)
निर्देशनn.instruction, order, indication
निर्माणn.construction, creation, manufacture, formation, framing, act of building or making
निर्माताn.maker, producer, manufacturer, builder, creator
निर्मित adj.made, formed, built, created
निर्वाचन n.election
निवारणn.prevention, preclusion, redress, deterrence, determent
निवासn.home, residence, abode, dwelling
निवासीn.inhabitant, resident, inmate, native
निश्चयn.sure knowledge, resolution, determination, confidence
निश्चलadj.fixed, still, firm, motionless, immovable
निश्चितadj.sure, unfailing, without doubt nishcit sankhyabodhak
निषेध भूमि n.forbidden land
निष्कण्टकadj.thornless, free from troubles
निःसन्तानadj.childless, without offspring
निस्कनुv.i.to come out, to appear
निस्तो adj.plain, bland
निहुn.excuse, pretence, pretext niji
नीचोadj.low, inferior, mean, worthless
नीति n.policy, morality, manners
नुहाउनुv.t.take a bath
नुहाउने कोठाn.bathroom
नून n.salt
नेता n.leader, guide, chief
नेतृत्वn.leadership, guidance, lead
नेपालगन्ज n.Nepalganj [a town in the western Tarai]
नेर adj.near, near by, close by, not far
नेरिadj.near, near by, close by, not far
नेवार n.Newar [a Nepali nationality]
नैpart.a particle used after the word to give emphasis
नैnum.nine, 9
नैतिकताn.morals, morality, ethics
न्यायn.justice, equity, logic, reason
न्यायपालिका n.judiciary
न्यायाधीशn.judge, justice
न्यायाधीशn.judge, justice
न्यायालय n.court of justice
न्यूनतम adj.minimum, minimal
प, फ, ब, भ, म
सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्
पकाउनुv.t.to cook
पकेट n.pocket
पक्काadj.1. certain, sure, true; durable, strong; careful
पक्का गर्नुv.t.to confirm to make sure
पक्कुn.meat fried in butter
पक्रनुv.t.to catch, to hold, to arrest, to capture, to seize, to catch on, to understand
पक्राउn.capture, arrest, seizure
पक्ष n.wing, part, party
पंखाn.wing, feather; fan
पखाल्नुv.t.to rinse
पखेटा n.wing
पगाल्नुv.t.to melt
पग्लनुv.i.to melt
पचहत्तरnum.seventy-five, 75
पचासnum.fifty, 50
पचासीnum.eighty-five, 85
पच्चीसnum.twenty-five, 25
पच्पन्नnum.fifty-five, 55
पछाडि postp.behind, later, in the back
पछिpostp.behind, later, in the back pachi hatnu
पछि जानुv.i.to follow
पछि सर्नुv.i.to step back, to step down
पछिपछिadv.immediately after, next
पछिल्लोadj.last, hindermost, back, rear
पछौटेadj.late, hinder, backward
पजनी n.government officials were renewed for the ensuing year]
पझंगोn.fly, housefly
पञ्चाङ्गn.almanac (of Hindu astrology)
पञ्जिकाn.register, list, calender
पटकn.times, occasion
पटनn.packing, package
पट्टि n.side
पट्ट्याउनुv.t.to plait, to fold
पठाउनुv.t.to send, to despatch
पढाइ n.study, method of reading or teaching
पढाउनुv.t.to teach
पढेलेखेका adj.educated, able to read and write
पढ्नुv.t.to lear, to read, to study
पतनn.fall, downfall, degradation
पतितadj.fallen, degraded, outcaste
पत्ताn.leaf, foliage, address
पत्थर n.stone
पत्नीn.wife, better half, married woman
पत्र n.page
पत्रिकाn.magazine, journal
पत्रे चट्टानn.sedimentary rock
पथ n.path, course
पद n.foot, step, foot-step, word
पदवी n.title, designation; post, rank
पदाधिकारी n.official, officer, authority
पदार्थn.meaning of a word, matter
पदार्थवाचक नाम n.objective term
पदिना n.mint
पनाती n.great-grandson
पनि adv.also, too, even
पनि» पनि adv.as well as
पनिउn.a flat spoon used for ladling out rice
पन्चानब्बेnum.ninety-five, 95
पन्चायतn.village assembly to decide disputes, an assembly of elected representatives
पन्छाउनुv.t.to evade, to push aside
पन्जाn.a combination of five fingers, gloves, covering of the hands
पन्थn.path, sect, religious order
पन्थीn.traveller, sectarian
पन्ध्रnum.fifteen, 15
परadv.aside, separate, beyond, further
परदेशadv.abroad pardesh
परन्तुn./adv.but, inspite, however, still, the remaining life, end
परमadj.best, supreme, uttermost, extreme
परमगतिn.liberation, salvation
परमधामn.heaven, paradise, the next world; death, demise
परमपदn.liberation, salvation
परमपिताn.the creator of all, God
परम्पराn.sequence, succession, order
परराष्ट्र n.foreign county, another country
परराष्ट्र मन्त्रालय n.foreign ministry pararastra
परराष्ट्र मन्त्रीn.foreign minister
परराष्ट्रीयadj.foreign, alien, related to another nation
परस्परadj.mutually, reciprocal, one another
पराक्रमn.power, strength, valour, prowess
पराक्रमीadj.heroic, gallant, valiant, brave
पराघौंadv.after two years
पराजितadj.defeated, overthrown
पराजितadj.defeated, vanquished, overthrown
परारadv.two years ago
परिचयn.acquaintance, intimacy, familiarity
परिच्छेदn.part, division, section of a book, chapter, paragraph
परिणतिn.transformation, culmination, form
परिणामn.result, consequence
परिणामस्वरूपconj.as a result of, with the result of, consequently
परित्याग n.abandonment, abdication
परिपाटी n.tradition, method, mode, arrangement, order
परिपुर्तिn.perfection, completion
परिभाषाn.definition, terminology
परिमाणबोधकadj.quantitative [grammar]
परियोजना n.project
परिवर्तनn.change, exchange
परिशिष्टn.appendix, supplement
परिश्रमी adj.laborious, industrious, painstaking, hardworking, diligent
परिषद n.assembly, council, senate, committee
परिस्थितिn.circ*mstances, situation, condition, surrounding, environment
परीक्षण n.examination, investigation
परीक्षाn.examination, investigation
परेवा n.pigeon, young dove
पर्खनुv.t.to wait, to have patience
पर्खिनुv.t.to wait, to have patience
पर्चाn.leaflet, settlement record
पर्दाn.curtain, screen, veil, partition
पर्नुv.i.to happen, to occur, to fall, to ignite
पर्यटक n.traveller, wanderer, tourist paryatakharuko
पर्यटकरूको स्वर्गn.tourist paradise
पर्यटनn.touring, tourism
पर्यन्तpostp.till, until, unto, up to
पर्वn.festival, holiday, fête, chapter, section, portion, canto
पर्वत n.hill, mountain, rock
पर्सिadv.the day after tomorrow
पल्टन n.regiment, batallion
पशुपति n.Pashupati
पशुपालन n.animal husbandry
पसलn.shop, warehouse, booth
पसलेn.shopkeeper, merchant, vendor
पसीना n.sweat
पस्कनुv.t.to serve [food]
पस्नुv.t.to enter, to go in, to come in
पहाड n.mountain, hill pahadi
पहाडी प्रदेशn.hilly region
पहिचानn.recognition, acquaintance, identity
पहिरनn.costume, suit, dress, clothes, garments
पाउ n.a quarter
पाउनुv.t.to get, to obtain, to receive, to bear, to beget, to
पाकेको adj.ripe, cooked, mature
पाको adj.aged, experienced
पाक्नुv.i.to be ripe, to ripen, to be cooked
पागलn.a mad man
पाचnum.five, 5
पाच पत्र adj.fivefold
पाट n.jute, hessian, silk, silk threat
पाट n.lesson, reading, recital
पाटन n.Lalitpur, Patan [a neighbouring town of Kathmandu]
पाठशालाn.school, seminary
पाठशालायाn.school, college, academy, seminary
पाठीn.lamb [female]
पाठोn.lamb [male]
पान n.the leaf of the betal nut eaten with areca nut and lime
पाना n.leaf (of a book)
पानीn.water, rain
पानी परेको वेला comp.when it rains
पानी पर्नुv.t.to rain
पाप n.sin
पापीadj.sinful, profligate, criminal
पार n.end, other side, limit, accomplishment, renunciation, release, relief, deliverance, liberation
पारपाचुके n.divorce, dissolution of marriage
पारम्पारिकadj.traditional, hereditary
पारि n.the other side [of the shore or boundary]
पारितadj.resolved, decided, concluded, passed (of a motion, bill, etc.)
