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RESEARCH REPORT 311 - Health and Safety Executive· RESEARCH REPORT 311. HSE Health & Safety Executive An occupational hygiene assessment of the use and control of isocyanates in - [PDF Document] (1)

HSEHealth & Safety


An occupational hygiene assessment of the useand control of isocyanates in the UK

Prepared by Institute of Occupational Medicine for the Health and Safety Executive 2005


RESEARCH REPORT 311 - Health and Safety Executive· RESEARCH REPORT 311. HSE Health & Safety Executive An occupational hygiene assessment of the use and control of isocyanates in - [PDF Document] (2)

HSEHealth & Safety


An occupational hygiene assessment of theuse and control of isocyanates in the UK

Hilary A Cowie, Graeme W Hughson, Karen S Creely,Mairi K Graham, Peter A Hutchison, Robert J Aitken

Institute of Occupational MedicineResearch Park North

RiccartonEdinburghEH14 4AP

There is growing awareness of an increasing number of occupational asthma cases, which areassociated in some way with exposure to isocyanates, particularly for spray painters in the motorvehicle repair (MVR) industry.

Isocyanates are also in widespread use in polyurethane manufacturing processes and the companiesinvolved in this work are diverse and dynamic, making it difficult to identify the population potentiallyexposed.

This study identified the different industry sectors where isocyanates were used and providedestimates of the total number of workers potentially exposed. In addition, further information aboutworkplace exposure levels, working practices and exposure control measures were obtained by visitinga limited number of non-MVR companies. Separate investigations were being made in the MVR sector.

It is estimated that approximately 6200 MVR companies use isocyanates, with around 15000employees directly exposed. In the non-MVR sector, a total of 1657 companies were estimated to useisocyanates, with around 7000 employees directly exposed.

In the main, companies carrying out work with the greatest potential for exposure were aware of thehealth risks and had taken appropriate action to control workers’ exposures. The results of theworkplace surveys confirmed that exposure levels were generally low and that it was possible tocontrol air concentrations to below the existing exposure limits with basic exposure control measures.These results suggest that isocyanate related asthma cases could be due to momentary lapses inexposure controls rather than prolonged, high level exposure that might be attributed to ignorance ofthe health risks and the recommended control measures. Alternatively, it is possible that the existingexposure limits for isocyanates are not set an appropriate level for adequate protection of exposedworkers.

This report and the work it describes were funded by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Itscontents, including any opinions and/or conclusions expressed, are those of the authors alone and donot necessarily reflect HSE policy.


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© Crown copyright 2005

First published 2005

ISBN 0 7176 2959 7

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may bereproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted inany form or by any means (electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the priorwritten permission of the copyright owner.

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CONTENTS Section Description Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background to the study 1 1.2 Overview of isocyanate use 1 1.3 Summary of isocyanate related health effects 2 1.4 Structure of this report 3 PART 1 Telephone and postal questionnaire survey 5 2. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 7 3. METHODS 9 3.1 Overview of study design 9 3.2 Questionnaire design 9 3.2.1 Telephone questionnaire 9 3.2.2 Postal questionnaire 10 3.2.3 Survey and questionnaire piloting and review 10 3.3 Survey of MVR Sector 11 3.3.1 Identification of companies 11 3.3.2 Sample processing 13 3.3.3 Survey administration 14 3.4 Survey of other sectors 14 3.4.1 Identification of companies and sample selection 14 3.4.2 Survey administration 16 3.5 Data processing 17 3.6 Statistical analysis 17 4. RESULTS : MVR SECTOR 19 4.1 Telephone survey participation and response 19 4.2 Telephone survey results 19 4.2.1 Frequency of use of isocyanates 20 4.2.2 Jobs and tasks in which isocyanates are used 22 4.2.3 Use of ventilation and respiratory protective equipment 22 4.2.4 Extrapolation to the general population 24 4.3 Results from postal questionnaire 25 4.3.1 Postal survey response 25 4.3.2 Isocyanate products used 26 4.3.3 Pattern and nature of work 27 4.3.4 Equipment, training and cleaning 27 4.3.5 Ventilation 28 4.3.6 Respirators and personal protective equipment 28 4.3.7 Spills or leaks 29 4.3.8 Air monitoring and health surveillance 30 4.4 Comparison of telephone and postal survey responses 30 4.4.1 General comparison between survey results 30 4.4.2 Comparison between companies that participated in both surveys 30 5. RESULTS : NON-MVR SECTORS 33 5.1 Telephone survey participation and response 33 5.2 Telephone survey results 33

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5.2.1 Details of participating companies 33 5.2.2 Use of isocyanates 34 5.2.3 Reclassification of company sector 36 5.3 Summary of results for the non-MVR sector 37 5.3.1 Use of isocyanates 37 5.3.2 Job details 42 5.3.3 Use of RPE and ventilation 42 5.4 Extrapolation to the general population 46 6. SUMMARY OF PHASE 1 RESULTS 47 6.1 MVR sector 47 6.2 Non-MVR sectors 47 PART 2 Occupational Hygiene Monitoring Survey 49 7. INTRODUCTION TO PHASE 2 51 8. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 53 9. LEGISLATION AND GUIDANCE 55 10. METHODS 57 10.1 Selection of companies for study sample 57 10.1.1 Categories of use 57 10.1.2 Company selection 58 10.2 Survey methodology 60 10.2.1 Sampling and analytical methods 60 10.2.2 Collection of contextual information 60 10.2.3 Evaluation of control measures 61 10.2.4 Biological monitoring 61 10.3 Data analysis 61 10.4 Reporting 61 11. RESULTS OF WORKPLACE SURVEYS 63 12. DISCUSSION OF PHASE 2 RESULTS 67 13. OVERALL CONCLUSIONS 71 14. RECOMMENDATIONS 73 15. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 75 16. REFERENCES 77 APPENDICES 81 A1 Sample size calculations 83 A2 Telephone questionnaire for MVR sector – interviewer script 85 A3 Telephone questionnaire for MVR sector – recording sheet 93 A4 Postal questionnaire MVR sector 99 A5 Telephone questionnaire non-MVR sectors 113 A6 Postal questionnaire non-MVR sector 127 A7 Postal questionnaire SMART repairers 141 A8 Detailed results for the non-MVR sector 155 A9 Detailed observations from site surveys 205


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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction There is growing awareness of an increasing number of occupational asthma cases, which are associated in some way with exposure to isocyanates, particularly in occupations where paints and other coatings are applied by spray methods. Isocyanate based paints are particularly useful in the motor vehicle repair (MVR) industry and it is from this particular sector that the greatest number of asthma cases have been observed. Isocyanates are also in widespread use in polyurethane manufacturing processes. Polyurethane is used as an insulation material in many applications and is also used to produce flexible and rigid foams, moulded plastic components, various adhesives and sealants. Due to the highly diverse and growing use of polyurethane, combined with the dynamic nature of the companies involved, this industry sector is much more difficult to categorise. Therefore, relatively little is known about the numbers of workers and methods of work in the companies using these chemicals. In Phase 1 of this study, by means of telephone and postal questionnaires, we were able to identify the different industry sectors where isocyanates were used and have provided estimates of the total number of workers potentially exposed. In addition, in Phase 2, further information about workplace exposure levels, working practices and exposure control measures were obtained by carrying out occupational hygiene surveys in a limited number of non-MVR companies. Work to investigate conditions in the MVR industry sector was being carried out separately. The aims and methods, results and conclusions for each phase of this study are briefly described in the following paragraphs and some recommendations are provided at the end of this summary. Phase 1 study Aims and Methods The main aim of the Phase 1 study was to obtain quantitative, representative information from the motor vehicle repair (MVR) industry and from different industries within the non-MVR sector where isocyanates are used. The information collected included the size of the exposed population, the job profiles of those exposed, working practices and measures used to control occupational exposure to isocyanates. Workplaces in the MVR sector were identified using the Business Yellow Pages, selected because it is comprehensive, up to date, contains full contact details and details of numbers of employees. It is a free medium for advertising and so it is likely to be complete. Workplaces from the non-MVR sectors included a wide variety of industries, including isocyanate producers, flexible foam manufacturers, rigid foam manufacturers, vehicle manufacturers, foundries, small to medium repair technique (SMART) repairers, coatings and adhesive manufacturers, insulation contractors, construction firms, industrial painters and printers and laminators. These were identified from a number of different sources including trade associations, listings on the Internet and business directories including the Yellow Pages website and the Kelly Search website ( The target study sample comprised 1500 companies from the MVR sector and a total of 500 companies from other sectors. Each company was asked to complete a brief telephone interview, designed to elicit basic information about the company, its use of isocyanates, and

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the tasks being carried out. The questionnaire included known generic and trade names for possible isocyanate-containing products as prompts where necessary. Where a company was using isocyanates and agreed to participate further, a more detailed paper-based questionnaire, which requested further information about the use of isocyanates, was mailed to the named contact. Data from the telephone and postal questionnaires were entered onto computer and validated before statistical analyses were carried out. Results and Conclusions from Phase 1 In both the MVR and non-MVR sectors response to the telephone survey was good with only 5% of those companies which were contacted refusing to take part. Overall, 1480 MVR companies and 524 non-MVR companies participated in the survey. Response to the postal questionnaire was poorer, with a response rate of around 30%. Results from the postal questionnaire are therefore less reliable than for the telephone questionnaire. Of the 1480 MVR companies interviewed, 17% had no painting facilities, 15% did not use isocyanates and 68% used isocyanates. Extrapolation of these figures to the general population suggests than in the UK approximately 6200 MVR companies use isocyanates, with around 15000 employees directly exposed to isocyanates. Isocyanates were used by 49% of the non-MVR companies surveyed. Extrapolation to the general population indicates that around 500 non-MVR companies use isocyanates, with a total of around 7000 employees directly exposed to isocyanates. However, these non-MVR figures are likely to be an underestimate as they are based on the companies identified for the study. While the company identification strategy provided a suitable sampling frame for the study, it is likely that the listing is not entirely comprehensive of all relevant companies in the UK, although stringent efforts were made to identify the majority of companies which may use isocyanates in their work. Most isocyanate exposure in the MVR industry is due to spray painting tasks and mixing of paint. Other exposures arise from other paint application methods (e.g. brush/roller), cleaning and maintenance of equipment. In the non-MVR sectors the most frequent uses of isocyanates were as coatings for painting items, carrying out a manufacturing process using isocyanates to produce finished products and manufacturing formulations using or containing isocyanate chemicals. The use of respiratory protective equipment (RPE) varied between different patterns of use, and was commonly worn in companies involved in painting or spraying of polyurethane (PU) coatings, where it was used in more than 90% of tasks. In other patterns of use (e.g. maintenance or mixing), RPE was reported to be worn for 50% of tasks or less. Some of the tasks where RPE was not used were contained processes. The most frequently used RPE for paint spraying was a hood or visor with supplied air, while for paint mixing a disposable half-mask respirator or a hood or visor with supplied air were most commonly used. Disposable half-mask respirators were commonly reported to be used for all types of tasks, with full facepiece respirators with airline also used for mixing and application. Reported use of ventilation to control exposure was high for all types of isocyanate exposed tasks on both the telephone and postal questionnaires. Overall, ventilation controls were used in 96% of all tasks reported, with local exhaust ventilation (LEV) used most frequently.


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Phase 2 study Aims and Methods The purpose of the workplace monitoring surveys was to establish typical isocyanate exposures for a range of companies, which were judged to be applying good practice, covering a variety of tasks and categories of use within the non-MVR sector. The companies were selected in this way partly to determine if it was possible to comply with the existing exposure limits using currently available technology, and also to help reveal new or better ways of controlling exposure. A sample of companies that used appropriate RPE and ventilation controls was selected from the Phase 1 telephone survey. Personal exposure sampling was carried out and the samples were analysed according to the accepted methodology (HSE, 1999). Details about the working practices within each company were recorded together with information about the various control measures used. The control measures including respirators, gloves and ventilation equipment were evaluated to determine their adequacy. This information was used to compare against what was originally reported in the companies’ responses to the telephone and postal questionnaires and this was used to validate the results of the Phase 1 study. Results and Conclusions from Phase 2 A total of 21 companies were surveyed over a wide range of production activities and 160 personal exposure measurements were obtained. The companies included in this survey could be considered to be representative of a broad range of isocyanate users, from small and medium sized enterprises through to very large employers. In addition, a wide range of isocyanate use was covered, from paint spraying and polyurethane spraying to printing/laminating and aluminium casting. There were eight different categories of use of isocyanates included as follows: • Chemical processing; • Coating/spreading; • Gluing/sealing; • Mixing; • Moulding/injecting; • Painting (brush and roller); • Painting (spray); • Polyurethane spraying. In general, the airborne concentrations for the majority of tasks and processes were low. Of the 160 personal samples obtained, 100 were less than the limit of detection (LOD) for the analytical method and 20 samples were less than the limit of quantification (LOQ), given as 0.001 mg/m3. A total of 40 samples were equal to or above the LOQ. Ten of these were equal to or greater than the 8-hour TWA Maximum Exposure Limit of 0.02 mg/m3 for isocyanates and four of these measurements were greater or equal to the 15-minute Short Term Exposure Limit of 0.07 mg/m3. All of the 10 measurements that were above 0.02 mg/m3 were in fact short-term, task based exposure measurements, so it does not mean that the 8-hour TWA exposure limit was being exceeded for the workers concerned. However, the 15-minute STEL of 0.07 mg/m3 was exceeded on the four occasions specified. Nevertheless, in all cases where elevated airborne


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concentrations were recorded, the workers were being adequately protected by appropriate RPE. The highest measurements were collected during spray painting of vehicles in truck and car manufacturing industry and also the spray application of polyurethane foam insulation to the inner surface of a farm building. In the case of the polyurethane spraying tasks, there were only rudimentary ventilation controls applied to the task. In the case of the paint spraying the ventilation controls were not working correctly. While the airborne concentrations were high in both these cases the workers were adequately protected by the use of supplied air breathing apparatus. The workplace visits revealed some important issues concerning the handling and transfer of of isocyanate chemicals. For example, companies often blended their own chemical formulations using isocyanates and the associated mixing and packaging tasks were often poorly controlled. Transfer of chemicals from bulk containers to process containers was often done by manual pouring or using siphon pumps rather than full containment systems. These types of handling techniques can lead to unnecessary inhalation and dermal exposure. In one large company, which manufactured refrigerators, the polyurethane delivery system was almost fully enclosed and included automated, self-cleaning foaming heads. These eliminated the need for manual intervention with cleaning solvents, except for certain maintenance tasks. This was a major factor in reducing workers chemical exposures in general and isocyanates in particular. All exposure measurements collected in this factory were less than the limit of detection. Although there were examples of poor chemical handling procedures in some companies, workers were usually well protected by the use of gloves and overalls. This indicates that companies are heavily reliant on personal protective equipment (PPE) as a control measure, rather than investing in automated or enclosed chemical delivery systems. The existing technological controls including ventilation and RPE are simple measures that can be easily applied to protect workers from excessive airborne isocyanate concentrations. The reported cases of respiratory sensitisation due to isocyanate exposure could possibly be due to individual or organisational failures to ensure these controls are maintained and consistently applied. However, it is also possible that the existing exposure limits are not set at an appropriate level for ensuring adequate protection of exposed works. It is difficult to obtain reliable isocyanate exposure measurements because the sampling method is not compatible with the types of jobs and workplaces where isocyanates are used. Also, the analytical method is a difficult and complex matter, requiring a high level of competence. In general, ineffective sampling and flawed analysis are both likely to contribute to underestimates of exposure, making it possible for employers to believe that workers are being protected when they are not. There are evidently problems with the exposure assessment methodology because there are cases of respiratory sensitisation associated with jobs or tasks which do not seem to have the potential to produce elevated airborne concentrations. It is recognised that there may well be risk factors such as atopy or other genetic factors which may increase the susceptibility of individuals to sensitisation and this may partly explain these unexpected cases. Alternatively, it is possible that existing exposure assessment methodology is underestimating the importance of exposure by other routes, which would include dermal contact. Finally, there was a good match between the questionnaire responses and that of the observed conditions in each workplace, which indicates that the results of the Phase 1 survey are reliable.


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Recommendations The following recommendations are suggested from the finding of this study and also include some good general advice for controlling isocyanate exposure: Firstly, the estimates of the numbers of workers potentially exposed from within the non-MVR sector are considered to be less reliable than that provided for the MVR sector due to the difficulty in classifying and identifying companies within this sector. Further work is therefore necessary to elaborate on what has already been done for this sector and to identify and monitor new uses of isocyanate chemicals. The polyurethane industry should be encouraged to use reliable, fully contained chemical delivery systems as far as possible and also to install self-cleaning foaming heads. Companies carrying out work with isocyanates should ensure they perform regular checks on the various control measures to ensure they continue to provide the necessary level of control. This should include continuous monitoring of the airflows in ventilation booths, frequent checks on the condition of respirators and breathing apparatus and ensuring an adequate supply of protective clothing. The existing methods for sampling and analysis of airborne isocyanates should be reviewed and improved if possible. Laboratories carrying out this work should demonstrate the necessary level of competence in both sampling and analysis, i.e. by taking part in a suitable quality assurance scheme. Due to the inherent problems with the sampling and analysis of air samples for isocyanates, companies should use biological monitoring to demonstrate workers are being adequately protected. Consideration should also be given to novel forms of biological monitoring including immunoassay techniques to identify people that may be sensitised. From this study, it is appears that it is not widely recognised that polyisocyanates have similar toxic effects to monomeric forms of isocyanates. In addition, safety data sheets for polyurethane products usually only specify the monomeric diisocyanate content of the product and can be vague about the polymeric isocyanate content. It will therefore be necessary to review the reporting criteria for isocyanate chemicals within the context of the Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2002. Atopics represent a significant population that are at increased risk from isocyanate exposure and cannot realistically be excluded from work with these chemicals. It will therefore be appropriate to consider this and other genetic risk factors in relation to the existing occupational exposure limits and whether or not they should be reduced. Additional information about working practices, including the use and maintenance of control measures could be obtained by following up on cases of respiratory sensitisation due to isocyanate, as reported to SWORD. This may help to gain a better understanding about the risk factors in the various industries where exposure has occurred.


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1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the study The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have recently published a proposed strategy for reducing the incidence of occupational asthma, a major ongoing cause of concern (Proposals for reducing the incidence of occupational asthma, including an Approved Code of Practice: Control of substances that cause occupational asthma). One element of this strategy is a recognition of the need for greater understanding of the circ*mstances under which occupational asthma occurs, as this will allow guidance to be targeted more effectively. The number of new cases of occupational asthma reported under the HSE funded Surveillance of Work Related Occupational Respiratory Diseases scheme (SWORD) (Keynes et al., 1996) has remained broadly constant. Isocyanates are considered to be the biggest cause of new cases and are responsible for 20% of those reported. The 2001 report from SHIELD, a surveillance scheme for occupational asthma in the West Midlands (Huggins et al., 2001) reported that 33% of all cases of occupational asthma were caused by isocyanates. For each year bar one since the scheme started in 1989, isocyanates were the most common cause of occupational asthma. In 2001, the occupations of those diagnosed with occupational asthma caused by isocyanates included die caster, upholsterer, core maker, foam injection, motor vehicle body repairer, paint sprayer, packer, wreath maker and glue sprayer. A specific issue of concern to the HSE is the industry sector(s) where occupational asthma due to isocyanate exposure occurs. In particular, whether the occurrence is primarily in the motor vehicle repair (MVR) sector or in other sectors, such as the foam industry or printing industry. The Health and Safety Commission’s Advisory Committee on Toxic Substances (ACTS) have also requested structured information on where exposures to isocyanates are occurring, the levels of exposure and the control measures used. The HSE therefore commissioned the Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) to carry out a comprehensive questionnaire survey of isocyanate users across the UK, to estimate the numbers of workers potentially exposed to isocyanates, the tasks they were doing and the control measures being used. Part one this report describes the methods and findings of the questionnaire surveys and Part two, describes an occupational hygiene assessment of actual exposure levels during site visits to end users within the non-MVR industry sector. A survey of isocyanate exposure in the MVR industry was carried out by other researchers and its findings are outside the scope of this report. 1.2 Overview of isocyanate use Isocyanates are a family of highly reactive, low molecular weight chemicals. The most widely used compounds are the di-isocyanates (which contain two isocyanate groups (-NCO)) and polyisocyanates (which may contain several isocyanate groups). The most commonly used diisocyanates include Diphenyl methane di-isocyanate (MDI), toluene di-isocyanate (TDI) and hexamethylene di-isocyanate (HDI). Isocyanates are the raw materials from which all polyurethane products are made. Isocyanates are widely used in the manufacture of flexible and rigid foams, fibres, coatings such as paints and varnishes, and elastomers. Diisocyanates are increasingly used in the automobile industry, auto body repair and building insulation materials (Klees et al., 1999). Isocyanate formulations are produced and supplied by the chemical manufacturers as two-part ‘polyurethane systems’ comprising a diisocyanate component and a polyol resin and are usually designed for specific applications. The two components are mixed together by the end user e.g. by an automatic metering system employing low pressure injection as is


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commonly the case in flexible foam manufacturing or by manual mixing e.g., in automotive paint refinishing. Once mixed, the polyurethane formulation quickly cures or ‘goes off’ to form the finished product. In the case of flexible foams, a blowing agent such as pentane is introduced into the polyol resin to cause the foam to rapidly expand to fill the required space. About 90% of the total isocyanate market is taken up by MDI and TDI (Allport et al., 2003). For example, furniture applications are predominantly related to TDI-based flexible foams while insulation and construction are almost entirely related to MDI-based rigid foams. Pure MDI is a solid, and is commercially available in the form of a concentrated solution. It is used to produce rigid foams for solid car parts such as car bumpers and facia panels or for thermal insulation and composite panels. Modified (or liquid) MDI, also known as pre-polymers, is used in reaction injection moulding, polyurethane elastomers, and polyurethane automotive parts. It is also used in flexible foams, adhesives, coatings and sealants. MDI is also used as binder in the manufacture of other products such as particle boards, and sand-based foundry moulds (Allport et al., 2003). TDI is a liquid, available as a single isomer or as a mixture of isomers and as modified (pre-polymer) TDI. TDI is used to produce flexible foams for furniture and car seats and in the manufacture of rigid polyurethane foam, mouldings, polyurethane paint coatings, varnishes, wire enamels, adhesives and sealants. HDI (hexamethylene di-isocyanate) is used in paints and lacquers in the automobile manufacturing and refinishing sectors. 1.3 Summary of isocyanate related health effects The health effects and exposure criteria for isocyanates have been widely reported (Klees et al., 1999, NIOSH, 2004, Streicher et al., 1998). In summary, isocyanates are irritating to the skin and eyes, mucous membranes and respiratory tract. Inhalation of sufficiently high concentrations may cause permanent asthmatic symptoms (Marabini et al., 1994, Paggiaro et al., 1993) but the most common adverse health outcome is respiratory sensitisation. The most common symptoms of isocyanate induced asthma are coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, tightness in the chest and nocturnal wakening. Induction of sensitisation is considered to be dose dependent, and it is believed that sensitisation may occur after a single peak exposure to isocyanates. After sensitisation, asthmatic attacks may occur at very low exposure levels, which may be much less than the relevant occupational exposure limit. The asthmatic condition may occur a few minutes after exposure, or more commonly several hours later, hence the characteristic nocturnal wakening. The severity of the asthmatic attacks which occur after re-exposure have been known to cause death in sensitised individuals (Carino et al., 1997, Carona et al., 1987, Fabbri et al., 1988). The only effective remedy for the sensitised individual is complete cessation of isocyanate exposure. This may be possible by removing the worker from direct contact with the source of isocyanate exposure, but this clearly may not always be a practical option for many occupation and patients often need to find alternative employment. Adverse health effects were traditionally attributed to exposure to diisocyanate monomers, but recent cases have shown that inhalation of polyurethane dust, or polymeric or oligomeric forms of the chemicals are also capable of inducing respiratory sensitisation (Bello et al., 2004, Morimatsu et al., 2004, Vandenplas et al., 1992, Zissu et al., 1998). There is also limited evidence from animal studies that dermal exposure may produce respiratory sensitisation (Karol et al., 1981, Rattray et al., 1994) and this may be a relevant factor in the etiology of disease in humans.


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1.4 Structure of this report As described previously this study was carried out in two phases, so the structure of this report mirrors the way the work was carried out. In Part 1 of this report the results of the telephone and postal questionnaires conducted as Phase 1 of this study are described. Part 2 is concerned with the results of the workplace monitoring survey conducted as Phase 2 of the study. Part 1 includes a detailed description of the study methodology and results of the Phase 1 telephone and postal surveys for both the MVR and non-MVR industry sectors, together with a discussion of the main issues and findings relating to this part of the study. Supplementary material is included in the Appendices. This includes copies of the questionnaires used, description of the statistical methods, and detailed statistical analysis of the survey data. Part 2 of this report contains a description of the Phase 2 survey methodology and results of the workplace sampling surveys carried out for a selection of companies in the non-MVR sector. This includes a discussion of the main results and occupational hygiene issues relating to this industry sector. Supplementary material, including detailed descriptions of the different workplaces, is included in the Appendices. The overall conclusions and some recommendations for action are provided at the end of Part 2. An Executive Summary of the main findings is provided at the front of the report.


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Part 1

Telephone and Postal Survey of Isocyanate Users


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2. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The main aim of the Phase 1 study was to obtain quantitative representative information from the motor vehicle repair (MVR) industry and from different industry sectors within the non-MVR industries using isocyanates concerning:

• The size of the exposed population; • Job profiles, working practices and measures used to control occupational exposure.

The detailed objectives were to: • identify all manufacturers and suppliers of isocyanate containing products and identify

these products, including generic or brand names;

• select from a broad baseline population, a sample of isocyanate users in the MVR and each of the non-MVR sectors;

• develop (and pilot) a survey process combining telephone and written questionnaires; • administer the survey and analyse the results to produce the required descriptions in a

suitably anonymised form.


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3. METHODS 3.1 Overview of Study Design

Following the identification of workplaces from MVR and non-MVR sectors where individual workers are potentially exposed to isocyanates, using several sources including commercial databases and trade organisations, a sample was selected for inclusion in the study. Sample selection was done separately for MVR and non-MVR workplaces, and for different industry sectors within the non-MVR workplaces. Industry sectors to be included were isocyanate producers, flexible foam manufacturers, rigid foam manufacturers, vehicle manufacturers, foundries, small to medium repair technique (SMART) repairers, coatings and adhesive manufacturers, insulation contractors, construction firms, industrial painters and printers and laminators. The objectives of the study included the estimation of several indices such as: • the total number of employees in the workplaces • the total number of employees with potential exposure to isocyanates • the number of employees carrying out each of the tasks described by the respondents and

employed in each of the job profiles • the proportion of workers using control measures in each job profile, and in each of the

listed industry sectors Each index was calculated for the study group overall, separately for the MVR and non-MVR workplaces, and for each of the industry sectors within the non-MVR category. It was specified in the study tender that the estimates overall and separately for the MVR and non-MVR workplaces, should have 95% confidence intervals which are no wider than plus or minus 10%, and sample sizes were chosen to provide adequate statistical power to achieve this precision (see Appendix 1 for details). The target study sample comprised 1500 companies from the MVR sector and a total of 500 companies from other sectors. The survey work was undertaken in two parts. The first was a brief telephone interview with the most appropriate contact from the company, e.g. the health and safety officer, owner, manager. A short questionnaire was administered, designed to elicit basic information about the company, its use of isocyanates, and the tasks being carried out. The questionnaire included known generic and trade names for possible isocyanate-containing products as prompts where necessary. Where a company was using isocyanates and agreed to participate further, a more detailed paper-based questionnaire, which requested further information about the use of isocyanates was mailed to the named contact. Data from the telephone and postal questionnaires were entered onto computer and validated before statistical analyses were carried out. 3.2 Questionnaire Design

3.2.1 Telephone questionnaire Two different versions of the telephone questionnaire were produced, one version for the MVR sector and one for the other sectors. Both versions included questions on the following topics:

• basic information about the company – confirmation of industry sector, company size (total number of employees), membership of trade associations;

• use of isocyanates; • number of workers potentially exposed to isocyanates;


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• information on jobs and tasks where isocyanate exposure occurs; • numbers of employees carrying out identified jobs and tasks; • information on control measures used (by job/task) and number of employees using

them. In addition, the telephone questionnaire used for the non-MVR sector included a series of introductory questions to determine whether and in what way isocyanate products were used or manufactured by each company. Prior to the questionnaire survey taking place, information was obtained on generic and trade names of isocyanate products. Lists of these names were available as prompts during the questionnaire administration, with different lists being drawn up for different industry sectors. Where possible, information on the tasks in each sector where isocyanate use might take place was also available to the interviewers as prompts during the interview. Copies of the telephone script and recording sheet are shown in Appendices 2 and 3, respectively for the MVR sector and Appendix 5 for the non-MVR sectors. 3.2.2 Postal questionnaire Where a company was using isocyanates and agreed to participate further in the study, a more detailed paper-based questionnaire was sent out following the telephone interview. The postal questionnaire included questions to elicit information on: • isocyanate products used and quantity; • numbers of employees directly and indirectly exposed to isocyanates; • types of respiratory protection equipment (RPE) used; • types of ventilation used; • cleaning and maintenance of work equipment; • routine medical examinations for employees.

The postal questionnaires were designed to be as easy to complete as possible and most questions could be answered by means of tick boxes. Three versions of the postal questionnaire were produced – for MVR companies, SMART repairers and for all other sectors. Copies of the postal questionnaires are shown in Appendices 4, 6 and 7. 3.2.3 Survey and questionnaire piloting and review Prior to the main survey, a small pilot exercise was carried out. The aims of this pilot study were to test the format and content of the telephone and postal questionnaires and to estimate the likely response rate for the main survey. The pilot exercise was carried out for companies in the MVR sector. Companies were selected from areas across the UK, abstracted from lists of companies on the website of the Vehicle Builders and Repairers Association ( The first set of telephone interviews was carried out by an IOM occupational hygienist. This was done so that the interviewer would be able to answer any technical queries the participant may have about what isocyanates were and what they might be used for. Once it became clear that respondents were finding the questions relatively straightforward to complete, further telephone interviews were carried out by an experienced IOM clerk. This was done to ensure that it would be possible for a non-technical interviewer to carry out the survey. Finally an


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experienced interviewer who had worked for a commercial telephone interview company spent one afternoon observing the administration of the telephone interview and provided detailed advice on interviewing techniques. During the telephone interview, participants were also asked if they would be willing to complete the postal questionnaire and, if so, questionnaires were posted out within two days of the telephone interview. Where the questionnaire was not returned within two weeks, a reminder letter and second postal questionnaire were sent out. A sample of 42 companies was identified and several attempts were made to contact 32 of these during the pilot study. Telephone interviews were completed for 12 of these 32 companies (38%), 10 companies (31%) did not participate (9 refused and 1 was too busy), 3 (9%) referred the interviewer to their Head Office, while for the remaining seven the relevant person was unavailable. Of those companies where the relevant member of staff was identified during the telephone call and spoken to directly, around 50% agreed to participate. Of the 12 interview participants, only one worked for a company which did not use isocyanates and so was not invited to complete the postal questionnaire. Of the other 11 participants, 10 (91%) agree to complete the postal questionnaire, and of these, 6 questionnaires (60%) were completed and returned within four weeks of the telephone interview. Results from the pilot study were used to estimate the response rate and interview length for the main telephone survey, and to make some small modifications to the content and layout of the telephone and postal questionnaires. 3.3 Survey of MVR Sector The target for the survey of companies in the MVR industry was 1500 completed telephone interviews from companies which had been confirmed to work in the industry (i.e. companies that specifically carried out motor vehicle body repairs). Exposure to isocyanates was not a necessary condition for inclusion in the sample, as companies that did not use isocyanates were also of interest in the study. Postal questionnaires were requested from all of the telephone survey participants who reported using isocyanates and who agreed to participate further in the research. 3.3.1 Identification of companies Several potential sources of data were considered from which to identify suitable companies. These included trade associations, listings on the Internet and business directories including Business Yellow Pages (BYP), the Dun and Bradstreet commercial database of organisations and the Inter-departmental business register (IDBR). After extensive discussions within the IOM project team and with the HSE project team it was agreed that the BYP would be the data source to be used. Reasons for this included:

• the listing is the most up to date; • it contains full contact details and details of numbers of employees; • it is a key free medium for advertising and so it is likely to be complete; • it was agreed that it would be unlikely that members of trade associations would

not be listed in the BYP, so there would be no additional benefit in using trade association listings.

