Paneer Bread Disc Recipe | Bread Recipe (2024)

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by Sharmili Leave a Comment

Paneer Bread Disc is a delicious appetizer and crowd pleaser in a party. When I was surfing the internet for the bread recipe I came across this bread disc stuffed with vegetables. I always have a craze for paneer and capsicum combo. So replaced veg and other spices with my own touch.

Paneer Bread Disc Recipe | Bread Recipe (1)

My daughter loves Pizza a lot. So I made this Paneer Bread Disc with pizza flavor. You can also add cooked corn to the stuffing or can add any finely chopped vegetables of your choice. Non-veg lovers can add boiled and shredded chicken pieces instead of paneer. I mixed cheese with the stuffing, instead, you can directly add cheese at the top too.Also, you can replace pepper powder with chili flakes or finely chopped green chilies. You will have a burst of flavors while having each bite.

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While making this disc you will be left with lots of pieces of bread. You can either use the leftover pieces of bread for making this delicious snackBread Paneer Rollsor crumble the bread pieces using a mixer and dry it in Sun for a day or two and your breadcrumbs are ready. If properly stored in airtight container breadcrumbs stays even for a month. Now let us see how to prepare this Paneer Bread disc.

Paneer Bread Disc Recipe | Bread Recipe (2)

Paneer Bread Disc Recipe | Bread Recipe

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Kids friendly Cheesy Paneer Bread Discs.

Servings Prep Time
4 Discs 10 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes
Servings Prep Time
4 Discs 10 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes

Paneer Bread Disc Recipe | Bread Recipe (4)

Paneer Bread Disc Recipe | Bread Recipe

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Kids friendly Cheesy Paneer Bread Discs.

  • CourseEvening Snack
  • CuisineIndian
Servings Prep Time
4 Discs 10 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes
Servings Prep Time
4 Discs 10 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes


  • 8 Bread slices
  • 2 tbsp Butter for brushing

For spreading

  • 2 tbsp Butter
  • 2 tbsp Tomato ketchup or red chili sauce
  • 1 tsp Oregano dried
  • 1 tbsp garlic finely chopped

For Stuffing

  • 1/4 Cup Panner crumbled
  • 2 tbsp Onion finely chopped
  • 2 tbsp Tomato finely chopped
  • 2 tbsp Green Capsicum finely chopped
  • 1/4 Cup Mozzarella Cheese grated
  • 1 tbsp Pepper coarsely crushed
  • 2 tbsp Coriander leaves finely chopped
  • salt to taste

Servings: Discs


  1. Place bread slices on a clean dry surface and cut them into approximately 2 and a half inch (2½") diameter round using a cookie cutter or a silver bowl. Now cut 4 bread slices to 2-inch (2")diameter round using another cookie cutter or little smaller silver bowl. we are going to use only the outer ring as shown in the pic.

    Paneer Bread Disc Recipe | Bread Recipe (6)

  2. Now in a bowl add the ingredients given under "For spreading", mix thoroughly and set aside.

    Paneer Bread Disc Recipe | Bread Recipe (7)

  3. Apply the mix prepared on a bread as shown and place the bread ring over it and press it lightly so that it sticks with each other as a bowl. Apply for remaining bread too.

    Paneer Bread Disc Recipe | Bread Recipe (8)

  4. In another bowl, add the ingredients given under "For stuffing" and mix thoroughly. Put a tbsp of the stuffing in the center of the ring and spread it evenly. Apply a little butter on the edges of the bread ring.

    Paneer Bread Disc Recipe | Bread Recipe (9)

  5. Fill remaining bread rings with the stuffing and apply butter on the edges of each bread ring. Arrange discs on a baking tray spread with aluminum foil and bake in a pre-heated oven at 200°c for 8-12 minutes or till the discs turn crispy. Serve hot.

    Paneer Bread Disc Recipe | Bread Recipe (10)

Recipe Notes

  • You can add cooked corn to the stuffing or can add any finely chopped vegetables of your choice.
  • Non-veg lovers can add boiled and shredded chicken pieces instead of paneer.
  • I mixed cheese with the stuffing, instead, you can directly add cheese at the top too.
  • Also, you can replace pepper powder with chili flakes or finely chopped green chilies.

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Kids friendly Cheesy Paneer Bread Discs is ready to serve.

Paneer Bread Disc Recipe | Bread Recipe (11)

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Paneer Bread Disc Recipe | Bread Recipe (2024)
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