पारीn.the other side [of the shore or boundary]
पार्टी केन्द्रीय कमितिn.central committee of a party
पार्नुv.t.to put in, to lay, to ignite, to cause, to make
पाल्नुv.t.to take care of, to raise, to bring up, to nourish, to keep, to tame
पाल्पाn.Palpa [former mini-state, currently a district of Nepal]
पाहुनाn.visitor, guest
पा्रदेशिक adj.regional
पिंडालुn.a kind of root
पिंडुलोn.calf of the leg
पिताn.father [Sanskritized]
पित्तल n.brass
पिरल्नुv.i./v.t.to torment, to afflict, to distress, to tease
पिरा n.floor seat [of straw or wood]
पिरोadj.hot [in taste]
पिरोल्नुv.t.to torment, to afflict, to distress, to tease
पीङ n.swing
पीठोn.flour, powder
पीडित adj.afflicted, tortured, distressed, oppressed
पीरn.worry, anxiety, distress, mental trouble, punishment
पुग्नुv.i.to arrive at, to reach, to be fulfilled, to be sufficient
पुनरवलीकनn.revision, retrospect, review
पुनर्गठनn.reorganization, recasting
पुनर्जीवितadj.revived, risen from the dead
पुनिउn.a flat spoon used for ladling out rice
पुरश्चरण n.repeating the name of a deity
पुरश्चर्याn.repeating the name of a deity
पुरानोadj.old, ancient
पुरीn.bread cooked in butter
पुरुष n. Man
पुरुषार्थn.manly achievement, energy, vigour, valour
पुरुष्वाचक सर्वनाम n.personal pronoun
पुरोहितn.family priest
पुर्खाn.ancestor, forefather
पुर्याउनुv.t.to exort, to lead, to fulfil a wish
पुंलिङ्गn.male [gender]
पुष्ठिn.nourishment, nutrition
पुसn.ninth month of the Nepali year (December/January)
पुस्ताn.generation, succession
पूजा कोठाn.prayer room, worshipping room
पूजा गर्नुv.t.to worship, to adore
पूरा adj.full, complete, entire, gross, whole
पूर्णadj.perfect, full, complete, whole, accomplished, sufficient, detailed
पूर्णतःadv.completely, fully, perfectly, totally
पूर्णतयाadj.completely, totally, fully, entirely
पूर्णिमाn.full moon day
पूर्वक suff.together, with
पूर्वीadj.eastern, eastern quarter
पेटीn.belt, casket, small box, small chest, girdle
पेश postp.in front of, before
पेशा n.occupation
पेस्ता n.pestachio nut
पैंतालीसnum.forty-five, 45
पैंतीसnum.thirty-five, 35 paitalo
पैंसट्ठीnum.sixty-five, 65
पोइn.husband [rural]
पोइलn.running away with a man without formal marriage
पोइल जानुcomp.run away with a man
पोखरीn.pond, lake, reservoir poleko
पोतोn.a smearing rag
पोत्नुv.t.smear with red clay, paint the floor wall, whitewash
पोथी मुजुरn.peahen
पोलेको मासुn.barbecued meat pothi
पोहोरadv.last year
पौनेadj.a quarter to
पौरानिक adj.legendary
पौरीn.swimming pauri
पौरी खेल्नुv.t.swim
पौषn.ninth month of the Nepali year (December/January)
पौष्टिक n.nutrition
प्यारोadj.loving, dear, beloved, lovely, pleasant
प्रकारn.kind, way, sort
प्रकाशn.light, manifestation, publication
प्रकाशकीयadj.related to the publisher
प्रकाशनn.publication, publishing
प्रक्रियाn.process, procedure, manner, method, technique
प्रख्यात adj.renowned, famous, celebrated, noted
प्रगतिn.progress, advancement
प्रगतिशीलadj.progressive, modern
प्रचलनn.prevalence, custom, usage, currency, movement
प्रचलितadj.prevalent, current, customary, in practice, , in vogue, recognised
प्रचारn.publicity, publication, usage, advertisem*nt, announcement
प्रचारितadj.propagated, publicised, circulated, made current, made prevalent, given currency
प्रजा n.subject, tenant, people, progeny
प्रजातन्त्र n.democracy
प्रणालीn.method, mode, way
प्रतम पुरुषवाचकn.first person [grammar]
प्रति postp.towards, near to, against, in opposition to
प्रतिकारn.retaliation, revenge
प्रतिनिधि n.representative, substitute
प्रतिनिधित्वn.representation, deputation, delegacy
प्रतिपक्षn.opposition, rival side, hostile camp, contesting party
प्रतिपक्षीn.opponent, rival, contestant, contralateral
प्रतिबद्धadj.restricted, banned, conditioned, committed
प्रतिबन्धित adj.restricted, banned, conditioned
प्रतिबिम्ब n.reflection, image, shadow
प्रतिभाn.genius, intellect, wit, intelligence, brilliance
प्रतियोगिताn.rivalry, competition, hostility
प्रतिवेदन n.report, representation
प्रतिशातn.percent percentage
प्रतिशोध n.revenge, vengeance, retaliation, vendetta, blood feud
प्रतिस्पद्र्ध n.rivalry, contest, competition
प्रतीकn.symbol, fetish
प्रतीकात्मकadj.symbolic, allegorical pratikriya
प्रत्येकadj.every, everyone
प्रथम adj.first, best, primitive pratham
प्रथम पुरुषn.first person [ling.]
प्रथाn.usage, practice, custom, rule, fashion, method, system
प्रदेशn.province, region, realm, country, territory, state
प्रधानन्यायाधीशn.Chief Justice
प्रधानमन्त्रीn.Prime Minister
प्रबन्धक n.manager, writer of an essay
प्रभातn.daybreak, dawn
प्रभावn.influence, effect, power, strength, authority, dominance
प्रभावशालीadj.powerful, strong, radiant
प्रमाण n.proof, testimony, evidence, attestation, ascertainment
प्रमाणपत्र n.certificate, testimonial, permit
प्रमाणिकadj.factual, true, genuine, authoritative
प्रमुखn.principal, chief, head
प्रयत्नn.effort, attempt, endeavour
प्रयासn.effort, attempt, endeavour
प्रयोगn.use, application, action, effort, usage, example, performance
प्रवचनn.commentary, elucidation, explanation
प्रविधि n.technique
प्रवृति n.trend
प्रवृत्तिn.inclination of mind, tendency
प्रवेश n.entry, admission, access,
प्रशंसा n.praise, appreciation, applause, laudation, eulogy
प्रशस्तadj.abundant, sufficient, enough
प्रश्नn.question prashnarthak sarvanam
प्रश्नावली n.questionnaire
प्रसङ्गn.relation, connection, association, discussion, narration, context
प्रसारn.width, expansion, extent, spreading, spread, diffusion
प्रसिद्धadj.famous, renowned, glorious, illustrious, celebrated
प्रस्तावn.proposal, suggestion; preface, foreword, preamble
प्रस्तावनाn.introduction, prologue, preface, foreword
प्रस्तुतadj.presented, submitted pratam
प्राकृति n.nature, talent
प्राकृतिकadj.natural, physical, material prakritik
प्राकृतिक ग्यास n.natural gas
प्राकृतिक वनस्पति n.natural vegetation
प्राचीनadj.ancient, old, antique, aged
प्राचीनता n.antiquity, ancientness
प्राथमिकताn.priority, precedence
प्रादुर्भावn.appearance, manifestation; serious or terrible outbreak; birth, prevalence
प्राध्यापकn.college teacher, lecturer, professor
प्रान्तn.border, end, extremity, province
प्राप्तadj.obtained, received, acquired
प्राप्तिn.receipt, procuration, acquisition, income, profit
प्रामाणिकadj.factual, true, genuine,
प्रायःadv.almost, nearly, often, generally
प्रारम्भn.beginning, commencement, inception, initiation, starting point
प्रार्थनाn.prayer, petition, request prarthana
प्रार्थना गर्नुv.t.tp pray, to request
प्रियadj.dear, lovely, beloved
प्रेतn.dead, deceased, spirit of the dead, evil spirit, ghost; a very greedy person
प्वाल n.hole, opening
फरक n.difference, separation, being apart
फराकिलोadj.spacious, roomy, extensive
फरारn.absconding, fled
फर्कनुv.i.to return, to come back
फर्सीn.large yellow pumpkin
फलफूलn.fruits and flowers phalphul
फलफूल खेतीn.horticulture
फलस्वरूपpostp.as a result of
फल्गुणn.eleventh month of the Nepali year (February/March)
फल्नुv.i.to bear fruits; to cleanse, to husk
फस्टाउनुv.t.to develop, to become fat phatyangro
फागुनn.eleventh month of the Nepali year (February/March)
फाल्नुv.t.to throw away
फासीn.execution by hanging, noose
फिक्री गर्नुv.t.to be worried
फिजिनुv.i.to spread phikri
फुटबल खेल्नुv.t.to play football
फुपाजुn.father's sister's husband
फुपूn.father's sister
फुस्रोadj.grey, grizzled phutbal
फूलबारीn.flower garden phuleko
फेरिadv.again, once more, once again
फैलनुv.i.to spread, to be scattered
फैलनुv.i.to spread, to be scattered
फैलिनुv.i.to spread, to be scattered
फैसलाn.decision, judgement, settlement, adjudication
फोहोरadj.dirty, foul, filthy, obscene
फ्याक्नुv.t.to throw away
बकसn.present, gift, reward
बक्सनुv.t.to give, to present [as a present or reward by a high standing personality like the king]
बखतn.time, period, moment, opportunity
बगैंचाn.garden, orchard
बग्गीn.horse carriage
बग्नुv.i.to flow, to glide
बचाउनु v.t.to save, to defend, to spare
बजे o'clock
बज्नुv.i.to sound, to chime
बज्यैn.grandmother [lower class], woman's mother-in-law [lower class], a Brahmin woman, an old woman
बझ्नुv.i.to quarrel, to wrangle
बटुकोn.cup, bowl
बठठाईसadj.twenty-eight, 28
बडाadj.big, large, gigantic, og great size
बडा हाकिमn.district officer