The BYP contains information on companies in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. In the event, although there were some companies from Northern Ireland included in


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the study sample, none of these participated in the survey. Companies based in Eire and on the Isle of Man were not included in the sample. Entries in BYP are subdivided into Market Sectors within Business Groups. Within each Market Sector there are a number of detailed classifications and each company is listed once under its principal classification. There are five Business Groups used - Retail and Consumer, Services, Agricultural and Materials, Transport and Construction and Manufacturing. Companies in the motor vehicle sector are listed under Group 1 (Retail and Consumer) and Group 4 (Transport and Construction). Within these groups there are three relevant Market Sectors:

• Sector AL: Garages and Vehicle Services • Sector AM: Vehicles • Sector GM: Vehicle Equipment and Accessories

From these market sectors fourteen classifications which would potentially include MVR companies were identified by the IOM project team. Of these, eight were defined to be primary classifications (i.e. most likely to contain MVR companies) and six were defined to be secondary classifications. Table 3.1 shows the distribution of companies in the BYP by classification and number of employees as provided by BYP. (Companies without full contact details or with unspecified numbers of employees are excluded from the table and were not included in the sample selection).

Table 3.1 Distribution of relevant companies by classification and number of employees

Number of employees Classification 1-5 6-10 11-19 20-49 50-99 100-199 200+ All Primary: Classic car restoration 618 71 19 7 1 0 0 716 Car body repairs 3638 643 356 409 53 8 0 5107 Car painters & sprayers 382 42 8 9 1 1 0 443 Caravan repairs & service 182 25 5 8 2 1 1 224 Coach painters 84 18 6 1 1 0 0 110 Commercial vehicle bodybuilders 116 64 49 71 18 10 7 335 Car & coach body builders 132 52 27 31 10 3 3 258 Panel beaters 70 12 5 6 0 0 0 93 Secondary: Coach dealers & service 10 3 5 6 1 0 0 25 Car dealers & distributors 5084 1230 877 1774 636 178 47 9826 Commercial vehicle repairs 823 347 160 131 36 8 2 1507 Commercial vehicle dealers 576 170 71 142 89 23 6 1077 Motor cycle & scooter dealers 1250 237 69 49 3 4 0 1612 Garage services 19946 3403 822 580 103 32 6 24892 Total 32911 6317 2479 3224 954 268 72 46225

The original aim was for a sample of approximately 6000 companies comprising 4000 from the primary classification groups and 2000 from the secondary classification groups. This would average around 500 companies from each classification in the primary group and 330 from each classification in the secondary group. Primary classification sample selection: Six of the eight classification groups contained fewer than the target 500 companies and so were included in their entirety, with a total sample from these groups of 1463 companies. Of the remaining two groups, it was thought unlikely that small companies concerned with Classic Car Restoration would carry out vehicle repairs, and so a sample of 102 was selected from the 618 (17%) companies in the smallest size group and all of the companies in the


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larger size groups giving a total of 200 companies from this classification. The final classification (Car Body Repairs) was the largest in the primary group, and likely to be the most important for the survey. All 61 companies in this classification with 50 or more employees were therefore included, and 60% of companies in each of the four size groups with fewer than 50 employees. This gave a total of 3089 Car Body Repairers, and of 4752 companies from the primary group. Secondary classification sample selection: There were only 25 Coach Dealers and Servicing companies in the study population and all these were included in the sample. In the remaining five classifications, it was assumed that the smallest companies would be the least likely to carry out vehicle body repairs and so no companies in these classifications with fewer than six employees were included in the sample. In the same way it was assumed that companies with 6-10 employees would also be less likely to carry out vehicle body repairs, so these were excluded for all except Commercial Vehicle Repairers and Garage Services (both of whom had reasonable numbers of companies in this size group). For company sizes of 11 and above, all companies in the Commercial Vehicle Repairers, Commercial Vehicle Dealers and Motor Cycle and Scooter Dealers were included. The numbers of Garage Services and Car Dealers and Distributors were much larger and so samples were taken from the larger cells. In total 2006 companies were selected from the secondary group. Overall, therefore, a total sample of 6758 companies was requested from BYP, as shown in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 Distribution of sample of companies by classification and number of employees. Shaded cells are categories where a sample of less than 100% has been selected.

Number of employees Classification 1-5 6-10 11-19 20-49 50-99 100-199 200+ All Primary: Classic car restoration 102 71 19 7 1 0 0 200 Car body repairs 2183 386 214 245 53 8 0 3089 Car painters & sprayers 382 42 8 9 1 1 0 443 Caravan repairs & service 182 25 5 8 2 1 1 224 Coach painters 84 18 6 1 1 0 0 110 Commercial vehicle bodybuilders 116 64 49 71 18 10 7 335 Car & coach body builders 132 52 27 31 10 3 3 258 Panel beaters 70 12 5 6 0 0 0 93 Secondary Coach dealers & service 10 3 5 6 1 0 0 25 Car dealers & distributors 0 0 100 100 100 100 47 447 Commercial vehicle repairs 0 100 160 131 36 8 2 437 Commercial vehicle dealers 0 0 71 142 89 23 6 331 Motor cycle & scooter dealers 0 0 69 49 3 4 0 125 Garage services 0 100 200 200 103 32 6 641 Total 3261 873 938 1006 418 190 72 6758

3.3.2 Sample processing Once the sample listing of 6758 companies was received at the IOM, its distribution by size group and classification was checked against what had been requested from BYP. The sample was accurate and exactly as requested. Names of companies in the sample were then


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checked against those companies which had been contacted during the pilot survey for the project, resulting in the elimination of eight companies from the total sample. The remaining 6750 companies, which had been supplied by BYP in alphabetic order, were then fully randomised (irrespective of size group or classification) and the first 3000 records were inspected to ensure that the randomisation had resulted in reasonable coverage across the size and classification groups.

The randomised list of companies was then given to the survey interview team for the implementation of the telephone survey. 3.3.3 Survey administration

The telephone questionnaire was administered by a team of five experienced telephone interviewers. All of the interviewers had previously undergone training in telephone interview techniques by a professional market research company and were trained in use of the study questionnaire before commencing the interviews. One of the five interviewers was designated team leader and took responsibility for the administration of the telephone survey, the quality of the interviewing teams’ work, the achievement of the target number of interviews within the time period available and the sending out of postal questionnaires to those companies which agreed to participate in the postal survey. The interviewing team was located on the IOM premises and the team leader worked in close liaison with the IOM study team in all aspects of the survey. Daily progress meetings were held with a member of the IOM team experienced in survey administration. The telephone survey took place over a five week period in August/September 2002.

3.4 Survey of other sectors The target for the survey of companies in the non-MVR sectors was 500 completed telephone interviews from companies which had been confirmed during the interview as working in the relevant industry sectors. Sectors included in the survey were

i. Isocyanates producers; ii. Flexible foam manufacturers; iii. Rigid foam manufacturers; iv. Vehicle manufacturers (including manufacturers of automotive components); v. Foundries (sand mould binders); vi. SMART repairers; vii. Coatings/adhesives manufacturers; viii. General building contractors (insulation, asbestos, industrial painters); ix. Injection moulders; x. Refrigerated goods manufacturers; xi. Printers and laminators.

3.4.1 Identification of companies and sample selection Table 3.3 shows the target number of interviews in each sector. For some sectors, preliminary work on company identification, and information received from HSE, indicated that there were limited numbers of companies located in the UK. For these sectors (isocyanate producers, block rigid foam manufacturers and refrigerated goods manufacturers) the target number of interviews was all of the relevant companies in the sector. For most other sectors the target was 60 interviews per sector. The only exception to this was general building


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contractors. This category was subdivided into three subgroups – specialist insulation contractors, asbestos contractors and industrial painters – with a target of 25 interviews in each subgroup.

Table 3.3

Target number of interviews by industry sector

Sector Target interviews Isocyanate producers 6 Flexible foam manufacturers 60 Block rigid foam manufacturers 15 Vehicle manufacturers & automotive components 60 Foundries 60 SMART repairers 60 Coatings/adhesives manufacturers 60 Specialist insulation contractors 25 Asbestos contractors 25 Industrial painters 25 Injection moulders 60 Refrigerated goods manufacturers 10 Printers/Laminators 60 Total 526

Where it was not possible to achieve the target number of companies in any sector, additional companies were recruited from other sectors to maintain an overall total of greater than 500 achieved interviews. Postal questionnaires were requested from all of the telephone survey participants who reported using isocyanates and who agreed to participate further in the research. Given the diversity of industrial sectors to be studied for this stage of the project, several sources of data were used. These included trade associations, listings on the Internet and business directories including the Yellow Pages website and the Kelly Search website ( Principal sources of information for each sector are summarised in Table 3.4.


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Table 3.4 Sources of company information for the non-MVR sector

Industry sector Sources of information Isocyanate producers List provided by HSE project officer Flexible foam manufacturers BRMA membership list and website;

Kelly Search Block rigid foam manufacturers BRUFMA membership list Vehicle manufacturers & automotive components Yellow Pages Foundries Casting Metals Federation SMART repairers List provided by HSE project officer;

Yellow Pages; Other Internet Search Engines

Coatings/adhesives manufacturers Kelly Search; BCF membership list and website

Specialist insulation contractors TIMSA membership list and website; TICA membership list and website; BUFCA membership list and website

Asbestos contractors TIMSA membership list and website; TICA membership list and website

Industrial painters TICA membership list and website; Kelly Search

Injection moulders Kelly Search; Yellow Pages

Refrigerated goods manufacturers Kelly Search; Yellow Pages

Printers/Laminators BPIF website; Kelly Search; SPEF website

Abbreviations used in the table are as follows: BRMA – British Rubber Manufacturers Association BRUFMA – British Rigid Urethane Foam Manufacturers Association BCF – British Coatings Federation TIMSA – Thermal Insulation Manufacturers and Suppliers Association TICA – Thermal Insulation Contractors Association BUFCA – British Urethane Foam Contractors Association BPIF – British Printing Industries Federation SPEF – Scottish Print Employers Federation Using these sources, a list of companies in each relevant sector was produced. These lists were then randomised before being given to the telephone interviewing team. Despite extensive efforts to identify UK companies which manufactured domestic refrigerated goods, including a detailed websearch by the IOM Scientific Information Officer, no such companies were identified and this sector was not included in the survey. 3.4.2 Survey administration The survey of non-MVR sectors was carried out by a team of three experienced interviewers during January/February 2003 in two two-week blocks. The survey administration procedures followed those used in the MVR telephone survey. Given the more complex


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nature of the interview, covering many different sectors, liaison with the IOM study team was more frequent than previously. Where possible, interviews were carried out for one sector at a time, and before interviewing commenced in any sector, an IOM occupational hygienist discussed the processes that may be used in that sector which involved the use of isocyanates. In instances where the interviewers doubted the eligibility of any companies for the study, or had any queries about the work practices in the companies, these were referred to the relevant members of the IOM study team.

3.5 Data processing A purpose built database was used to provide an integrated and secure central repository for all company and participant details. This was based upon systems and routines successfully deployed in other epidemiological and exposure survey databases at the IOM in recent years and was used for ongoing survey administration. A suite of forms, queries and reports was implemented and used to log survey data and returns, and to register the contacts with companies and interviews carried out. For the postal follow-up components of the survey the database produced customised output for stationery and mail-outs, and allowed the on-going monitoring and reporting of survey progress. Data security, validation and integrity checks were incorporated, with any potential errors in data highlighted for confirmation or correction. The database was hosted and backed-up daily on the IOM’s private internal network. All data was kept securely and in confidence. The IOM is a signatory to the Data Protection Act. Data collected from companies by telephone interview or postal questionnaire was entered into the study database and verified and cross-checked for errors prior to its formal statistical analysis. 3.6 Statistical analysis For the surveys of MVR companies and non-MVR companies, response rates were calculated, and the possible effects of non-response bias described. Data collected in the telephone and postal questionnaires (e.g. number of employees, use of control measures) were described in a series of frequency tables, summarising responses to the questionnaires. The responses were usually summarised as the numbers and/or proportions of companies giving specific answers to each of the questions. Where applicable, confidence intervals for proportions were calculated using standard statistical formulae (Gardner et al., 1989). Key results from the study sample, principally numbers of companies and employees using isocyanates, were weighted using the sampling proportions to reflect the position across the UK as a whole. Confidence intervals for the estimated population values were calculated using the standard formula for weighted proportions (Gardner et al., 1989). Statistical analyses were carried out using the facilities of the statistical software packages Minitab and Genstat 6.


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4. RESULTS : MVR SECTOR 4.1 Telephone survey participation and response As described in section 3.3.2 a sample of 6750 MVR companies was available for use in the telephone survey. A total of 2251 of these companies were used during the survey, with results shown in Table 4.1. For 10% of companies, no contact could be made. This was primarily due to unobtainable telephone numbers, or the unavailability of an employee with the relevant knowledge to complete the questionnaire after at least five separate attempts at contact. Of the 2033 companies where contact was made only 99 (5%) refused to take part, while 454 (22%) were ineligible because they did not carry out vehicle body repairs. As expected, proportionally more companies in the secondary classification group were ineligible (338 companies, 51% of those contacted) than in the primary classification group (116 companies, 8% of companies contacted). A total of 1480 interviews were successfully carried out, which was very close to the target of 1500.

Table 4.1 Tracking of responses to the telephone survey, by Yellow Pages classification. Each

cell contains number and percentage (in italics) of row total.

Classification Total No contact made

Refusals Ineligible Interviews

Primary: Classic car restoration 80 10 13 3 4 17 21 50 63 Car body repairs 991 88 9 57 6 36 4 810 82 Car painters & sprayers 133 11 8 10 8 5 4 107 80 Caravan repairs & service 53 10 19 3 6 13 25 27 51 Coach painters 32 2 6 2 6 1 3 27 84 Commercial vehicle bodybuilders 110 8 7 2 2 24 22 76 69 Car & coach body builders 88 10 11 2 2 15 17 61 69 Panel beaters 33 5 15 0 0 5 15 23 70 Secondary Coach dealers & service 10 1 10 0 0 5 50 4 40 Car dealers & distributors 149 22 15 1 1 74 50 52 35 Commercial vehicle repairs 178 20 11 2 1 68 38 88 49 Commercial vehicle dealers 119 9 8 1 1 61 51 48 40 Motor cycle & scooter dealers 35 4 11 2 6 20 57 9 26 Garage services 240 18 8 14 6 110 46 98 41 Total 2251 218 10 99 4 454 20 1480 66

4.2 Telephone survey results Of the 1480 interviews, 783 (53%) were carried out with the owner/proprietor or a partner in the business, 192 (13%) were with bodyshop or workshop managers or controllers and 96 (6%) with directors or managing directors. Other respondents included managers, general managers, service advisors and painters. Of the companies surveyed, 1041 (70%) employed fewer than 10 workers in total, 375 (25%) employed between 10 and 50 workers and 44 companies employed 51-100 workers. Eighteen of the respondents employed more than 100 workers, of whom 14 employed 101-250, three employed 251-500 and one employed more than 500 workers. Two companies had missing data on company size. Eight of the 18 large companies were in the Car Dealers and Distributors classification, and six worked in the commercial vehicle market as body-builders


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(three, including the company employing more than 500 employees), dealers (two) or repairers (one). Of the 1480 respondents, 486 (33%; 95% confidence interval 31% to 35%) reported being members of a trade association. The most frequently reported association was the Motor Vehicle Repairers Association (MVRA), by 159 companies, followed by the Vehicle Builders and Repairers Association (VBRA) reported by 132 companies and the Retail Motor Industry Federation (RMIF) reported by 121 companies. Seventy companies were members of two trade associations and sixteen companies were members of three trade associations; most multiple memberships were combinations of the three main trade associations listed above. 4.2.1 Frequency of use of isocyanates Of the 1480 eligible companies interviewed 252 (17%; 95% CI(15%,19%)) had no painting facilities at all, 218 (15%; 95% CI(13%,17%)) did not use isocyanates and 1010 (68%; 95% CI(66%,70%)) used isocyanates. Lack of painting facilities was most frequent among caravan repairers (67% without facilities), commercial vehicle bodybuilders (54%), motor cycle dealers (78%) and commercial vehicle repairers and dealers (50% and 51% respectively). Table 4.2 shows the distribution of isocyanate use among companies with painting facilities subdivided by Yellow Pages classification group. Almost all the companies that reported using isocyanates knew which products they used that contained isocyanates and were able to provide the relevant trade names. Overall, 82% (95% CI(80%,84%)) of companies with painting facilities reported use of isocyanates. Prevalence of use of isocyanates ranged from 67% to 85% across sectors where more than 10 companies participated. Most frequent use of isocyanates was in car body repairs, panel beaters and coach painters and least frequent use was among commercial vehicle repairs and commercial vehicle dealers.

Table 4.2 Distribution of isocyanate use by Yellow Pages classification. Each cell contains

numbers and percentage of row total. Percentages based on fewer than 10 companies are enclosed in brackets

Classification Number of companies Companies using Isocyanates Number % 95% CI Primary: Classic car restoration 33 27 82 (69,95)Car body repairs 755 640 85 (82,88)Car painters & sprayers 104 85 82 (75,89)Caravan repairs & service 9 6 (67) (36,98)Coach painters 25 21 84 (70,98)Commercial vehicle bodybuilders 35 27 77 (63,91)Car & coach body builders 52 40 77 (66,88)Panel beaters 19 16 84 (68,100) Secondary Coach dealers & service 4 4 (100) - Car dealers & distributors 41 32 78 (65,91)Commercial vehicle repairs 43 29 67 (54,81)Commercial vehicle dealers 24 16 67 (48,86)Motor cycle & scooter dealers 2 1 (50) - Garage services 82 66 80 (71,89)Total 1228 1010 82 (80,84)


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Table 4.3 shows the distribution of isocyanate use among companies with painting facilities, subdivided by company size. Use of isocyanates was relatively constant across company size groups, ranging between 80% and 83% of companies.

Table 4.3 Distribution of isocyanate use by company size*. Each cell contains numbers and

percentage of row total.

Companies Using Isocyanates Company size Total companies Number % 95% CI <10 employees 898 745 83 (81,85)

10 – 50 employees 277 219 80 (75,85) 51 – 100 employees 35 32 80 (67,93)

> 100 employees 17 13 82 (64,100) Total 1227 1009 82 (80,84)

*One company which used isocyanates had missing information on company size Table 4.4 shows an estimate of the number of employees directly exposed to isocyanates, by company size group, for the 1009 companies (with company size information) where isocyanates were used. ‘Direct exposure to isocyanates’ was used to describe employees who work with isocyanates as part of their usual job.

Table 4.4 Distribution of number of employees directly exposed to isocyanates by company


Company Size Group (number of employees) No. of employees directly exposed to isocyanates <10 10-50 51-100 >100 All1 460 22 0 0 4822 193 39 4 1 2373 70 38 11 2 1214 13 46 6 1 665-9 9 66 8 6 8910+ 0 8 3 3 14Total 745 219 32 13 1009

*One company which used isocyanates had missing information on company size In 71% of the companies, one or two employees were directly exposed to isocyanates. In fourteen companies, 10 or more employees were directly exposed. The maximum number of employees exposed to isocyanates was 20 employees in one of the companies. Ninety-four companies reported having employees who were indirectly exposed to isocyanates, where indirect exposure meant workers who might breathe in some paint spray containing isocyanates but who were not directly involved with paint spraying (e.g. mechanics, but not office staff). In 55 of these companies (59%), one or two employees were indirectly exposed. The maximum number of employees indirectly exposed to isocyanates was 30 (in two companies, one of which was a car body repairer and the other a car dealer). Among companies which used isocyanates the most commonly used products were from ICI, followed by PPG, Standox, Spieshecker, Max Meyer and Lechler. Products were usually described as 2-pack paints, with the exception of PPG products which tended to be described as Deltron, while ICI products were often described as 2K.


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4.2.2 Jobs and tasks in which isocyanates are used Of the 1010 companies where isocyanates were used, 864 companies (86%) reported one job title in which isocyanates were used. The remaining 146 companies reported two job titles for isocyanate use. The reported job titles were categorised into seven broad groups as shown in Table 4.5. The most commonly reported jobs were owner/manager (including managing directors, managers and foremen) and painter. ‘Other’ job titles which were reported included mechanic, coach builder and welder. Tasks in which isocyanates were used were categorised into seven main categories shown in Table 4.5. The most frequently reported task was spray application, which was reported by 95% of companies. ‘Other’ tasks included filling, grinding/sanding and sealing. The maximum number of tasks reported per job was five (in 71 jobs). The most frequently reported number of tasks was two (407 jobs; 35%). For 235 jobs (20%) three different tasks were reported, for 272 jobs (24%) four different tasks were reported and for 170 jobs (15%) one task was reported. Table 4.5 shows that for all of the job titles, a variety of tasks were carried out. There is also little evidence of any differences in the type of work done by individuals with different job titles.

Table 4.5 Distribution of job titles and task categories where isocyanates were used

Task category Job title Paint Application Spray Brush/Roller Unknown Mixing Cleaning Maintenance Other All Painter 521 38 28 435 220 155 9 1406 Owner 443 41 38 375 267 211 15 1390 General Worker 44 2 8 39 23 19 6 141 Refinisher 22 5 4 20 12 11 0 74 Panel-Beater 22 1 7 20 11 4 7 72 Preparer 7 2 3 9 2 1 3 27 Other 7 1 0 6 2 4 2 22 Total 1066 90 88 904 537 405 42 3132

4.2.3 Use of ventilation and respiratory protective equipment (RPE) For each of the 3132 tasks which involved the use of isocyanates, information was collected on whether respiratory protective equipment (RPE) was used and if there was any ventilation applied to the workplace.

RPE was used in 2180 tasks (70%; 95% CI(68%,72%)) as shown in Table 4.6. Where RPE was reported to be worn in a task, it tended to be worn by all employees in that task. In 2168 of these 2180 tasks, RPE was worn by 100% of employees carrying out the task. In six tasks RPE was worn by between 25% and 67% of employees, three of these were paint spraying tasks and three were mixing tasks. They were from five different companies. For six tasks information on the percentage of employees wearing RPE was missing. At this stage of the survey questions were not asked about the specific types of RPE used for each task. Almost all spray painting applications (99%) were done while wearing RPE, while 60% of those using brush or roller application methods used RPE. In tasks where the method of paint application was unspecified, 95% of workers reported wearing RPE, suggesting that many of


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these tasks could be spray application rather than brush or roller. RPE was used in approximately 60% of tasks involving cleaning or ‘other’ tasks and in around 50% of mixing or maintenance tasks. Across job titles, refinishers were most likely to use RPE (88%), followed by painters (76%) with workers in ‘other’ jobs least likely to report RPE use (50%).

Table 4.6

Use of RPE by task category*. Each cell contains number and percentage of tasks.

RPE used Task category Number % 95% CI All Spray application 1057 99 (98,100) 1066 Brush/Roller Application 55 61 (51,71) 90 Unknown Application 84 95 (90,100) 88 Mixing 432 48 (45,51) 903 Cleaning 314 58 (54,62) 537 Maintenance 212 52 (47,57) 405 Other 26 62 (47,77) 42 Total 2180 70 (68,72) 3131

*One task had missing information on RPE use

Workers from small companies (< 10 employees) were least likely to report wearing RPE for cleaning (50% RPE use) and maintenance (54% RPE use) tasks compared to 62% to 83% RPE use for these tasks in larger companies. Both the smallest (< 10 employees) and the largest companies (>100 employees) reported lower levels of RPE use for workers in mixing tasks (45% RPE use) compared to companies employing between 10 and 100 employees (54% to 58% RPE use). Use of ventilation is summarised by task group in Table 4.7. Ventilation was recorded as local exhaust ventilation (LEV) or general ventilation. Examples of LEV and general ventilation were provided by the telephone interviewers. For five tasks, information on the type of ventilation used was missing, and one spray application task was reported to take place in a spray booth, although other companies using spray booths may have included these in the LEV category.

Table 4.7 Use of ventilation by task group. Each cell contains number and percentage of tasks.

Ventilation method Task category LEV General Both None AllSpray application 881 83 173 16 4 0 5 1 1063Brush/Roller Application 51 57 39 43 0 0 0 0 90Unknown Application 65 74 21 24 2 2 0 0 88Mixing 439 49 428 47 5 1 31 3 903Cleaning 264 49 253 47 0 0 19 4 536Maintenance 214 53 181 45 1 0 8 2 404Other 16 38 24 57 0 0 2 5 42Total 1930 62 1119 36 12 0 65 2 3126*Six tasks had missing information on ventilation use. The most frequently reported ventilation method was LEV in 62% (95% CI(60%,64%)) of tasks. For 83% of spray application tasks, LEV was used, while in five of the 1063 spray application tasks no ventilation was used. LEV was also used in around three-quarters of


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unknown application tasks, a result again more similar to spray application than brush or roller application. For the remaining tasks, use of ventilation was split relatively evenly between general and LEV methods. Mixing, cleaning and ‘other’ tasks were those where ventilation was least likely to be used. 4.2.4 Extrapolation to the general population An estimate of the numbers of companies in which isocyanates are used, in the population from which the sample of MVR companies was drawn (the 46,225 companies identified in Business Yellow Pages) was calculated. This was done by applying the proportion of isocyanate users in the 2251 companies used in the study (by sector and size group) to the numbers in the BYP population in each cell. The results are shown in Table 4.8, showing an estimated 6195 (13.4%) companies in the study population of 46,225 companies which use isocyanates. The 95% confidence interval is 5792 to 6600 companies (12.5%, 14.3%).

Table 4.8 Estimated number of companies in the MVR sector using isocyanates.

Number of employees Classification 1-5 6-10 11-19 20-49 50-99 100-199 200+ All Primary: Classic car restoration 251 24 5 7 1 0 0 288 Car body repairs 2695 509 247 312 35 0 0 3798 Car painters & sprayers 286 32 8 0 0 1 0 327 Caravan repairs & service 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 Coach painters 61 14 6 0 0 0 0 81 Commercial vehicle bodybuilders 15 12 16 20 10 5 7 85 Car & coach body builders 68 20 18 19 10 3 0 138 Panel beaters 33 12 3 6 0 0 0 54 Secondary Coach dealers & service 2 0 0 6 1 0 0 9 Car dealers & distributors 0 0 160 0 247 71 10 488 Commercial vehicle repairs 0 47 30 26 11 0 0 114 Commercial vehicle dealers 0 0 3 19 14 13 0 49 Motor cycle & scooter dealers 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 Garage services 0 252 218 186 53 18 0 727 Total 3444 922 714 605 382 111 17 6195

An estimate of the total number of employees exposed to isocyanates in the study population can be calculated using the information on the number of exposed employees by company size presented in Table 4.4. These proportions can be applied to the data in Table 4.8 to make an approximate estimate of the numbers of employees exposed. For example, Table 4.4 shows that 62% of companies with less than 10 employees have one employee directly exposed to isocyanates. This implies that 62% of the 4366 companies (= 2707 companies) in Table 4.8 with 10 or fewer employees have one employee exposed to isocyanates. The estimated total number of employees directly exposed to isocyanates in the study population is 14,730.


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4.3 Results from postal questionnaire 4.3.1 Postal survey response All of the 1010 MVR companies who reported using isocyanates were asked if they would be willing to participate further by completing a more detailed postal questionnaire. Overall, 939 companies, 93% of those eligible, agreed to do so (Table 4.9).

Table 4.9 Companies agreeing to take part in the postal questionnaire by BYP classification and

size group. Each cell contains number of companies agreeing to participate and percentage of total number of eligible companies in the cell. Percentages based on

fewer than 10 companies are enclosed in brackets

Size group (number of employees) Classification <10 10-50 51-100 >100 Total

Primary: 90 (80) (100) - 24 89 Classic car restoration 19 4 1 0 91 97 (50) (100) 92 Car body repairs 497 90 1 1 589

77 93 2 (100) - - 93 Car painters & sprayers 0 0 79 (100) - - - Caravan repairs & service 6 0 0 0 6 (100)

Coach painters 17 94 3 (100) 0 - 0 - 20 95 Commercial vehicle bodybuilders 6 (75) 11 (100) 5 (100) 2 (67) 24 89 Car & coach body builders 27 96 9 (100) 2 (100) 1 (100) 39 98 Panel beaters 14 100 2 (100) 0 - 0 - 16 100 Secondary Coach dealers & service 1 (100) 3 (100) 0 - 0 - 4 (100)Car dealers & distributors 3 (100) 16 89 8 (100) 3 (100) 30 94 Commercial vehicle repairs 7 (100) 20 (100) 1 (100) 0 (0) 28 97 Commercial vehicle dealers 1 (100) 9 (100) 4 (100) 2 (100) 16 (100)Motor cycle & scooter dealers 0 - 1 (100) 0 - 0 - 1 (100)Garage services 11 100 41 95 9 (100) 1 (50) 62 95 Total 686 92 211 96 31 97 10 77 938 93

*One company agreeing to participate had missing data on company size

However, response to the postal questionnaire was low, with 295 (31%) of questionnaires being completed and returned. Table 4.10 shows questionnaire response by company size, and Table 4.11 shows response by company sector. Response rates were higher in larger companies, with more than half of companies with more than 50 employees responding. Response rates were lowest in the car body repair, car painters and sprayers and car and coach bodybuilders sectors, all of which had high proportions of small companies.

Table 4.10 Questionnaire response by company size*. Each cell contains numbers and

percentage of total questionnaires sent out.

Response Company size Number % <10 employees 197 29 10 – 50 employees 75 36 51 – 100 employees 17 55 > 100 employees 5 50 Total 294 31

*One company had missing information on company size


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Table 4.11 Questionnaire response by BYP classification. Each cell contains numbers and

percentage of total questionnaires sent out. Percentages based on fewer than 10 companies are enclosed in brackets.

Responses Classification Number % Primary: Classic car restoration 13 54 Car body repairs 167 28 Car painters & sprayers 22 28 Caravan repairs & service 3 (50) Coach painters 8 40 Commercial vehicle bodybuilders 7 29 Car & coach body builders 11 28 Panel beaters 5 31 Secondary Coach dealers & service 3 (75) Car dealers & distributors 15 50 Commercial vehicle repairs 13 46 Commercial vehicle dealers 5 31 Motor cycle & scooter dealers 0 (0) Garage services 23 37 Total 295 31

4.3.2 Isocyanate products used Of the 295 respondents, 152 (52%) reported using one product which contained isocyanates. Eighty-nine companies reported using two isocyanate-containing products, 27 companies reported three products and 22 companies reported four products. Five companies gave no information on isocyanate-containing products used. Around half of the reported products (259; 52%) were from six manufacturers. These were (most frequently reported first): ICI, Standox, Lechler, PPG, DuPont, Spieshecker. Of the 295 respondents, 253 gave the name of their main supplier of isocyanate-containing products. The most frequently named supplier was Brown Brothers who were the main supplier of 40 of the participating companies. The amount of paint containing isocyanates used per month ranged from one litre to 1580 litres, with a median value of 20 litres. Five companies reported isocyanate based paint use of over 500 litres per month. Two of these were commercial vehicle bodybuilders and three were commercial vehicle repairers. As expected, larger companies used higher amounts of isocyanate based paints (Table 4.12). Of the 295 respondents, 203 provided information on amount of isocyanate based paints used.

Table 4.12

Amount of paint containing isocyanates used per month, by company size. Each cell contains number and percentage of row total.

