Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (2024)

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  6. Ultrasound

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What Everyone Should Know About Ultrasounds For Cancer Diagnosis

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Are you wondering how accurate your ultrasound for cancer is?

  • Are you concerned that your ultrasound might not be accurate?
  • Do you wonder if you can rely on an ultrasound for your cancer diagnosis?
  • Are you worried that there might be something more that the ultrasound isn’t seeing?

Could Your Cancer Diagnosis Be Wrong If It's Based on an Ultrasound?

Yes! The fact is: If your cancer diagnosis is based on an ultrasound, it could easily be wrong.

Many people who are told they have cancer based on an ultrasound might not actually have cancer – because an ultrasound can’t tell if a tumor is cancerous!

Or, you might be told that you don’t have cancer, based on an ultrasound, when in fact you do have it. Ultrasounds are unreliable when it comes to diagnosing cancer, for many reasons.

So, right from the start, if your doctor is saying to you, "you have cancer" based on an ultrasound alone, you won’t know if it’s true or not.

It will be impossible for you to know what your next choices should be, because you don’t know what’s actually going on in your body. You don’t have nearly enough information to know, with confidence, what to do next.

Problems with Ultrasounds

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (1)

  • Ultrasounds Fail to Detect Cancer
    Ultrasounds can’t tell the difference between cancerous tissues and non-cancerous tissue:
    • Ultrasounds can produce false positives.
    • Ultrasounds cannot show if any change has been caused by cancer.
    • Ultrasounds are not useful for treatment monitoring.
  • Ultrasounds Don’t Have Enough Detail
    An ultrasound can’t show which tumors are most aggressive:
    • So you might need to stay on treatment longer than is necessary.
    • And your doctor won’t be able to know which tumors should be prioritized.
  • Ultrasounds Have Many Limitations
    An ultrasound is not good enough for many aspects of cancer.
    • Ultrasounds don’t work properly with obsese patients.
    • Ultrasounds can’t show lung cancer or bone cancer.
    • And ultrasound’s accuracy also depends on the abilities of the professional operating the transducer, and not on the image alone.

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The 7 Crucial Things Cancer Patients Can Do Right NOW To Beat Cancer

This revealing free report gives you the secret 7-step strategy that we have used for over a decade to massively increase our patients’ life expectancy and help them far outlive their doctors predictions – even with advanced, stage IV cancer!

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Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (2)

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (3)

You feel like you’ve just been punched in the gut.

And you just want to stop for a moment, to take a second to breathe and think...

But you don’t have time for that.

You need to make choices about your diagnosis and cancer treatment, now. But these are things that you don’t know anything about...and yet will impact your life, forever.

It’s not fair...and it’s terrifying.

You’re smack in the middle of one of the hardest situations anyone can be put in...

You need to make instant decisions that will determine your future and life – without knowing anything about what’s actually happening in your body and what all of your options are.

How on earth would you know what to do?

And the catch 22, the problem of it all, is that you need to have confidence in your choices if you are to have any peace of mind during this process.

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (4)

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (5)

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (6)

"Alex knows more about cancer than anyone I’ve met including doctors. He actually thinks and personalizes treatment for his clients. Doctors are not trained to think and stuck in the past. Highly recommend CTOAM."

– Michael Choe, client

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (7)

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (8)

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (9)

"Alex was just so positive – we enjoyed our phone calls with him because we talked to him, we were always like, 'okay, we can do this!' There was always hope after we talked to him. There was always something we could be doing more of. You know, drink your green tea, take all your nutraceuticals…there was just always, always something positive."

– Joan Fleitch, client (melanoma survivor, now cancer free)

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (10)

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (11)

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (12)

Biochemist, Health Educator, and Author Stephen Cherniske of ‘The Healthy Skeptics’ recommends CTOAM - 5 stars

Why Ultrasounds Just Aren’t Good Enough for You

And, on top of all this, there are even more reasons why you should not rely on an ultrasound to give you an accurate diagnosis – because there are far better diagnostic tests available to you now, tests that will give you certainty about your diagnosis and the info you need to get exactly the right treatment to knock out the cancer asap. A fast, accurate, and precise diagnosis is critical for giving yourself the best chance at beating cancer.

So if you’ve received a cancer diagnosis based on an ultrasound test, it is very reasonable for you to need more information in order to know what next steps you should take for treatment. It is fair and smart of you to wonder if there’s anything more you should be doing to ensure you have more control over your health and your future.

Even for the best of us, a cancer diagnosis is incredibly overwhelming and scary!