बडो adj.big, large, gigantic
बढाउनुv.t.to increase, to make bigger, to enlarge
बढियाadj.fine, nice, superior, excellent, of good quality
बढी adj.more, larger, higher
बढ्नुv.i.to increase, to grow, to advance, to go forward, to flourish
बतासn.wind, air
बत्तीस num.thirty-two, 32
बदनामadj.caluminated, infamous
बदमाशadj.wicked, immoral, mischievous
बदीn.the dark half of a lunar month; evil, wickedness
बदेलn.wild pig
बनाउनुv.t.to make, to build, to repair
बनुहारn.face, countenance
बनेल n.wild pig
बन्चरो n.axe
बन्द गर्नुv.t.to close, to shut
बन्द भयोcomp.it is closed, it is shut banda
बन्दीn.hostage, prisoner
बन्दीखानाn.prison, jail
बन्दीगृहn.prison, jail
बन्दीघरn.prison, jail
बन्नुv.i.to be ready, to be made
बमोजितadj.according to, in accordance with, accordingly
बमोजिमadv.according to, in accordance with, accordingly
बयानn.description, narration, account
बयानब्बेnum.ninety-two, 92
बयासीnum.eighty-two, 82
बरुbetter, rather, or
बर्खाn.rains, rainy season, monsoon
बर्बर n./adj.barbarian, savage, barbarisch, wild
बलn.strength, power, force, might
बलियो adj.strong, powerful, stout
बलिस्ठ adj.strong, powerful, stout
बली adj.strong, powerful
बल्नुv.i.to burn, to blaze, to catch fire
बसाई सराईn.migration
बसाउनु v.t.to cause to sit, to make someone sit
बसाल्नुv.t.to cause to sit, to make someone sit
बसोबासn.residence, place of residence
बसोवासn.residence, place of residence
बस्त्रशस्त्रn.weaponry, armament, arms, weapons
बस्नुv.i.to sit, to settle, to remain
बहत्तरnum.seventy-two, 72
बहसn.discussion, argumentation, debate
बहादुरadj.brave, bold, courageous, defiant
बहिनीn.younger sister
बहिनीज्वाइn.younger sister's husband
बहिरो adj.deaf
बहिषकारn.expulsion, removal, exclusion, ex- communication
बहुदलिय वयवस्थाn.multiparty system
बहुमत n.majority
बहुमूल्यadj.valuable, expensive, very costly
बा n.father [colloquially]
बाँस n.bamboo
बाँसको पूर्दाn.bamboo curtain
बाईसnum.twenty-two, 22
बाउन्न num.fifty-two, 52 bayalis
बाकीn.remainder, left over, residue
बागबानी n.gardening, horticulture
बाङ्गोadj.crooked, bent, twisted
बाच्नुv.i.to survive
बाजे n.grandfather
बाटोn.road, path, way bato
बाटो लाग्नुv.t.to set off
बाठpostp.from, by bata
बाठोadj.intelligent, clever
बाड्नुv.t.to part, to divide, to share, to partition
बात मार्नुv.i.to talk
बाधकadj.hindering, obstructing
बाधा n.hinderance, obstacle, obstruction
बाध्नुv.t.to bind, to tie up, to fasten
बानीn.habit, disposition, character
बाया adj.left
बारn.weekday [of the Nepali calendar]
बारn.fence, temporary wall
बारी n.dry field, garden
बारुलो n.wasp basai
बारे postp.about, realting to, concerning
बार्नुv.t.to observe, to abstain from
बालn.child, boy
बालकृष्ण समn.Bal Krishna Sama [a famous Nepali poet]
बालीn.standig crops, harvest
बालुनn.a kind of folk song
बाल्नुv.t.to kindle, to light, to burn
बासिन्दा n.inhabitant, resident
बाहिरpostp.outside, at another place bahira
बाहिर समेतeven outside
बाहेक postp.except, besides
बाह्र num.twelve, 12
बालिकाn.young girl
बिउझनुv.t.to wake up
बिखn.poison, venom
बिगौतीn.beestings, the milk of the animal after bearing a calf
बिचारn.thought, consideration, idea
बिजुलीn.electricity, lightening
बिताउनुv.t.to spend
बिन्तिपत्रn.application, petition
बिन्तीn.request, prayer
बिरामी n./adj.patient, illness, ill
बिरालो n.cat
बिर्ताn.free-hold land
बिर्तावालn.owner of free-hold land
बिलकुल adj.entirely, fully, completely
बिहा n.marriage, wedding, matrimony
बिहाइतेadj.married, wedded
बिहान n./adv.morning; in the morning
बीउ n.seed
बीच n./postp.middle, centre, during, among
बीज n.seed
बीजारोपणn.laying of the foundation stone, cornerstone ceremony
बीस num.twenty, 20
बुइगलn.upper storey of a house, attic, garret
बुझाउनुv.t.to explain, to make over
बुदाn.main point, main issue
बुद्धिn.knowledge, intellect, mental power, wisdom
बुद्धिचाल n.chess
बुद्धिजीवीadj.intelligent, learned
बुवाn.father, papa
बूढी आमाn.grandmother [lower class]
बूढी औंलोn.thumb
बूढोadj.old [person]
बूहारीn.son's wife, daughter-in-law
बूढा बा n.grandfather [lower class]
बृहत adj.big, large, huge
बेच्नुv.t.to sell, to dispose off
बेपार n.trade, commerce bepar
बेपार गर्नुv.t.to trade, to sell
बेपारीn.trader, merchant
बेमज्जाadj.not pleasing
बेर n.time, delay, late berojgar
बेला n.time, occasion
बेलुकाn./adj.evening, in the evening, after sunset
बेवास्ताadj.indifferent, unmindful, unconcerned, careless
बेसरी adv.nicely, abundantly, profusely, plentifully, excessively
बेंसीn.valley, lowland, lower portion of a hill
बेहोर्नुv.i.to bear, to make use of, to
बैठकn.meeting, session, living room, sitting room, reception room
बैशाखn.first month of the Nepali calendar [April/May]
बैसठ्ठीnum.sixty-two, 62
बोक्नुv.t.to carry, to lift, to conceive
बोडीn.a kind of bean, blackeye bean
बोलचालn.conversation, talk
बोलचालमाin everyday language
बोलबालाn.all in all, all powerful
बोलाउनुv.t.to call, to invite
बौलाहाadj.mad, lunatic
ब्यक्तadj.clear, discernible, expressed, stated, mentioned
ब्यक्तिn.person, individual, manifestation
ब्यक्तिगतadj.personal, individual
ब्यक्तित्वn.personality, individuality, self
ब्यक्तिवाचक नाम n.proper name, proper noun
ब्यङ्ग्यn.sarcasm, irony, innuendo
ब्यङ्ग्य-चित्र n.cartoon
ब्यथा n.pain, suffering, misery, distress, injury, ache
ब्यवसायn.undertaking, occupation, employment; engagement, business
ब्यवस्थाn.system, method, regulation, management, settlement, systematization, form
ब्यवस्थापनn.organizing, systematizing
ब्यवस्थापितadj.established, systematized, managed
ब्यवस्थितadj.systematic, methodical, in order
ब्यवहारn.behaviour, conduct, manner, treatement
ब्याख्यानn.speech, lecture, explanation, exposition
ब्याडमिन्टन n.badminton
ब्यापारn.business, trade, profession, occupation, industry
ब्याप्तadj.diffused, pervaded, occupied, overcast, scattered, flush
भइ n.ground, earth, floor
भकुण्डो खेल्नुv.t.to play football
भक्तn./adj.devotee; devoted, pious
भक्तपुरn.Bhaktapur, Bhadgaon [an ancient town east of Kathmandu]
भक्तिn.devotion, worship, veneration
भक्तिमानn./adj.devotee; devoted, pious bhakundo
भगांकुर n. cl*tor*s
भञ्ज्याङn.narrow valley, defile, mountain pass
भट्टारकadj.revered, respectable
भड्किनुv.i.to be frightened, to feel shy, to go astray
भण्डाफोेरn.unmasking, unveiling, disclosure, revelation, betrayal
भण्डारn.store room
भतिजीn.man's brother's daughter
भतिजोn.man's brother's son
भत्र्सनाn.reproach, abuse bharya
भदैn.woman's brother's daughter
भदोn.woman's brother's son
भदौn.fifth month of the Nepali year [August-September]
भद्र n.fifth month of the Nepali year [August-September]
भनेconj.if, on the other hand
भन्दाpostp.compared to [used for construction of comparative]
भन्नेadj.called, named
भन्सारn.customs, customs duties, office of the customs department
भब्य adj.grand, pompous, splendorous
भरn.trust, faith, fullness bhar
भर पर्नुv.t.to trust
भरिadj.full to the brim, full
भरिपूर्णadj.full to the brim, full
भरिभराउadj.full to the brim, full
भरे postp.later in the day, afterwards
भरोसाn.hope, trust, reliance
भर्खर adv.right now
भलाईn.welfare, well-being, goodness, gentleness
भवनn.house, mansion, palace
भवान निर्माण कलाarchitecture
भाइn.younger brother
भाइ-भारादार n.king's address towards his royal relatives
भाइबुहारीn.younger brother's wife
भाउn.price, value, rate
भाउजूn.elder brother's wife
भाग्नुv.i.to flee, to run away
भाजनn.receptacle, object, dividing
भाँडाn.rent, hire, fare, freight
भाँडाकुडा n.pots and pans
भाडोn.cooking pot, vessel, pot
भाड्नुv.t.to spoil, to ruin (morally)
भादगाउँn.Bhaktapur, Bhadgaon [an ancient town east of Kathmandu]
भानिजn.sister's son bhanje
भानुभक्त आचार्य n.Bhanubhakta Acharya [a famous Nepali poet]
भान्जीn.sister's daughter
भान्जे ज्वाईंn.sister's daughter's husband
भान्जे बुहारीn.sister's son's wife
भान्जोn.sister's son
भान्सा n.kitchen
भारादारn.a high official
भारादारी सभाn.assembly of high officials or nobility in early Shah and Rana times
भारी adj.heavy, weighty
भालाn.spear, lance, pike
भाले मुजुरn.peaco*ck
भावn.thought, mental state, feeling, sentiment, musing
भावनाn.thought, mental state, feeling, sentiment, musing
भाववाचक नाम n.abstract [linguistics]
भाषण n.speech, lecture bhasan
भाषण दिनुv.t.to give a lecture