Amount of paint containing isocyanates used per month (litres)

Company size <10 10-19 20-49 50+ Total<10 41 28 36 25 46 32 23 16 14610-50 4 9 0 0 19 44 20 47 4351-100 1 8 2 17 1 8 8 67 12>100 0 0 0 0 1 (50) 1 (50) 2Total 46 23 38 19 67 33 52 26 203


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4.3.3 Pattern and nature of work Of the 295 participants, 255 (86%) sprayed parts of cars, with 182 (62%) spraying whole cars. Fifty-two companies reported spraying trucks and 46 companies reported spraying other vehicles, such as buses, vans and motor bikes. One hundred and ninety-five companies reported spraying more than one kind of vehicle. Of these, 134 (69%) sprayed both whole and parts of cars. Eighty-one companies (28%) applied isocyanate primers or other coatings using a brush, roller or other non-spraying method. The number of spray jobs carried out each week ranged from one to 160, with a median value of 10. Larger companies tended to carry out more spray jobs. On average, about one hour was spent on each spray job, ranging from 10 minutes to 25 hours. Three-quarters of spray jobs took less than two hours. The average amount of time per week spent on spray jobs (calculated as number of jobs multiplied by average time spent per job) was 22 hours and 40 minutes, with total time ranging from 20 minutes to 270 hours (note that these paint jobs could be done by more than one employee and the total time refers to time aggregated across employees). Again, larger companies spent more time in total on spray jobs than smaller companies. The average number of people working on or near a typical spray job ranged from one to 30, with an average of three. Over half of the respondents reported, on average, one or two people working on or near a typical spray job. This includes both sprayers and workers who might breathe in some paint spray containing isocyanates, but who are not directly involved with paint spraying. Information on number of workers was missing for thirteen companies while three companies reported having zero workers on average on a typical spray job. Of the 295 respondents, 222 (76%) mixed paint in a separate mixing store or room, 41 companies used a general workshop area and 37 mixed the paint in the spray booth. Seven companies reported mixing paints in ‘other’ places including beside the spray booth, in a small room off the spray booth, in the back of a van and the paint being supplied ready mixed from the suppliers. Thirteen companies reported mixing paint in more than one of the locations described above. Paint spraying most often takes place in a separate enclosure with special ventilation (249 companies; 85%), followed by a general workroom (22 companies) and in a special painting workshop (30 companies). Six companies specified ‘other’ locations in which spray painting took place including a low bake oven (three companies) and in an area with fully extracted ventilation. 4.3.4 Equipment, Training and Cleaning A total of 227 respondents (77%) used a high volume low pressure (HVLP) sprayer and 105 (36%) used a conventional compressor powered spray gun. Most companies used only one type of spray gun. Forty-eight companies used more than one type, the most common combination was a HVLP sprayer and a conventional compressor powered spray gun reported by 40 companies. Advice on the operation of the spray gun was most often received from marketing leaflets, manuals and personal or telephone advice (Table 4.13). ‘Other’ types of advice reported included use of the internet and in-house training courses. Thirteen per cent of companies had received no advice on spray gun operation.


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Table 4.13 Advice received on spray gun operation

Have you received any advice from the spray gun manufacturer? Number %no advice 37 13marketing leaflet 128 44detailed manual 112 38personal or telephone advice from an expert at the supplier/manufacturer 121 41video 6 2other 17 6 One hundred and sixty-six spray gun operators (58%) had received in-house training on the use of spray guns and 135 (46%) received training from the supplier or manufacturer. Operators in 41 companies had received no training, and half of these had also received no advice on spray gun use. 4.3.5 Ventilation The most frequently used ventilation in the mixing area was dilution ventilation (roof and wall fans; 121 companies; 43%) followed by LEV (111 companies; 40%). Over a quarter of companies reported using general ventilation (e.g. opening doors and windows). In 15 companies, no ventilation was used in the mixing area. Around 80% of respondents (233 companies) used an enclosed spray booth with downdraft ventilation during spraying and in 83% of companies spray booth ventilation is not switched off straight away when spraying has been completed. Thirty-two companies used an open-ended spray booth during spraying (of which 20 were large – more than 25 square feet opening). Localised ventilation was last checked by a specialist test company less than one year ago for 164 companies, between one and five years ago by 44 companies and more than five years ago by 10 companies. Fifty-one companies reported that their localised ventilation had never been checked, of which 49 were small companies with fewer than 10 employees. Ten companies reported that no localised ventilation was used during spraying. Of these, six reported having general ventilation in the room where the spray booth was located. The most frequently reported dilution ventilation was wall fans (104 companies; 38%) and roof fans (97 companies; 36%). Fifty-nine companies (22%) said that they had no general ventilation in the room where the spray booth is located. 4.3.6 Respiratory and personal protective equipment Table 4.14 summarises the use of RPE during the paint mixing process, for workers exposed to isocyanates by direct involvement in the spray job (sprayers) and for workers who might breathe in isocyanate vapours but who are not directly involved in paint spraying (non-sprayers). The table shows the number and percentage of companies in which each type of RPE was worn during mixing tasks. For example, 35 companies reported using a half mask with airline for mixing tasks, and this is 35/295 = 12% of companies responding to the postal questionnaire. Column percentages total to more than 100 as some companies reported using more than one kind of RPE. There was some confusion among responders in completing the RPE question for non-sprayers. This was meant to be completed only by respondents who reported employing workers with indirect exposure to isocyanates, however this question was answered by many more companies. For consistency, responses to this question are included only for the 66 companies that reported having indirectly exposed workers.


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Around one quarter of respondents did not wear RPE during the paint mixing process and among those that did, the disposable half mask respirator was the most common, followed by the hood or visor with airline. One company reported that RPE was not worn during the spraying process. The most frequently used RPE for direct exposure from spraying were a hood or visor with airline and a full facepiece with airline. Most respondents (over 70%) reported using only one type of respirator for each group of workers.

Table 4.14

Use of RPE in the paint mixing process, by sprayers and by non-sprayers. Each cell contains number and percentage of companies using each type of RPE.

Type of RPE Mixing process Sprayers Non-sprayersno RPE 75 26 1 0 15 23half mask with airline 35 12 65 23 1 2full facepiece with airline 26 9 71 25 0 0hood/visor with airline 71 24 146 51 3 5full facepiece with disposable filter 14 5 16 6 3 5half mask with disposable filter 55 19 49 17 14 21disposable half-mask respirator 82 28 43 15 31 47other 4 1 5 2 4 6 Of the 81 companies who reported using a brush, roller or other method of application, 12 did not answer the question on RPE use for non-spray application stating that it was ‘not applicable’. Of the remaining 69 companies, 24 (35%) reported that no RPE was used, 26 (38%) used a disposable half mask respirator and 19 (28%) used a half-mask respirator with disposable filter. Just over half of respondents (53%) reported that RPE was worn during spray gun cleaning, and this was the case whether or not automated spray gun cleaning equipment was used. In 181 companies, RPE was tested more than once a year with 18 companies reporting that their RPE was never examined or tested. Twenty-nine companies reported testing RPE once a year and 56 reported testing RPE at some other interval. All of these were more than once per year, with most being after every use. In 63 companies RPE users were face-fit tested with 70 companies answering that they did not know whether face-fit testing was done. Four companies reported that sprayers did not wear any protective clothing, while seven companies reported that non-sprayers did not wear protective clothing. The most frequently reported clothing worn by both sprayers and non-sprayers were overalls (worn by sprayers in 96% of companies and by non-sprayers in 91% of companies), followed by gloves (84% of companies for sprayers and 82% of companies for non-sprayers). Most gloves used were latex, followed by vinyl gloves. Eye protection was worn by sprayers and non-sprayers in around 63% of companies, and boots in around 60% of companies. 4.3.7 Spills or leaks Of the 295 respondents, 232 companies (80%) had never experienced a significant spill or leak (more than 1 litre) of materials containing isocyanates, while eight respondents did not know whether there had ever been a spill or leak at their organisation. Among those companies where spills or leaks had occurred, 21 reported spills once a year, 19 reported spills once every three or four months, 3 reported spills monthly and 1 reported spills weekly. The most frequently reported clean-up procedure was the use of absorbent granules, sand or sawdust by over half of the respondents. Forty-two companies reported using rags, cloths or


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paper towels to clean up spills and ten companies reported using the spill kit provided with the isocyanate material. Of the 233 companies who completed the question on personal protective equipment (PPE) use during the clean-up procedure for leaks or spills, 94 (40%) reported that additional items of personal protective equipment would be used. These additional items were most often gloves, followed by masks or respirators and overalls. A few companies reported the use of boots and eye protection. 4.3.8 Air monitoring and health surveillance Fourteen per cent of respondents reported that the air concentration of isocyanates had been monitored in their workplace, and this was more frequently reported by larger companies. Approximately half of the respondents (52%) reported that employees had regular medical examinations, and again these occurred less frequently in small companies. Medical examinations were most likely to be lung function tests undertaken either annually or 6-monthly with some companies also offering hearing and skin tests usually at yearly intervals. 4.4 Comparison of telephone and postal survey responses 4.4.1 General comparison between survey results Although the telephone and postal questionnaires were designed to elicit different information, there were some issues about which data were gathered in both surveys. In general the findings of the surveys tended to be similar. The most frequently reported isocyanate products were the same in both surveys. In the telephone survey LEV was used in 49% of mixing tasks compared to 40% of companies in the postal survey, while in 3% of mixing tasks in the telephone survey no ventilation was used during paint mixing, compared to 5% of companies in the postal survey. For spraying tasks, enclosed spray booths were reported for 83% of spray tasks in the telephone survey and by 81% of companies in the postal survey. In the telephone survey, no ventilation was reported to be used for four spraying tasks compared to five companies that reported having no ventilation during spraying in the postal survey. The use of RPE was reported for 99% of all spraying tasks in the telephone questionnaire and by all except one company in the postal questionnaire, while RPE was worn for 58% of cleaning tasks in the telephone survey and by 50% of companies in the postal survey. However, there was a significant difference in reporting of the use of RPE while mixing paint. In the telephone survey, use of RPE was reported for 48% of mixing tasks, while in the postal survey 74% of companies reported the use of RPE during mixing. 4.4.2 Comparison between companies which participated in both surveys For the 295 companies which participated in both the telephone and postal surveys, it was possible to carry out limited comparisons of their responses to some questions on indirect exposure to isocyanates, ventilation and use of RPE. It should be noted however, that the wording and options for the questions were different in the two surveys. Of the 34 companies which reported that they had workers indirectly exposed to isocyanates, 17 (50%) confirmed this on the postal questionnaire. An additional 48 companies reported staff indirectly exposed to isocyanates on the postal questionnaire. On the use of ventilation,


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of the eight companies which said no ventilation was used during mixing tasks in the telephone survey, only one also stated this in the postal questionnaire. For ventilation used during spraying tasks, the one company which reported no ventilation during spraying confirmed this on the postal questionnaire. In addition, of the 246 companies reporting use of LEV during spraying, 241 (98%) also reported LEV use on the postal questionnaire. Finally of the 35 companies which reported using general ventilation during spraying on the telephone questionnaire, 29 (83%) also reported its use in the postal questionnaire. Comparisons of responses on RPE use in the telephone and postal questionnaires are summarised in Table 4.15. Within each task, results are shown only for companies which provided information on that task in both questionnaires. For spraying tasks where the use of RPE was almost universal, there was negligible difference between the questionnaires. For mixing tasks, the results reflected those in the general comparison between the two surveys, with around a third of companies reporting RPE use on the postal questionnaire but not on the telephone questionnaire, compared to 7% reporting its use on the telephone but not the postal questionnaire. Results for cleaning tasks showed agreement for 63% of companies, and no consistent over- and under-reporting in the companies where the results were different.

Table 4.15

Comparison of information on RPE use between the postal and telephone questionnaires. Each cell contains number of companies and percentage of row total.

Agreement between surveys Difference between surveys Total

Task name YY* NN YN NY Mixing 101 41 41 17 87 35 17 7 246

Spraying 278 99 0 0 1 0 1 0 280Cleaning 47 35 38 28 25 19 24 18 134

*YY = RPE on postal and telephone, NN = no RPE on postal and telephone YN = RPE on postal, no RPE on telephone, NY = no RPE on telephone, RPE on postal


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5. RESULTS : NON-MVR SECTORS 5.1 Telephone survey participation and response A total of 975 companies were used during the telephone survey of the non-MVR sectors, with results shown in Table 5.1. The total number of achieved interviews was very close to the target of 526 (as described in section 3.4.1). In addition the target number of interviews was achieved in ten of the twelve industry sectors. The exceptions were isocyanate producers where two interviews were carried out against a target of six, and printers and laminators where 38 interviews were carried out against a target of 60. An additional 15 companies, which could not be easily allocated to any of the specified sectors, were included in the survey as a miscellaneous group.

Table 5.1 Tracking of responses to the telephone survey of non-MVR companies by sector. Each

cell contains number and percentage of row total.

Sector No contact made

Refusals Ineligible Interviews Total

Isocyanate producers 1 11 0 0 6 67 2 22 9 Flexible foam manufacturers 9 6 6 4 67 48 60 42 141 Block rigid foam manufacturers 0 0 0 0 4 21 15 79 19 Vehicle manufacturers 19 15 9 7 39 30 63 48 130 Foundries 13 10 7 5 34 26 76 58 130 SMART repairers 10 10 2 2 29 29 59 59 100 Coatings/adhesives manufacturers 0 0 6 6 33 34 59 60 98 Specialist insulation contractors 1 2 3 6 22 42 27 51 53 Asbestos contractors 5 13 1 3 6 16 26 68 38 Industrial painters 2 6 2 6 4 12 25 76 33 Injection moulders 3 3 0 0 34 35 59 62 97 Printers and laminators 20 21 7 7 31 32 38 40 96 Miscellaneous 1 3 1 3 14 45 15 48 31 Total 84 9 44 5 323 33 524 54 975 5.2 Telephone survey results 5.2.1 Details of participating companies Of the 524 study participants, 227 provided information on their position within the company. Fifty-seven respondents were from the health and safety department and 59 were Managing Directors, directors, partners or proprietors. Most of the others were managers (e.g. administrative manager, quality manager, regional manager). It became clear during the survey that it would be useful to collect some information on what the company’s principal business was. This would be informative in ensuring that the company was allocated to the correct sector. This information was not available for the companies interviewed in the earliest stages of the survey as the question was only introduced after the survey had been running for a few days. However additional information was obtained from some block rigid foam manufacturers and SMART repairers after the survey had been completed. Some examples of the principal business of the companies, by sector, are given in Table 5.2.


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Table 5.2 Reported principal business of companies by sector

Sector Principal business Isocyanate producers No information Flexible foam manufacturers Seat foams for cars

Manufacture of PU and epoxy compositions

Block rigid foam manufacturers Mould making (concrete garden slabs) Manufacture of PU foam Manufacture of PU pre-polymers Manufacture of building products e.g. composite panels, cladding products, fabric insulation boards, profiled metal sheets for roofs and roofing membranes (thermal insulation)

Vehicle manufacturers & automotive components Build special bodies for cars Produce motor cars Bus and fire engine chassis manufacture

Foundries Sand casting using resin binder Iron casting Aluminium foundry sand casting

SMART repairers Paint spraying Dent repair Mobile on-site auto repairs

Coatings/adhesives manufacturers Adhesive and sealant manufacture Paint manufacture Industrial protective coatings

Specialist insulation contractors Insulation industrial Insulation (foam based) Spraying insulation – domestic and commercial

Asbestos contractors Asbestos removal Demolition and asbestos removal

Industrial painters Aircraft maintenance Industrial painting and spraying Ship repair yard

Injection moulders Injection moulding Vacuum casting PU moulding

Printers/Laminators Flexible packaging Printing ‘perfect binding’ Laminated paper

Miscellaneous Construction chemicals Casting resins Manufacture fabric expansion joints

5.2.2 Use of isocyanates Of the 524 eligible companies interviewed 268 (51%) did not use isocyanates and 256 (49%) used isocyanates. Isocyanate use was most frequent among flexible foam and rigid foam


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manufacturers, miscellaneous companies and industrial painters (Table 5.3) and was least frequent among printers and laminators, and asbestos contractors. Table 5.3 shows the use of isocyanates in each of the sectors used during the sample identification process. For the companies that reported using isocyanates, further information was collected during the telephone interview on how the isocyanates were used. Of the two companies identified as potential isocyanate producers, one reported that they did not use isocyanates. The second company was contacted by telephone by an IOM occupational hygienist to confirm their status and it was found that it did not manufacture isocyanates in the UK, although it did use isocyanates in its UK operation, manufacturing a variety of isocyanate products. For the purposes of this study it was re-classified as a coatings manufacturer, as this was one of its principal activities. From further investigation it transpired that there are no UK-based isocyanate producers. All manufacturing of isocyanate monomers is done outside the UK.

Table 5.3

Distribution of isocyanate use by sector. Each cell contains numbers and percentage of row total. Percentages based on fewer than 10 companies are enclosed in brackets.

Companies using isocyanates Sector

Total companies Number % 95% CI

Isocyanate producers 2 1 (50) - Flexible foam manufacturers 60 43 72 (61,83)Block rigid foam manufacturers 15 12 80 (60,100) Vehicle manufacturers/ automotive components 63 36 57 (45,69)Foundries 76 24 32 (22,42)SMART repairers 59 24 41 (28,54)Coatings/adhesives manufacturers 59 34 58 (45,71)Specialist insulation contractors 27 11 41 (22,60)Asbestos contractors 26 8 31 (13,49)Industrial painters 25 17 68 (50,86)Injection moulders 59 26 44 (31,57)Printers/Laminators 38 9 24 (10,38)Miscellaneous 15 11 73 (50,96)Total 524 256 49 (45,53)

Following detailed examination of the company descriptions, ten companies were excluded from further analysis: • Two companies reported using isocyanates in the ‘super glue’ that they used. However,

‘super glue’ does not contain isocyanates. • Three companies did not provide sufficient information during the telephone interview to

determine unambiguously whether or not they used isocyanate chemicals or formulations. • One company was found to be a trade association. • Two companies were motor vehicle repairers not vehicle manufacturers and so not eligible

for this part of the study. • One company supplied isocyanates but it was not clear whether they used isocyanate

chemicals or formulations. • One company provided ambiguous information on the telephone and postal questionnaires. The number of isocyanate users who were included in the analysis was therefore reduced from 256 to 246.


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5.2.3 Reclassification of company sector Participants were asked to provide details of job titles of employees directly involved in using isocyanate chemicals or formulations and to provide details of the main tasks that involved using isocyanates. From these job and task descriptions, an IOM occupational hygienist divided these up into task categories. Based on information on sectors, job descriptions, main tasks and task categories, the occupational hygienist then defined patterns of use of isocyanates for each company. The distribution of patterns of use is shown in Table 5.4, which shows that isocyanate chemicals and formulations were used most frequently for paint spraying and moulding/injecting and were used with least frequency for painting with a brush or roller and PU spraying. The totals of the table sum to more than 246 as 13 companies had more than one pattern of use.

Table 5.4 Distribution of patterns of use of isocyanate chemicals or formulations. Each cell

contains numbers and percentage of the 246 companies.

Patterns of use Number % Chemical processing 30 12 Coating/Spreading 14 6 Gluing/Sealing 37 15 Mixing (for sand casting) 25 10 Moulding/Injecting 63 26 Painting (brush or roller) 5 2 Painting (spray) 79 32 PU Spraying 7 3 Total 260

Of the 13 companies with more than one pattern of use, 12 had two patterns of use and one company had three patterns of use. Of the companies that had two patterns of use, eight companies used isocyanates for gluing/spreading and paint spraying; one company used isocyanates for moulding/injecting and paint spraying; two companies used isocyanates for painting with a brush or roller and paint spraying; and one company used isocyanates for moulding/injecting and PU spraying. The company that was defined as having three patterns of use reported using isocyanates for gluing/sealing; moulding/injecting; and paint spraying. Similarly, based on this information and based on additional information provided by participants about how they used isocyanate chemicals or formulations, the occupational hygienist reclassified the industry sectors. The distribution of the 246 companies by reclassified industry sector is shown in Table 5.5.


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Table 5.5 Distribution of new industry sector. Each cell contains numbers and percentage of

column total.

New Industry Sector Number % Aerospace and Military 7 3 Coatings/Formulations Manufacturing 31 13 Construction/demolition 14 6 Electrical/electronics 4 2 Engineering 5 2 Fabric/textiles 2 1 Flexible Foams 11 4 Foundries 25 10 Industrial protective coatings 15 6 Printers/laminators 11 4 Rigid Foams 53 22 Rubber manufacturing 12 5 SMART repairers 24 10 Vehicle manufacturing 32 13 Total 246

5.3 Summary of results for the non-MVR sector Telephone and postal questionnaires for participants in the survey of companies in the non-MVR sector were analysed and reported according to the pattern of use of the companies involved, as detailed in Table 5.4. Detailed results for each pattern of use are given in Appendix 8, with a brief summary of the results given below. In the telephone questionnaire, companies were asked about workers’ use of isocyanates. Details comprised job titles and main task descriptions, which were subsequently grouped into task categories by an IOM occupational hygienist. For simplicity these job/task combinations are referred to as ‘jobs’ in Appendix 8 and in this section. 5.3.1 Use of isocyanates Table 5.6 summarises the distribution of companies by pattern of use and industry sector. As indicated in section 5.2.3 the totals of the table sum to more than 246 as 13 companies had more than one pattern of use. It can be seen from this table that all chemical processing activities were found in companies in Coatings/Formulations Manufacturing sector, all mixing activities were in companies in the Foundry sector and all PU spraying activities were in companies in the Rigid Foams sector. Companies involved in gluing/sealing activities tended to be from the Construction, Rubber Manufacturers and Vehicle Manufacturing sectors while companies reporting moulding activities were primarily involved in the Rigid Foam sector. Painting with a brush or roller occurred in the Engineering and Industrial Protective Coatings sector whereas spray painting took place in the Vehicle Manufacturing and SMART repairers sectors. Table 5.7 shows the ways in which isocyanates were used in the non-MVR companies, by pattern of use. Most chemical processing companies reported manufacturing formulations using or containing isocyanate chemicals, and mixing companies (i.e. foundries) reported carrying out a manufacturing process using isocyanates as a consumable item. This was also the most commonly reported use of isocyanates in companies which had patterns of use of coating/spreading or gluing/sealing, although these companies reported a range of uses of isocyanates. Moulding companies and PU spraying companies most frequently reported


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carrying out a manufacturing process using isocyanates to produce finished products. As expected, most painting companies, whether brush/roller or spray painting companies, used isocyanate coatings for painting items.


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Table 5.6 Distribution of companies by pattern of use and revised industry sector. Each cell contains number of companies

Pattern of use





Mixing Moulding/injecting

Painting(brush or roller)


PU Spraying

Aerospace and Military 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 Coatings/Formulations Manufacturing

30 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Construction/demolition 0 0 12 0 0 0 3 0

Electrical/Electronics 0 0 3 0 1 0 1 0Engineering 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 0Fabrics/textiles 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0Flexible Foams 0 1 0 0 10 0 0 0 Foundry 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0Industrial protective coatings 0 0 1 0 0 3 14 0 Printers/Laminators 0 9 2 0 0 0 0 0Rigid Foams 0 1 0 0 46 0 0 7 Rubber manufacturing 0 1 9 0 1 0 2 0 SMART repairers 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 Vehicle manufacturing 0 0 9 0 3 0 26 0

All 30 14 37 25 63 5 78 7


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Table 5.7 Use of isocyanates by pattern of use. Each cell contains number of companies and percentage of total number of companies

in each pattern of use category

Pattern of Use Use of isocyanates Chemical

ProcessingCoating /

SpreadingGluing /Sealing Mixing

Moulding /Injecting



PU Spraying

Manufacture isocyanate chemicals

2 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Manufacture formulations using or containing isocyanate chemicals

24 80 2 14 12 32 0 0 43 68 1 20 7 9 1 14

Use isocyanate coatings for painting items

1 3 2 14 11 30 3 12 10 16 4 80 74 94 2 29

Carry out manufacturing process using isocyanates to produce finished products

14 47 4 29 9 24 6 25 49 78 0 0 14 18 5 71

Carry out manufacturing process using isocyanates as a consumable item

4 13 8 57 18 49 18 72 12 19 1 20 7 9 2 29

Other work involving use or manufacture of products containing isocyanates

2 7 2 14 8 22 2 8 9 14 0 0 10 13 0 0


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Membership of trade associations is shown in Table 5.8. Overall 148 companies were members of a trade association (62%; 95% CI(56%,68%)). Trade association membership was most frequent among companies involved in PU spraying and gluing/sealing and least frequent among the few companies involved in painting (brush or roller).

Table 5.8 Membership of a trade association by pattern of use

Pattern of Use Number of companies Companies in Trade Association Number % 95% CI Chemical processing 30 18 60 (42,75)Coating/Spreading 14 7 50 (27,73)Gluing/Sealing 37 26 70 (54,83)Mixing (for sand casting) 25 16 64 (45,80)Moulding/Injecting 63 36 57 (45,69)Painting (brush or roller) 5 2 40 (12,77)Painting (spray) 79 43 54 (44,65)PU Spraying 7 7 100 (65,100)

The number of employees directly and indirectly exposed to isocyanates are shown in Tables 5.9 and 5.10 respectively. The companies with the most employees directly exposed to isocyanates were involved with mixing, gluing/sealing and coating/spreading. Companies with relatively few directly exposed employees were involved with chemical processing, moulding/injecting, spray painting and PU spraying.

Table 5.9 Distribution of number of employees directly exposed to isocyanates. Each cell

contains number of companies and percentage of row totals. Percentages based on fewer than 10 companies are given in brackets.

Pattern of Use Number of employees directly exposed to isocyanates 1 to 9 10 to 50 51 to 100 101+ Total Chemical processing 9 30 10 33 5 17 6 20 30Coating/Spreading 0 0 6 43 3 21 5 36 14Gluing/Sealing 7 19 9 24 6 16 15 41 37Mixing (for sand casting) 1 4 5 20 5 20 14 56 25Moulding/Injecting* 15 24 24 39 12 19 11 18 62Painting (brush or roller) 1 (20) 1 (20) 2 (40) 1 (20) 5Painting (spray)* 24 31 23 29 7 9 24 31 78PU Spraying 4 (57) 1 (14) 1 (14) 1 (14) 7

*One company in each of these sectors had missing information for this question Around 30% of companies in chemical processing, mixing and moulding/injecting reported employees indirectly exposed to isocyanates. Indirect exposure was also reported by 14% of companies involved in coating/spreading, gluing/sealing and PU spraying. Nine percent of spray painters reported employees with indirect exposure to isocyanates and none of the five brush/roller painting companies reported indirect exposure. In most companies where indirect exposure took place, fewer than 50 employees were exposed (Table 5.10).


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Table 5.10 Distribution of number of employees indirectly exposed to isocyanates. Each cell contains number of companies and percentage of row totals. All percentages are based on small numbers. Only companies with indirectly exposed employees are

included in the table.

Pattern of Use Number of employees indirectly exposed to isocyanates 1 to 9 10 to 50 51 to 100 101+ Total Chemical processing 7 78 1 11 1 11 0 0 9Coating/Spreading 1 50 1 50 0 0 0 0 2Gluing/Sealing 2 40 2 40 0 0 1 20 5Mixing (for sand casting) 4 57 3 43 0 0 0 0 7Moulding/Injecting 8 42 10 53 0 0 0 0 19Painting (brush or roller) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Painting (spray) 6 86 1 14 0 0 0 0 7PU Spraying 0 0 1 100 0 0 0 0 1

5.3.2 Job details The number of tasks reported, by task category and pattern of use is shown in Table 5.11. Companies whose pattern of use was painting (brush/roller or spray), gluing/sealing or PU spraying tended to report application tasks, while companies involved in chemical processing reported tasks in the processing/sampling or ‘other’ categories. Moulding/injection and coating/spreading companies reported a range of tasks, and mixing companies principally reported tasks in the mixing and ‘other’ categories. 5.3.3 Use of RPE and ventilation Use of RPE and ventilation is summarised in Tables 5.12 and 5.13. Ventilation and RPE were recorded by task, with the tasks subsequently grouped into task categories. Information on their use is shown by task category and pattern of use. Many of the cells are based on relatively few numbers of tasks. Overall, RPE was worn most frequently in companies which carried out painting (by brush/roller or spray painting) or PU spraying. In these companies RPE was worn in a high proportion of tasks in all task categories, with overall RPE levels of between 90% and 100%. Respondents from chemical processing and gluing/sealing companies reported the use of RPE in 52% of tasks. It is possible that some of the tasks where RPE was not worn were contained processes, there is some limited further information on this from the postal questionnaire data reported in Appendix 8. RPE was worn in around one-third of tasks in companies involved with coating/spreading, mixing and moulding/injection. Ventilation was used in 349 of the 364 tasks reported (96%). In all patterns of use, ventilation use was reported for more than 90% of tasks. Further detail on the type of ventilation used (LEV, General) is given in Appendix 8. In most patterns of use, the most commonly reported ventilation was LEV, with the exception of gluing/sealing, painting with brush/roller and PU spraying where general ventilation was most frequently reported.


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Table 5.11 Distribution of tasks by pattern of use and task category. Each cell contains number of tasks.

Pattern of use

Task Category




Mixing Moulding/injecting

Painting(brush or roller)


PU Spraying

Application 2 0 27 4 10 6 73 8Bulk materials 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 Cleaning

0 1 1 1 2 0 4 0Maintenance 2 0 2 2 5 0 0 0 Mixing 6 4 4 17 11 1 3 0 Packaging 5 2 0 0 8 0 0 0 Processing 10 5 2 2 37 0 0 1Sampling 12 0 0 1 3 0 0 0Supervising 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0Other 16 2 6 14 13 0 3 0Combination of the above 2 1 0 0 3 0 9 1

Total 58 15 42 41 99 7 92 10


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Table 5.12 Distribution of RPE use by pattern of use and task category. Each cell contains number of tasks where RPE was worn and percentage of total

number of tasks in cell. Percentages based on fewer than 10 tasks are enclosed in brackets.

Pattern of Use Task category Chemical

ProcessingCoating /

SpreadingGluing /Sealing


Moulding /Injecting



PU Spraying

Application 0 (0) - - 15 56 3 (75) 7 70 6 (100) 70 96 7 (88) Bulk materials 1 (33) - - - - - - 1 (25) - - - - - - Cleaning

- - 1 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) - - 4 (100) - - Maintenance 2 (100) - - 1 (50) 1 (50) 3 (60) - - - - - - Mixing 2 (33) 1 (25) 2 (50) 5 29 7 64 1 (100) 3 (100) - - Packaging 2 (40) 1 (50) - - - - 6 (75) - - - - - - Processing 4 40 1 (50) 1 (50) 0 (0) 8 22 - - - - 1 (100) Sampling 6 50 - - - - 0 (0) 0 (0) - - - - - - Supervising - - - - - - - - 0 (0) - - - - - - Other 11 069 (0) 3 (50) 5 36 3 23 - - 2 (67) - - Combination of the above 2 (100) 1 (100) - - - - 2 (67) - - 6 (67) 1 (100)

Total 30 52 5 33 22 52 14 35 36 36 7 (100) 85 92 9 90


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Table 5.13 Distribution of ventilation use by pattern of use and task category. Each cell contains number of tasks where ventilation was used and percentage

of total number of tasks in cell. Percentages based on fewer than 10 tasks are enclosed in brackets.