You are in excellent company if you, too, feel so overwhelmed with your diagnosis that you can’t even imagine trying to figure out the next steps to figuring out how to make sure your diagnosis is accurate and then finding the best possible treatment. Where would you even start, right?

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (13)

But the good thing is this - you already know what you don’t want, and that’s a great start:

  • You don’t want to always be questioning what’s going on inside your body.
  • You don’t want to be stressed and wondering if your cancer treatment is working.
  • You don’t want to be wasting your precious time by being on the wrong treatment without knowing.
  • You don’t want to feel constant anxiety about whether the cancer is anywhere else in your body.
  • And, you definitely don’t want to be wondering if there is cancer lurking somewhere in your body once you have been told you are cancer free.

We hear you and we understand. And our team is here to help you get through this with as little stress, and as much confidence and clarity, as possible.

We believe that knowledge is power.

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (14)

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (15)

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (16)

"Thanks to this company, I'm feeling better than I have in quite some time. I am a seven year metastatic breast cancer survivor and I have access to the drugs that help stall my cancer."

– Lisa Johnson, client and breast cancer survivor

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (17)

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (18)

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (19)

"We had great success with CTOAM with my husband’s melanoma. Greg followed CTOAM’s recommendations and is now over 5 years cancer free."

– Mary Wilfert, wife of Greg (client, melanoma survivor and now cancer free)

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Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (21)

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (22)

"You should hire somebody like CTOAM that can help you get this [genetic testing, personalized research, and advocacy] done. All I wanted to do was to be able to say to my family that I’ve done the best I could. And, with CTOAM, I know I have."

– Margaret South, client

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (23)

Now You Can Have a More Precise Diagnosis With Less Wait Time

And if you’re here, looking for more information on ultrasounds, then you clearly want more information for yourself – information that you can trust, so that you can make the most informed decision possible about your cancer and how to beat it, for good.

Having cancer can be isolating and lonely – and this is true even if you have family and friends who love you and are helping you through it. Doubt and confusion are the last things you need to be feeling with when you are already having to deal with cancer…

You need clarity! You need to be certain about your options.

  • You need to be certain that you actually have cancer in the first place.
  • You need to be certain that you’re getting the right treatment for the exact cancer you have – and not just the best thing that’s available at your local hospital that may or may not work for you.
  • You need to be certain that your treatment is actually working, now, and that you’re also doing everything in your power to beat cancer, and to make sure it never comes back.
  • You need to be certain that all of the cancer is 100% gone from your body!

You can break free from the chronic worry about wasting your precious time, or being on the wrong treatments, or struggling through unnecessary side-effects, or about having the cancer come back with a new breakthrough approach to cancer care: Precision Oncology.

Using leading edge medical science, available now in many advanced countries, you can get the certainty you need, NOW!

If you’re ready to move past the endless worry of a cancer diagnosis and get back to living your life to the fullest again, get our FREE ebook, where you’ll discover the tools of Precision Oncology, how they compare to your current standard care, and how you can begin to use them, today, to give yourself the best chance of beating cancer.

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (24)

FREE Report

The 7 Crucial Things Cancer Patients Can Do Right NOW To Beat Cancer

This revealing free report gives you the secret 7-step strategy that we have used for over a decade to massively increase our patients’ life expectancy and help them far outlive their doctors predictions – even with advanced, stage IV cancer!

Get Your Free Report

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (25)

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (26)

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (27)

"Thank you very much for the discussion we had yesterday. Alex was very clear and helpful. He made sense of bits of information we already had and brought a lot of new information we didn't know about it. We do appreciate his knowledge and effort to help us a lot​. A big thank you to you, too, because you made this discussion happen...and for all the support we may need in the future!"

– Nina Ostend, client

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (28)

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (29)

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (30)

"Let me thank you for the time you and Alex spent with us the other evening. We were impressed with your knowledge, professionalism, caring, and obvious passion for what you do."

– Marge and Gary Hildebrand, client

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (31)

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (32)

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (33)

"I was impressed with the research and knowledge Alex has. He’s explained everything along the way; I’ve come to trust him implicitly. He always gives me hope, which is a huge benefit."

– Damian Latch, client and colon cancer survivor

Don't want to wait? Are you ready to talk with Alex about your personal cancer case now?

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Are Ultrasounds Accurate for Diagnosing Cancer?

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (34)

While ultrasounds are typically still the first step in the standard cancer diagnosis process, they are far less detailed and informative than other imaging tools. Ultrasounds use sound waves to create images of the inside of the body: a transducer (probe) transmits high-frequency sound waves into the body and captures the sound waves that bounce back to produce the image.