भाषा n.language
भाषाविज्ञान n.linguistics, philosophy bhat
भिक्षा n.begging, alm, charity
भिज्नुv.i.to get wet
भित्तोn.side of the wall
भित्र postp.inside, within, in
भित्रिनुv.i.to enter, to penetrate
भित्रियाadj.counted as a member of the family or group
भिनाजुn.elder sister's husband
भिन्नता n.difference
भु-क्षरणn.soil erosion
भुँईn.ground, floor, surface of the earth
भुक्नुv.i.to bark
भुजाn.boild rice [upper class]
भुटुवाn.fried meat
भुटेको मकै n.popcorn bhuteko
भुटेको मासुn.fried meat
भुत्लाn.fur, hair bhutnu
भुमिगत n.underground
भुल्नुv.i./v.t.to forget, to make a mistake, to be attached
भू-परिवेष्ठित देश n.land-locked country
भूइn.ground, floor, surface of the earth
भूइचालो n.earthquake
भूगर्भ विज्ञानn.geology
भूगोलको अनुसन्धान कार्यn.geological survey
भूटाङn.Bhutan bhuteko
भूतपूर्व adj.past, former, previous
भूमि n.ground, floor, surface of the earth
भूमिकाn.preface, introduction, foreword
भेक n.neighbourhood, locality, area
भेटn.meeting, visit, interview bhet
भेट हुनुv.t.to meet, to bump into someone
भेट्नुv.i./v.t.to meet, to get, to find, to come across
भेला n.gathering (of people)
भैंसीn.water buffalo [female]
भोक n.hunger
भोक लागनुto be hungry
भोकाउनुv.i.to be hungry
भोगदान n.help, assistance
भोजनालयn.kitchen, cafe, canteen, dining room
भोटेn.Tibetan, Bhote
भौगोलिक adj.geographic, geographical bhaugolik
भौगोलिक महत्वn.geographical importance
भ्याउनुv.i.to find time
भ्रमण n.travel, travelling, roaming
भ्रष्ट adj.fallen, spoilt, polluted, defiled
भ्रष्टाचारn.corruption, corrupt practice
भ्रष्टाचारीn.corrupt person
मकलn.a small moveable earthenware stove used for heating
मकै n.corn, maize
मगरn.Magar [a Nepali nationality]
मंगलn.the planet Mars
मंगसीर n.eighth month of the Nepali year [November/December]
मंगलवार n.Tuesday
मच्चिनुv.i.to swing
मजाn.happiness, enjoyment, rejoicing
मजाकोadj.pleased, funny
मञ्चn.dais, raised platform, stage
मञ्चरीn.cluster of buds and flowers, flower bud
मतn.vote, opinion, voice, dogma, belief
मतगणनाn.counting of votes
मतभेदn.difference of opinion
मतो n.consultation, counsel, opinion
मदत दिनुv.t.to help, to assist
मधेस n.the Tarai (the southern flat land along the Indian border)
मध्यकालीन adj.mediaeval
मध्यान्हn.noon madhyarat
मध्येpostp.amongin the middle, at the centre, in between, within, inside
मनn.mind, thought, mental state, heart, feeling
मन आउनुto long, to wish
मनपराउनु v.t.to like, to approve, to prefer
मनस्थितिn.mental state
मनाईn.prohibition, control
मनाउनुv.t.to celebrate
मनासिबadj.right, just, proper, reasonable, fit
मनाहीn.prohibition, control
मनोरञ्जनn.amusem*nt, entertainment, recreation
मन्तब्य n.view, opinion, remark, note, comment
मन्त्रालय n.ministery
मरिचn.black pepper
मर्का n.loss, harm, damage
मलाई थाहा छैनcomp.I don't know
मलाई मन पर्छcomp.I like
मलाई मन पर्दैनcomp.I don't like malai thah
मलिलो adj.fertile, manured
मसिनो adj.fine, thin, mild, gentle, delicate
मसी n.ink
मसौदाn.draft, rough copy
मस्तadj.drunk, intoxicated
मह n.honey
महत्ता n.greatness, magnitude, gravity, glory, importance
महत्वn.greatness, magnitude, gravity, glory, importance
महत्वकांक्षा n.high ambition, great desire
महत्वपूर्णadj.superb, royal, regal, palmy, magnanimous, generous
महसूलn.cess, tax, rate, custom, octroi
महसूसn./adj.feeling, experience, understanding
महाकविn.great poet [a title for Bhanubhakta Acharya]
महाजनn.moneylender, rich man, virtuous man
महाधिवेशनn.general assembly, general meeting
महिना n.month
मा postp.in, at, on, among
माइजूn.mother's brother's wife
माइलोn.second eldest [of brothers]
माग n.demand, claim
माग n.demand, requirement, requisition
माग्नुv.t.to ask for
माघn.tenth month of the Nepali year [January/February]
माछाn.fish macha
माछा मार्नुv.t.to fish
माझn.middle, centre
माझी n.Majhi [a Nepali nationality]
माझ्नुv.t.to clean
माटाको adj.earthen
माटोn.earth, clay, soil matoko
माटोको सर्वेक्षण n.soil survey
मात्नुv.i.to get drunk
मात्रृप्रेमn.mother love
मात्रृभक्तn.a devotee of one's mother
मात्रृभाषाn.mother tongue
माथि postp.above
माथिल्लो n.upper
माथिल्लो तलाn.upper floor
माध्यमn.medium madhyamik
माध्यमिक युगn.middle ages
मानदेवn.Manadeva [name of several kings of the Licchavi era]
माननीय adj.honorable, respectable, venerable
मानबोधकadj.honorific [grammar]
मानवn.mankind, man, human being
मानिसn.man, person
मानीadj.respectable, respectful
मान्छेn.man, person
मान्द्रोn.large bamboo or cane mat
मान्नुv.t.to respect, to worship, to accept, to observe
मान्यता n.recognition, validity, accredition
मापदण्डn.touchstone, standard
मामा n.mother's brother
माया n.love maya
माया गर्नुv.t.to love
मार्गn.eighth month of the Nepali year [November/December]
मार्नुv.t.to kill, to slaughter
मालतालn.article, goods
मास्तिरn./adv.above, up
माहिलोn.second eldest [of brothers]
मितिn.date, day, limit, time
मिलाउनुv.t.to reconcile, to resolve, to arbitrate, to bring about an agreement, to cause to join, to mix, to adjust, to solve, to balance
मिल्नुv.i.to agree, to fit in, to mingle to mix up, to befit
मिसाउनु v.t.to mingle, to mix up together
मिस्रीn.sugar candy, rockcandy
मिहिनेत n.labour, industry, work, toil
मिहिनेतीadj.industrious, hardworking, busy, active
मिहीadj.fine, fine spun, finely pulverized; soft, tender, smooth
मीठोadj.delicious, tasteful, tasty
मीतn.friend (ritually concluded) mit
मीत लगाउनुv.t.to make friends (ritually)
मुकामn.halting place, halt, dwelling, place of residence, camping place
मुक्तadj.liberated, released mukta
मुक्त गर्नुv.t.to free
मुखn.mouth, face
मुख धुनुv.t.wash and clean the face
मुख्यतadv.chiefly, mainly, principally, primarily
मुङn.a kind of Lentils, mung bean
मुड्कीn.blow of a fist
मुद्दाn.law-suite, case
मुद्राn.seal, coin, gesture
मुद्राक्षरn.printing type
मुद्रालयn.press, printing place
मुद्र्रणn.act of printing
मुनालn.a kind of bird from the mountains
मुनिpostp.below, under
मुन्तिरpostp.downwards, below, under
मुमाn.mother [used by upper class only]
मुलायत adj.soft
मुलुकn.country, realm, kingdom
मुसुरोn.a kind of lentils muthi
मुस्काउनुv.i.to smile
मुस्कुराउनुv.t.to smile
मुहानn.source of a river or an irrigation canal
मुहूर्तn.a division of time (48 minutes), auspicious moment, a moment, a while, a very short time
मूल n.root, source, origin
मूलकpostp.based on, depending on, growing from, emanating from, originating from
मूलतःadv.basically, fundamentally, primarily, essentially
मूलवासीn.native, original inhabitant
मूलसडकn.main road
मूला n.radish
मूल्यn.cost, price, worth, value
मूल्याङ्गनn.valuation, estimation
मूसोn.mouse, rat musoko
मूसोको दुलोn.mousehole
मृत्युn.death mrityuko
मृत्युको दण्डn.death penalty
मेघालयn.Meghalaya [a Northeast Indian state]
मेचेn.Meche [a Nepali nationality]
मेल n.meeting, unity, concord, harmony, intimacy, friendship, union, alliance
मेवा n.melon
मेहनतn.industry, labour, hard work
मेहेलn.a fruit
मैदाn.fine flour
मैदानn.an open field
मैन बत्तीn.candle
मैनाn.a name applied to several different sturnoid passerine birds of India and countries further east, belonging to the genera Acridotheres and Eulabes
मैयाn.princess; a word used affectionately for addressing a daughter
मोजाn.socks, stocking, hose
मोटर n.car
मोटाउनुv.i.to get fat
मोटामोठीadj.near about, approximately
मोतर हाक्नुv.t.to drive a car
मोहनीn.charm, enchantment
मोही पार्नुv.t.to make buttermilk
मौनn.silence, taciturnity, mum
मौरीn.bee, honeybee
मौलिक adj.original
मौसम n.weather, season, monsoon
मौसूफpron.personal address towards the king [royal honorific pronoun]
यज्ञn.religious sacrifice, oblation
य, र, ल, व
सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्
यताadv.here, at this place, hither
यताउताadv.hither an thither, here and there, in all directions
यतिadv.this much, thus much, so much
यतिकोadv.so much
यत्रोpron.so great, so big
यथावतadv.in situ, intact, as before
यद्यपि conj.although, though, even, if, however, notwithstanding
यशस्वीadj.renowned, reputed, glorious
यशोगानn.eulogy, singing of praises
यस कारणso, because of this
यसमध्येadv.by that, in this
यसैगरी adv.consequently, therefor, so
यसो adj.like this, such
यसोगरी adv.consequently, therefor, so
यस्तो pron.like this, of the same kind