Pattern of Use Task category Chemical

ProcessingCoating /

SpreadingGluing /Sealing


Moulding /Injecting



PU Spraying

Application 2 (100) - - 27 100 4 (100) 10 100 6 (100) 73 100 8 (100) Bulk materials 1 (33) - - - - - - 4 (100) - - - - - - Cleaning

- - 1 (100) 1 (100) 1 (100) 2 (100) - - 4 (100) - - Maintenance 2 (100) - - 2 (100) 2 (100) 4 (80) - - - - - - Mixing 6 (100) 4 (100) 4 (100) 16 94 11 100 1 (100) 3 (100) - - Packaging 4 (80) 1 (50) - - - - 8 (100) - - - - - - Processing 10 100 5 (100) 2 (100) 2 (100) 35 95 - - - - 1 (100) Sampling 12 100 - - - - 1 (100) 3 (100) - - - - - - Supervising - - - - - - - - 3 (100) - - - - - - Other 16 2100 (100) 6 (100) 14 100 13 100 - - 2 (67) - - Combination of the above 2 (100) 1 (100) - - - - 3 (100) - - 9 (100) 1 (100)

Total 55 95 14 93 42 100 40 98 96 97 7 (100) 91 99 10 100


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5.4 Extrapolation to the general population In total, 1657 companies were identified for the survey of non-MVR sectors. These companies were identified using the resources described in section 3.4.1. Although this selection provided a sampling frame suitable for use in this study, it is likely that the listing is not comprehensive of all relevant companies in the UK. Results from the telephone survey were extrapolated to the full study population, using statistical weighting to adjust for the sampling proportions in different industry sectors. Results of the extrapolation to the study population of 1657 companies, suggests that a total of 501 companies (30%; 95% CI: 28%,34%) use isocyanates in their business, and that in these 501 companies an estimated 7250 workers would be directly exposed to isocyanates. For the reasons stated above these figures may underestimate the true extent of the exposed population. However the sampling frame was designed to include as many companies as possible, which were potential isocyanate users. For example although there are many more printers in the UK than were included in our study sample, all those which could be identified as carrying out perfect binding or flexible packaging were included in the sample, as these were the processes where isocyanates exposure was most likely to occur.


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6 SUMMARY OF PHASE 1 RESULTS 6.1 MVR sector Over 46,000 companies in the MVR industry were identified during the sample selection process of which 1480 participated in the telephone survey and 295 participated in the postal survey. Response rate for the telephone survey was high with only 4% of those contacted refusing to participate. Although 93% of those participating in the telephone survey agreed to take part in the postal survey, only 31% of postal questionnaires were completed and returned. Response to the postal questionnaire was higher among larger companies. Results from the postal questionnaire are therefore less reliable than for the telephone questionnaire. Of the 1480 companies interviewed, 17% (95% CI 15%,19%) had no painting facilities, 15% (13%,17%) did not use isocyanates and 68% (66%,70%) used isocyanates. Extrapolation of these figures to the general population suggests than in the UK approximately 6200 MVR companies use isocyanates, with around 15,000 employees directly exposed to isocyanates. Most isocyanate exposure in the MVR industry is due to spray painting tasks and mixing of paint. Other exposures arise from other paint application methods (e.g. brush/roller), cleaning and maintenance of equipment. Results from the telephone questionnaire showed that RPE was used in 70% of the tasks reported, including 99% of paint spraying tasks but only around 50% of mixing and maintenance tasks. Results from the postal questionnaire were in general similar, except that reported use of RPE for mixing tasks was higher than on the telephone questionnaire (74% compared to 48%). The most frequently used RPE for paint spraying was a hood or visor with airline, while for paint mixing a disposable half-mask respirator or a hood or visor with airline were most commonly used. Reported use of ventilation was high for all types of isocyanate exposed tasks on both the telephone and postal questionnaires. Overall, LEV was used in 62% of tasks and general ventilation in 36%. The most frequently reported ventilation in the mixing area was dilution ventilation (roof and wall fans). For spraying tasks, an enclosed spray booth with downdraft ventilation was used by 80% of companies. Trade organisations are a useful channel for the dissemination of health and safety information to MVR companies. However, results from the telephone survey showed that only 33% (31%, 35%) of participants were members of a trade association. The most frequently reported trade associations were the MVRA, VBRA and RMIF. 6.2 Non-MVR sectors A total of 1657 companies were identified in the non-MVR sectors where isocyanate exposure could potentially occur. Telephone interviews were carried out with 524 companies and postal questionnaires were completed by 69 companies. Results for the non-MVR sector are therefore based on relatively small numbers, particularly within each industry sector and so results in this section are necessarily indicative only. Of the 524 companies contacted, isocyanates were used by 49% (95% CI 45%, 53%). Extrapolation to the identified sample of 1657 companies, using statistical weighting to adjust for the sampling proportions in each industry sector, indicates that around 500 companies use isocyanates, with a total of around 7000 employees directly exposed to isocyanates. These


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figures are likely to be an underestimate as they are based on the companies identified for the study. While the company identification strategy used provided a suitable sampling frame for the study, it is likely that the listing is not comprehensive of all relevant companies in the UK, although stringent efforts were made to identify the majority of companies which may use isocyanates in their work. Companies participating in the study were subdivided according to pattern of use of isocyanates. Eight patterns of use were identified, with most companies involved in spray painting or moulding/injecting. The most frequent uses of isocyanates were as coatings for painting items, carrying out a manufacturing process using isocyanates to produce finished products and manufacturing formulations using or containing isocyanate chemicals. RPE use varied between patterns of use, and was commonly worn in companies involved in painting or PU spraying, where it was used in more than 90% of tasks. In other patterns of use, RPE was reported to be worn for 50% of tasks or less. Some of the tasks where RPE was not used were contained processes. Disposable half mask respirators were commonly reported to be used for all types of tasks, with full facepiece respirators with airline also used for mixing and application, hood or visor with airline for application tasks, full facepiece with disposable filter for cleaning tasks and half mask with disposable filter for mixing and cleaning tasks. Ventilation controls were used in 96% of all tasks reported, with LEV used most frequently. Membership of a trade association was reported by 62% of the companies participating in the telephone survey. Trade associations varied according to pattern of use, and included BASA, CIA, BPIF, TICA and the British Foundries Association.


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Part 2

Occupational hygiene monitoring survey


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7. INTRODUCTION TO PHASE 2 In Part 1 of this study we reported on a comprehensive survey of isocyanate users. A subset of the companies included in the telephone and postal survey reported in Part 1 of this study were asked to participate in a workplace monitoring survey. This section of the report is concerned with the results of the workplace investigations, which included exposure monitoring for airborne isocyanates. Sampling of companies for the isocyanates monitoring study was structured around different categories of use of isocyanates. The sample selection aimed to include only those companies using ‘good practice’ in handling and using isocyanates. This was intended to ensure that exposure levels were consistent with what could be achieved by using good working practices and exposure control methods. At the request of HSE, the monitoring did not include the motor vehicle repair (MVR) sector as this was being targeted by HSE in a separate study. The companies within the non-MVR sector included in this survey included those involved in the following commercial activities: • Industrial painting (ship repair, vehicle manufacturing); • Chemical processing and formulating; • Printing and laminating; • Flexible foam manufacturing; • Rigid foam manufacturing; • Casting and moulding; • Polyurethane spraying. The selection criteria used for the Phase 2 survey was that the company should have demonstrated certain minimum standards of good working practice (as reported in the Phase 1 telephone survey) and there should be at least five employees potentially exposed. In practice it was necessary to relax the latter condition to include all companies demonstrating good practice as there were problems recruiting sufficient companies into the survey. A total of 143 companies were considered eligible for the sample and after considering the distribution of companies across the various modes of use, a proportion were asked to participate. This was done by letter and by follow-up telephone calls. A total of 21 different companies were finally included in the survey, the remainder either refused to participate or were unable to accommodate the researchers within the allocated time period, or were within a sector in which the complement of companies had already been filled. Surveys were carried out in 22 different workplaces, two of which were within one company but in geographically separate locations. Part of the workplace investigations included collection of urine samples from each worker taking part in the air sampling exercise. The results of the biological monitoring are outside the scope of this report and will be reported separately.


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8. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The purpose of the survey was to measure exposure levels in a variety of companies within the non-MVR sector, covering a range of different tasks and categories of use. This was focussed on companies that applied good exposure controls, with the intention that it would reveal new and better ways of controlling exposure, which could be incorporated into health and safety guidelines for the benefit of isocyanate users in general. The overall aim was achieved by meeting the following key objectives:

i.) Identification of a sample of companies using chemicals or formulations containing isocyanates, all of whom demonstrated good working practices.

ii.) Recruiting a sufficient number of companies from different industry sectors, so that

measurements could be collected from a range of categories of use.

iii.) Collection of task-based and full-shift exposure samples, as appropriate, in the various companies identified, followed by analysis and interpretation of results taking into account relevant information about working practices and exposure control measures.


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9. LEGISLATION AND GUIDANCE The general requirements for controlling exposure to hazardous substances, including isocyanate chemicals, are set out in the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002 (HSE, 2002a). Regulation 7 deals with the prevention or control of exposure to substances hazardous to health and requires that exposure is adequately controlled. Guidance on how this may be achieved is provided by the accompanying General Approved Code of Practice which refers to Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs). These limits are published by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in Guidance Note EH40/2002 ‘Occupational Exposure Limits 2002’ and annual supplements (HSE, 2002b, HSE, 2003). There are two types of OEL to consider. These are maximum exposure limits (MEL) and occupational exposure standards (OES). An OES is set at a level at which (based on current scientific knowledge) there is no indication of risk to the health of workers exposed by inhalation day after day. A MEL, is set for substances which may cause the most serious health effects, and for which a ‘safe’ level of exposure cannot be determined. MELs are also set for substances which, although safe levels may exist, it is not reasonably practicable in control to these. The critical health effect of isocyanate exposure is respiratory sensitisation, and consequently the HSE have assigned two MEL values for this substance. The MEL values are detailed below: All isocyanates (as NCO) 8-hour TWA MEL 15-minute STEL 0.02 mg/m3 0.07 mg/m3

Abbreviations: MEL: Maximum Exposure Limit TWA: Time Weighted Average STEL: Short-term exposure limit mg/m3 milligrams of substance per cubic metre of air NCO is the active chemical group which is common to the different isocyanate compounds.

Regulation 7 of COSHH lays down the requirements for the use of MELs and OESs for the purpose of achieving adequate control. Regulation 7(6) requires that where there is exposure to a substance for which a MEL is specified, the control of exposure shall, so far as inhalation of that substance is concerned, only be treated as being adequate if the level of exposure is reduced, so far as is reasonably practicable, and in any case below the MEL.


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10. METHODS 10.1 Selection of companies for study sample Each of the companies that responded to the telephone questionnaire and reported using isocyanates in the Phase 1 survey was allocated to a specified category of use using the information provided on the principal business of the company and the tasks within the company where isocyanates were used. Companies using ‘good practice’ were also identified, based on whether or not certain minimum requirements had been mentioned in the response. This included the use of local exhaust ventilation, provision of personal protective equipment (PPE) and respiratory protective equipment (RPE). Companies within the MVR sector were excluded as stated previously, but SMART repair companies were included for further investigation as concerns had been expressed about the activities of workers in this type of business. The distribution of ‘good practice’ companies by category and industry sector was examined and a study sample identified. This sample was designed to contain similar numbers of companies from each category of use. Where a category was present in several industry sectors, the sample was designed to include a cross-section of those sectors. Details of the sample selection procedures are given below. 10.1.1 Categories of use During the telephone interview, participants were asked to provide details of job titles of employees directly involved in using isocyanates chemicals or formulations and to provide details of the main tasks that involve using isocyanates. From these job and task descriptions, an IOM occupational hygienist divided these up into task categories. Based on information on sectors, job descriptions, main tasks and task categories, the occupational hygienist then defined categories of use of isocyanates for each company. A total of eight categories of use were identified. These were:

• Chemical processing; • Coating/spreading; • Gluing/sealing; • Mixing; • Moulding/injecting; • Painting (brush or roller); • Painting (spray); • Polyurethane spraying.

Most companies were uniquely classified according to a single category of use. However, for several companies more than one type of operation was carried out. For example, one vehicle manufacturer did both paint spraying and moulding/injecting. After the surveys were completed it was evident that there was some overlap between these categories and more generic categories were developed to help summarise the exposure data.


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These generic task categories are given as follows:

• Coating/spreading – automatic; • Gluing and sealing; • Mixing and pouring – manual; • Mixing and pouring - semi-automatic; • Moulding – Automatic; • Moulding - Semi-automatic; • Painting - Brush and roller; • Painting - Spray painting; • Polyurethane spraying – manual; • Polyurethane spraying - semi automatic.

10.1.2 Company selection Companies were defined as using good practice where some type of ventilation was used for all reported tasks and where RPE was used by 100% of employees for all reported tasks. Exceptionally, where a company reported using a contained process for any task, the company was defined as using good practice irrespective of whether RPE was worn for the contained process task. We identified that a total of 143 companies appeared to apply good practice, on the basis of the questionnaire responses. From these, one company that had been identified as an insulator was excluded from the selection as it was unclear from the answers provided in the telephone questionnaire whether this company actually used isocyanate chemicals or formulations. In addition, follow-up telephone calls to the 19 ‘good practice’ companies which had been identified as SMART repairers showed that all of these companies that had reported using isocyanates, did so only in work carried out in a conventional MVR body shop and not on mobile paint jobs. Because of this, it was decided to exclude the SMART companies from the monitoring surveys since MVR repair companies were being studied elsewhere. Finally it was decided that it would be most informative to visit companies where a reasonable number of employees were potentially exposed to isocyanates. Companies reporting less than five exposed employees were therefore excluded from the selection. Details of these smaller companies were retained as ‘reserves’ and subsequently included in the final sample since there were problems recruiting sufficient companies to the study. Table 10.1 shows the distribution of the 21 companies eventually selected for the survey. Seven of these companies had more than one category of use, which are highlighted in the table. One of the surveys had to be cancelled after visiting the site when it became clear that isocyanates were not in fact being used. The visit for company 14 was postponed due to plant failure on the day of survey and this was re-coded as company 23. The commercial vehicle manufacturer with company codes 12 and 20 was a single company, but with a number of different depots operating across the country. Since the two sites identified for sampling were separated geographically and also subject to different management regimes it was considered appropriate to code these as separate operating units. The list of companies includes a fridge manufacturer, a category which could not be identified at the time of the telephone and postal surveys. This company was identified later through industry contacts made while the monitoring surveys were being carried out. Since it was found to be a major user of isocyanates, it was considered worthy of inclusion in this survey.


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Table 10.1 Distribution of companies in final sample by commercial activity and category of use

Painting (brush

& roller) Company code

Chemical processing

Coating / spreading

Gluing/ sealingCommercial activity Notes

Moulding/ injecting

Painting (spray)

PU spraying Mixing

1 Dockyard (commercial) 2 Vehicle manufacturing (vans) 3 Modelling and prototype development 4 Rigid foams (composite panels) 5 Vehicle manufacturing (cars) 6 Flexible foams (seat cushions) 7 Rigid foams (composite panels) 8 Chemical manufacturing & formulating 9 Chemical manufacturing & formulating

10 Copper cylinder manufacturing 11 Rubber tyre manufacturing Cancelled12 Vehicle manufacturing (trucks) 13 Conveyor belt manufacturing 14 Not used 15 Laminating 16 Printing and laminating 17 PU coating and moulding services 18 Aluminium alloy castings 19 Laminating 20 Vehicle manufacturing (trucks) Same as 12 21 Chemical manufacturing & formulating 22 Specialist PU insulation contractor 23 Laminating 24 Fridge manufacturing

Total No. sites surveyed 22 Total no. of use categories included in survey 3 4 3 4 7 1 3 5


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10.2 Survey methodology Inhalation exposure sampling was carried out for specific tasks, e.g. spray painting, moulding, gluing, etc. It was recognised that some tasks within each category of use may be short or long term in their duration, depending on the nature of the process and priority was attached to sampling over representative tasks rather than obtaining full shift TWA measurements. Where possible, sampling included separate measurements of short-term peak exposures where these could be anticipated. 10.2.1 Sampling and analytical methods Personal air monitoring for isocyanates was carried out using IOM inhalable dust samplers loaded with 25mm glass fibre filters in stainless steel cassettes. The filters were pre-treated with 1-(2-methyoxyphenyl) piperazine (1-2MP) solution, as the derivitising agent. In each case, the personal sampler was attached to the lapel of the operator and connected to a battery-operated personal sampling pump. The sampling flow-rate was set to 2.0 l min-1, measured using a calibrated flow meter before, during and after sampling. The sampling times were noted and the sample volume calculated. Current HSE guidance is to use an impinger and in-line treated filter as the collection method. However, this is not normally a practical option for personal monitoring, due to the risk of spillage of the solvent onto the wearer. In certain situations, additional impinger samples with in-line filters were collected where there were likely to be elevated aerosol production, e.g. in paint spraying or polyurethane foam spraying. Immediately after sampling the filters were desorbed by placing them in small sample vials containing 1-2MP solution. The contents of any impinger samples collected were placed in separate labelled vials. The samples were analysed for total isocyanate content using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), in accordance with the method described in MDHS 25/3 (HSE, 1999). This involved extracting the samples in an acetonitrile/methanol mix. An aliquot of each sample was analysed by HPLC with UV and electrochemical detection (ECD) using acetate buffered acetonitrile as a mobile phase. The HPLC was fitted with a Zorbax ODS column which was situated in an oven set at 30ºC. Calibration standards for the relevant isocyanate were prepared using known weights of the urea derivatives in the desorption solution. Peaks within the isocyanate range that were not isocyanate monomers were included as pre-polymer, unless proven to be interferences. The pre-polymer values were calculated using the ratios stipulated within MDHS 25/3. The detection limit for this method was established at 0.02 µg. The results from this analysis were used to calculate the total airborne isocyanate concentration for each sample in terms of the NCO content. The limit of quantification for routine occupational hygiene samples of this type was 0.001 mg/m3. Analysis was carried out in IOM laboratory, which is accredited for this analysis under UKAS certificate No. 0374. 10.2.2 Collection of contextual information Details about the working practices and production rates were recorded to help ascertain whether working conditions were typical or deviated from the norm in some way. Details were recorded on a proforma, which was also used to collect information about the type of PPE and RPE that was used, what condition it was in, whether ventilation equipment


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was used and whether it performed adequately. Details were recorded to help determine whether the sampling was typical of normal working practices and whether any unusual process conditions occurred. In addition, details about observed contamination of clothing and exposed skin were recorded in order to help assess the pattern and extent of dermal contact with the chemical substances used. Finally, each company’s response to the telephone and postal questionnaires were scrutinised and compared with the observed conditions in order to evaluate the reliability of this information. 10.2.3 Evaluation of control measures The suitability of the protective clothing and respiratory protection for the specific application was evaluated with reference to the manufacturer’s guidance and from HSE guidance documents. The local exhaust ventilation, where used, was checked using smoke tracer tubes to evaluate the capture efficiency of the various extraction hoods. 10.2.4 Biological monitoring All workers included in the air sampling survey were asked to submit a sample of urine so that this could be analysed for metabolites of the isocyanate compounds used. All subjects who submitted samples gave their informed consent. Since the biological half-life of isocyanates is believed to be short, i.e. 1-2 hours in duration, samples were collected as soon as possible after the exposure period had ended. This meant that samples were collected immediately after the task had been completed (where exposure was over a specific period of time) or at the end of shift (where exposure was evenly spread over the day). All urine samples were collected in citric acid treated bottles and submitted to the UK Health and Safety Laboratory, Sheffield for analysis. The results of the analysis are reported separately. 10.3 Data analysis The workplace exposures were sorted according to each generic exposure category and summarised in terms of minimum, maximum, median and upper 95th percentile values. In order to facilitate this analysis measurements less than the LOD were set to ½ of the LOD, which in this case is equivalent to 0.0005 mg/m3. All of the data points above the LOQ of 0.001 mg/m3 were summarised within three ranges of particular interest, i.e. All samples less than the 8-hour MEL of 0.02 mg/m3, greater or equal to the MEL and less than the 15-minute STEL value of 0.07 mg/m3 and finally, greater or equal to the STEL. In each case the results were rounded up to three decimal places to perform this analysis. 10.4 Reporting Each company participating in the survey program was provided with a detailed report on the results pertaining to their site. This included a full description of the methods, the measured results, observations and recommendations for improvements where appropriate.


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11. RESULTS OF WORKPLACE SURVEYS A total of 21 companies comprising 22 different sites were surveyed and a total of 160 personal exposure measurements were obtained with an additional seven static samples collected. The personal samples included a mixture of long-term average exposures, 15-minute short term peak exposure measurements and other task-based exposure measurements. The detailed descriptions of the workplace processes, working practices and control measures used in situation are included as Appendix 9. This also includes detailed evaluation of the exposure levels for each company where monitoring was carried out. Of the 160 personal sample measurements obtained, 100 were less than the LOD for the analytical method and 20 samples were less than the LOQ, which in this case is given as 0.001 mg/m3. A total of 40 samples were equal to or above the LOQ. Ten of these measurements were equal to or above the 8-hour TWA MEL value of 0.02 mg/m3 and four of these measurements were equal to or above the 15-min STEL of 0.07 mg/m3. All of the 10 measurements that were above 0.02 mg/m3 were in fact short-term, task based exposure measurements, so it does not mean that the 8-hour TWA exposure limit was being exceeded for the workers concerned. However, the 15-minute STEL of 0.07 mg/m3 was exceeded on the four occasions specified. The summary exposure data for the survey as a whole are detailed in Table 11.1 and this is illustrated in Figure 11.1.

Table 11.1 Summary of all air monitoring results

Category Count

No of samples <LOD 100

No of samples ≥LOD, <LOQ 20

No of samples ≥LOQ 40

No of samples ≥LOD, <0.02 (8-hour MEL) 30

No of samples ≥0.02 (8-hour MEL), <0.07 (STEL) 6

No of samples ≥0.07 (STEL) 4

TOTAL No of samples collected (Excludes 7 static samples) 160

Since there were few results with measurable exposures, the results are summarised by generic task categories, designed to take into account the potential for exposure. The sorted data according to the generic descriptions, described in Section 10.1.1 are presented in Table 11.2. For each of the generic task descriptions, the minimum and maximum exposure level is provided, together with the median and upper 95th percentile. The number of samples in each category that were below the LOQ is also recorded together with the number of companies within this category.


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It can be seen from this summary data that the highest measurements were obtained for spray painting trucks during manufacture and spraying polyurethane foam insulation. In these particular cases, there were only rudimentary environmental controls applied to the work process or in the case of the truck manufacturer, the ventilation controls were not working properly. Nevertheless, in all these cases the workers involved were adequately protected by supplied air breathing apparatus. Although, it was our intention to include companies which applied good practice in terms of exposure control measures, it was clear that many of the company procedures were deficient in some way. These were indicated to the relevant company in their own report and recommendations were made to help them remedy the situation. Detailed observations from each of the site surveys are included in Appendix 9 and the corresponding air monitoring results for each site is included in Table A9.1. It was noted that both dichloromethane and dimethylformamide were used as cleaning solvents for isocyanate processes. This survey did not attempt to assess exposures for these chemicals as it was outside the scope of this work. However, it was noted that the tasks where these chemicals were used gave significant potential for exposure.

Figure 11.1 Summary of measured isocyanate concentrations in 22 different workplaces.

Includes a total of 160 personal exposure samples





air c





m3 )



On completion of the monitoring surveys the responses to the telephone and postal questionnaires were evaluated and compared with observations of the researchers. The company estimates of the number of exposed workers corresponded well with the observations. Ten of the companies taking part in the monitoring surveys submitted postal questionnaires, and the responses were also scrutinised. The postal questionnaire responses relating to the type of ventilation, PPE and working practices corresponded well with the observed conditions.


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Table 11.2 Results of air monitoring by generic task categories and production activities

Generic task category Industry sector

No of companies in category

No. of

samples No.

<LOQ N≥MEL <STEL N≥STEL Min Max Median

Upper 95%

Coating/spreading - automatic Laminating 4 1618 0 <0.0010 0.004 0.001 0.001 Gluing and sealing Car manufacturing, composite panels 3 15 12 0 0 <0.001 0.012 0.001 0.006 Mixing and pouring - manual

Modelling and prototypes, chemical processing, specialist insulation, conveyor belt manufacturing

6 29 23 0 0 <0.001 0.005 0.001 0.002 Mixing and pouring - semi-automatic Chemical processing 1 3 2 0 0 <0.001 0.002 0.001 0.002 Moulding - Automatic

Car manufacturing, composite panels, fridge manufacturing, aluminium casting 5 28 25 0 0 <0.001 0.007 0.001 0.001

Moulding - Semi-automatic Flexible foams 1 6 1 0 0 <0.001 0.010 0.005 0.008 Painting - Brush and roller Dockyard ship repair 1 6 4 0 0 <0.001 0.002 0.001 0.002 Painting - Spray painting Vehicle manufacturing 3 37 29 4 3 <0.001 0.136 0.001 0.034 PU spraying - manual Specialist insulation, contract insulation services 2 10 2 2 1 <0.001 0.066 0.003 0.050 PU spraying - semi automatic

Copper cylinder manufacturing

1 8 6 0 0





TOTAL (excludes 7 static samples) 160 120 6 4 <0.001 0.136 0.001 0.005 Note: measured values less than LOD were set to ½ of the LOD, equivalent to 0.0005 mg/m3.


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12. DISCUSSION OF PHASE 2 RESULTS The companies included in the workplace surveys represented a wide range of non-MVR isocyanate users in the UK, as selected from respondents to the initial telephone surveys. It was difficult to recruit sufficient numbers of companies into the programme, which was due to various reasons including pressure of time and resources within these companies, and worries about maintaining confidentiality. In our judgement the companies that did participate were no worse or better than many other companies in their particular business sector. It is likely therefore that these companies were a representative cross-section of isocyanate users in the UK, biased towards those having good working practices. In general, the airborne concentrations for the great majority of workplace tasks and processes were low, and mostly below the limit of detection for the measurement method. There were only 13 personal exposure measurements in total which might be regarded as significant, using a nominal value of ½ of the 8-hour MEL i.e. 0.010 mg/m3 as an indicator. These samples were collected from five different workplaces and all except one were related to spray application of paints or coatings. These results are supported by the findings of other researchers who have noted similar isocyanate concentrations during industrial spray painting (England et al., 2000), spray painting in MVR workshops (Woskie et al., 2004) and spray application of polyurethane foams (Crespo et al., 1999). The highest exposure measurements were obtained from spray painting and polyurethane spraying operations in which the level of control was considered to be poor, which was probably not consistent with the inclusion criteria for the survey design, i.e. that the companies included should apply ‘good practice’. However, these particular work applications probably represent the most hazardous types of use of isocyanates and it is useful to include these examples to help illustrate why controls are ignored, difficult to implement or deteriorate over time. The exposure levels for polyurethane processes, not involving spraying, were very low and often below the limit of detection for the analytical method. This seems to be broadly in line with the findings of the limited available research in this particular sector (Sennbro et al., 2004). The sampling surveys identified a number of important issues. In particular, they showed that small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are dynamic workplaces, and often the production processes are only partly developed. Chemical formulations often need to be manufactured or blended in-house to meet certain specifications, rather than being bought in. This resulted in extensive manual mixing and pouring tasks, and although they were carried out relatively infrequently, did represent a significant potential for inhalation and dermal exposure. In addition, companies often used rudimentary chemical handling procedures for collecting chemical samples or for topping up process reservoirs. The best two examples of this were found in Company 6 (flexible foam manufacturing) where isocyanates were transferred between IBCs and process containers using drums and siphon pumps, and Company 8 (chemical processing and manufacturing) where samples were collected from process vessels using paper cups fixed to a length of wire. The value of contained isocyanate delivery systems is best exemplified by Company 24 (fridge manufacturer). This company used state of the art systems for delivery of the chemicals from bulk storage to the point of use, and in particular had implemented engineering solutions to avoid the use of toxic solvents such as dichloromethane and dimethyl formamide. This relatively simple device could easily be applied for SME users such as


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Company 6 referred to above to help reduce potential exposure to dichloromethane and in doing so also contribute to a reduction in exposure to isocyanates. It is interesting to note that while inhalation exposures were minimal in nearly all of the companies visited, there was nearly always potential for skin contact, particularly during spray painting and manual mixing and pouring tasks. The types of protective gloves selected by companies usually were a compromise between chemical protective and dexterity requirements. Consequently, many gloves were inappropriate or simply not used when they should have been. In addition, there were cases e.g. during spray painting, that there was evidence of exposure to other parts of the body, including the arms, face and neck. This is likely to mean that there is significant potential for dermal exposure across the wide range of industrial isocyanate users. In the majority of cases where there was potential for inhalation exposure, the correct type of respiratory protective equipment had been selected. Furthermore, the RPE used by companies carrying out the more hazardous operations was generally well maintained. However, in situations where there was no significant risk of inhalation exposure a wide range of different types of RPE had been provided, most of which were inappropriate for use with isocyanates. These included filtering facepiece respirators, half-mask and full-face respirators with charcoal filters. While these may have been intended to provide protection against organic solvents for example, the workers did not always seem to appreciate this difference and it is conceivable that they may have relied on these devices, perhaps when carrying out some non-standard work where isocyanate concentrations were higher than normal. Even the largest companies, with the greatest resources, were apparently poorly organised in respect of their tracking of chemicals and occupational hygiene procedures. In particular, the car manufacturer (Company 5) was initially unable to locate the documentation to help identify what kind of isocyanate compounds were used in the paint products. The company obviously relied heavily on technological solutions for exposure control and this had been effective. However, there seemed to be little awareness about the potential risks at shop floor level and little access to risk information concerning the process or substances used. The existing technological controls including ventilation and RPE are simple measures, which can be easily applied to protect workers from excessive airborne isocyanate concentrations. The increasing frequency of respiratory sensitisation therefore points to individual and organisational failures to ensure these controls are maintained and consistently applied. The validity and suitability of the air sampling method needs to be considered. Accurate and sensitive determination of airborne isocyanates is a complex and difficult matter. Errors can be introduced both during the sample collection and analytical stages of the procedure. The advantages and disadvantages of the available methods must be taken into account when a particular workplace is being monitored (HSE, 1999, Streicher et al., 2000). For example, it is recommended that impingers are used for sampling fast curing isocyanate products. Also, an impinger is recommended for all aerosols having particle diameters greater than 2 µm because it is believed that the poor mixing on filters results in poor derivatisation efficiency. However, filters are recommended for sampling particles smaller than 2 µm because they are collected inefficiently by impingers. One difficult with sampling with impingers is that they are easily broken and the solution may spill out or rapidly evaporate. This means that they are often considered to be inappropriate for personal sampling, particularly where there is a high level of physical activity involved in the work. Thus, it is sometimes necessary to balance the conflicting requirements of accuracy and precision in the analytical procedure with the practical requirements of sample collection.


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Reliable analysis of exposure samples is also difficult and requires a high level of expertise. The existing exposure limits for isocyanates are based on the total isocyanate group, i.e. the sum of the monomeric and polymeric forms of these chemicals, which should be included in the exposure assessment. While analysis of monomeric diisocyanate compounds should be reasonably straightforward, it is a difficult technical procedure to quantify levels of polyisocyanates in exposure samples. Since polyurethane products may contain significantly more polyisocyanate compounds than monomeric isocyanates, it is possible that workplace exposures may be underestimated due to flawed analytical procedures. It is often the case that the particular forms of isocyanate or methods of work are undetermined at the time of measurement and it is necessary to accept a degree of uncertainty in the results. This is one of the factors which complicated exposure assessment in this particular set of surveys. Sometimes the company management could not locate basic information about the products being used or the methods of work that were being used prior to the surveys taking place. It was therefore not always possible to tailor the sampling procedures to the specific workplace situation. There is evidently a further problem with the exposure assessment methodology because there are various reports of respiratory sensitisation associated with jobs or tasks which do not seem to have the potential to produce elevated airborne concentrations (Donnelly et al., 2004, Liss et al., 1988, Morimatsu et al., 2004). It is recognised that there may well be risk factors such as atopy and other genetic factors which may increase the susceptibility of individuals to sensitisation (Heederik et al., 1999) and this could explain these unexpected responses to exposures to what are ostensibly very low airborne concentrations. Since atopy is prevalent in the UK, atopics cannot be considered as a small sensitive subgroup and this may need to be taken into account when designing effective national regulatory controls on the marketing, supply and use of these chemicals. Alternatively, it is possible that existing exposure assessment methodology is underestimating the importance of exposure by other routes, which would include dermal contact. All of these problems complicate exposure assessment and lead to uncertainty in the results of monitoring procedures. There is a definite requirement for improved sampling and analytical methodology, and there is scope also for applying biological monitoring methods in the exposure assessment process. For example, urinary metabolites may be a more useful indicator of exposure than airborne concentrations since they can be reliably quantified with only limited potential for interference from other chemicals. It may also be possible to apply existing immunoassay techniques for biological monitoring for isocyanate exposed workers (Heederik et al., 1999, Heederik et al., 2002). However, this would identify subjects with typical Type I/IgE-mediated respiratory allergy i.e., those who already show signs of sensitisation. Nevertheless, this may be a useful health screening tool or useful for understanding the epidemiology of isocyanate sensitisation.