Generally speaking, ultrasounds are unable to provide sufficient detail about tumours in the body – especially compared to PET/CT scans. This lack of key data can lead to misdiagnosis, as well as inaccurate treatment plans.

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (35)

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (36)

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (37)

"I used to be afraid of getting cancer, but reading about all the resources you can now use against it makes me feel much better. Keep up the good work!"

– Gladys Neudorf

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (38)

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (39)

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (40)

"My father is doing very well. He just had his appointment with his oncologist who gave him a glowing report. Best possible outcome. I am sure that the immunotherapy was instrumental in his cancer being undetectable a year after diagnosis…especially without surgery. We are confident that this good report will continue into the future. We are very grateful for your help and do believe more people should have access to this treatment [Keytruda]. We hope this will make the treatment more accessible, too. Once again, thank you so much."

– Karen Miller (daughter of Julio, carcinoma survivor, now cancer free)

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (41)

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (42)

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (43)

Biochemist, Health Educator, and Author Stephen Cherniske of ‘The Healthy Skeptics’ recommends CTOAM - 5 stars

Problems with Ultrasounds

  • Ultrasounds Often Fail to Detect Cancer
    Ultrasounds cannot differentiate cancerous tissue from non-cancerous tissue:
    • Therefore, an ultrasound can’t tell a cancerous tumour from a benign tumour
    • "Sometimes imaging tests can show something that looks like cancer, but further tests (such as a biopsy) show that it’s not cancer."
    • An ultrasound cannot show whether a change is caused by cancer
    • Ultrasounds are also ineffective in monitoring whether a treatment is working
    • They do not clearly identify the location of all tumours in your body
  • Ultrasounds Have Limited Use
    Ultrasounds have limited use in some parts of the body because sound waves cannot travel through air or bone:
    • Therefore, ultrasounds cannot detect tumours in the lungs or bone.
    • Ultrasound images are not as detailed as images from CT scans or MRIs
  • Ultrasounds Have Issues with Quality Control
    The quality of ultrasound images largely depends on the skill of the professional operating the transducer (aka the wand that sends the sound waves):
    • Therefore, the accuracy of your diagnosis will depend on the competency of the medical professional operating the transducer
    • This is not the case for CT and MRI scans
    • PET/CT scans are the most reliable, when it comes to producing images that speak entirely for themselves
  • Ultrasounds Lack Sufficient Detail
    An ultrasound can miss small tumours:
    • "It takes millions of cells to make a tumor big enough to show up on an imaging test."
    • So even if cancer cells can’t be seen on an ultrasound, your doctor might have you continue cancer treatment to make sure that they don’t miss any lingering cancer cells that may be hanging around
    • Do not identify the most aggressive tumours - Therefore, doctors are unable to prioritize treatment effectively
  • Ultrasounds are Problematic for Obese Patients
    Because of their low-energy sound waves, ultrasounds struggle to reach through thick layers of tissue.
    • Therefore, it is very difficult to get a good quality image in people who are obese
    • More than one third of Americans and over 20% of Canadians are considered obese

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (44)

Best Diagnostic Imaging Test for Cancer

So with all of these problems, why are ultrasounds still being used as the primary diagnostic tool for cancer? Because:

  • Ultrasounds are much cheaper than other forms of imaging
  • They’re fast and simple to do
  • They're generally able to differentiate between solid tumours and fluid-filled cysts (though, again, they cannot tell if the tumour is cancerous)
  • They don’t expose people to radiation (like CT scans do)

Ultrasounds are currently used in standard cancer treatment as the primary diagnostic tool because they’re cost effective and quick to arrange.

However, there is a much more powerful imaging tool for cancer diagnosis: the PET/CT scan, which stands for Positron Emission Tomography – Computed Tomography. A PET/CT scan can pinpoint exactly where the cancer is in your body, how aggressive it is, as well as observe the outcome of cancer treatment – making it an essential diagnostic tool in fact-based cancer treatment. Please read more about the benefits of PET/CT scans to ensure that you can make an informed decision about what diagnostic tools to use.

If you or a loved one thinks there’s a chance you might have cancer – or have received a diagnosis of cancer – please connect with us today to learn how to make the most informed decision about your cancer treatment.

Register for a Precision Second Opinion to discover how we can help you to reduce stress and dramatically increase treatment success.

Problems with Ultrasound for Cancer Diagnosis (2024)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.