यस्तो अध्यरोमाcomp.in such darkness
यहा adv.here, at this place, hither
यहीpron.this very
यही नैpron.this and no other
यातायातn.transportation, traffic
यात्रा n.trip, voyage
यात्रीn.traveller, pilgrim, tourist
यायावरn.nomad, wanderer
युगn.epoch, era, age
योगn.joining, junction, combination, union, coupling; relationship, connection
योगदानn.cooperation, help, assistance, contribution
योगफलn.the sum total
योग्यताn.power, strength, talent
योनी n. Vulva, vagin*, c*nt(vulgar)
यौवन n.youth, adolescence, manhood, puberty
रक्तपातपुर्ण adj.bloody
रक्षा n.defence, protection, guard
रक्सी n.alcoholic drink
रगत आउनुto bleed
रंगाउनुv.t.to colour, to paint, to dye, to tint
रङ्ग n.colour
रङ्गमञ्च n.stage
रचकn.author, writer, maker
रचनाn.composition, production, creation, formation
रचनात्मकadj.creative, constructive
रचयिताn.composer, writer, author, maker
रचितadj.composed, made, formed, manufactured, compiled, constructed, built, invented, fabricated
रतpostp.engaged in, employed in, devoted to, absorbed in, addicted to
रमाउनुv.i.to be pleased, to feel happy, to feel delighted, to be glad
रम्नुv.i.to be pleased, to feel happy, to feel delighted, to be glad
रसn.juice, broth
रहनुv.i.to remain, to dwell, to inhabit
रहरn.a kind of lentils
रहस्यमयadj.mysterious, secret, hidden
रहस्यमय ढङ्गबाटadv.in a mysterious way
राईn.Rai [a Nepali nationality]
राख्नुv.t.to keep, to protect, to hold
रागोn.water buffalo [male]
राजकाजn.government work, administration
राजकाजीadj.relating to government, relating to administration
राजकार्यn.public affair, affairs of state, governance
राजकुमारी n.princess
राजकुमारी n.princess
राजतन्त्रn.monarchy, monarchical system of government
राजदरबारn.the king's palace
राजनीतिn.politics, political science
राजनीतिक लाभ n.political importance
राजनैतिक गतिविधि political movement
राजपरिषदn.council of state
राजवंशी n.Rajvanshi [a Nepali nationality]
राजस्वn.revenue, royalty
राजाn.king, ruler, sovereign rajaharuma
राजी adj.willing, pleased, desirous, content, complacent
राजीखुशीn.willingness, acceptance with much pleasure
राजीनामा n.agreement, compromise
राज्य n.kingdom, state, territory
राज्यधिकारn.power of the state, jura regia
राज्यवतीn.Rajyavati [mother of Licchavi king Manadeva I]
राढी n.coarse wollen rug
रात पर्छit's getting dark
रातिadv.at night
रातो adj.red
रातो माटोn.red clay to paint the wall
राप n.heat of the sun, heat of the fire
राम्रोadj.good, beautiful
रायाको सागn.mustard greens [large]
राष्ट्रनायकn.head of state
राष्ट्रभाषाn.national language, language of the nation
राष्ट्रवाद n.nationalism
राष्ट्रवादीn./adj.a nationalist, nationalistic
राष्ट्रिय जागरणnational awakening rastriya rastra
राहतn.comfort, relief
रिझn.gladness, happiness, contentment
रित्तिनुv.i.to be emptied
रित्तोadj.empty, hollow
रिसn.anger, wrath, irritation
रिसाउनु v.i.to be angry, to get irritated
रिहाईn.release, acquittal, deliverance, discharge, setting free
रीति-थिति n.social customs
रुग्णadj.ill, sick, unwell, indisposed, motbid, diseased
रुघा n.cold, catarrh, chill
रुन मन लाग्नुto feel like to wep
रुनुv.i.to weep, to cry
रुपिया n.Rupee
रुवाउनुv.i.to cause to weep
रूचिn.interest, liking, taste
रूपn.countenance, look, form, shape, aspect, beauty, guise, semblance, appearance
रूपान्तरn.transformation, transition, change of form, metamorphosis, translation, conversion
रूपी postp.having the form of, having the shape of
रेल n.rail
रैतीn.tenant, leaseholder, farmer
रैथानेn.local inhabitant, aboriginee
रोक n.prohibition, restriction, interdict
रोकिनुv.i.to be stopped, to be hindered
रोक्नुv.t.to prohibit, to obstruct, to hinder, to prevent, to stop
रोगn.sickness, disease, illness, ailment
रोगीn.sick person
रोजगारn.business, trade, employment, profession, occupation
रोटीn.bread [made of flour and water without yeast]
रोधn.onbstruction, obstacle, hindrance
रौंn.hair of the body
लक्खनadj.one hundred thousand, 1.00.000
लक्ष adj.one hundred thousand, 1.00.000
लक्ष्माीप्रसाद देवकोटा n.Lakshmi Prasad Devkota [a famous Nepali poet]
लक्ष्यn.aim, target, goal
लगभगadv.about, nearly, approximately, almost
लगाउनुv.t.to use, to put on, to wear,
लगाएको adj.used
लगानी n.investment
लगायतpostp.including, together with
लघु-कथाn.short story
लघुकथा n.short story
लज्जा n.shame, shyness, dishonour, ignominy, scandal, disgrace
लटनपटनn.deceit, fraud
लटरम्मadj.in bunches, in clusters
लडाईंn.war, battle, fighting, strife
लड्नुv.i./v.t.to fight, to struggle, to fall down
लपक्कadv.adhering, attaching, stricking
लप्सीn.a kind of sour fruit
लमतन्नadj.prostrate, stretched out
लमाइ n.length
लम्कनुv.i.to walk with long steps, to stride
लम्पसारadj.prostrate, stretched out
लम्बा adj.long
लर्बरिनुv.i.to reel, to stagger, to sway
ललितपुरn.Lalitpur, Patan [a neighbouring town of Kathmandu]
लहडn.entertainment, diversion of mind, amusem*nt, joke
लहड आउनुto wish
लहरn.ripple, small wave, surge, undulation
लाइहेर्नुv.t.to try on [clothes]
लाउनुv.t.to put on (clothes), to ware
लाखnum.one hundred thousand, 1.00.000
लागुadj.intoxicating, exciting
लाग्नुv.i.to appear, to begin, to start, to join
लाचारadj.unable, helpless, obliged
लाजn.shame, shyness, modesty
लानुv.t.to take away, to remove
लान्छनाn.stigma, blame, slander
लाभn.value, profit, gain, earning, advantage
लामn.a long line, a queue
लाशn.carcass, dead body
लिङ्ग n.gender [gram.]
लिच्छवि n.Licchavi [an early ruling dynasty of the Kathmandu valley]
लिच्छविकालn.Licchavi era
लिनुv.t.to take, to acquire, to accept
लिपि n.script, writing, handwriting
लिम्बूn.Limbu [a Nepali nationality]
लीलाn.a play, amusem*nt, diversion
लुगाn.clothes, clothing luga
लुगा धूनुv.t.wash clothes luga
लुगा लगाउनुv.t.put on clothes luga
लुगा लाउनुv.t.put on clothes luga phernu
लेक n.hilly region, the higher slope of a mountain
लेख n.prose composition, writing, essay, article
लेखकn.author, writer
लेखनाथ पौड्यालn.Lekh Nath Paudyal [a famous Nepali poet]
लेखपढn.reading and writing, study
लेखिनुv.i.to be written
लेनिनवाद n.Leninism
लैजानुv.t.to carry, to take away
लोक n.world, the three worlds [heaven, earth, hell], people
लोग्नेn.husband [common]
लोग्नेमानिसn.man, male person
लोग्नेमान्छेn.man, male person
लोभ n.greed, covetousness, temptation
लोभीadj.greedy, stingy, covetous
लोहोठाn.a small metal water-pot
ल्याउनुv.t.to bring, to fetch
वक्तब्यn.speech, statement, topic
वगतn.universe, the world
वचनn.speech, utterance, talk
वज्राचार्य n.Vajracharya, Bajracharya, a tantric guru, a Buddhist priest
वन उपभोक्ता समूहn.forest users group
वन बिरालो n.wild cat
वनको धानn.forest resources
वरिपरिadv.all round, round about, on all sides
वर्ग n.class, kind, series, row varga
वर्ग मील n.square mile
वर्गहीनadj.classless vargahin
वर्गहीन समाजn.classless society
वर्णन n.description, narration, encomium
वर्तमानadj.current, existing, modern, current time, present time
वर्षाn.rains, rainy season, monsoon
वंश n.clan, pedigree, dynasty, lineage, birth, family, tribe, generation
वस्तु n.thing, item, substance, article, property; cattle
वस्तुतःadv.in reality
वाणिज्य n.trade, commerce, business vanko
वातावरणn.condition, surrounding, environment, circ*mstances, situation
वादn.theory, dispute, controversy
वार्ता n.discourse, account, conversation, topic, talk, dialogue
वार्तालापn.dialogue, conversation, talk, discourse
वासीn.inhabitant, dweller
वास्तविकadj.in reality, essential, genuine, true, virtual
वास्तविकताn.reality, truth
विकटadj.dreadful, difficult, hideous
विकासn.development, expansion, evolution
विकृतिn.deformation, defilement, mutilation, defect
विकेन्द्रीकरण n.decentralization
विखण्डनn.fission, breaking up, splitting up, fragmentation
विखण्डितadj.divided, separated, split up, cut off, broken
विगतadj.past, gone away
विघटनn.break up, dissolution, destruction
विचलनn.departure, deviation, moving about, unsteadiness
विचारn.consideration, observation, notion, idea, judgement
विजयn.victory, triumph, conquest
विजयाn.the goddess Durga, the Durga Puja festival
विजया दशमी n.the Dashara festival, the Dasain festival
विजयी n./adj.victor, conqueror, vanquisher; victorious, triumphant
विजेताn.conqueror, victor, one who has achieved victory
विज्ञानn.acquired knowledge, conscience, wisdom, understanding, science