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13. OVERALL CONCLUSIONS In Phase 1 of this study we found that the MVR and non-MVR sectors response to the telephone survey was good with only 5% of those companies which were contacted refusing to take part. Overall, 1480 MVR companies and 524 non-MVR companies participated in the survey. Response to the postal questionnaire was poorer, with a response rate of around 30%. Results from the postal questionnaire are therefore less reliable than for the telephone questionnaire. Of the 1480 MVR companies interviewed, 17% had no painting facilities, 15% did not use isocyanates and 68% used isocyanates. Extrapolation of these figures to the general population suggests than in the UK approximately 6200 MVR companies use isocyanates, with around 15000 employees directly exposed to isocyanates. Isocyanates were used by 49% of the non-MVR companies surveyed. Extrapolation to the general population indicates that around 500 non-MVR companies use isocyanates, with a total of around 7000 employees directly exposed to isocyanates. However, these non-MVR figures are likely to be an underestimate as they are based on the companies identified for the study. While the company identification strategy provided a suitable sampling frame for the study, it is likely that the listing is not entirely comprehensive of all relevant companies in the UK, although stringent efforts were made to identify the majority of companies which may use isocyanates in their work. Most isocyanate exposure in the MVR industry is due to spray painting tasks and mixing of paint. Other exposures arise from other paint application methods (e.g. brush/roller), cleaning and maintenance of equipment. In the non-MVR sectors the most frequent uses of isocyanates were as coatings for painting items, carrying out a manufacturing process using isocyanates to produce finished products and manufacturing formulations using or containing isocyanate chemicals. RPE use varied between patterns of use, and was commonly worn in companies involved in painting or PU spraying, where it was used in more than 90% of tasks. In other patterns of use (e.g. maintenance or mixing), RPE was reported to be worn for 50% of tasks or less. Some of the tasks where RPE was not used were contained processes. The most frequently used RPE for paint spraying was a hood or visor with supplied air, while for paint mixing a disposable half-mask respirator or a hood or visor with supplied air were most commonly used. Disposable half-mask respirators were commonly reported to be used for all types of tasks, with full facepiece respirators with airline also used for mixing and application. Reported use of ventilation to control exposure was high for all types of isocyanate exposed tasks on both the telephone and postal questionnaires. Overall, ventilation controls were used in 96% of all tasks reported, with LEV used most frequently. In Phase 2 of this survey, a total of 21 companies comprising 22 different sites were surveyed over a wide range of production activities and 160 personal exposure measurements were obtained. The companies included in this survey could be considered to be representative of a broad range of isocyanate users adopting good exposure controls, from small and medium sized enterprises through to very large employers. In addition, a wide range of isocyanate use was covered, from paint spraying and polyurethane spraying at one extreme to printing/laminating and aluminium casting at the other. The selection criteria for the survey were intended to focus on companies that applied best practice as this would be more informative in the sense that it might suggest new and better ways of controlling exposure. Nevertheless, many companies which had been considered as applying good practice were found to have systems in place which were lacking in some way.


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In the great majority of cases, there was scope for improved managerial controls or technical solutions such as enclosed isocyanate delivery and dispensing systems, or more efficient containment or ventilated booths. A mixture of long-term average and short term task-based exposure measurements were obtained for comparison with the existing maximum exposure limits. Out of a total of 160 measurements, 100 were less than the limit of detection (LOD) for the analytical method and 20 samples were less than the limit of quantification (LOQ), indicating that exposure levels were generally very low. From this, it is reasonable to conclude that exposures can easily be controlled to the current 8-hour average MEL and STEL levels using basic exposure control methods. While the airborne concentrations across the majority of tasks were controlled to acceptable levels, there were numerous examples of poor chemical handling methods, resulting in potential for inhalation exposure or skin contact. Many companies had not implemented robust skin protection measures and consequently workers may have been poorly protected. It is recognised that isocyanates are corrosive to the skin and eyes, and may result in skin sensitisation, so it is important for companies to provide and maintain proper personal protective regimes. Furthermore, there are suggestions that dermal exposure to isocyanates may result in respiratory sensitisation and while this link has not definitely been established, this provides additional incentive to control dermal contact as far as possible. It is clear that assessment of isocyanate exposure is difficult, both in terms of sample collection and in the sample analysis. In fact, the current sampling method is not suited to the kind of jobs and tasks carried out in the industry and the sample analysis requires a high level of expertise for reliable quantification of all isocyanate types and this level of expertise may not be generally available to most employers. It is clear that there is a need to find improved and simplified measurement methods in order to enhance confidence in exposure assessments. Due to the uncertainties about air sampling current methods, the feasibility of using biological monitoring methods to target urinary metabolites or immunological responses should be investigated. The workplace observations collected during the company visits surveys compared well with the earlier responses to the telephone and postal questionnaires. The result of this comparison validates the results of the telephone and postal surveys, at least for the non-MVR company sector. In conclusion, this study has provided estimates of the number of workers potentially exposed to isocyanates in both the MVR and non-MVR sectors and has also shown that exposures in the non-MVR sector are generally well controlled. Inevitably with workplace investigations, some shortcomings in the exposure controls were identified, but some examples of good working practices and engineering controls were also identified. Also as a result of carrying out these workplace investigations, some weakness in the exposure assessment methodology were identified. Thus it is possible to make some general recommendations for controlling exposure in these industries and some areas for further research into isocyanate exposure assessment are suggested. These topics are set out in the following section.


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14. RECOMMENDATIONS The following recommendations are suggested from the finding of this study and also include some good general advice for controlling isocyanate exposure: Firstly, the estimates of the numbers of workers potentially exposed from within the non-MVR sector are considered to be less reliable than that provided for the MVR sector due to the difficulty in classifying and identifying companies within this sector. Further work is therefore necessary to elaborate on what has already been done for this sector and to identify and monitor new uses of isocyanate chemicals. The polyurethane industry should be encouraged to use reliable, fully contained chemical delivery systems as far as possible and also to install self-cleaning foaming heads. Companies carrying out work with isocyanates should ensure they perform regular checks on the various control measures to ensure they continue to provide the necessary level of control. This should include continuous monitoring of the airflows in ventilation booths, frequent checks on the condition of respirators and breathing apparatus and ensuring an adequate supply of protective clothing. The existing methods for sampling and analysis of airborne isocyanates should be reviewed and improved if possible. Laboratories carrying out this work should demonstrate the necessary level of competence in both sampling and analysis, i.e. by taking part in a suitable quality assurance scheme. Due to the inherent problems with the sampling and analysis of air samples for isocyanates, companies should use biological monitoring to demonstrate workers are being adequately protected. Consideration should also be given to novel forms of biological monitoring including immunoassay techniques to identify people that may be sensitised. From this study, it is appears that it is not widely recognised that polyisocyanates have similar toxic effects to monomeric forms of isocyanates. In addition, safety data sheets for polyurethane products usually only specify the monomeric diisocyanate content of the product and can be vague about the polymeric isocyanate content. It will therefore be necessary to review the reporting criteria for isocyanate chemicals within the context of the Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2002. Atopics represent a significant population that are at increased risk from isocyanate exposure and cannot realistically be excluded from work with these chemicals. It will therefore be appropriate to consider this and other genetic risk factors in relation to the existing occupational exposure limits and whether or not they should be reduced. Additional information about working practices, including the use and maintenance of control measures could be obtained by following up on cases of respiratory sensitisation due to isocyanate, as reported to SWORD. This may help to gain a better understanding about the risk factors in the various industries where exposure has occurred.


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15. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The study was funded by the Health and Safety Executive under contract No. 4305/R51.229. The authors would like to thank all the participants in the telephone and postal surveys and also the management and workers of all companies taking part in the air monitoring surveys. The authors would also like to thank the British Rubber Manufacturing Association for assisting with early stages of the study design.


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HSE. (2002a). Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (Fourth Edition) Approved Code of Practice. Sudbury, England.: Health and Safety Executive, HSE Books.

HSE. (2002b). Occupational Exposure Limits 2002, EH40/2002. Sudbury, England.: Health and Safety Executive, HSE Books.


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Liss GM, Bernstein DI, Moller DR, Gallagher JS, Stephenson RL, Bernstein IL. (1988). Pulmonary and immunologic evaluation of foundry workers exposed to methylene diphenyldiisocyanate (MDI). The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology; 82: 55-61.

Marabini A, Brugnami G, Curradi F, Severini C, Siracusa A. (1994). The response to a specific bronchial provocation test and the evolution of occupational asthma. A longitudinal study in subjects with toluene diisocyanate-induced asthma. La Medicina Del Lavoro; 85: 134-141.

Morimatsu Y, Akiyoshi H, Tajiri M, Hirai R, Aizawa H. (2004). A case of hypersensitivity pneumonitis showing acute respiratory distress syndrome due to exposure to dust containing diphenylmethane diisocyanate. Nihon Kokyuki Gakkai Zasshi. The Journal of the Japanese Respiratory Society; 42: 502-508.

NIOSH. (2004). A Summary of Health Hazard Evaluations: Issues related to occupational exposure to isocyanates, 1989 to 2002. (DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2004-116 ed). Cincinnati, OH: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

Paggiaro PL, Vagaggini B, Dente FL, Bacci E, Bancalari L, Carrara M, Di Franco A, Giannini D, Giuntini C. (1993). Bronchial hyperresponsiveness and toluene diisocyanate. Long-term change in sensitized asthmatic subjects. Chest; 103: 1123-1128.

Rattray NJ, Botham PA, Hext PM, Woodco*ck DR, Fielding I, Dearman RJ, Kimber I. (1994). Induction of respiratory hypersensitivity to diphenylmethane-4,4'-diisocyanate (MDI) in guinea pigs. Influence of route of exposure. Toxicology; 88: 15-30.

Sennbro CJ, Lindh CH, Ostin A, Welinder H, Jonsson BA, Tinnerberg H. (2004). A survey of airborne isocyanate exposure in 13 Swedish polyurethane industries. The Annals of Occupational Hygiene; 48: 405-414.

Streicher RP, Reh CM, Key-Schwartz R. (1998). Determination of airborne isocyanate exposure. NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods ( ed). NIOSH: 115-140.

Streicher RP, Reh CM, Key-Schwartz RJ, Schlecht PC, Cassinelli ME, O'Connor PF. (2000). Determination of airborne isocyanate exposure: considerations in method selection. AIHAJ : A Journal for the Science of Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety; 61: 544-556.


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Vandenplas O, Cartier A, Lesage J, Perrault G, Grammer LC, Malo JL. (1992). Occupational asthma caused by a prepolymer but not the monomer of toluene diisocyanate (TDI). The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology; 89: 1183-1188.

Woskie SR, Sparer J, Gore RJ, Stowe M, Bello D, Liu Y, Youngs F, Redlich C, Eisen E, Cullen M. (2004). Determinants of isocyanate exposures in auto body repair and refinishing shops. The Annals of Occupational Hygiene; 48: 393-403.

Zissu D, Binet S, Limasset JC. (1998). Cutaneous sensitization to some polyisocyanate prepolymers in guinea pigs. Contact Dermatitis; 39: 248-251.


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Appendix 1 : Sample size calculations Calculation of the sample size required to produce estimates within specified limits depends on a number of factors – notably the total number of workplaces across the UK, the between-workplace variation in the number of employees and, if the accuracy is to be expressed in proportional rather than absolute terms (i.e. to within 10% rather than to within, say, 200 workers), an estimate of the likely total number of employees (or of potentially exposed employees) in the UK. For the purposes of this study we estimated the required sample sizes for the MVR and non-MVR workplaces based on the information provided by the HSE in the Invitation to tender. We carried out the calculations based on simple random sampling from the population of workplaces in each sector. Efficiencies in the sampling strategy could have been gained by using stratified random sampling, for example by workplace size. This, however, relied on there being enough baseline data available to categorise workplaces into the relevant strata. Calculations based on random sampling were therefore conservative, in that they calculated the maximum sample size necessary to achieve the desired accuracy. It should be noted that within the non-MVR workplaces, sampling was be stratified by industry sector. However the larger estimated sample size arising from the assumption of non-stratified sampling provided a sample which was large enough to include reasonable numbers of companies from each non-MVR industry sector (see below). Full details of the calculations to arrive at sample size are below. Based on the information provided, we proposed that the study should comprise 2000 participating workplaces – 1500 from the MVR sector and 500 from the non-MVR sector. Simulated distributions of 20,000 workers across 10,000 workplaces indicated that between-workplace standard deviations were typically between three and four, and a sample of this size allowed an estimate of the total number of workers potentially exposed to isocyanates to within 10%, for both the MVR and the non-MVR sectors, for between-workplace standard deviations of up to five. A sample of 2000 workplaces also allowed the estimation of the proportions of workers using control measures within each sector to within 10% for proportions of around 20% or greater in the MVR sector and around 30% or greater in the non-MVR sector. Estimation of population total The sample size required to produce an estimate of the total number of employees (or of potentially exposed employees) within specified limits, with 95% confidence, was calculated using the formula:












where n was the required sample size, N was the total number of workplaces, S was the standard deviation across workplaces and the total was to be estimated within plus or minus ‘d’. Calculation of sample size for the current study therefore depended on a number of assumptions. The calculations below were based on the information provided by the HSE - that there were 10,000 workplaces in the MVR sector and an estimated total of around 20,000 potentially exposed workers and around 1500 workplaces in the non-MVR sector with approximately 5000 potentially exposed workers. Using these estimates, the sample sizes


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required to estimate the total number of potentially exposed workers to within 10% with 95% confidence, for difference levels of variation between workplaces, are shown in Table A1.1.

Table A1.1 Sample size required for the estimation of the total number of potentially exposed

workers, for different levels of variance between workplaces. Each cell contains the estimated sample size.

Standard deviation estimate

Sector 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MVR 96 370 796 1332 1937 2570 3200 3807 4376 4899 non-MVR 34 127 258 405 549 681 796 894 977 1047

The above sample sizes allowed the estimation of the total number of potentially exposed employees to within 10% (i.e. to within 10% of 20,000 = 2000 workers). Using the same sample sizes, the total number of workers (whether exposed or not) could be estimated to within 2000 workers. As the total number of workers will be greater than or equal to the number of potentially exposed workers this implies that these sample sizes also allowed the estimation of the total number of workers to within 10% or less. Estimation of population proportion Similar calculations were carried out for the required sample sizes for the estimation of a population proportion (e.g. the proportion of workers using control measures) with a specified precision. In this case the formula is:












with n, N and d defined as previously and P representing the estimated population proportion. Assuming that there were a total of 10,000 workplaces in the MVR sector and 1500 in the non-MVR sector, Table A2.2 shows the sample sizes required for the estimation of the population proportion to within 10% with 95% confidence.

Table A1.2 Sample size required for the estimation of the a population proportion for different

estimated proportions. Each cell contains the estimated sample size.

Population proportion estimate Sector 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 MVR 2570 1333 823 162 43 545 370 250 96 non-MVR 1047 760 562 417 306 219 149 91 42


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Appendix 2: Telephone questionnaire for MVR sector – interviewer script


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If CANNOT get through to the bodyshop manager on 1st attempt, ask: - “Can you give me the bodyshop

manager’s name please?”

“We will not use these details for any other purpose.”

Script/Prompt Sheet for Interviewers

“Good morning/afternoon my name is XXX. I am calling from the IOM in Edinburgh regarding the letter that

we recently sent you.”

“Can I speak to the bodyshop manager please?”

NOTE: if bodyshop manager is unavailable/busy, before hanging up ask: - “Can I speak to somebody who

can tell me about motor vehicle repairs at your site, please?”

If NOT already speaking to the correct person then once the interviewer has been transferred to the correct

person repeat the first 3 short sentences of introduction.

Then proceed with:

“We are doing some research into the use of isocyanates across the UK and we would like to ask you a few

questions about their use within your site. Any information we collect will be strictly confidential and no

names or identifying information will be published.”

“There are 14 questions which will take less than 10 minutes to complete. Would now be a convenient time

to talk? If not, is there another convenient time to contact you?”

“Can I take a note of your name and position within your company in case we need to contact you further for

this study?” (NOTE: record these on the answer sheet.)

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SECTION A: BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON ISOCYANATES “The first two questions are about your company:”

Record answers to Q1 to Q6 on answer sheet.

1. Does part of the work done by your company involve motor vehicle repairs?

If NO interviewer to ask what sector the company is in. Interviewer should then make a judgement

based on the participant’s response about whether to continue/discontinue with questionnaire.

If interviewer chooses to discontinue with the questionnaire, then interviewer should give some words

of apology for disturbing the person.

2. How many employees are there in your company?

NOTE: here we mean everybody in the company, including receptionists, not just on the shop floor.

If a particular garage is part of a chain, we want to know the number of employees just for the

particular site we are currently interviewing, NOT for every garage in the chain.

If exact number given, record it and record appropriate size group. If exact number not given,

PROMPT: “Would you say it is ...”

1 = <10

2 = 10 - 50

3 = 51 – 100

4 = 101 – 250

5 = 251 – 500

6 = > 500

3. Is your company a member of a trade association?

If Yes, please specify which trade association you are a member of.

NOTE: We expect the following trade associations to be most likely:

MVRA (Motor Vehicle Repairers Association)

RMIF (Retail Motor Industry Federation)

VBRA (Vehicle Builders and Repairers Association Limited)


4. Do any of your company’s employees use isocyanates in their work? By ‘use’ we mean for example mixing and spraying 2-pack polyurethane paints, lacquers or topcoats.

PROMPT: Isocyanates are typically found in the hardener or activator of two-pack polyurethane paints, topcoats and lacquers. Products containing isocyanates are commonly used in vehicle refinishing and can be identified by their labels, which should state that they contain these chemicals. The next questions are about the use of isocyanates in your company.


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5. Which products containing isocyanates is your company currently using? Please give us the manufacturer and the product names.

PROMPT if required: “e.g. paints, lacquers, topcoats?”

If the participant answers NONE, interviewer to PROMPT with: “What about most recently?”

If participant cannot think of anything or they think they have listed everything interviewer to

PROMPT with a few of the key manufacturers listed below. If participants ask for more details, only

then give them some of the trade names listed below (e.g. Interthane 870).

“For example has your company recently used one of the following products....”

International – Interthane 870, Interthane 990

Dupont – Dupont Speciality Clears (lacquer)

BASF – Glasurit topcoats and clear lacquers

ICI paints – Nexia Autoclear, PPG Deltron Clear

Akzo Nobel – Sikkens Autoclear lacquer

PPG - Deltron, Defleet

Otherwise the interviewer should continue with questionnaire.

Max-Meyer – 2k hardeners

UPOL – System 20

NOTE: if participant has answered NO to Q4 and then has given one of the paints mentioned on the

list of prompts in Q5, then interviewer must inform them that they are using isocyanates.

If participant has consistently answered NO to Q4 and the paints mentioned in Q5 do not match with

any of the trade and/or generic names given then the interviewer should end the interview saying:



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6. Approximately how many of your company’s employees use isocyanates in their work?

PROMPT if required by giving one of products the participant has specified in Q5.

If exact number given, record it and record appropriate size group. If exact number not given,

PROMPT: “Would you say it is ...”

1 = <10

2 = 10 - 50

3 = 51 – 100

4 = 101 – 250

5 = 251 – 500

6 = > 500


“The next few questions are about the jobs and tasks in which isocyanates are used”

Record responses for Q7 to Q13 in Table provided.

7. What are the job titles of employees in your company who use isocyanates during their work?

PROMPT with the list below if participants cannot think of job titles or they do not mention all four on

the list.

Only give job titles - unless participants specifically request job details.


Sprayers – employees who are involved predominately in spray painting vehicles.

Apprentices - trainees.

Labourers / Helpers – employees who may use isocyanates occasionally but spend most of their

time doing other MVR tasks.

Mechanics - may undertake limited spray painting in some instances”.

Ask Q8 & Q9 for each job noted in Q7

8. Approximately how many employees in “Job A” use isocyanates? Replace “Job A” with the specific job mentioned by participant.


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9. For “Job A” what are the main tasks that involve using isocyanates?

PROMPT if necessary:

“For example

mixing hardeners or activators to the liquid resin

paint spraying

cleaning equipment – (e.g. mixing system, spray guns)

maintenance of equipment

application of primer with some other method not involving spraying - (e.g. with a brush or a


other, - please give specific details”

Ask Q10 to Q13 for each task noted in Q9

10. How many employees carry out this task?

11. What kind of ventilation is in use?

PROMPT with: “local exhaust ventilation (LEV)

general ventilation (Gen)



If subject asks what you mean by local exhaust ventilation PROMPT with: “e.g. spray booth”.

Or if subject asks what you mean by general ventilation PROMPT with “e.g. extractor fans in the roof

or walls, doors left open or windows left open”.

12. Do employees wear a respirator whilst carrying out this task?

If participants ask what is meant by a respirator interviewer to PROMPT with “e.g. a facemask”.

13. Approximately what percentage of employees wear a respirator whilst doing this task?


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Record details for Q14 & Q15 on answer sheet.

14. Does your company have any employees who are indirectly exposed to isocyanates. By “indirect” exposure, we mean workers who might breathe in some paint spray containing isocyanates but who are not directly involved with paint spraying (e.g. this might include mechanics but would exclude office staff).

If Yes, please specify the approximate number of employees.

NOTE: Please record the exact number given and the size group code.

Code for grouping sizes: 1 = <10

2 = 10 - 50

3 = 51 – 100

4 = 101 – 250

5 = 251 – 500

6 = > 500

SECTION D: FURTHER STUDY “Finally, as part of the further evaluation of the use of isocyanates we are asking some people to complete a

short postal questionnaire.”

NOTE: If participants ask for details about the postal questionnaire give them the following details:

PROMPT: “The postal questionnaire will include questions on your spraying activities, types of ventilation and

use of protective equipment. Tick boxes are provided for most of the answers. This questionnaire will take

you approximately 20-30 minutes to complete.”

15. Would you be willing to participate further by completing the postal questionnaire?

If YES: Check/record name and address

“Can I just double check that I have your name recorded correctly?”

Check details with those recorded at start of interview.

“We have a note of your address”: Interviewer to quote the address that we have. “Is this still correct?”





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Appendix 3: Telephone questionnaire MVR sector – recording sheet


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ID number text to be pre-printed

Contact Name:

Position within company:

Name of Company: text to be pre-printed

Company Address: text to be pre-printed

Contact Telephone Number: text to be pre-printed

SECTION A: 1. Company involved in motor vehicles repairs?

2. Number of employees in company

Code group

3. Member of a trade association?

SECTI4. Use isocyanates?

5. Products manufacturers and product names Product manufacturer Product Name

6. Number of employees using isocyanates

Code group

SECTION C: Record details of Q7-Q13 on tables provided. 14. Employees indirectly exposed to isocyanates?

Number of employees indirectly exposed to isocyanates.

Code group







SECTION D: 15. Willing to participate in postal questionnaire?

Check details with those above – if different record below.












Trade association:


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ID number text to be pre-printed


Table for Q7-Q13 of MVR telephone interview: Enter a text description of jobs and tasks, number of workers carrying out each task, type of ventilation (LEV, Gen, Both, None) and approximate

percentage of workers using RPE.

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Task Description Type of Ventilation

No. of workers Respirator worn % using RPE

First Job Description

No. of employees

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Second Job Description

No. of employees

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

LEV – local exhaust ventilation;

Gen – general ventilation;

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Table for Q7-Q13 of MVR telephone interview (continued):

Enter a text description of jobs and tasks, number of workers carrying out each task, type of ventilation (LEV, Gen, Both, None) and approximate

percentage of workers using RPE.

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Third Job Description

No. of employees

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Fourth Job Description

No. of employees

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

LEV – local exhaust ventilation;

Gen – general ventilation;

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Appendix 4: Postal questionnaire MVR sector


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ID number




The IOM is an independent centre of research. We have been asked by the Health and Safety

Executive (HSE) to look at the use of isocyanates across the UK.

Isocyanates are typically found in the hardener or activator of two-pack polyurethane paints, topcoats

and lacquers. These react with a liquid resin to produce a polyurethane film. Products containing

isocyanates are commonly used in vehicle refinishing and can be identified by their labels, which should

state that they contain these chemicals.

Any information we collect will be strictly confidential and no names or identifying information will be published or given to the HSE.


1. For most of the questions there is a list of possible answers with a box printed beside each one.

Please choose your answer and put a tick in the box beside it, for example:


2 There are spaces in some qu

3. Some questions are followed

Please follow these instructio



estions for you to write your an

by instructions, which allow

ns carefully.



you to miss out certain questions.

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Contact Name:

Position within company:

Name of Company:


1. Who is the main supplier of products containing isocyanates for your workplace? Products include

paints, primers and lacquers.

Name of company:


2. During the telephone interview you mentioned that you use the isocyanate containing products noted

below. Please add any additional details or products. (If possible please also attach a copy of the

label or material safety data sheet for each of the main product types used by your company.)

Product manufacturer Product Name Product Code

3. Approximately how much material containing isocyanates does your company use each month

(in litres)?




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4. What type of paint spraying work does your company do? (Please tick ALL that apply)

(a) spraying whole cars

(b) spraying parts of cars

(c) spraying trucks

(d) other (please specify below)

5. Does your company apply isocyanate primers or any other coatings using s o a brush, a roller or any other method that does not involve spraying?

6. Approximately how many spray jobs are done each week using paints or lacquers containing


7. Approximately how long does each isocyanate spray job take to complete on average (i.e. from

mixing paint through to cleaning the equipment)? s

Definition: When we use the term sprayers (in Q8), we mean workers who are exposed to isocyanat

direct involvement in the spray job (this might include apprentices). When we use the term non-spra(also in Q8), we mean workers who might breathe in some paint spray containing isocyanates but wh

not directly involved with paint spraying (e.g. this might include mechanics but would exclude office staff

8 a. On average how many people work on or near a typical spray job? Please include sprayersnon-sprayers (as defined above).

b. Approximately, what is the maximum number of people that would work on or near any one spra


9. Where is the paint mixed? (Please tick ALL that apply).

(a) in a separate mixing/store room

(b) in the general workshop area

(c) in the spray booth

(d) other (please specify below)






es by


o are




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10. Where is the spraying done? (Please tick ALL that apply)

(a) in a separate enclosure with special ventilation (e.g. a spray booth)

(b) in a general workroom

(c) in a special painting workshop

(d) other (please specify below)

11. How large is the room where the spraying is done? If the work is done in a totally enclosed spray

booth, please give the size of the room in which the booth is located. If more than one room, please

give the dimensions of each. Please give the approximate length, width and height (in feet).

Room 1:

Room 2:

Room 3:

Room 4:


12. What type of spray gun is used? (Please tick ALL that apply)

(a) high volume low pressure (HVLP) sprayers

(b) conventional compressor powered spray gun

(c) airless sprayers

(d) other (please specify below)



Length Width







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13. Have you received any advice from the spray gun manufacturer on its operation?

(Please tick ALL that apply)

(a) no advice

(b) marketing leaflet

(c) detailed manual

(e) video

(d) personal or telephone advice from a technical expert at the supplier or


(f) other (please specify below)

14. Have the operators received any training on how to use the spray gun? (Please tick ALL that apply)


5 (a) no training

(b) from the supplier or manufacturer

(c) in-house training

(d) don’t know

(e) other (please specify below)

15. Where is the spray gun cleaned?

s o 16. Is a respirator worn when cleaning the spray gun?

17. Is any automated spray gun cleaning equipment used?

If Yes, please give details below






Ye N



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SECTION D: INFORMATION ON VENTILATION 18. What type of ventilation is used in the mixing area? (Please tick ALL that apply)

If mixing is carried out in the spray area please go to Q19. 9 (a) no ventilation used

(b) dilution ventilation (e.g. roof or wall fans)

(c) general ventilation (e.g. opening doors and windows)

(d) local exhaust ventilation (e.g. ventilated booth, fume cupboard, or

extraction duct close to workbench)

(e) other (please specify below)

19. What types of localised ventilation controls are used during spraying? (Please tick ALL that apply)

(a) no localised ventilation used

(b) an enclosed spray booth with down draft ventilation

(c) a large open-ended spray booth (i.e. more than 25 square feet opening)

(d) a small open-ended spray booth (i.e. less than 25 square feet opening)

(e) other (please specify below)

20. When spraying has been completed, is the localised ventilation switched off straightaway?

21. Is there any general ventilation in the room where the spraying is done (whethespray booth)? (Please tick ALL that apply)

(a) no general ventilation

s o


(b) roof fans

(c) wall fans

(d) other (please specify below)

22. When was the localised ventilation (as entered in Q19) last checked by a specPlease enter details for the most recent ventilation test.

(a) never checked

(b) less than 1 year ago

(c) between 1 year and 5 years ago

(d) more than 5 years ago



r or not th

ialist test c


ere is a







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The following diagrams of types of respirators should be referred to when answering Q23, Q24, Q26 and Q28.

(d) hood or visor with airline

half mask with airline (worn with goggles or visor) e

23. What type of respirator(s), if any

above. (Please tick ALL that app

(a) no respirator

(b) half mask with airline

(c) full facepiece with airline

(e) full facepiece with dispos

(f) half mask with disposable

(g) disposable half mask resp

(h) other (please specify belo

full facepiece with airline

, is used during the paint mixing procely)

able filter





hood or visor with airlin

full facepiece with disposable filter

half mask with disposable filter disposable half mask respirator

ss? Please see diagrams



RESEARCH REPORT 311 - Health and Safety Executive· RESEARCH REPORT 311. HSE Health & Safety Executive An occupational hygiene assessment of the use and control of isocyanates in - [PDF Document] (119)

Definition: When we use the term sprayers (in Q24 and Q27), we mean workers who are exposed to

isocyanates by direct involvement in the spray job (this might include apprentices). When we use the term

non-sprayers (in Q26 and Q27), we mean workers who might breathe in some paint spray containing

isocyanates but who are not directly involved with paint spraying (e.g. this might include mechanics but

would exclude office staff).

24. What type of respirator(s), if any, do the sprayers (as defined above) use? Please see diagrams at

the start of section E. (Please tick ALL that apply).

5 (a) no respirator

(b) half mask with airline

(c) full facepiece with airline

(d) hood or visor with airline

(e) full facepiece with disposable filter

(f) half mask with disposable filter

(g) disposable half mask respirator

(h) other (please specify below)

s o 25. Does your company employ any other workers who are exposed to

isocyanates but who are not directly involved with paint spraying (e.g.

this might include mechanics but would exclude office staff).






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26. What type of respirator(s), if any, do the non-sprayers (as defined before Q24) use? Please see

diagrams at the start of section E. (Please tick ALL that apply)

7 (a) no respirator

(b) half mask with airline

(c) full facepiece with airline

(d) hood or visor with airline

(e) full facepiece with disposable filter

(f) half mask with disposable filter

(g) disposable half mask respirator

(h) other (please specify below)

27. Is any of the following protective clothing worn? Please complete for both sprayers and non-

sprayers (as defined before Q24) where applicable . (Please tick ALL that apply)


sprayer non-sprayer

(a) no protective clothing worn

(b) eye protection (e.g. goggles or visors)

(c) apron

(d) overalls

(e) boots

(f) gloves (please specify type below)

gloves for sprayer: gloves for non-sprayer:

(g) other protective clothing (please specify below)

sprayer: non-sprayer:




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28. If primers or other coatings are applied using a brush, a roller or any other method not involving

spraying, what type of respirator(s), if any, is used during this process? Please see diagrams at the

start of section E. (Please tick ALL that apply)

9 (a) not applicable

9 (b) no respirator

(c) half mask with airline

(d) full facepiece with airline

(e) hood or visor with airline

(f) full facepiece with disposable filter

(g) half mask with disposable filter

(h) disposable half mask respirator

(i) other (please specify below)

29. Approximately how often are respirators examined/tested? e.g. by a thorough visual examination of

individual parts.