विदितadj.known, understood, acquainted
विदेशn.foreign country
विदेशीn.foreigner videshi
विदेशी सहायताn.foreign aid
विद्या n.knowledge, learning, attainment
विद्याभ्यासn.study, habit of study, practice of learning
विद्यारम्भn.initiation into one's studies with religious solemnities, the beginning of reading an writing
विद्यार्थी गतिविधिn.student movement
विद्यालयn.school, college, academy, seminary
विद्याश्रमn.boarding school
विद्रोहn.revolt, rebellion, mutiny, treason
विद्वान n./adj.scholar; learned, wise
विधान n.legislation, act, law, ordinance, regulation, rule
विधि n.method, procedure, law, rule, prescript
विधिपूर्वकadv.duly, methodically, systematically
विधिवतadv.duly, methodically, systematically, in conformity with rules, as prescribed by law
विधेयकn.bill [in a legislature]
विनाशn.destruction, ruin, disaster, loss
विपÌadj.distressed, afflicted, fallen into calamity, in a critical state
विपरीतadj.opposit, contrary, reverse, adverse, hostile
विफल adj.fruitless, useless, unsuccessful
विभागn.section, part, department
विभागीयadj.departmental, related to the department
विभाजनn.section, part, department
विभिÌadj.various, diverse, different kinds of
विमानn.airplane, airship
विमानस्थलn.airfield, airstrip
विरहn.separation, parting, estrangement; loss
विरुद्धpostp.against, opposed, opposite, contrary, adverse, hostile
विरोध n.dissension, discrepancy, hostility, discord, objection, antagonism
विलायतn.foreign land, foreign country, Europe, England
विलासn.luxury, enjoyment, luxurious life, sensuous pleasure, pleasure with the opposite sex
विवरणn.description, account, statement
विवशadj.dependent, helpless, subjected
विवादn.discussion, debate, dispute, altercation, quarrel, controvercy
विवाहn.marriage, wedding, matrimony
विविधadj.different, diverse, various, miscellaneous
विविधताn.diversity, variety, variation
विशालadj.big, very big, gigantic, extensive, large, palatiol, huge, great
विशिष्टadj.conspicuous, remarkable, important, distinguished, extraordinary
विशेषadv.extraordinary, unusual, special, distinguished, famous
विशेष अदालत n.special court vishes
विशेष नाम n.proper name
विशेष्यn.substantive; a noun with an adjective qualifying it
विश्वn.universe, the whole world
विश्वयूद्धn.world war
विश्वसनीयadj.trustworthy, reliable, creditable
विश्वसनीयताn.trustworthiness, reliability, creditability
विश्वासn.belief, trust, faith, reliance, confidence, assurance
विश्वासपात्रn.reliable person, confidant
विषयn.subject, topic, article
विषय-क्रमn.contents, table of contents
विषयप्रवेश n.introduction, preface, foreword, preliminary
विषयवस्तुn.subject matter, something discussed
विषयान्तरn.an outside subject, another topic
विषाक्तadj.toxic, poisonous, venomous, vituperative
विषालुadj.toxic, poisonous, venomous, vituperative
विष्कम्भकn.interlude (in a drama)
विस्तारn.extension, expansion, extent; spread
विस्तारितadj.expanded, enlarged
विस्फोटn.outburst, explosion, eruption; smallpox
विस्फोटक adj.explosive
विहीन postp.devoid of, deprived of, destitute of
विहीनताn.missing, non-existence
वीर adj.brave, courageous, heroic, gallant
वृक्ष n.tree
वृक्षारोपणn.tree plantation
वृद्ध adj.old, aged, advanced in years, mature; ancient
वृद्धावस्थाn.old age
वृद्धि n.progress, increase, increment, rise, growth, enlargement
वृषदेवn.Vrishadeva [name of a Licchavi king, great- grandfather of Manadeva I]
वेद n.Veda
वेला n.time
वेश्या n.prostitute, whor*, harlot
वैधानिक adj.constitutional, according to the constitution
वैशाखn.first month of the Nepali year [April-May]
श, ष, स, ह, क्ष, त्र, ज्ञ
सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्
शंकरदेवn.Shankaradeva [a Licchavi king, grandfather of Manadeva I]
शंकालुadj.suspicious, questionable, prone to suspicion, vague
शक्तadj.able, capable, strong, vigorous, energetic, hard, firm
शक्तिn.strength, power, prowess, capability, calibre, vigour, energy
शक्तिपरीक्षणn.trial of strength
शक्तिमान adj.powerful, capable, mighty, vigorous
शक्तिशालीadj.powerful, strong
शक्तिहीनadj.powerless, impotent, enervated
शङ्काn.doubt, suspicion, apprehension
शतकadj.hundred, 100
शत्रुता n.enmity, hostility
शब्द n.word
शब्दकोष n.dictionary
शरणn.protection, shelter
शरणार्थीn.refugee, shelter-seeker
शरतn.early autumn
शरदn.early autumn
शस्त्रn.weapon, arms, tool, instrument
शहरीकरणn.urbanization shahi
शान्तadj.calm, quiet, mild, serene, pacific, grave, silent
शामिलadj.assembled, gathered
शामेलadj.assembled, gathered together, united together
शायदadv.perhaps, maybe
शासकn.administrator, ruler, governor
शासकीयadj.governmental, administrative, public
शासनn.command, authority, governance, reign
शासन परिवर्तनn.coup, putsch
शासन-प्रणालीn.government, constitution
शासनकर्ताn.administrator, ruler, governor
शासनकालn.term of office, reign
शासनपतन्त्रn.government, constituion
शासनपद्धतिn.polity, system of government
शासनाn.punishment, suppression
शासितadj.ruled, administered, governed; punished
शाहीद n.martyr
शिकारीको स्वर्ग n.hunting paradise
शिक्षणn.teaching, instruction, education
शिथिलताn.feebleness, weakness, looseness, laxity
शिरn.head, crest, noddle, summit, top of anything
शिष्टadj.gentle, polite, mannerly, civil, wellbred, refined, trained
शिष्यn.student, pupil, disciple
शुक्ल पक्ष comp.the moonlit half of a lunar month
शुद्धadj.pure, genuine, chaste, uncontaminated, clear, uncorrupted, unadulterated
शुरू n.start, beginning
शुरू गर्नुto start, to begin
शून्यn./adj.empty, nill, zero
शूरadj.hero, warrior, champion
शेर्पाn.Sherpa [a Nepali nationality]
शोभा n.beauty, handsomeness, magnificence, elegance, lustre, replendence
शोषn.suction, drying up, withering, dryness, absorption, sucking
शोषकadj.absorbent, withering
शोषण n.suction, drying up, withering, dryness, absorption, sucking, exploitation
शोषित adj.exploited
शौचालयn.rest room, toilet
श्यार्पाn.Sherpa [a Nepali nationality]
श्रमn.hard labour, toil, exertion
श्रावणn.fourth month of the Nepali year [July-August]
श्रीn.Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss
श्रीमान n.husband
श्रीलङ्काn.Sri Lanka
श्रोत र साधनn.resources
श्लोकn.verse, stanza, poetry, couplet
षड्यन्त्रn.conspiracy, plot, intrigue
संकठ n.distress, peril, caöamity, agony
सकभरadv.as much as possible
सकलीadj.original, true, pure, good, genuine
सकेसम्म चाडोcomp.as fast as possible, as soon as possible
सक्नुv.t.to be able; to finish, to complete
संक्रमणकाल n.transitional period
सक्षमadj.capable, competent
संख्यबोधकadj.numerical [grammar]
संख्यामात्रबोधकn.cardinal number
संगठनात्मक adj.organizational
सगरn.sky, heaven
सगरखन्डn.sweet potato
सगरमाथाn.Sagarmatha, Chom*olungma, Mount Everest
सगाउनु v.t.to help, to assist, to aid
सग्लोadj.whole, complete, undivided
संघ n.assembly, association, multitude, monastery
संघर्षn.struggle, conflict, strife, friction
सघाउनु v.t.to help, to assist, to aid
सङpostp.with, along with
सङै लानुv.t.to take along, to take away
सङ्कटn.hint, symbol, gesture, sign
सङ्कलनn.collection, compilation
सङ्कल्पn.solemn promise, resolve, solution, determination
सङ्गठनn.organization, union, league
संचालनn.managing, directing
सचीवn.secretary, advisor, companion
सजाn.punishment, confinement, penalty
सजायn.punishment, confinement, penalty
सजिलोadj.easy, simple
सञ्चरणn.movement, motion
सञ्चारn.movement, motion
सञ्चालितadj.managed, conducted, directed
सटनी n.change, exhange, interchange
सटही n.exchange of currency
सट्टाn.change, exhange, interchange
सडकn.road [metalled]
सतहn.surface, level
सतहत्तरnum.seventy-seven, 77
सतासीnum.eighty-seven, 87
सतीn.Sati, virtuous wife, chaste woman, faithful woman
सत्n.existence, essence, substance, goodness
सत्तरी num.seventy, 70
सत्ताईस num.twenty-seven, 27
सत्तारुढadj.ruling, wielding power
सत्य adj.true, real, right, veritable, correct, honest
सत्रnum.seventeen, 17
सत्सट्ठीnum.sixty-seven, 67
सदनn.residence, house, assembly hall
सदरn.acceptance, approval, sanction
सदर उपत्यकाn.central valley
सदश्यहरूप्रति दमन-नीति n.politics of oppression towards members
सदिच्छा n.good wishes, good will
सन्तn.mendicant, ascetic, pious person, devotee
सन्त-महन्त n.holy men
सन्ताउन्न num.fifty-seven, 57
सन्तानn.family, extended family, lineage, genealogy, offsoring, children, breeding
सन्तान-निग्रहn.birth control, family planning
सन्तान-निरोध n.birth control, family planning
सन्तानब्बेnum.ninety-seven, 97
सन्तुलनn.equalization, making equal
सन्दर्भn.treatise, a collection of anthology, formation, construction; context, appendage, expansion
सन्देश n.information, news, message; command; gift present
सफल adj.successful, effective, fruitful
सफलताn.success, achievement
सफलीभूत adj.successful
सफाadj.clean, clear, pure, transparent
सबadj.all, everything
सबूतn.proof, evidence, testimony, demonstration
सबेरै adv.early
सबै भन्दाof all
सबैजसोpron.almost all
सभाn.assembly, meeting, gathering
सभापतिn.chairman [of a meeting, organization or party]
सभ्यताn.civilization, civility, politeness, courtesy, good manner
समक्षpostp.before, in front of,
समग्रadj.whole, all, entire, complete
समतलadj.plain, level, smooth, even, flat; moderate
समताn.equalness, similarity, evenness
समन्वयn.combination, union, uniformity, harmony, natural succession
समयn.time, period, season, opportunity, leisure, occasion
समर्थ adj.mighty, powerful, strong, able
समर्थकn./adj.supporter, vindicator; supporting
समर्थताn.capability, competence
समर्थनn.support, ratification, corroboration
समर्पण n.offering, dedication, surrender, deliverynce, disposal, assignment
समष्टिn.collectiveness, totality, aggregate
समस्तadj.whole, entire, all
समस्यn.problem, dilemma
समाचारn.news, information
समाज शास्त्रn.sociology
समाधानn.solving the problem, cracking the nuts, removel of doubts
समानadj.similar, equal, alike, uniform, equivalent, identical, tantamount
समानताn.equality, equivalence, parity, similarity, likeness
समाप्तadj.finished, completed, accomplished
समुच्चय n.assemblage, mass, collection
समुदायn.collection, assemblage, group
समुद्रn.sea, ocean
समुद्र–सतहn.sea level
समुन्नतिn.progress, development, elevation, rise
समुायवाचक नाम n.collective noun, generic term
समूहn.collection, assemblage, group
समेतpostp.with, together with,
सम्चारn.news, information
सम्झनाn.remembrance, reminiscence, memory
सम्धिनीn.son's mother-in-law, daughter's mother-in-law
सम्धीn.son's father-in-law, daughter's father-in-law
सम्पन्नadj.rich, well-off, prosperous, wealthy, well-to-do
सम्पर्क n.company, association, union
सम्पादकीयadj.editorial sampadakiya sahayak ;DkfbsLo
सम्पूर्णadj.complete, whole, entire, all, total, perfect, finished
सम्प्रदाय n.sect, religious society, mode, tradition, usage, custom
सम्बन्धn.relation, relationship, connection, association, affinity
सम्बन्धीsuff.related with, pertaining to sambandhi
सम्बन्धी सर्वनामn.relative pronoun
सम्बोधनn.address, calling aloud; vocative case
सम्भवतःadv.possible, in all probability
सम्भावनाn.possibility, probability
सम्भ्रान्त adj.perplexed, confused, bewildered
सम्म postp.upto, as far as
सम्मतadv.unanimous, agreeing, agreed to, approved, sanctioned, permitted
सम्मतिn.opinion, consent, approval, permission, acceptance, assent
सम्मीलितadj.with eyes shut, with eyes closed, covered
सम्मेलन n.meating, conference
सम्म्याउनुv.t.to level, to make plain
सम्राट् n.emperor, sovereign, king of the kings
सयnum.hundred, 100
संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ United Nations Organization
संयोजिक n.conjunction
सरकारn.government, administration
सरकारीadj.governmental, public, official, administrative
सरकारी भाषा n.official language
संरक्षकn.keeper, preserver, guardian
संरक्षण n.guardianship, patronage, protection, conservation, tutelage
संरचनाn.structure, composition, anatomy
सरलadj.easy, simple, plain, straightforward, upright, sincere
सरहadj.similar, like, resembling, on equal footing
सराप्नुv.t.to curse
सरिफा n.custard-apple
सर्नुv.i.to move, to spread
सर्प n.snake
सर्व adj.all, entire, whole, complete
सर्वतोमुखिadj.universal, all pervading
सर्वश्रेष्ठadj.best of all, preeminent, highest, supreme, paramount
सर्वस्वn.entire property, everything
सर्वेक्षण n.survey
सर्वेसर्वा adj.all-in-all, supreme, chied of all
सलबलाउनुv.i.to move restlessly
सलाईn.matches salaiko
सलाई बट्टा n.match-box
सल्लाहn.consultation, advice, counsel, conference, deliberation
सल्लाहकारadvisor, consultant
संवद्र्धनn.rearing, breeding, fostering
सवाadj.a quarter past
सवालn.question, plumb, a laden weight on a line
संविधान n.constitution
संवेदनशील adj.sensitive, sensible, feeling
संवेधानिक adj.constitutional
सशक्त adj.potential, powerful, strong, forceful
सशस्त्रadj.armed, equipped with arms
संशोधनn.correction, purification, refinement, revision, amendment
संशोधित adj.corrected, amended, revised
संसद n.parliament
संस्करणn.correction, act of refining; edition
संस्कारn.reformation, initiation, purification
संस्कृतमयadj.sanskritized, full of Sanskrit
संस्कृति n.culture, customs, tradition
संस्था n.institution, establishment
संस्थान n.institution, establishment, corporation
संस्थापन n.establishment, founding, initiation, inauguration, foundation
संस्मरणn.recollection, memory, remembrance
सहनn.endurance, enduring, bearing
सहनुv.t.to forbear, to endure, to brook, to sustain, to withstand
सहभागीn.partner, accomplice
सहमतn./adv.agreement, of one and the same mind or opinion
सहमतिn.agreement, concurrence, content
सहयोग समिति n.cooperative society
सहयोगीn.colleague, supporter, assistant, friend
सहायn.help, assistance, support
सहायकn.assistant, helper, colleague sahayak
सहायक नदीn.tributary (river)
सहायताn.help, assistance, support
सहाराn.help, assistance, support
साadj.that, that one, he, she
साउनn.fourth month of the Nepali year [July-August]
सागपातn.(leafy) vegetables
सागरn.ocean, sea
साघुn.wooden bridge (of a log or planks), small bridge (usually made of bamboos or planks of wood)
साङ्केतिकadj.token, nominal, symbolic, indicative
साङ्लो n.roach
साचोn./adj.1. key; true, sincere, genuine, real
साझadv.in the evening
साझ पर्योit became evening
साझाn.cooperative, joint enterprise
साढे adj.half past
साताn.week, period of seven days
सातुn.flour of dryfried corn
सातोपुग्लोn.spirit, presence of mind
साथpostp.with, including
साथी n.friend, companion sathi
साधनn.material, resource, medium, means, equipment
साधनाn.devotes labour or striving, object of devotion; controlling spirit or ghost by reciting sacred verses;
साधारणadj.common, simple, general sadharan
साधारण सभा n.general assembly
साना बुवाn.mother's younger sister's husband
सानी आमाn.mother's younger sister
सानुadj.small, little, inferior
सानू adj.small, little, inferior
सानो adj.small, little, inferior sanp
साबिकadj.former, previous
साबुनको गाजn.soap foam sabunko
साबुनको फिंजn.soap foam
सामन्ती adj.feudal, feudatory
सामाज्वादीn./adj.socialist samajvadi rajya
सामानn.things, materials, apparatus, tools, belongings, appliances
सामान्य adj.ordinary, general, common, usual, trivial, insignificant
सामान्य नाम n.generic term
सामान्य लिङ्गn.double gender samanya
सामीन्यadj.simple, common
सामुpostp.before, in front of, opposite, facing
सामुदायिक adj.collective, pertaining to community
साम्यतन्त्र n.communism
साम्यवाद n.communism
सारn.substance, essence, kernel, purport, chief part, vigour, spirit
सारङ्गीn.Sarangi, a kind of violin
साराadj.all, whole, entire, complete
सार्नुv.t.to move, to remove, to shift, to copy, to infect
सार्वनामिकadj.pronominal sarvapracin
सारी' n. Saree, a garment worn by woman
सालn.year [of vikram samvat]
सालाखालाadj.on the average
सालानाadj.annually, every year, yearly
सालिकn.statue, effigy, idol, image
सालिगn.statue, effigy, idol, image
सालिन्दाadj.annually, every year
साली n.wife's younger sister
सालो n.wif's younger brother
सासनाn.punishment, suppression
साहित्य n.literature
साहित्यकारn.writer, author
साहित्यशास्त्रn.poetics, rhetoric, literature
साहिंलोn.third eldest [of brothers]
साहुn.merchant, trader, money- lender, banker
साहुनीn.shopkeeper (female)
साहू n.shopkeeper, merchant, trader, businessman, moneylender
सिउनुv.i.to sew, to stitch
सिउने कल n.sewing machine
सिक्नुv.t.to learn
सिंचाइn.watering, irrigation
सिञ्चितadj.irrigated, drenched
सितpostp.with, along with siune
सिंदूरn.vermilion, lead powder
सिंदूरेadj.scarlet, vermilion-coloured
सिद्धान्तn.doctrine, tenet, established truth