(a) never examined/tested

(b) more than once every year

(c) once every year

(d) other (please specify below)

w30. Have respirator users ever been face-fit tested?



No Don’t kno



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31. Approximately how often are respirators cleaned/disinfected?

(a) never cleaned/disinfected

(b) after each use

(c) once a day

(d) once a week

(e) once a month

(f) other (please specify below)

32. Is a written record kept of how often respirators are examined/tested?

33. Does the “supervisor” check that the protective equipment is being used



34. Approximately how often is there a significant spill or leak (more than 1 litre)


(a) no significant spill or leak

(b) weekly

(c) monthly

(d) once every three or four months

(e) once a year

(f) don’t know

(g) other (please specify below)

35. Briefly describe the clean-up procedure that would be used if a significant spill

leak of materials containing isocyanates occurred.

s o



of materia





Ye N

ls containing

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s o 36. Would any additional items of personal protective equipment be worn during

the clean-up procedure described in Q35?

If Yes, please give details below


37. Has the air concentration of isocyanates ever been monitored

in your workplace?

If yes, would you be willing to provide us with a copy of the report

in the strictest confidence to assist in our research?

38. Do your employees have regular medical examinations?

If yes, please give details below e.g. how often are these carried out

what tests are included?





INSTITUTE OF OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE 8 Roxburgh Place EDINBURGH EH8 9SU Tel 0131 667 5131: Fax 0131 667 0136








s o








Ye N

Don’t kno





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Appendix 5: Telephone questionnaire non-MVR sectors


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“Good morning/afternoon my name is XXX. I am calling from the Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) in

Edinburgh regarding the manufacture or use of isocyanate chemicals or formulations.”

“Can I speak to the person responsible for health and safety please?”

NOTE: if appropriate person is unavailable/busy, before hanging up ask:

“Can I speak to somebody who can tell me about the manufacture or use of chemical products and

formulations such as foams, adhesives, sealants, paints and lacquers within your organisation, please?”

If CANNOT get through to the relevant person on 1st attempt, ask: - “Can you give me the name” (of the

relevant person) “please?”

If NOT already speaking to the relevant person then once the interviewer has been transferred to the relevant

person, repeat the introductory paragraph.

Then proceed with:

“The IOM is an independent centre of research. We are carrying out a study into patterns of isocyanate use

in UK industry. The purpose of this research is to identify the number of individuals across the UK who are

exposed to isocyanates in the workplace and to identify typical exposure levels.”

“As part of our research, 500 telephone interviews will be carried out. Details for your organisation have

been randomly selected.”

“Your participation in this study is voluntary but the information that you provide will be extremely useful in

assisting us with our research and your participation will be greatly appreciated. All information you

provide will be treated in the strictest confidence and individual responses will not be revealed to

anybody outside the IOM research team.”

“There are 14 questions which will take less than 10 minutes to complete. Would now be a convenient time

to talk? If not, is there another convenient time to contact you?”

“Can I take a note of your name and your position within the organisation in case we need to contact you

further for this study? We will not use these details for any other purpose.”

ID number

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“The first two questions are about your organisation:”

0. What does your company principally do?

1. a. Does your organisation manufacture isocyanate chemicals?

If Yes, please specify the type of isocyanate chemicals produced by your organisation.



other di-isocyanate monomers;

partly polymerised TDI products;

partly polymerised MDI products;

other partly polymerised products.

Contact Name:

Position within organisation:

Name of Organisation:

Address of Organisation:

Contact Telephone Number:





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b. Does your organisation manufacture formulations, using or containing isocyanate chemicals?

If Yes, please specify the type of isocyanate formulation(s) produced by your organisation.

PROMPT: e.g. paints;




polyurethane foam components.

c. Does your organisation use isocyanate coatings for painting items?

If Yes, please specify the type of coating used by your organisation.

PROMPT e.g.: 2-pack polyurethane paints;

2-pack polyurethane lacquers.

If Yes, please specify the main or recent activities of your organisation that have involved the us

products containing isocyanates.

PROMPT e.g. motor vehicles;



industrial plant and equipment;

structural steel work;

other installations.



e of



Yes N

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d. Does your organisation carry out a manufacturing process which uses isocyanate

chemicals or formulations to produce a finished product?

If Yes, please specify the type of products that are being manufactured by your organisation.

PROMPT e.g. block flexible foam;

block rigid foam;

manufacture of foam cushioning for furniture or car seats;

domestic appliances such as fridges or freezers;

packaging materials;


injection mouldings;

insulation services;

automotive components;

outdoor furniture.




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e. Does your organisation carry out a service or manufacturing process, which uses isocyanate formulations as a consumable item?

If Yes, please specify the type of service provided by your organisation.

PROMPT e.g. adhesive binder;


other moulding material;

roof, wall, or cavity insulation;

other insulation material;

printing and laminating;

making moulds in foundries.

f. Does your organisation do any other type of work involving the use or manufacture of

products containing isocyanates that has not been covered by the previous options?

If Yes, please give details.


NOTE: If interviewee has answered Yes to AT LEAST ONE of 1(a) to 1(f) then interviewer should cont

with questionnaire.

If interviewee has answered No to ALL of 1(a) to 1(f) then interviewer should discontinue

questionnaire. If interview is discontinued then read out the end of interview script after the en

Q14 of the questionnaire.







d of



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2. How many employees are there in your organisation?

British Coatings Federation (BCF);

NOTE: here we mean everybody at the organisation, including clerical staff, not just those working in

the department / section of interest.

If a particular organisation is part of a group, we want to know the number of employees just for this

particular site, NOT for every organisation in the group.



If exact number given, record it and record appropriate size group.

If exact number not given, PROMPT: “Would you say it is ...”

1 = <10

2 = 10 - 50

3 = 51 – 100

4 = 101 – 250

5 = 251 – 500

6 = > 500

o 3. Is your organisation a member of a trade association?

If Yes, please specify which trade association you are a member of.

NOTE: We expect the following trade associations to be most likely:

European Isocyanates Producers Association (ISOPA);

Association of Plastics Manufacture in Europe;

Chemical Industries Association (CIA);

British Rubber Manufacturers Association (BRMA);

British Rigid Urethane Foam Manufacturers Association (BRUFMA);

British Adhesives and Sealants Association (BASA);

British Printing Industries Federation;

Motor Vehicle Repairers Association (MVRA);

Vehicle Builders and Repairers Association Limited (VBRA)

(NOTE: Names of other trade associations may also be given.)




Trade association:

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4. Which products containing isocyanates does your organisation currently manufacture or use?

NOTE: For manufacturers only ask: Please give the product names

Otherwise ask: Please give the manufacturers details and the product names.

Product manufacturer Product Name

5. Approximately how many of your organisation’s employees are directly involved in using isocyanates chemicals or formulations in their work?

PROMPT Please note these should be workers who are directly involved in handling or using

isocyanate chemicals or formulations. This might include, for example, production line workers and

maintenance workers but does not include supervisors or managers.

If exact number given, record it and record appropriate size group. Number


If exact number not given, PROMPT: “Would you say it is ...”

1 = <10

2 = 10 - 50

3 = 51 – 100

4 = 101 – 250

5 = 251 – 500

6 = > 500


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“The next few questions are about the jobs and tasks in which isocyanates are used or manufactured”

Record responses for Q6 - Q12 in Table attached at the end of the questionnaire.

6. What are the job titles of employees in your organisation who are directly involved in using isocyanates chemicals or formulations during their work?

PROMPT with the list below if participants cannot think of job titles.

“e.g. line operator;

production operator;

machine operator;

process technician;

construction worker;


maintenance engineer;





SMART repairer”

Ask Q7 & Q8 for each job noted in Q6

7. Approximately how many employees in “Job A” use isocyanates? Replace “Job A” with the specific job mentioned by participant.

8. For “Job A” what are the main tasks that involve using isocyanates?

PROMPT if necessary:

“e.g. mixing isocyanate chemicals or formulations together or with other substances;

applying isocyanate chemicals or formulations;


sampling / analysing;




cleaning equipment;

maintaining equipment;


RESEARCH REPORT 311 - Health and Safety Executive· RESEARCH REPORT 311. HSE Health & Safety Executive An occupational hygiene assessment of the use and control of isocyanates in - [PDF Document] (134)

Ask Q9 - Q12 for each task noted in Q8

9. How many employees carry out this task?

10. What kind of ventilation is in use? PROMPT with: “contained processes (Con);

local exhaust ventilation (LEV);

general ventilation (Gen);

outside work (Out);

no ventilation used”

If subject asks what you mean by contained processes PROMPT with “e.g. the use of bulk tanks and

pipe work to deliver materials into and out of a closed production vessel.”

If subject asks what you mean by local exhaust ventilation PROMPT with: “e.g. air extraction by

means of a fan or other air mover.”

If subject asks what you mean by general ventilation PROMPT with “e.g. extractor fans in the roof or

walls, doors and / or windows left open.”

11. Do employees wear a respirator or breathing apparatus whilst carrying out this task?

If participants ask what is meant by a respirator interviewer to PROMPT with “e.g. a facemask”.

12. Approximately what percentage of employees wear a respirator or breathing apparatus whilst doing this task?

Record details for Q13 & Q14 in the boxes provided.

13. Does your organisation have any employees who are indirectly exposed to isocyanates?

By “indirect” exposure, we mean workers who might breathe in some isocyanates but are not directly involved in working with or manufacturing chemicals or formulatcontaining isocyanates (e.g. this might include managers and other supervisory stafworkers involved in related tasks who do not actually use isocyanate chemicalsformulations in their job).




If Yes, please specify the approximate number of employees.

If exact number given, record it and record appropriate size group.

If exact number not given, PROMPT: “Would you say it is ...”

1 = <10

2 = 10 - 50

3 = 51 – 100

4 = 101 – 250

5 = 251 – 500

6 = > 500



who ions f or or


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SECTION D: FURTHER STUDY “Finally, as part of the further evaluation of the use of isocyanates we are asking some people to complete a

short postal questionnaire.”

NOTE: If participants ask for details about the postal questionnaire give them the following details:

PROMPT: “The postal questionnaire will include questions on types of ventilation used and use of protective

equipment. Tick boxes are provided for most of the answers. This questionnaire will take you approximately

20-30 minutes to complete.” o

14. Would you be willing to participate further by completing the postal questionnaire?

If Yes, Check/record name and address

“Can I just double check that I have your name recorded correctly?”

Check details with those recorded at start of interview.

“We have a note of your address”: Interviewer to quote the address that we have. “Is this still









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ID number


Table for Q6-Q12 for telephone interview Enter a text description of jobs and tasks, number of workers carrying out each task, type of ventilation (Con, LEV, Gen, Out, None) and approximate

percentage of workers using RPE.

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

First Job Description

No. of employees

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Second Job Description

No. of employees

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Con – Contained; Gen – general ventilation;

LEV – local exhaust ventilation; Out – Outside;

RESEARCH REPORT 311 - Health and Safety Executive· RESEARCH REPORT 311. HSE Health & Safety Executive An occupational hygiene assessment of the use and control of isocyanates in - [PDF Document] (137)


Table for Q6-Q12 for telephone interview (continued)

Enter a text description of jobs and tasks, number of workers carrying out each task, type of ventilation (Con, LEV, Gen, Out, None) and approximate

percentage of workers using RPE.

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Third Job Description

No. of employees

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Fourth Job Description

No. of employees

Task Description

No. of workers Type of Ventilation Respirator worn % using RPE

Con – Contained; Gen – general ventilation;

LEV – local exhaust ventilation; Out – Outside;

RESEARCH REPORT 311 - Health and Safety Executive· RESEARCH REPORT 311. HSE Health & Safety Executive An occupational hygiene assessment of the use and control of isocyanates in - [PDF Document] (138)

Appendix 6: Postal questionnaire non-MVR sectors


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ID number


The IOM is an independent centre of research. We have been asked by the Health and Safety Executive

(HSE) to look at information on the uses of isocyanates across the UK.

Isocyanates are the raw materials from which all polyurethane products are made. Isocyanates may also be

found in paints, lacquers and sealants. Jobs that may involve exposure to isocyanates include painting,

foam-blowing and the manufacture of products such as chemicals, polyurethane foam, insulation materials

and surface coatings. Some isocyanate formulations are used in the production of automotive components,

furniture, packaging materials, laminated fabrics and polyurethane rubber. Also, isocyanates may be used in

foams, adhesives and sealants in the construction and insulation service industry.

This questionnaire asks about general information relating to the type of work involving isocyanates done by

the organisation and what is involved in this process. It is being sent to representative businesses and

organisations within the UK to obtain details on the uses of isocyanates.

We would be grateful if you would take the time to fill in the questionnaire, which should take 20-30 minutes

to complete. Once you have completed the questionnaire, please return it to the IOM in the reply-paid

envelope provided to reach us by Friday 28th February 2003.

All information you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence and will only be used for the purpose of this research. No names or identifying information will be published or given to the HSE.


1. For most of the questions there is a list of possible answers with a box printed beside each one.

Please choose your answer by putting a tick in the box beside your chosen response. In some

cases you may be required to tick more than one box, in which case you will be asked ‘Please tick

ALL that apply’.

2 There are spaces in some questions for you to write your answer or to give more details about your

chosen response.

3. Some responses are followed by instructions, which allow you to miss out certain questions. If you

have chosen such a response, you should go forward to the question indicated.

4. If you are unsure of the answer to any question, please leave it blank.

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1. Who is the main supplier of isocyanate chemicals or formulations for your organisation? Products

include foams, adhesives, sealants, paints and lacquers, isocyanate monomers such as TDI, MDI.

Name of company:


2. During the telephone interview you mentioned that you use the isocyanate products noted below.

Please add any additional details or products. (If possible please also attach a copy of the label or

material safety data sheet for each of the main product types used by your organisation.)

Product manufacturer Product Name Product Code

3. Approximately how much material containing isocyanates does your organisation use per month

in litres / tonnes (as applicable)?


4. What type of work involving isocyanate chemicals or formulations does your organisation do?


Contact Name:

n organisation:


Position withi Name of o




tonne or

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5. How often are isocyanate chemicals or formulations used in your organisation?

(Please tick the answer that is MOST applicable)

(a) every day

(b) 2 to 3 times per week

(c) approximately once per week

(d) less than once per week

6. When isocyanate chemicals or formulations are used, for what length of time are they usually used?

(Please tick the answer that is MOST applicable)

(a) more than 7 hours a day

(b) 5-7 hours a day

(c) 3-4 hours a day

(d) 1-2 hours a day

(e) for less than 1 hour a day

7. How are isocyanate chemicals or formulations delivered to your organisation?

(Please tick ALL that apply)

(a) fixed pipeline system from off-site manufacturer

(b) bulk tanker and transferred to holding tanks

(c) intermediate bulk containers (IBC)

(d) drum containers

(e) cans or bottles

(f) other (please specify below)


MIXING 8. Does your organisation mix isocyanate chemicals or formulations together or with other substances?

If Yes, what quantities of isocyanate chemicals or formulations are mixed per b

s o

(Please specify below)






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9. How are the isocyanate chemicals or formulations transferred to the mixing vessel?

(Please tick ALL that apply)

(a) manually poured from a container

(b) automatically poured

(c) delivered via a pipeline

(d) other (please specify below)

APPLICATION 10. How are isocyanate chemicals or formulations used or applied? (Please tick ALL that apply)

(a) sprayed by hand

(b) sprayed by automated system

(c) poured by hand

(d) poured by automated system

(e) injected with some manual involvement

(f) injected using a fully automated system

(g) applied by brush / roller / other hand tool

(h) other (please specify below)

11. What quantities of isocyanate chemicals or formulations are used by the methods given in Q10 per

hour or per batch? (Please specify below)

12. Where does the application of isocyanate chemicals or formulations take place?

(a) in a factory production area

(b) on an external site (please specify below)

(c) other (please specify below)


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13. How is the mixing and application equipment cleaned after use?

5 (a) never cleaned

(b) manually cleaned using solvents

(c) automatically cleaned

(d) other (please specify below)

14. Where is the mixing and application equipment cleaned?

(a) in the general work area

(b) in a special cleaning area

(c) other (please specify below)

s o


15. Are samples collected from the process for quality assurance testing


If Yes, how frequently are samples collected from the process for quality assurance te


If Yes, what is the approximate size of the sample taken?








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16. How is the mixing and application equipment maintained? (Please tick ALL that apply)

7 (a) no maintenance

(b) breakdown maintenance

(c) planned preventive maintenance

(d) other routine maintenance (please specify below)


17. Have you received any advice from the manufacturer of the mixing and / or application equipment on

its operation? (Please tick ALL that apply)

8 (a) no advice

(b) marketing leaflet

(c) detailed manual

(d) personal or telephone advice from a technical expert at the supplier or


(e) video

(f) other (please specify below)

18. Have the equipment operators received any training on how to use the mixing and / or application

equipment? (Please tick ALL that apply)

(a) no training

(b) from the supplier or manufacturer

(c) in-house training

(d) don’t know

(e) other (please specify below)






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19. For each of the tasks indicated, which of the following ventilation controls, if any, are used?

(Please tick AT LEAST ONE option for each task)

Task Ventilation controls Mixing Application Cleaning Sampling Maintenance

(a) not applicable (b) no ventilation controls (c) contained system (d) partly contained (e) open area with LEV (f) open area, no LEV but general ventilation (g) open area, outdoors (h) other (please specify below)

(h) please specify “other” ventilation controls used

20. For maintenance work, what additional control measures does your organisation use?

(Please tick ALL that apply)

(a) not applicable

(b) no additional control measures

(c) “permit to work” system

(d) isolation of delivery lines

(e) purging the tanks and lines


• Coa c

• Lo

• Ge

(f) other (please specify below)

21. When was the local exhaust ventilation, where applicable, last checked by a specialist? (Pleas

the answer that is MOST applicable for the most recent ventilation test)

(a) never checked

(b) less than 1 year ago

(c) between 1 year and 5 years ago

(d) more than 5 years ago





ntained processes: e.g. the use of bulk tanks and pipe work to deliver materials into and out of

losed production vessel;

cal exhaust ventilation: e.g. air extraction via a fan or other air mover.

neral ventilation: e.g. extractor fans in the roof or walls, or doors and / or windows left open.

e tick

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The following diagrams of types of respirators should be referred to when answering Q22 below.



powered air filtering respirator

2. For each of the tasks indica

Please see diagrams above. (Ple


(a) not applicable

(b) no respirator

(c) powered air filtering respirator

(d) full facepiece with airline

(e) hood or visor with airline

(f) full facepiece with disposable filter

(g) half mask with disposable filter

(h) disposable half mask respirator

(i) other (please specify below)

(i) please specify “other” r

full facepiece with airline

ted, which of the following respirato

ase tick AT LEAST ONE option for each


Mixing Application Cleanin

espirators used


hood or visor with airlin

full facepiece with disposable filter

half mask with disposable filter disposable half mask respirator

r(s), if any, are worn?


g Sampling Maintenance

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23. For each of the tasks indicated, which of the following protective clothing, if any, is worn?

(Please tick AT LEAST ONE option for each task.)

Task Protective clothing Mixing Application Cleaning Sampling Maintenance (a) not applicable

(b) no protective clothing

(c) eye protection (e.g. goggles or visors)

(d) apron

(e) overalls

(f) boots

(g) gloves (please specify type below)

(h) other (please specify below)

(g) please specify type of gloves worn:

(h) please specify “other” protective clothing worn:

24. Approximately how often are respirators examined/tested? e.g. by a thorough visual examination of

individual parts. (Please tick the answer that is MOST applicable)

(a) never examined/tested

(b) weekly

(c) monthly

(d) annually

(e) less often than annually

(f) other (please specify below)


25. Have respirator users ever been face-fit tested?



No Don’t kno

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26. Have respirator wearers received any training on how to use the respirators?

(Please tick ALL that apply)

7 (a) no training

(b) on the job training by an authorised person

(c) training by the equipment manufacturer

(d) video

(e) written instructions

(f) other (please specify below)

27. Approximately how often are respirators cleaned/disinfected?

(a) never cleaned/disinfected

(b) after each use

(c) once a day

(d) once a week

(e) once a month

(f) other (please specify below)

s o

28. Is a written record kept of how often respirators are examined/tested?

29. Does the “supervisor” check that the protective equipment is being used







Ye N


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containing isocyanates occurred.

30. Approximately how often is there a significant spill or leak (more than 1 litre) of materials containing

isocyanates? (Please tick the answer that is MOST applicable)

(a) no significant spill or leak

(b) weekly

(c) monthly

(d) once every three or four months

(e) once a year

(f) don’t know

(g) other (please specify below)

31. Briefly describe the clean-up procedure that would be used if a significant spill or leak of materials

32. Would any additional items of personal protective equipment be worn during

the clean-up procedure described in Q31?

If Yes, please specify below

s o


in your workplace?

in the strictest confidence to assist in our research?


33. Has the air concentration of isocyanates ever been monitored

If Yes, would you be willing to provide us with a copy of the report / r





s o

Ye N

Don’t kno



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s o

34. Do you or your employees (if any) have regular medical examinations?

If Yes, please specify below e.g. how often are these carried out and what

tests are included?


Please answer Q35 and Q36 below ONLY if applicable.

(e) annually

35. How are isocyanate emissions to the atmosphere controlled at your site?

(Please tick ALL that apply)

(a) incineration

(b) water or other wet chemical scrubbing

(c) filtration by activated charcoal

(d) other (please specify below)

36. How frequently are atmospheric emissions of isocyanates monitored?

(Please tick the answer that is MOST applicable)

(a) continuously

(b) daily

(c) weekly

(d) monthly

(f) less often than annually




INSTITUTE OF OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE 8 Roxburgh Place EDINBURGH EH8 9SU Tel 0131 667 5131: Fax 0131 667 0136 e-mail: [emailprotected]:










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Appendix 7: Postal questionnaire SMART repairers


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ID number



3. Some responses are followed by instructions, which allow you to miss out certain questions. If you

have chosen such a response, you should go forward to the question indicated.


INTRODUCTION The IOM is an independent centre of research. We have been asked by the Health and Safety Executive

(HSE) to look at information on the uses of isocyanates across the UK.

SMART (Small to Medium Area Repair Technique) repairs can be used to repair a wide range of vehicle

damage, for example, minor damage to paint work. These repairs are mostly performed by mobile

operatives. Isocyanates are typically found in the hardener or activator of two-pack polyurethane paints,

topcoats and lacquers. These react with a liquid resin to produce a polyurethane film. Products containing

isocyanates are commonly used in vehicle refinishing and may also be used for SMART repairs.

This questionnaire asks about general information relating to the type of work done by the organisation and

what is involved in this process. It is being sent to representative businesses and organisations within the UK

to obtain details on the uses of isocyanates.

We would be grateful if you would take the time to fill in the questionnaire, which should take 20-30 minutes

to complete. Once you have completed the questionnaire, please return it to the IOM in the reply-paid

envelope provided to reach us as soon as possible.

All information you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence and will only be used for the purpose of this research. No names or identifying information will be published or given to the HSE.


1. For most of the questions there is a list of possible answers with a box printed beside each one.

Please choose your answer by putting a tick in the box beside your chosen response. In some

cases you may be required to tick more than one box, in which case you will be asked ‘Please tick

ALL that apply’.

2 There are spaces in some questions for you to write your answer or to give more details about your

chosen response.

4. If you are unsure of the answer to any question, please leave it blank.

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Contact Name:

n organisation:


Position withi Name of o


1. Who is your main supplier of products containing isocyanates? Products might include paints,

primers and lacquers.

Name of company:


2. During the telephone interview you mentioned that the isocyanate containing products noted below

are used. Please add any additional details or products. (If possible please also attach a copy of the

label or material safety data sheet for each of the main product types you use.)

Product manufacturer Product Name Product Code

3. Approximately how much material containing isocyanates is used each month (in litres)?




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4. What type of paint work involving isocyanates is carried out? (Please tick ALL that apply)

(a) repairing stone chips to paint work

(b) repairing minor scratches to paint work

(c) repairing scuff damage to paint work

(d) other (please specify below)

5. What percentage of SMART paint work techniques is carried out at the following locations?

(a) in-house at a central factory unit or office

(b) from mobile units, for example, at customers’ premises away from a

central body shop

6. On average, how often are isocyanate primers / other isocyanate coatings used?

(Please tick the answer that is MOST applicable)

(a) every day

(b) 2 to 3 times per week

(c) approximately once per week

(d) less than once per week

7. Approximately how many paint jobs using paints or lacquers containing isocyanates are carried o

each week?

8. Approximately how long does each isocyanate paint job take to complete on average (i.e.

mixing paint through to cleaning the equipment)?

MIXING 9. Where are the paints or lacquers usually mixed? (e.g. outside, in the back of a van, inside clients

premises, etc)







minute hours

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(d) other (please specify below)

(d) don’t know

10. How are isocyanate primers or other coatings applied? (Please tick ALL that apply)

(a) by spray gun

(b) by spray can



(c) by brush or roller

11. What type of spray equipment is used? (Please tick ALL that apply)

(a) high volume low pressure (HVLP) sprayers

(b) conventional compressor powered spray equipment

(c) airless sprayers

(d) other (please specify below)

12. Have you received any advice from the spray equipment manufacturer or supplier on its operation?

(Please tick ALL that apply)

(a) no advice 3

(b) marketing leaflet

(c) detailed manual

(d) personal or telephone advice from a technical expert at the supplier or


(e) video

(f) other (please specify below)

13. Have operators received any training on how to use the spray equipment?

(Please tick ALL that apply)

(a) no training

(b) from the supplier or manufacturer

(c) in-house training

(e) other (please specify below)







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s14. What quantities of paints are usually applied per job?


15. Where is the application equipment usually cleaned?

16. Are respirators usually worn when the application equipment is being


17. Is any automated cleaning equipment used?

If Yes, please specify below

s o


If paint preparation is carried out in the main painting area, please skip QQ19.

18. What types of ventilation controls are usually used in the pain

(Please tick ALL that apply)

(a) open area, outdoors

(b) indoors with doors or windows open

(c) indoors with good dilution ventilation (e.g. roof or wall fans)

(d) indoors with local exhaust ventilation

(LEV) (e.g. ventilated booth, extraction duct close to bench, mobile air

(e) indoors with no LEV or fans

(f) other (please specify below)




18 and go

t prepara




Ye N


tion a


ht to


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19. What types of ventilation controls are usually used in the main painting area?

(Please tick ALL that apply)

(a) open area, outdoors

(b) indoors with doors or windows open

(c) indoors with good dilution ventilation (e.g. roof or wall fans)

(d) indoors with local exhaust ventilation

(LEV) (e.g. ventilated booth, extraction duct close to bench, mobile air extractor)

(e) indoors with no LEV or fans

(f) an enclosed paint booth with down draft ventilation

(g) an open-ended paint booth

(h) other (please specify below)

20. If localised ventilation is used, (as entered in Q19), when was it last checked by a specialist test

organisation? (Please tick the answer that is MOST applicable for the most recent ventilation test)

(a) never checked

(b) less than 1 year ago

(c) between 1 year and 5 years ago

(d) more than 5 years ago


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The following diagrams of types of respirators should be referred to when answering Q21, Q22 and Q24.

half mask with airline (worn with goggles or visor)


21. What type of respirators, if any, a

(Please tick ALL that apply)

(a) no respirator

(b) half mask with airline

(c) full facepiece with airline

(d) hood or visor with airline

(e) full facepiece with dispos

(f) half mask with disposable

(g) disposable half mask resp

(h) other (please specify belo

full facepiece with airline

re worn during mixing of the paint? Pl

able filter





hood or visor with airlin

full facepiece with disposable filter

half mask with disposable filter disposable half mask respirator

ease see diagrams above.



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22. What type of respirators, if any, are worn when spraying the paint? Please see diagrams at the

start of section D. (Please tick ALL that apply).

3 (a) no respirator

(b) half mask with airline

(c) full facepiece with airline

(d) hood or visor with airline

(e) full facepiece with disposable filter

(f) half mask with disposable filter

(g) disposable half mask respirator

(h) other (please specify below)

23. Are any of the following items of protective clothing worn? (Please tick ALL that apply)

4 (a) no protective clothing worn

(b) eye protection (e.g. goggles or visors)

(c) apron

(d) overalls

(e) boots

(f) gloves (please specify type below)

(g) other protective clothing (please specify below)




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24. If primers or other coatings are applied using a brush, a roller or any other method not involving

spraying, what type of respirators, if any, are worn during this process? Please see diagrams at the

start of section D. (Please tick ALL that apply)

5 (a) not applicable

5 (b) no respirator

(c) half mask with airline

(d) full facepiece with airline

(e) hood or visor with airline

(f) full facepiece with disposable filter

(g) half mask with disposable filter

(h) disposable half mask respirator

(i) other (please specify below)

25. Approximately how often are the respirators examined/tested? e.g. by a thorough visual examination

of individual parts. (Please tick the answer that is MOST applicable)

(a) never examined/tested

(b) weekly

(c) monthly

(d) annually

(e) less often than annually

(f) other (please specify below)


26. Have operators ever been face-fit tested for a respirator?



No Don’t kno



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27. Have respirator wearers received any training on how to use the respirators?

(Please tick ALL that apply)

8 (a) no training

(b) on the job training by an authorised person

(c) training by the equipment manufacturer

(d) video

(e) written instructions

(f) other (please specify below)

28. Approximately how often are respirators cleaned/disinfected?

(a) never cleaned/disinfected

(b) after each use

(c) once a day

(d) once a week

(e) once a month

(f) other (please specify below)

29. Is a written record kept of how often respirators are examined/tested?


30. Approximately how often is there a significant spill or leak (more than 1 litre)

isocyanates? (Please tick the answer that is MOST applicable)

(a) no significant spill or leak

(b) weekly

(c) monthly

(d) once every three or four months

(e) once a year

(f) don’t know

(g) other (please specify below)

s o



of material


s conta



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31. Briefly describe the clean-up procedure that would be used if a significant spill or leak of materials

If Yes, please specify below

containing isocyanates occurred.

32. Would any additional items of personal protective equipment be used during

the clean-up procedure described in Q31?


33. Has the air concentration of isocyanates ever been monitored

in your workplace?

If Yes, would you be willing to provide us with a copy of the report / results

in the strictest confidence to assist in our research?

34. Do you or your employees (if any) have regular medical examinations?

If Yes, please specify below e.g. how often are these carried out and what

tests are included?

s o

s o

s o

















Don’t kno




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Appendix 8: Detailed results for the non-MVR sector The sections below detail the results for companies in the non-MVR sector subdivided by pattern of use of isocyanates. The first two subsections for each pattern of use are based on the responses to the telephone questionnaire and the third subsection gives the results of the postal questionnaire. A8.1 Chemical processing A8.1.1 Use of isocyanates There were 30 companies that used isocyanates for chemical processing, all of which were in the coatings/formulations manufacturing sector. Eighteen of these companies reported being a member of one or more trade associations. The most frequently reported trade associations were the British Adhesives and Sealants Association, and the Chemical Industries Association. Table A8.1 shows the distribution of use of isocyanate chemicals or formulations. Eighty per cent of companies (24 companies) reported that they manufacture formulations using or containing isocyanate chemicals. The formulations reported included adhesives, coatings and PU products such as foam, resins and pre-polymers. Approximately 60% of the companies that reported manufacturing formulations also reported carrying out a manufacturing process, which uses isocyanates to produce finished products. Such products included adhesives, sealants, block flexible foam, coatings, paints and elastomers.

Table A8.1 Distribution of how companies use isocyanate chemicals or formulations. Each cell

contains numbers and percentage of companies.