सिद्धिn.perfection, accomplishment, maturity, fulfilment, victory
सिद्ध्याउनु v.t.to finish, to complete, to kill
सिन्की n.soured raddish, fermented raddish
सिपालुadj.skilful, experienced, clever, skilled
सिपाही n.soldier
सिफारिशn.recommendation, letter of
सिमानाn.boundary, border, limit, landmark
सिमी n.bean
सियो n.needle
सिरानी n.pillow
सिर्जना n.creation, formation, construction
सिंहासनn.throne, lion's seat
सीप n.handicraft, handiwork, art, craft, arts and crafts, skill
सीमा n.boundary, border, limit, landmark
सीमितadj.limited, restricted
सुकुटीn.dried meat, jerk
सुकुमवासीn./adj.a homeless person, homeless
सुकुलn.a kind of straw mat, a person of high or respectable family
सुक्तिn.good saying, beautiful sentence
सुखियाadj.pleasure loving, pleasant, happy
सुखीadj.happy, pleased, delighted
सुंगुरn.pig, hog
सुंढn.trunk (of an elephant) snout
सुत्नुv.i.to sleep, to go to sleep, to go to bed, to lie down
सुत्ने कोठाn.bed room
सुदृढadv.very strong, very firm, very rigid
सुधारn.improvement, reform, reformation, correction, amendment, renovationr
सुधारक n.reformer, improver, disciplinarian
सुधार्नुv.t.to correct, to reform, to amend, to make better
सुनाउनुv.t.to make others hear, to tell
सुनुवारn.Sunuwar [a Nepali nationality]
सुन्दरadj.beautiful, nice, pretty, charming
सुपारीn.areca nut, betel nut
सुबिस्ता n.easiness, comfort
सुबिस्ताको adj.comfortable, easy
सुरुवा n.meat broth, meat soup
सुविधाn.facility, convenience
सुविस्ताn.easiness, comfort
सुशासनn.good government, good rule, good administration
सुसंगतwell associated, well accompanied; reasonable
सुसंगताn.good association, good companionship
सुसंगतिn.good companionship
सुसज्जितadj.well adorned, well prepared
सुसेलोn.whistling, sighing; whistling sound made by the wind, sound produced by water while flowing
सुसेल्नुv.t.to whistle
सुस्त adj.lazy, slow, idle, tardy, inactive
सूचनाn.notice, notification, information, advertisem*nt, indication, hint
सूचनापत्रn.advertisem*nt, notice
सूचिn.needle, a pointed piece of iron, goad, prong
सूची n.liste, table, index, catalogue
सूझाउn.suggestion, advice, counsel
सूझावn.suggestion, advice, counsel
सूत्रपातn.beginning, commencement
सेकाउनुv.t.to roast, to warm up
सेकुवाn.roasted meat
सेतो adj.white
सेपिलोadj.shaded, dark
सेलरोटीn.Nepalese doughnut made of rice flour
सेलाउनुv.t.to cool
सेवनn.service, attendance, worship
सेवाn.service, attendance, worship
सैंतीसnum.thirty-seven, 37
सैद्धान्तिकadj.according top principle, theoretical
सैनिक विमान n.military plane
सोच्नुv.t.to think, to ponder, to consider
सोझो adj.straigt, straigtforward, honest
सोधखोजn.research program, research project
सोपान n.steps, ladder, staircase
सोह्रnum.sixteen, 16
सौता n.co-wife
सौन्दर्यbeauty, charm, pretiness
स्कूलमा पढ्नुcomp.to go to school
स्तवn.praise, admiration; prayer, hymn
स्तुतिn.praise, glorification, eulogy, admiration; hymn of praise, invocation, solemn prayer
स्त्रीलिङ्गn.female [grammar]
स्थगितadj.postpones, adjourned
स्थानn.place, spot, site, position, house
स्थानीय adj.local, territorial, regional, topical
स्थापनn.establishment, foundation, setting up, creation, planting, placing
स्थापनाn.establishment, foundation, setting up, creation, planting, placing
स्थापितadj.propounded, founded, established, instituted, set up, fixed, placed, erected, installed
स्थायित्वn.permanence, durability, sustainment
स्थायीadj.pßermanent, stationary, fast, durable, lasting, stable, steady
स्थितिn.place, position, circ*mstance, condition, phase, equilibrium
स्थिरadj.stable, firm, fixed, permanent, constant, steadfast, immovable, determined, patient
स्थिरताn.immobility, steadiness, stability, constancy, immutability, patience
स्थिरत्वाn.immobility, steadiness, stability, constancy, immutability, patience
स्नान n.bath
स्पष्टadj.distinct, clear, intelligible, lucid, apparent, evident
स्मरण–पत्रn.reminder, memorandum
स्मारिकाn.monument, memorial; commemorative volume
स्मृति n.memory, remembrance, memento
स्मृति–पत्रn.reminder, memorandum
स्रस्ताn.book-keeping, account, register book
स्रोत n.current, stream, channel, water course, source of income
स्वच्छ adj.clean, clear, pure, transparent
स्वतः adj.voluntarily, spontaneous, of one's own accord
स्वतन्त्रताn.freedom, independence svatantrata
स्वतन्त्रता दिवस n.independence day
स्वभावn.habit, nature, temperament, character
स्वभावतःadv.naturally, by nature
स्वभाविकadj.natural, by nature
स्वयंadj.personally, self
स्वयमadv.personally, self
स्वरn.voice, sound, tune, tone, vowel
स्वरूपn.shape, form, apperarance
स्वर्ग n.heaven, paradise, sky, heavens; a beautiful place,
स्वर्गवासn.death, passing away
स्वाधीन adj.independent, free, self- governing, autonomous
स्वाधीनताn.independence, freedom, autonomy
स्वामी n.master, owner, lord, proprietor, husband
स्वायत्तadj.autonomous, under one's control
स्वायत्त शासन n.autonomy, self-government
स्वायम्भूनाथn.Swayambhunath svayamev
स्वास्थ्य n.health
स्वास्नी n.wife [common]
स्वीकारn.acceptance, confession, assent, agreement
स्वीकृतadj.accepted, agreed, consented, conferred
स्वीकृतिn.acceptance, sanction, approbation, acknowledgement, consent
हकn.right, authority, claim
हच्कनुv.i.to get frightened, to hesitate, to be scared
हजारnum.one thousand, 1,000
हजुरआमा n.grandmother
हजुरबाn.grandfather [rural]
हजुरमुमाn.grandmother [upper class]
हट्नुv.i.to retreat, to go away, to get out of the way
हडतालn.strike, picket
हड्प n.confiscation, taking one's property illegally, misappropriation
हत्तेरीadv.word used for expressing surprise or sorrow
हत्याn.murder, killing, slaughter
हब्बाn.might, power, capacity, strength
हब्बेn.might, power, capacity, strength
हमलाn.attack, invasion, assault
हरadj.every, everyone haraunu
हर्ताकर्ता n.one who is all in all, the Almighty
हलुकाadj.light (in weight)
हलुकोadj.light [weight]
हलुङ्गोadj.light [weight]
हलुवाn.a type of food, flour boiled in water and mixed with butter and sugar
हलुवाबेदn.a kind of sweet fruit
हल्लाn.noise, turmoil, uproar, tumult
हवनn.fire sacrifice
हवस्OK [a word to indicate obedience]
हवाn.air, wind, breeze
हवाईadj.airy, relating to air havai
हवाई जहाजn.airplane
हवाई मार्गn.air route
हवाई-डाकn.air letter, aerograph
हंसn.soul, vital air, life; duck, swan, goose
हंसाउनुv.t.to cause to laugh
हसिलो adj.humerous, cheerful, frolicsome, jolly, jovial, gay, merry
हसेउली n.laughter, joke, jest, fun, spott
हस्तकलाn.handicraft, hand-work
हस्तक्षेप n.interference, interruption
हस्तगतadj.received, obtained
हस्ताक्षरn.signature, one's own handwriting
हस्सी n.laughter, joke, fun
हाक्नुv.t.to drive, to challenge, to exaggerate
हागो n.branch, offspring
हाड n.bone hade
हाडनाता करणी n. Incest
हाडे बदामn.almond
हात आउनुcomp.to fall into someone's hands
हात हाल्नुto lend a hand
हानिनुv.i.to run very fast, to fly very fast
हान्नुv.t.to strike, to shoot, to jump
हाम्रोpron.our (m.)
हाल n./adj.present time, present condition, description
हालखबरn.news current affair
हाल्नुv.t.to put, to serve
हावा n.air, wind, breeze
हावाजहाजn.aeroplane, airplane
हावापानीn.climate, weather
हाँसn.duck, goose, swan
हाँस-कुखुरा पालनn.poultry farming
हासिलadj.obtained, acquired
हासो n.laughter, laugh
हिउ n.snow
हिजोadv.yesterday hijo
हिजो राती adv.last night
हिजोआज adv.nowadays
हिंड्नुv.i.to walk, to go, to move, to start, to set off
हितn.gain, benefit
हिम-मरुभूमि n.tundra
हिमरेखा n.snowline
हिमस्रोत भएको नदीn.meltwater river
हिमालय प्रदेशn.Himalayan region
हीनadj.low, vile, inferior, degraded,
हुक्काn.water pipe, Hookka hulak
हुरीn.strong wind, storm huri
हुरी चल्नुto be stormy
हुलाक अड्डn.post office
हृदयn.heart, mind, will
हेमन्तn.late autumn, beginning of the cold season
हेरफेरn.change, exchange, alteration, transfer
हेर्नुv.t.to see, to look at, to watch
हैसियतn.ability, status, merit, capacity
होचोadj.short, low
होडबाजीn.contest, gambling, betting
होश n.sense, sensibility, intelligence
होश गर्नुv.t.to be cautious
होशियार adj.cautious, careful
होशियारीn.cautiousness, carefulness, prudence
ह्योलमोn.Hyolmo [a Nepalese nationality]
क्षत्रीय n. Kshatriya [a type of cast]
क्षयरोग n. Tuberculosis
त्रिशुल n. Trishul[a Sign of Hindus, weapon of God Mahadev]