Use of isocyanates Number %

Manufactures isocyanate chemicals*

2 7

Manufactures formulations using or containing isocyanates chemicals

24 80

Uses isocyanates coatings for painting items

1 3

Carries out a manufacturing process which uses isocyanate chemicals or formulations to produce finished products


Other work involving the use or manufacture of products containing isocyanates


Carries out a service or manufacturing process, which uses isocyanate formulations as a consumable item

4 13

2 7

*One company had missing data for this question. The distributions of total number of employees, number of employees directly exposed to isocyanates and number of employees indirectly exposed to isocyanates are shown in Table A8.2. Company size ranged from 2 to 250 employees with the majority (63%) of these companies having between 1 and 50 employees. Eighteen companies (60%) reported that less than 10 employees were directly exposed to isocyanate chemicals or formulations.


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Nine companies had employees who were indirectly exposed to isocyanate chemicals or formulations (two did not respond to this question). Most of these companies had fewer than 10 indirectly exposed employees.

Table A8.2

Total number of employees, number of employees directly exposed to isocyanates and number of employees indirectly exposed to isocyanates. Each cell contains numbers

and percentage of column total.

Total employees Directly exposed Indirectly exposed Size group Number % Number % Number %

1 to 9 9 30 18 60 7 78 10 to 50 10 33 10 33 1 11 51 to 100 5 17 2 7 1 11 101 to 250 6 20 0 0 0 0 251 to 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 + 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 30 30 9 A8.1.2 Job details Examples of job titles reported included laboratory technicians, process operators, production assistants, technical managers, factory operatives, and chemists. Main tasks descriptions provided included application, decanting resins, emptying vessels, manufacturing adhesives, preparation of pre-polymers and testing products. More than half of the companies reported only one job title and slightly over half reported more than one main task description. In the 30 companies a total of 64 jobs were reported, which were subdivided into nine task categories by an occupational hygienist. Table A8.3 shows the distribution of respiratory protective equipment (RPE) and ventilation use by task category. For four jobs, ventilation was used but no information was available on RPE use while for two jobs no information was available on either ventilation or RPE. Amongst the 58 jobs with complete data, ventilation was used in 55 (95%) and RPE in 30 (52%). When ventilation was used, the type that was reported to be used most often was LEV. In three jobs neither ventilation nor RPE was used.

Table A8.3 Distribution of RPE and ventilation use by task category. Each cell contains numbers and percentage of row total. Percentages shown in brackets are based on five or less.

RPE and Ventilation Use

Task Category RPE = No & Ventilation = No

RPE = No & Ventilation = Yes

RPE = Yes & Ventilation = Yes


application 0 0 2 (100) 0 0 2bulk materials 2 (67)

packaging 1

sampling 0

0 0 1 (33) 3maintenance 0 0 0 0 2 (100) 2mixing 0 0 4 67 2 33 6

(20) 2 (40) 2 (40) 5processing 0 0 6 60 4 40 10

0 6 50 6 50 12combination 0 0 0 0 2 (100) 2other 0 0 5 31 11 69 16Total 3 5 25 43 30 52 58


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A8.1.3 Postal questionnaire results Eleven of the 30 companies that participated in the telephone interview also completed the postal questionnaire. Pattern and nature of work Three companies reported the approximate quantities of isocyanates that they use per month in litres. Two of these companies reported using between 200 and 360 litres of isocyanates per month and the other company reported using 2500 litres per month. Seven companies reported the approximate quantities of isocyanates that they use per month in tonnes. One of these companies reported using 1.5 tonnes of isocyanates per month, three companies reported using between 10 and 50 tonnes per month and three companies reported using between 100 and 350 tonnes of isocyanates per month. The type of work involving isocyanate chemicals or formulations that was reported included development and manufacture of di-isocyanates and manufacture of PU pre-polymers. The majority of companies (8 companies; 73%) reported using isocyanate chemicals every day and three (27%) companies reported using isocyanates 2 to 3 times per week. Three companies (27%) used isocyanates for more than seven hours a day, one (9%) for 5 to 7 hours a day, three (27%) for 3 to 4 hours a day, two (22%) for 1 to 2 hours a day and two (22%) for less than 1 hour a day. Ten (91%) companies reported that isocyanates are delivered to them by drum containers, five (45%) companies by bulk tanker and transferred to holding tanks, three (27%) companies by intermediate bulk containers and three (27%) companies by cans or bottles. Mixing All companies reported mixing isocyanate chemicals or formulations together or with other substances. The quantities of isocyanate chemicals or formulations that were mixed together included 250kg, 25%, and up to 3 tonne in a 5 tonne batch. Six companies (54%) reported that isocyanate chemicals or formulations were transferred to the mixing vessel by means of delivery via pipeline and three (27%) companies reported that other methods were used to transfer isocyanates. Two of the companies gave details about the ‘other’ method used. These were transfer under vacuum via charge lance and transfer from drum to vessel via pipe using vacuum (in vessel) . Eight companies reported using ventilation controls. Five (63%) of these companies reported using an open area with LEV, two (25%) reported using contained ventilation and one (12%) reported using both these types of ventilation. Two of the eight companies that reported using ventilation controls for mixing in the postal survey had also reported using ventilation controls in the telephone interview and three different companies had reported using ventilation controls in the telephone interview but not in the postal survey. Respiratory protective equipment was reported to be used by six companies. Of these six companies, three reported using full facepiece respirators with an airline, one reported using a hood/visor with powered air filter, one reported using a half mask respirator with a filter, and one reported using a disposable half mask respirator. Two of these six had also reported using RPE during the telephone interview.


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In all 11 companies, gloves were worn as protective clothing. One of these companies did not report wearing any other items of protective clothing. The remaining ten companies reported that at least 3 or more items of protective clothing were worn, such as overalls, boots and eye protection (e.g. goggles or visors). Application Table A8.4 shows the distribution of how isocyanate chemicals or formulations were used or applied by companies. Application of isocyanate chemicals or formulations was most likely to be via pouring by hand.

Table A8.4 Distribution of how isocyanates are used or applied. Each cell contains the number

and percentage of companies that answered positively to the options given.

How are these isocyanates used or applied? No. of companies %sprayed by hand 1 9sprayed by automated system 0 0poured by hand 6 54poured by automated system 2 22injected with some manual involvement 1 9injected using a fully automated system 0 0applied by brush / roller / other hand tool 1 9other 4 36 Quantities of isocyanate chemicals or formulations that were used for application per hour or per batch included ‘less than 5kg’, ‘anything from 100kg to 2500kg per batch’, ‘batch size ranges from 0.5 to 10 tonnes’, and ‘up to 5 tonnes of finished product per batch’. Application of isocyanate chemicals or formulations was most frequently reported to take place in a factory production area (6 companies; 54%). One (9%) company reported that application took place on an external site. Three (27%) companies reported that application took place somewhere other than in a factory production area or external site, such as under an extraction laboratory fumehood or in a laboratory. The other company did not provide information for this question. Ventilation controls were reported to be used by eight companies. One company reported using partly contained ventilation, three companies reported using open areas with LEV, three companies reported using other ventilation controls, and one company reported using a partly contained ventilation system and other ventilation controls. Two of the eight companies that reported using ventilation controls here had also reported using these during the telephone interview. Use of RPE was reported by five companies. Two companies reported using disposable half mask respirators, one company reported using a half mask respirator with a disposable filter and two companies reported using other RPE without specifying the details. Nine companies reported that two or more items of protective clothing were worn. Boots (8 companies; 89%) and overalls (6 companies; 67%) were most likely to be worn. Other items of protective clothing that were reported to be worn included gloves, eye protection and aprons.


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Cleaning The cleaning method most frequently reported for the mixing and application equipment was manual cleaning using solvents (6 companies; 54%). Three (27%) companies reported that they never cleaned the mixing and application equipment. Some companies reported that they used more than one method of cleaning the mixing and application equipment after use. Other cleaning methods included reactors being cleaned on site using solvents or chemical agents and being cleaned with neutraliser as necessary. Nine of the eleven companies gave details on where the mixing and application equipment was cleaned, with two of these companies reporting that it was cleaned in two areas. The mixing and application equipment was reported most often to be cleaned in the general work area (5 companies; 56%). Other areas reported for cleaning equipment included the laboratory and cleaning tanks (for small parts). Ventilation controls were reported to be used by nine companies. Two companies reported using more than one type of ventilation system. Five of the nine companies that reported using ventilation systems used a contained system. Respiratory protective equipment was reported to be worn by seven companies. Two companies reported that more than one type of RPE was used. The types of RPE that were reported to be worn by the seven companies included full facepiece respirators with an airline, full facepiece respirators with a disposable filter, a hood or visor with an airline, half mask respirators with a disposable filter, and other unspecified types of RPE. Ten companies reported that at least one item of protective clothing was worn. Overalls (9 companies; 90%) and then eye protection (8 companies; 80%) were most likely to be worn whilst cleaning. Gloves, boots and aprons were also reported to be worn, as were other unspecified types of protective clothing. Sampling Samples were reported to be collected for quality assurance testing by all eleven companies. These samples were most often reported to be collected every batch (4 companies; 36%). Two companies reported collecting samples every hour, a further two companies reported collecting samples 1 to 3 times per day, one company reported collecting samples twice per batch, another company reported collecting samples twice, and one company reported collecting samples upon completion of the blending operation. The quantities of samples collected included 2-5kg, 500mls, and 1 litre. Ventilation controls were reported to be used by all 11 companies. Of these, five reported using an open area with LEV and four reported using an open area with no LEV but with general ventilation. One of the remaining two companies reported using an open area with no LEV but with general ventilation and using an open area outdoors, and the other company reported using a partly contained ventilation system and an open area with LEV. Five of the companies that reported using ventilation controls in the postal survey had also reported using ventilation controls in the telephone interview. Respiratory protective equipment was reported to be worn by nine companies. Amongst these nine companies, seven reported that one type of RPE was worn, one reported that two types of RPE was worn and one reported that three types of RPE was worn. The types of RPE reported to be worn included powered air filtering respirators, full facepiece respirators with an airline, full facepiece respirators with a disposable filter, hoods or visors with an airline, half mask respirators with a disposable filter, disposable half mask respirators and other


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unspecified RPE. Of the nine companies that reported using RPE, two had also reported using RPE during the telephone interview. Protective clothing was reported to be worn by all eleven companies, the majority of these companies reported that boots were worn. Over half also reported that overalls, eye protection, aprons and other types of protective clothing were worn. Slightly less than half of these eleven companies reported that gloves were worn. Maintenance Two (18%) companies reported that no maintenance was carried out on the mixing and application equipment. Four (36%) companies reported that breakdown maintenance was carried out, five companies (45%) reported that planned preventive maintenance was carried out and two (18%) companies reported that other routine maintenance was carried out. Examples of other routine maintenance included pipe changing, pump maintenance and mixer maintenance. Displayed in Table A8.5 is the distribution of additional control measures that were used for maintenance work. Approximately a quarter of the companies (3 companies) reported that additional maintenance controls were not applicable to their company. Of the remaining eight companies, the majority reported using either a “permit to work” system (7 companies; 87%) or isolation of delivery lines (6 companies; 75%). Other additional control measures reported included cleaning of lines and pumps before use and safety checks prior to work being carried out.

Table A8.5 Distribution of additional control measures used for maintenance work. Each cell contains the number and percentage of companies that answered positively to the

options given.

For maintenance work, what additional control measures does your company use?

No. of companies %

not applicable 273 no additional control measures

other 3

0 0“permit to work” system 7 64isolation of delivery lines 6 54purging the tanks and lines 3 27

27 Four companies reported that ventilation controls were used. Three of these companies reported that an open area with LEV was used and the other company reported that both an open area with LEV and a partly contained ventilation system was used. Ventilation controls were reported to be used in the telephone interview by two different companies that did not report using ventilation controls in the postal survey. Similarly, the use of RPE was reported by four companies. One company reported only using a hood or visor with an airline. Of the remaining three companies, one reported using a full facepiece respirator with an airline and a half mask with a disposable filter, another reported using a full facepiece respirator and a disposable half mask respirator and the final company reported using a powered air filtering respirator and a hood or visor with an airline. Respiratory protective equipment was also reported to be worn by two companies in the telephone interview that did not report wearing RPE in the postal survey. The same four companies reported wearing protective clothing. All of these companies reported that eye protection and gloves were worn. Three of the four companies reported that


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overalls were worn and three companies reported that boots were worn. One company reported that other unspecified items of protective clothing were worn. Equipment and training The distribution of advice that companies received from the manufacturer of the mixing and/or application equipment is shown in Table A8.6. Companies were most likely to report either that they had received training from a detailed manual (5 companies; 45%) or that they had been given personal/telephone advice from a technical expert at the supplier or manufacturer (4 companies; 36%).

Table A8.6 Distribution of advice received from the manufacturer of the mixing and / or application

equipment. Each cell contains the number and percentage of companies that answered positively to the options given.

Have you received any advice from the manufacturer of the mixing and/or application equipment on its operation?

No. of companies %

no advice 0 0marketing leaflet 1 9detailed manual 5 45personal or telephone advice from a technical expert at the supplier or manufacturer

4 36

video 1 9other 3 27 One (9%) company did not give details on whether the equipment operators had received training on how to use the mixing and/or application equipment. The remaining ten (91%) companies all reported that the equipment operators had received in-house training and one (9%) company also reported that the equipment operators had received training from the manufacturer or supplier on how to use the mixing and/or application equipment. Over 80% (9 companies) reported that users of RPE had received on the job training by an authorised person on how to use the RPE. Approximately a quarter (3 companies) reported that RPE users had received written training. None of the companies reported that they used video training. Only one company reported that RPE users had received no training on how to use the RPE. Respiratory protective equipment was reported never to be cleaned/disinfected by three (27%) companies. Five (45%) companies reported cleaning/disinfecting RPE after each use, one (9%) company reported cleaning/disinfecting RPE once a week and one (9%) company reported cleaning/disinfecting RPE every second month. Written records of how often RPE was examined/tested were reported to be kept by 6 companies. One company did not provide an answer to whether such written records were kept. The majority of companies (8 companies; 73%) reported that the supervisor checks that the protective equipment is being used properly. Two companies reported that RPE was examined/tested weekly. Similarly, two companies reported that RPE was examined/tested monthly, and three companies reported that RPE was examined/tested annually. Three companies reported that RPE was examined/tested prior to use and one company reported that RPE was tested every second month.


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Six companies reported that RPE users had not been face-fit tested, two companies reported that RPE users had been face-fit tested and two companies reported that they did not know. One company answered that this question was not applicable to them because the type of RPE used was a hood with airline and that the “hood covers complete head i.e. does not seal to face.” Most companies (9 companies; 82%) reported that it was less than a year ago since the local exhaust ventilation had last been checked by a specialist, one reported that it had never been checked and one reported that it was last checked between 1 and 5 years ago.. Spills or leaks Shown in Table A8.7 is the distribution of how often a significant spill or leak of more than 1 litre of materials containing isocyanates occurs. Just over half of the companies (6 companies) reported that they do not have any spills or leaks.

Table A8.7 Distribution of how often there is a significant spill or leak of isocyanates. Each cell contains the number and percentage of companies that answered positively to the

options given.

No. of companies %Approximately how often is there a significant spill or leak (more than 1 litre) of materials containing isocyanates? no significant spill or leak 546 weekly 1 9monthly 1 9once every three or four months 1 9once a year 2 18

other 0 don’t know 0 0

0 Most companies reported that in the event of a significant spill or leak, the spill would be contained using absorbent material such as sand or other absorbent material, and that the area would then be decontaminated/neutralised. Five (45%) companies reported that additional items of personal protective clothing such as overalls, boots, gloves, eye protection and RPE would be worn during the clean up procedure for a significant spill or leak. Two companies did not provide an answer to this question.

Air monitoring, health surveillance and environmental controls Seven companies reported that the air concentration has been monitored in their workplace. Of these, six reported that they would be willing to provide a copy of the report/results. One company reported that employees did not have regular medical examinations. Amongst the ten companies where medical examinations took place, most reported that employees received lung function tests, the time periods for which included pre-employment, quarterly, 6 monthly, annually and every 2 years. Other medical examinations that were reported were general medicals, dermatitis checks, and blood pressure checks.

Three companies did not complete the section on environmental controls. Of the other eight companies, isocyanate emissions to the atmosphere were reported to be controlled in three (38%) companies via water or other wet chemical scrubbing, in one (12%) company via filtration by activated charcoal and in four (50%) companies by other methods such as via deactivating liquids thoroughly and then disposing of these by use of waste solvents. Atmospheric emissions were most often reported to be monitored monthly (4 companies;


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50%), followed by annually (2 companies; 25%) and less often than annually (2 companies; 25%). A8.2 Coating and spreading A8.2.1 Use of isocyanates Fourteen companies were defined as using isocyanates in a coating and/or spreading process. Nine (64%) of these companies were printers and laminators, two (14%) companies were in the fabrics and textiles industry, one (7%) company was in the flexible foam sector, one company was in the rigid foam sector and one company was in the rubber manufacturing industry. Seven companies reported being a member of one or more trade associations. These included the British Print Industry Federation, the British Adhesives and Sealants Association, and the Contract Flooring Association. Table A8.8 shows the distribution of how companies reported using isocyanate chemicals or formulations. The majority (8 companies; 57%) of the companies in this category reported that they carry out a service or manufacturing process, which uses isocyanate formulations as a consumable item. The types of services, which use isocyanates provided by these companies included printing and laminating, and adhesive binding. Three of these eight companies also reported carrying out a manufacturing process, which uses isocyanates to produce finished products. Such products included packaging materials. None of the companies reported manufacturing isocyanate chemicals.

Table A8.8

Distribution of how companies use isocyanate chemicals or formulations. Each cell contains numbers and percentage.

Use of isocyanates Number % Manufactures formulations using or containing isocyanates chemicals

2 14

Uses isocyanates coatings for painting items


2 14

Carries out a manufacturing process which uses isocyanate chemicals or formulations to produce finished products

4 29

Carries out a service or manufacturing process, which uses isocyanate formulations as a consumable item


Other work involving the use or manufacture of products containing isocyanates

2 14

The distributions of number of employees in companies, number of employees directly exposed to isocyanates and number of employees indirectly exposed to isocyanates are shown in Table A8.9. Company size ranged from 22 to 320 employees with the most frequently reported company size being 10 to 50 employees (6 companies; 43%). The majority of companies (9 companies; 64%) reported that less than 10 employees were directly exposed to isocyanate chemicals or formulations. One company did not give information on the number of employees directly exposed to isocyanates. Of these 14 companies, only two (14%) reported that they had any employees who were indirectly exposed to isocyanate chemicals or formulations. Two companies did not indicate whether they had any employees who were indirectly exposed to isocyanates.


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Table A8.9

Total number of employees, number of employees directly exposed to isocyanates and number of employees indirectly exposed to isocyanates. Each cell contains numbers

and percentage of column total.

Total employees Directly exposed Indirectly exposed Size group Number % Number % Number %

1 to 9 0 0 9 69 1 50 10 to 50 6 43

4 31 1 50 51 to 100 3 21 0 0 0 0 101 to 250 4 29 0 0 0 251 to 500 1 7 0 0 0 0 500 + 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total1 14 13 2 1One company had missing data for this number of employees directly exposed A8.2.2 Job details Information was given on 16 jobs by the 14 companies. The majority of companies (11 companies; 79%) reported one job title. One company did not give any details on job titles. Another company reported two job titles and a third company reported three job titles. Details of job titles reported included coating and laminating operatives, laminators, printing assistants, process operatives and warehouse staff. A total of 16 main task descriptions were reported by the 14 companies. Most companies (11 companies; 79%) reported one main task description. The company that gave no details on job title also gave no details on main task description. One company reported two main task descriptions and one company reported three main task descriptions. Main tasks reported included application, decanting resins, emptying vessels, manufacturing adhesives, preparation of pre-polymers and testing products.

The company that gave no details on the job title and main task description also gave no information on ventilation and RPE use. Only one company reported not using any ventilation or RPE.

Table A8.10 shows the distribution of RPE and ventilation use by task category for 15 of the 16 jobs. Amongst the 15 jobs given, none involved wearing RPE and not using ventilation. For most jobs, ventilation of some description was used and RPE was reported to be worn for one third of these jobs. Ventilation was used most often for processing tasks. When ventilation was used, the type that was reported to be used for the majority of jobs was LEV (11 jobs).


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Table A8.10 Distribution of RPE and ventilation use by task category. Each cell contains numbers and percentage of row total. Percentages shown in brackets are based on five or less.

RPE and Ventilation Use Task

Category RPE = No & Ventilation = No

RPE = No & Ventilation = Yes

RPE = Yes & Ventilation = Yes


Cleaning 0 0 0 0 1 (100) 1Mixing 0 0


3 (75) 1 (25) 4Packaging 1 (50) 0 0 1 (50) 2Process 0 0 4 1 (20) 5Combination 0 0 0 0 1 (100) 1Other 0 0 2 (100) 0 0 2Total 1 7 9 60 5 33 15 A8.2.3 Postal questionnaire results Four of the 14 companies that participated in the telephone interview also completed the postal questionnaire. Pattern and nature of work One company reported using 60 litres of materials containing isocyanates per month, one reported using 300 litres and one reported using 1 tonne. The remaining company did not give information on the approximate quantity of material containing isocyanates that they used per month. The type of work involving isocyanate chemicals or formulations reported was ‘coating fabrics with various polymers such as PVC or polyurethane’, ‘laminating polypropylene film’, ‘occasional splicing of conveyor belts and mixing of isocyanate prepolymers with flame retardant powders for use in splicing’, and ‘laminating metal film to plastic film’. One company reported using isocyanate chemicals or formulations every day, two companies reported using isocyanates 2 to 3 times per week and one company reported using isocyanates less than once per week. Isocyanates were reported to be used for more than 7 hours a day by one company, for 5-7 hours a day by two companies and for 3-4 hours a day by one company. Intermediate bulk tankers (IBC) were used to deliver isocyanates to one company and drum containers were used to deliver isocyanates to three companies. Mixing Three companies reported mixing isocyanate chemicals or formulations together or with other substances. The quantities of isocyanate chemicals or formulations that were reported to be mixed together were ‘100 to 70 duroflex 45’, ‘40kg isocyanates prepolymer per batch’ and ‘approximately 4% by weight for a maximum 5kg per mix’. Isocyanate chemicals or formulations were reported to be transferred to the mixing vessel by manual pouring from a container by three companies. Two of the companies reported using a contained ventilation system and one reported using an open area with LEV. During the telephone interview, four companies had reported using ventilation controls for mixing tasks. Two of these four companies had also reported using ventilation controls for mixing during the postal survey.


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Two companies reported using respirators. One company reported using a powered air filtering respirator and the other company reported using a half mask with a disposable filter. Only one company had reported using respirators for mixing during the telephone interview. This company was not one of the two companies that reported using respirators during the postal survey. Protective clothing was reported to be worn by three companies. All three companies reported wearing overalls and gloves, two reported wearing eye protection and two reported wearing boots. Application Application of isocyanate chemicals was reported in one company to be via brush/roller or other hand tool, in another company via transfer from application roller onto film, in another company via roller in laminating machine and by the remaining company via coating blade which is fed by pump or hand. Quantities of isocyanate chemicals or formulations that were used for application per hour or per batch were ‘approximately 5 litres per hour ‘and ‘up to 10kg over 1 to 2 hours maximum in any one day’. Two of the four companies that completed the postal questionnaire did not provide details on what quantities of isocyanates were used. Application of isocyanate chemicals or formulations was mostly reported to take place in a factory production area (3 companies) and one company reported that application took place at conveyor installations at coal mines (surface and underground). All four companies reported using ventilation controls during application. One company reported using a partly contained ventilation system, one company reported using an open area with LEV, one company reported using other unspecified ventilation systems and one company reported using a partly contained ventilation system and an open area with LEV. Only one company reported using RPE to apply isocyanates. This company reported using a half mask with a disposable filter. Overalls and boots were reported to have been worn by all four companies. One company reported wearing gloves and another company reported wearing other unspecified items of protective clothing. Cleaning The cleaning method most frequently reported for the mixing and application equipment was manual cleaning using solvents (3 companies). The other company reported that the mixing and application equipment was allowed to cure in air or cleaned by addition of water/heat then manually cleaned by scraping. All four companies reported that the mixing and application equipment was cleaned in the general work area. One company reported that ventilation controls were not applicable to them during cleaning and another company gave no details on ventilation controls used during cleaning. Of the remaining two companies, one reported using an open area with LEV and the other reported using a partly contained ventilation system and an open area with LEV. The two companies that had reported using ventilation controls for cleaning during the postal survey had not reported using these during the telephone interview. RPE use was reported by three of the four companies. One company reported using a full facepiece with a disposable filter, one reported using a half mask with a disposable filter and


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one reported using a disposable half mask respirator. None of these companies had reported using RPE for cleaning during the telephone interview. All four companies reported wearing protective clothing. Overalls were worn by all four companies. Three companies all wore boots and gloves. Eye protection was worn by three companies and one company reported that other unspecified protective clothing was worn. Sampling Samples were reported to be collected for quality assurance testing by three companies in this category and the fourth company reported that samples were not collected. Those companies that collected samples reported that they did so for ‘every batch of material’, ‘after every batch’ and ‘once per shift’. One company reported collecting a sample of 100ml, the second reported collecting a sample of 100g and the third reported collecting a sample of 12 inches square of coated material. Two of the four companies reported using ventilation controls for sampling. One of these two companies reported using a contained ventilation system and an open area with no LEV but with general ventilation, and the other company reported using a partly contained ventilation system and an open area with LEV. Similarly, only two companies reported using RPE. One of these companies reported using a full facepiece with a disposable filter and the other reported using a half mask with a disposable filter. Three of the four companies reported that protective clothing was worn. Two of these companies reported wearing overalls and boots. In addition, one of these two companies reported wearing gloves. The third company reported wearing eye protection, an apron, boots and other unspecified protective clothing. Maintenance Breakdown maintenance was reported to be carried out by one company and planned preventive maintenance was reported by the other three companies. Additional control measures for maintenance work were reported not to be applicable by one company and not to be used by two companies. The remaining company reported using a “permit to work” system. Two of the four companies reported using ventilation controls. One of these companies reported using a contained ventilation system and the other company reported using a partly contained system and an open area with LEV. RPE was reported to be worn by three of the four companies. A powered air filtering respirator was reported to be worn by one company, a full facepiece with a disposable filter was reported by another company and the third company reported wearing a half mask respirator with a disposable filter. Boots were reported to be worn by all four companies, three companies reported wearing overalls, three companies reported wearing gloves and two companies reported wearing eye protection.


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Equipment and training One company reported that they had received no advice on the operation of the mixing and/or application equipment from the manufacturer. Training via a marketing leaflet had been received by one company. Two companies reported that they had received training via a detailed manual and one of these companies also reported that they had received personal or telephone advice from a technical expert at the supplier or manufacturer. In all four companies, the equipment operators were reported to have received in-house training on how to use the mixing and/or application equipment. Also, one company reported that they had received training from the supplier or manufacturer of the equipment. Most companies (3 companies) reported that it was less than a year ago since the LEV had last been checked by a specialist. The fourth company reported that it was between 1 year and 5 years ago since the local exhaust ventilation system had last been checked. One company reported that RPE was examined/tested weekly and one company reported that these were examined/tested monthly. The other two companies did not give details on how often RPE was examined/tested. Only one company reported that RPE users had been face-fit tested, one company reported that they did not know whether RPE users had been face-fit tested and two companies did not provide an answer to this question. It was reported that the supervisor checks that the protective equipment is being used properly by two companies. One company reported that the supervisor does not check that the protective equipment is being used properly and one company did not answer this question. On the job training by an authorised person on how to use the RPE was received by one company and written training was received by the other company. The other two companies did not complete these questions. RPE was reported to be cleaned/disinfected once a week by one company and once a month by the other company. Neither company reported keeping a written record of how often RPE was examined/tested. Spills or leaks Two companies reported that they do not have any spills or leaks of materials containing isocyanates. One company reported that they had a significant spill or leak on a weekly basis and the other company reported having a significant spill or leak on a monthly basis. In the event of a significant spill or leak of more than 1 litre of materials containing isocyanates, the clean-up procedures reported were containing the spill using absorbent materials which are then suitably disposed of, the spill is mopped up with rags, and the spill kit is used along with written cleaning procedures. All four companies reported that no additional items of personal protective clothing would be worn during the clean up procedure for a significant spill or leak of materials containing isocyanates. Air monitoring, health surveillance and environmental controls Three quarters (3 companies) of the companies reported that the air concentration has been monitored in their workplace. Of these companies, two reported that they would be willing to provide a copy of the report/results. Only one company reported that employees did not have regular medical examinations. Where regular medical examinations were carried out, all three companies reported that


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employees received lung function tests. Two of these companies reported that these tests were carried out every 6 months and the third company reported that these tests were carried out annually. Two companies gave details on how isocyanate emissions to the atmosphere were controlled and three companies provided details of how often these emissions were monitored. Isocyanate emissions to the atmosphere were reported to be controlled by incineration (2 companies). One of these two companies reported that atmospheric emissions were monitored weekly and the other company reported that these emissions were monitored annually. The company that give no details on how isocyanate emissions to the atmosphere were controlled at their site, reported that such emissions were monitored annually. A8.3 Gluing and sealing A8.3.1 Use of isocyanates Isocyanates were used for the gluing and/or sealing process by 37 companies. Twelve (32%) of these companies were in the construction and demolition sector, nine (24%) companies were in the rubber manufacturing industry, nine (24%) companies were in the vehicle manufacturing sector, three (8%) companies were in the electrical/electronics sector, two (5%) companies were in the printers and laminators industry, one (3%) company was in the aerospace and military sector and one (3%) company was in the industrial protective coatings sector. Twenty six (70%) companies reported being a member of one or more trade associations. These included the British Adhesives and Sealants Association, the British Rubber Association, the Automotive Trade Association and TICA (Thermal Insulation Contractors Association). The distribution of how companies reported using isocyanate chemicals or formulations is displayed in Table A8.11. Eighteen companies reported that they carry out a service or manufacturing process, which uses isocyanate formulations as a consumable item. Of these companies four (11%) also manufactured formulations using or containing isocyanates, six (16%) also reported using isocyanate coatings for painting items, three (8%) also reported carrying out a manufacturing process which uses isocyanate chemicals or formulations to produce finished products and two (5%) reported that they did other work involving the use or manufacture of products containing isocyanates. None of the companies reported manufacturing isocyanates.

Table A8.11

Distribution of how companies use isocyanate chemicals or formulations. Each cell contains numbers and percentage.

Use of isocyanates Number % Manufactures formulations using or containing isocyanates chemicals

12 32

Uses isocyanate coatings for painting items

11 30

Carries out a manufacturing process which uses isocyanate chemicals or formulations to produce finished products

9 24

Carries out a service or manufacturing process, which uses isocyanate formulations as a consumable item

18 49

Other work involving the use or manufacture of products containing isocyanates

8 22


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A8.3.2 Job details Table A8.12 shows the distributions of number of employees in companies, number of employees directly exposed to isocyanates and number of employees indirectly exposed to isocyanates. Company size ranged from 2 to 4200 employees with a most frequently reported company size of 10 to 50 employees (9 companies; 24%). Companies tended to have either 1 to 9 or 10 to 50 employees who were directly exposed to isocyanate chemicals or formulations. Five (14%) companies reported that they had employees who were indirectly exposed to isocyanate chemicals or formulations and one company had missing data for this question.

Table A8.12 Total number of employees, number of employees directly exposed to isocyanates and number of employees indirectly exposed to isocyanates. Each cell contains numbers

and percentage of column total.

Total employees Directly exposed Indirectly exposed Size group Number % Number % Number %

1 to 9 7 19 17 46 2 40 10 to 50 9 24 17 46 2 40 51 to 100 6 16 1 3 0 0 101 to 250 5 14 2 5 0 0 251 to 500 2 5 0 0 1 20 500 + 8 22 0 0 0 0 Total 37 37 5 Information on 47 jobs was reported by the 37 companies. The majority of these companies (29 companies; 78%) reported one job title involving exposure to isocyanates. Job titles detailed included asbestos, assemblers, floor layers, insulating engineers, production operatives and rubber workers. More than half of the companies reported only one job title and slightly over half reported more than one main task description. As with job titles, 47 tasks descriptions were reported by the 37 companies. For most of these companies (29 companies; 78%), one task description involving exposure to isocyanates was reported. Examples of task descriptions reported were adhesives application, applying expanding foam, cladding of pipes, gluing parts, PU converting, sealing, and spraying adhesives. The distribution of RPE and ventilation use by task category is displayed in table A8.13. RPE and ventilation controls were missing for the tasks which were in packaging and sampling categories. In general approximately half of the companies reported using ventilation controls without using RPE and approximately half reported using ventilation controls with RPE. For most jobs, either general ventilation (22 jobs) or LEV (15 jobs) was used.


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Table A8.13 Distribution of RPE and ventilation use by task category. Each cell contains numbers and percentage of row total. Percentages shown in brackets are based on five or less.

RPE and Ventilation Use Task Category

RPE = No & Ventilation = Yes

RPE = Yes & Ventilation = Yes


Application* 12 44 15 56 27Cleaning 1 (100)


0 0 1Maintenance 1 (50) 1 (50) 2Mixing 2 (50) 2 (50) 4Processing* 1 (50) 1 (50) 2Other 3 50 3 50 6Total 20 48 52 42*Five companies had missing data for these questions. A8.3.3 Postal questionnaire results Postal questionnaires were completed by eight (22%) of the 37 companies that participated in the telephone interview. Pattern and nature of work Between 2 and 25 litres of isocyanates per month were reported to be used by 4 (50%) companies, one company reported using 200 litres of isocyanates per month, one company reported using 0.33 tonnes of isocyanates per month, one company reported using 3 tonnes of isocyanates per month and the remaining company reported using 33 tonnes of isocyanates per month. The type of work involving isocyanate chemicals or formulations reported included asbestos work, application of polyurethane resin flooring systems, adhering acoustic cladding to the hull of submarines, spraying rubber lacquer and sound proofing. Isocyanate chemicals or formulations were reported to be used every day by three (38%) companies, 2 to 3 times per week by four (50%) companies and less than once per week by one company. Three (38%) companies reported using isocyanates for more than 5-7 hours a day, one company reported using isocyanates for 3-4 hours a day, three (38%) companies reported using isocyanates for 1-2 hours a day and one company reported using isocyanates for less than 1 hour a day. Isocyanates were reported to be delivered to the majority of companies (6 companies; 75%) by cans or bottles. One company reported that intermediate bulk containers were used to deliver isocyanates as well as cans or bottles. Another company reported that drum containers were used to deliver isocyanates to their company and one company reported that aerosols were used.

Chemicals or formulations were reported to be mixed together or with other substances in 5 (62%) companies. The quantities of isocyanate chemicals or formulations that these companies report mixing were ‘small amounts (up to 25mls) mixed in tins’, ‘mixed with adhesive as hardener at approximately 4%’, ‘70 litres inside enclosed mixing machine’ and ‘90% polyol to 10% isocyanate’.



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Half of the companies (4 companies) reported that isocyanate chemicals or formulations were transferred to the mixing vessel by manual pouring from a container with the remaining 4 companies not providing any details. Ventilation controls were reported to be used by half of the companies. One of these companies reported using a contained ventilation system and other ventilation controls, one reported using an open area with LEV and two reported using an open area with no LEV but with general ventilation. No information was given by two companies on ventilation systems used for mixing. Other types of ventilation controls reported included a tent and LEV. The companies that reported using ventilation controls for mixing during the postal survey were not the same companies that had reported using ventilation controls during the telephone interview. Amongst the eight companies that completed the postal questionnaire, one company gave no information on whether RPE was worn during mixing and four companies reported that RPE was worn. Of these four companies, two companies reported wearing full facepiece respirators with an airline, one company reported wearing a half mask respirator with a disposable filter and one company reported wearing a disposable half mask respirator. None of these four companies had reported wearing RPE for mixing during the telephone interview. Protective clothing was reported to be worn by six of the eight companies with one company not giving any information on protective clothing, and one company saying that no protective clothing was worn. Overalls were reported to be worn by five companies, gloves by four companies, eye protection by three companies and boots by one company. Application Application of isocyanate chemicals or formulations was reported in four companies to be via spraying by hand tool and four companies reported that isocyanates were applied by brush / roller / other hand tool. Isocyanates were applied by one company via pouring by automated system, by another company via injection with some manual involvement, and by another company via injection using a fully automated system. Examples of the quantities of isocyanate chemicals or formulations that were used for application per hour or per batch included ‘1 litre’, ‘300kg’, and ‘1 can of spray foam to 1 can of adhesive’. One company did not provide details on what quantities of isocyanate chemicals or formulations were used per hour or per batch. Four companies reported that application of isocyanate chemicals or formulations took place in a factory production area. Similarly, four companies reported that isocyanates were applied in some other area and two companies reported that isocyanates were applied on an external site. Details of other sites where isocyanates were applied were asbestos enclosure, purpose built spray booth with forced extraction, in domestic properties, food processing factories, chemical plants and pharmaceutical plants. No information was given on ventilation controls by one company and five companies reported using ventilation controls. One of these five companies reported using a contained ventilation system, one reported using an open area with no LEV but with general ventilation, one reported using an open area outdoors and a contained enclosure with LEV and two reported using other unspecified ventilation systems. Four of the five companies that reported using ventilation controls had also reported using ventilation controls in the telephone interview. The two companies that reported not using ventilation controls or that ventilation controls were not applicable to their company had reported using ventilation controls during the telephone interview. In addition one company


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that gave no information on ventilation controls in the postal survey had reported using ventilation controls during the telephone interview. RPE use was reported by six companies with one company providing no information. A powered air filtering respirator and a half mask respirator with disposable filter was reported to be used by one of the six companies. Two companies used full facepiece respirators with an airline, one company used a hood or visor with an airline and two companies used a disposable half mask respirator. Four of the six companies that reported using RPE for application had also reported using this during the telephone interview. One of the six companies that reported using RPE for application had reported during the telephone interview that RPE was not used. The company that gave no information on RPE use had reported using RPE for application during the telephone interview. RPE had been reported not to used by one company for application and this company also reported during the telephone interview that RPE was not worn. No information on protective clothing was provided by one company and the remaining seven companies reported that protective clothing was worn. All seven companies wore at least two items of protective clothing. Overalls were reported to be worn by these seven companies. Six companies reported wearing gloves, one reported wearing eye protection, one reported wearing boots and one reported wearing other unspecified protective clothing. Cleaning For the mixing and application equipment, the cleaning method most frequently reported was manual cleaning using solvents (3 companies; 38%). Three (38%) companies reported that the mixing and application equipment was never cleaned, one (12%) company reported that the mixing and application equipment was automatically cleaned and one (12%) company reported that another method was used to clean the mixing and application equipment. Of the five companies that cleaned the mixing and application equipment, two (40%) companies reported that the equipment was cleaned in the general work area, one (20%) reported that the equipment was cleaned in a special cleaning area and two (40%) reported that the equipment was cleaned in another area. Four companies reported using ventilation controls with two companies providing no information. Three of the four companies that used ventilation controls reported using a contained ventilation system only and the fourth company reported using a contained system and other ventilation controls. None of the companies that reported using ventilation controls during the postal survey had reported using ventilation controls during the telephone survey. Two companies gave information on RPE use. A full facepiece respirator with an airline was reported to be used by one of the companies and the other company reported using a disposable half mask respirator. These two companies had not reported using respirators for cleaning during the telephone interview. Two companies gave no information on the use of protective clothing. Five companies reported that protective clothing was worn. Overalls were reported to be worn by four companies, gloves by three companies, eye protection by two companies, boots by one company and one company reported that other unspecified protective clothing was worn. Sampling One (12%) company reported that samples were collected for quality assurance testing, six companies (75%) reported that samples were not collected and one company did not provide


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any information. The company where samples were collected, reported that 220 ml samples were collected for every operation. The company which carried out sampling reported using ‘other’ ventilation controls. It also reported that no RPE was worn for sampling. One other company reported using an open area with no LEV but general ventilation for sampling even though it had not reported carrying out sampling for quality assurance testing. Three companies gave no information on protective clothing and three companies reported wearing protective clothing. The company which carried out sampling reported the use of eye protection, overalls, boots and gloves. Two other companies provided information on protective clothing for sampling. One of these reported that an apron was worn and the other reported the use of unspecified protective clothing. Maintenance The majority of companies (5 companies; 62%) reported that no maintenance was carried out on the mixing and application equipment. One company reported that breakdown and planned preventive maintenance was carried out, one company reported that planned preventive maintenance was carried out and another company reported that other routine maintenance was carried out. This other routine maintenance was described as daily clean up and maintenance. Of the three companies where maintenance was carried out, one reported that ventilation controls were not applicable, one used a contained system and the other reported using ‘other’ ventilation controls. The company which reported that ventilation controls were not applicable to them had reported using LEV for a maintenance task during the telephone interview. Two of the three companies reported that other control measures were used for maintenance work in addition to the ventilation controls reported. These additional control measures were a “permit to work” system (one company) and both isolation of delivery lines and purging of tanks and lines (one company). Two of the three companies where maintenance was carried out reported that RPE was used. A half mask respirator with a disposable filter was reported by one company and a disposable half mask respirator was reported by the other company. One of these two companies had reported using RPE for maintenance during the telephone interview.

In seven (88%) of the eight companies, the equipment operators were reported to have received in-house training on how to use the mixing and/or application equipment. Also,

Protective clothing was reported to be worn by two of the three companies, with no information provided by the third. One company reported that gloves were used and the other reported the wearing of eye protection, overalls, boots and gloves. An additional company which had not reported carrying out maintenance reported the use of eye protection for maintenance tasks. Equipment and training No advice from the manufacturer on the operation of the mixing and/or application equipment had been given to half (4 companies) of the companies. Three companies reported that they had received training via a marketing leaflet, three companies reported that they had received personal or telephone advice from a technical expert at the supplier or manufacturer and two companies reported that they had received training via a detailed manual.


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three (38%) companies reported that they had received training from the supplier or manufacturer of the mixing and/or application equipment and one (12%) company did not provide details on whether training had been received.

RPE was mostly reported to be cleaned/disinfected after each use (3 companies; 43%). Two companies (29%) reported that RPE was never cleaned/disinfected, one of which had reported using disposable RPE. One company reported that RPE was cleaned/disinfected once a day and one company reported that RPE was cleaned/disinfected once a month. All companies reported that the supervisor checks that the protective equipment is being used properly.

The clean-up procedures reported in the event of a significant spill or leak of more than 1 litre of materials containing isocyanates were ‘absorb with expanded clay granules or similar and decontaminate’, and ‘clean up with cloths etc which are correctly disposed of into container, and hardener is added to cure product before disposal’. Two companies reported that additional items of personal protective clothing would be worn during the clean up procedure for a significant spill or leak of materials containing isocyanates. These two companies reported that eye protection, overalls, boots, gloves and gauntlets would be worn during such a clean-up procedure.

Three companies gave no details on when the local exhaust ventilation was last checked by a specialist. None of these companies had reported using LEV. The remaining five companies all reported that the LEV was last checked less than 1 year ago. Half of the companies (4 companies) reported that RPE users had been face-fit tested, three (38%) companies reported that RPE users had not been face-fit tested and one (12%) company did not provide an answer to whether RPE users had been face-fit tested.

RPE was examined/tested weekly by one company, monthly by three companies, annually by one company, less often than annually by one company and every time they were worn by one company. The final company did not given any information on how often RPE was examined/tested. One company did not complete details on what training had been received by RPE wearers, if any. Nor did this company give any information on how often RPE was cleaned/disinfected. Of the remaining seven companies, five (71%) reported that RPE wearers had received on the job training by an authorised person, two (29%) reported that RPE wearers had received training by the equipment manufacturer and three (43%) reported that they had received written training.

Spills or leaks Three quarters of the companies (6 companies) reported that they did not have any significant spills or leaks of materials containing isocyanates. One (12%) company reported that they had a significant spill or leak once every three or four months and one (12%) company reported having a significant spill or leak once a year.

Air monitoring, health surveillance and environmental controls Four companies reported that the air concentration of isocyanates had not been monitored in their workplace, one company reported that they did not know whether the air concentration had been monitored and three companies reported that the air concentration had been monitored with all three stating that they were willing to provide a copy of the report/results. Employees were reported to have regular medical examinations in six companies. Amongst these six companies, the types of medical examinations reported were lung function tests,


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general medicals, full medicals, asbestos tests, chest x-rays and respiratory questionnaires. These medical examinations were reported to be carried out every 6 months, annually, or every 2 years. Two companies completed details on isocyanate emissions to the atmosphere and three companies provided details of how often these emissions were monitored. Of the two companies that gave details on how isocyanate emissions to the atmosphere were controlled, one company reported that emissions were controlled by water or wet chemical scrubbing and the other company reported that they only had minimal emissions that were controlled by ventilation. One company did not give details on how isocyanate emissions to the atmosphere were controlled at their site yet reported that such emissions were monitored less often than annually, as did the company that reported only having minimal emissions. The other company reported that emissions were monitored annually. A8.4 Mixing A8.4.1 Use of isocyanates Twenty five companies reported using isocyanates for foundry work. Of these companies, 16 reported being members of one or more trade associations such as the British Foundry Association, the Cast Metal Federation, the Engineering Employers Federation, the Institute of Castings, and the Mechanical and Metal Trades Federation. Table A8.14 displays the ways in which companies reported that isocyanate chemicals or formulations were used in their organisation. The majority of companies (18 companies; 72%) reported that they carry out a service or manufacturing process, which uses isocyanate formulations as a consumable item. Of these companies, one also reported using isocyanate coatings for painting items and two companies also reported carrying out a manufacturing process which uses isocyanate chemicals or formulations to produce finished products.

Table A8.14

Distribution of how companies use isocyanate chemicals or formulations. Each cell contains numbers and percentage.

Use of isocyanates Number % Uses isocyanate coatings for painting items

3 12

Carries out a manufacturing process which uses isocyanate chemicals or formulations to produce finished products*

6 25

Carries out a service or manufacturing process, which uses isocyanate formulations as a consumable item

18 72

Other work involving the use or manufacture of products containing isocyanates

2 8

The distributions of total number of employees in companies, number of employees directly exposed to isocyanates and number of employees indirectly exposed to isocyanates are shown in Table A8.15 below. The most frequently reported company size was between 101 and 250 employees (11; 44%), with company size ranging from 5 to 530 employees. Companies were most likely to report that 1 to 9 employees were directly exposed to isocyanates. Only seven companies reported having employees that were indirectly exposed to isocyanates. Slightly


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over half of these companies reported having 1 to 9 employees indirectly exposed to isocyanates and the remainder reported having 10 to 50 employees exposed to isocyanates.

Table A8.15 Total number of employees, number of employees directly exposed to isocyanates and number of employees indirectly exposed to isocyanates. Each cell contains numbers

and percentage of column total.

Total employees Directly exposed Indirectly exposed Size group Number % Number % Number %

1 to 9 1 4 15 60 4 57 10 to 50 5 20 9 36 3 43 51 to 100 5 20 0 0 0 0 101 to 250 11 44 1 4 0 0 251 to 500 2 8 0 0 0 0 500 + 1 4 0 0 0 0 Total 25 25 7 Types of jobs involving isocyanates included core machine operators, foundrymen, machine moulders, pattern makers and shot blasters. Task descriptions reported included casting, core making, lifting moulds, out pouring, sand moulding and setting. Forty jobs were reported by the 25 companies. Table A8.16 shows the distribution of RPE and ventilation use by task category. Only one company reported not using RPE or ventilation controls, all other companies reported the use of ventilation, approximately two-thirds of which did not use RPE. Local exhaust ventilation was the type of ventilation controls most likely to be used (29 jobs; 64%).

Table A8.16 Distribution of RPE and ventilation use by task category. Each cell contains numbers and percentage of row total. Percentages shown in brackets are based on five or less.

RPE and Ventilation Use Task

Category RPE = No & Ventilation = No

RPE = No & Ventilation = Yes

RPE = Yes & Ventilation = Yes


Application* 0 0 1 (25) 3 (75) 4Cleaning 0 0 1 (100) 0 0 1Maintenance 0 0 1 (50) 1 (50) 2Mixing* 1 (6) 11 65 5 29 17Processing 0 0 2 (100) 0 0 2Sampling 0 0 1 (100) 0 0 1Other* 0

26 63 410 9 64 5 36 14

Total 1 2 14 35 *Five companies had missing data for these questions.

A8.4.3 Postal questionnaire results

Six (24%) of the 25 companies that had participated in the telephone interview also completed postal questionnaires. Pattern and nature of work One company reported using 5 litres of isocyanates per month, another company reported using 50 litres of isocyanates per month and one company reported using 400 litres of isocyanates per month. Two companies reported using between 1.5 and 2 tonnes of


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isocyanates per month. The sixth company did not provide information on the amount of isocyanates used. Examples of work involving isocyanate chemicals and formulations reported were foundry coremaking, manufacture of rubber moulds for making concrete garden slabs, and spray painting operations. Half of the companies reported using isocyanate chemicals or formulations 2 to 3 times per week. Two of the other three companies reported using isocyanate chemicals or formulations every day and one company reported using isocyanate chemicals approximately once per week. Isocyanate chemicals or formulations were reported to be used by two companies for more than 7 hours a day, by one company for 5-7 hours a day, for one company for 3-4 hours a day, for one company for 1-2 hours a day and for the remaining company for less than 1 hour a day. Intermediate bulk containers (IBC) were reported to be used by two companies to deliver isocyanate chemicals or formulations, with drum containers used by another two companies. The remaining two companies reported that cans or bottles were used to deliver isocyanate chemicals or formulations to their company. Mixing Isocyanate chemicals or formulations were reported to be mixed together or with other substances by four companies. The quantities of isocyanates that were reported to be mixed together were a 50-50 mix, 200kg of isocyanates to 150kg of polyol cellacast, 0.8% of total weight of resin (two part pack mixed with sand) and approximately 1% addition to silica sand of formulation. Of the four companies which carried out mixing, one reported that isocyanates were transferred to the mixing vessel by manual pouring from a container, two reported that isocyanates were delivered via a pipeline and one company reported that isocyanates were transferred by automatically being pumped to the mixing vessel. One other company reported that isocyanates were transferred by manual pouring from a container although they had not reported carrying out mixing of isocyanates. Of the four companies where mixing was done, one did not use ventilation controls and three used a contained system. One of those with a contained system also carried out mixing in an open area with LEV. Only one of the four companies provided information on RPE use, and this company reported that RPE use was not applicable for mixing tasks. One company, which had not reported carrying out mixing, stated that disposable half mask respirators were used for mixing tasks. Three companies reported mixing tasks on both the postal and telephone questionnaires. Of these two reported that ventilation was used on both questionnaires and one reported using ventilation on the telephone questionnaire but not on the postal questionnaire. For RPE, one company provided information on both questionnaires, with information on mixing on the postal questionnaire and for two separate mixing tasks on the telephone questionnaire. The company reported use of RPE for mixing on the postal questionnaire and for one of the mixing tasks on the telephone questionnaire (core making) but not on the other (core assembly). Protective overalls were reported to be worn by workers at five companies, gloves at three companies, eye protection at three companies and boots at two companies. One company reported that no protective clothing was worn and one company said that this was not applicable to them.


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Information on ventilation controls during cleaning tasks was provided by three companies, with two companies reporting that this was not applicable and one company providing incomplete data. Ventilation controls used were a contained system, an open area with general ventilation and an ‘other’ non-specified ventilation method. Five companies provided information on RPE use. Two of these companies used a half mask with disposable filter, two used a full facepiece with disposable filter and one used a disposable half mask respirator.

Half of the companies reported that isocyanate chemicals or formulations were applied via spraying by hand. One company reported that isocyanates were applied via pouring by hand and pouring by automated system. Another company reported that isocyanates were applied by injection using a fully automated system and the remaining company reported that isocyanates were applied using another method. When asked what quantities of isocyanate chemicals or formulations were used for application per hour or per batch, answers included various, very small amounts, 1% of formulation and 584gm per batch total (2 part mix). The majority of companies (4 companies; 67%) reported that application of isocyanate chemicals or formulations took place in the factory production area. One company reported that application of isocyanates took place in a mould making factory and one company reported that application of isocyanates took place in a dedicated paint shop. Of the three companies providing information on ventilation for application tasks, two used an open area with LEV and one used a contained system. RPE use varied between companies with two using half mask with disposable filter and one each using a hood or visor with airline and disposable half mask respirator. One company reported that no RPE was used. The final company said that it used an ‘other’ type of RPE but did not specify what this was. Comparison with the telephone questionnaire was possible for two companies. One of these reported that ventilation and RPE were used on both questionnaires, the other reported on both questionnaires that RPE was used, but provided no information on ventilation. Five companies reported the use of protective clothing for application tasks and all of these used overalls and boots. Eye protection was worn in two companies and gloves in two companies. Cleaning The mixing and application equipment was reported by three companies to be cleaned manually using solvents. Of the other three companies, one reported that the mixing and application equipment was automatically cleaned and two companies reported that other methods of cleaning were used. A general work area was the location that two companies reported using to clean the mixing and application equipment. One company reported that the mixing and application equipment was cleaned in a special cleaning area and three companies reported that the equipment was cleaned in some other area.

Protective overalls were worn in five companies for cleaning tasks, boots and eye protection were each used in three companies and gloves were used in two companies.


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Sampling Samples were reported to be collected from the process for quality assurance testing purposes by three of the six companies. These samples were reported to be collected weekly, every 6 months and were checked on the component when it was cured, respectively. The sizes of the samples taken were reported to be 50 M/M x 50 M/M cross hatch test, 15gms of mixed sand and 0.8% resin and 0.5 litres. One company provided information on ventilation controls, and this company used a contained system for sampling. One company reported that ventilation controls were not applicable and four companies had incomplete data. Information on RPE was provided by three companies of which two used a powered air filtering respirator (one of which also used a full facepiece and airline) and one used a hood or visor with airline. Three companies reported the use of eye protection when sampling and three companies reported the use of an apron. Boots were worn by workers in two companies. One company thought that protective clothing was not applicable. Maintenance Five of the six companies reported that maintenance of some kind was carried out on the mixing and application equipment. One company reported that breakdown maintenance, planned preventive maintenance and a daily cleaning schedule were all carried out. Another company reported that both breakdown maintenance and planned preventive maintenance were carried out. Two companies reported that only breakdown maintenance was carried out and the remaining company reported that only planned preventive maintainence was carried out. Ventilation control information was reported by four companies. One of these used a contained system and one used a partly contained system. The other companies used ‘other’ non-specified ventilation controls. Three companies used extra control measures for maintenance tasks. One used a ‘permit-to-work’ system, one used isolation of delivery lines and a machine ‘lock-tag-verify’ procedure and one used safe systems of work. Information on RPE was reported by three companies that used a disposable half mask respirator, a hood or visor with airline and a half mask with disposable filter. Gloves were used during maintenance tasks in five companies and boots in four companies. Two companies reported the use of overalls and two reported the use of eye protection. Equipment and training Two companies reported that advice from the manufacturer of the mixing and / or application equipment had not been received. Of the other four companies, three reported that more than one type of advice had been received. Advice from marketing leaflets was reported to have been received by two companies and advice from detailed manuals by one company. Three companies reported that personal or telephone advice from a technical expert at the supplier or manufacturer had been received. Spills or leaks None of the six companies reported having a significant spill or leak. If a leak did occur most of these companies would use absorbent sand or granules, and one would also use an industrial vacuum pump. One company would use additional items of protective clothing


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when clearing up a spill, these being disposable overalls, wellingtons, fully enclosed goggles and PVC gauntlets. Air monitoring, health surveillance and environmental controls Four of the six companies had monitored air concentration of isocyanates, and the same four carried out regular employee medical examinations. Three companies carried out health examinations every six months – one doing occupational health surveillance and lung function and one carrying out lung function, eye tests, blood pressure and hearing tests. The other company did not give details of the medical tests carried out. The fourth company reported carrying out skin assessment annually. A8.5 Moulding/Injection A8.5.1 Use of isocyanates Isocyanates were used for moulding or injecting by 63 companies. Most of these companies manufactured foam, with 46 (73%) rigid foam manufacturers and 10 (16%) flexible foam manufacturers. Three companies were vehicle manufacturers, two were engineering companies, one was a rubber manufacturer and one was an electrical/electronic company. Thirty-six companies (57%) were members of one or more trade associations, with the most commonly reported being the British Rubber Manufacturers Association (10 companies) and British Rigid Urethane Foam Manufacturers Association (7 companies). The distribution of how isocyanate chemicals or formulations are used by companies is shown in Table A8.17. Almost 80% of companies carried out a manufacturing process using isocyanates with products including flexible foam, insulation services, injection mouldings and prototype models. Forty-three companies manufactured formulations using isocyanates, most of which were polyurethane foam components.

Table A8.17 Distribution of how companies use isocyanate chemicals or formulations. Each cell

contains numbers and percentage of companies.

Use of isocyanates Number %

Manufactures formulations using or containing isocyanates chemicals

43 68

Uses isocyanates coatings for painting items

10 16

Carries out a manufacturing process which uses isocyanate chemicals or formulations to produce finished products*

49 78

Carries out a service or manufacturing process, which uses isocyanate formulations as a consumable item

12 19

Other work involving the use or manufacture of products containing isocyanates

9 14

*One company had missing data for this question.


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A8.5.2 Job details Table A8.18 shows the distribution of total number of employees and numbers of employees exposed directly or indirectly to isocyanates. Company size ranged from two to 600 employees, with most companies employing 10-50 workers. Numbers of employees directly exposed to isocyanates ranged from one to 35 in all except one company which reported 120 directly exposed employees. Nineteen companies (31%) had employees who were indirectly exposed to isocyanates, with most of these having between 1 and 50 employees exposed in this way.

Table A8.18

Total number of employees, number of employees directly exposed to isocyanates and number of employees indirectly exposed to isocyanates. Each cell contains numbers

and percentage of column total.

Total employees* Directly exposed* Indirectly exposed Size group Number % Number % Number %

1 to 9 15 24 38 61 8 42 10 to 50 24 39 22 35 10 53 51 to 100 12 19 1 2 0 0 101 to 250 6 10 1 2 1 5 251 to 500 4 6 0 0 0 0 500 + 1 2 0 0 0 0 Total 62 62 19 *One company had missing data for these variables Information on 109 jobs was reported by the 63 companies. Sixty per cent of companies (38) reported one job and a maximum of eight jobs was reported by one company. The most commonly reported jobs were moulders or mould operatives (17 jobs), production operatives or production workers (11 jobs) and supervisors (8 jobs). Information on task was provided for 105 of the 109 jobs. Examples of tasks were machine operation, mixing, constructing models, injecting foam, moulding, pouring and testing. The tasks were grouped into 11 different task categories as shown in Table A8.19, with 38% of tasks in the processing category. The distribution of respirator and ventilator use by task category is shown in Table A8.19. RPE was used in 37% of tasks and was most likely to be used in maintenance, application, mixing, packaging and combinations of tasks. Ventilation was used in 96 of the 99 tasks where information was available. Of the three tasks where no ventilation was used, two were processing tasks and one was a maintenance task. Where ventilation was used it was most often LEV, which was used alone or in combination with other types of ventilation in 65 of the 99 tasks, and general ventilation which was used in 14 tasks.


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Table A8.19 Distribution of RPE and ventilation use by task category. Each cell contains numbers and percentage of row total. Percentages shown in brackets are based on five or less.

RPE and Ventilation Use

Task category RPE = N Ventilation = N

RPE = N Ventilation = Y

RPE = Y Ventilation = N

RPE = Y Ventilation =Y


Application 0 0 3 30 0 0 7 70 10 Bulk materials 0 (0) 3 (75) 0 (0) 1 (25) 4 Cleaning 0 (0) 2 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0) 2 Maintenance 0 (0) 2 (40) 1 (20) 2 (40) 5 Mixing 0 0 4 36 0 0 7 64 11 Packaging 0 0 2 25 0 0 6 75 8 Processing 2 5 27 73 0 0 8 22 37 Sampling 0 (0) 3 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0) 3 Supervising 0 (0) 3 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0) 3 Combination 0 (0) 1 (33) 0 (0) 2 (67) 3 Other 0 0 10 77 0 0 3 23 13 Total 2 2 60 61 1 1 36 36 99 *Ten jobs/tasks had missing data for this table A8.5.3 Postal questionnaire results Postal questionnaires were completed by 21 (33%) of the 63 companies that participated in the telephone interview. Pattern and nature of work Companies in the moulding and injection sector reported processes including the manufacture of pipe support blocks, manufacture of PU foams, PU foam moulding, manufacture of composite panels and polyurethane roofing boards. Two companies reported isocyanate use in litres with 200 and 550 litres used per month. Sixteen companies reported isocyanate use in tonnes, ranging from 0.75 tonnes to 600 tonnes per month. Five of these companies used less than 10 tonnes per month, five used between 10 and 100 tonnes per month and six used more than 100 tonnes per month. Most of the companies used isocyanates every day (18 companies; 86%), with two companies using them 2 to 3 times per week and one company using isocyanates less than once per week. Nine companies used isocyanates for more than 7 hours per day and nine companies used them for 5 to 7 hours per day. The remaining three companies used isocyanates for 3 to 4 hours per day. Delivery of isocyanate chemicals took place using drum containers in twelve companies and using bulk tanker and transferred to holding tanks in ten companies. Intermediate bulk containers were used by five companies and cans or bottles by one company. Six companies used more than one method of delivery, usually intermediate bulk containers with drum containers or bulk tankers. Mixing Twenty of the 21 companies reported that they mixed isocyanate chemicals or formulations. Five of these companies said that the quantity of isocyanates mixed varied depending on the formulation. Other quantities included 1.2 parts MDI to 1 part polyol, 15 tonnes, 250g per unit and 56% of product comprises MDI. The most frequently reported method for transferring chemicals was via a pipeline (9 companies; 45%) followed by manual pouring and automatic pouring by five companies each. Four companies reported other methods of


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transfer which were a continuous process, metered via a high pressure pump, pumped and sucked from container by vacuum. Two companies reported that ventilation controls were not applicable for mixing tasks and one company provided no information on ventilation controls. All other companies used some form of ventilation for mixing. Most tasks were carried out in an open area with LEV (12 companies) or in a contained system (7 companies). Two companies used a partly contained system and one carried out mixing in an open area without LEV but with general ventilation. Use of RPE could be compared between the telephone and postal questionnaires for five companies, three of these reported using RPE on both occasions, the other two reported use of RPE in the postal questionnaire but not in the telephone questionnaire. Ventilation could also be compared for five companies, of which two reported use of ventilation in both questionnaires and three reported using ventilation in the telephone questionnaire but not in the postal questionnaire. Eleven companies reported that the wearing of RPE during mixing tasks was not applicable to them and three companies reported that no RPE was worn; six of these 14 companies used contained or partly contained processes. Of the remaining companies two reported wearing a powered air filtering respirator, two reported a full facepiece with airline, one reported using a hood or visor with airline and one reported using a full facepiece with disposable filter. One company reported using an other type of RPE but did not specify which it was. One company gave no information on RPE use. Five companies reported that the wearing of protective clothing was not applicable in mixing tasks and a further five companies reported that no protective clothing was worn. The most frequently reported protective clothing was eye protection, reported by 14 companies followed by overalls worn in 13 companies. Nine companies reported that gloves were worn and five companies reported the wearing of boots. Application The ways in which isocyanate chemicals or formulations were used or applied are shown in Table A8.20. The ‘other’ method of use was continuous pour onto moving webs.

Table A8.20

Methods of using isocyanates

Method of use Number of companies %sprayed by hand 0 0sprayed by automated system 3 14poured by hand 6 29poured by automated system 8 38injected with some manual involvement 7 33injected using fully automated system 6 29applied by brush/roller/other hand tool 0 0other 1 5 Quantities of isocyanate used included 10kg, 16 kg per hour, 2 tonnes per hour, 20-30 kg per hour, 4 tonnes per hour and approximately 10 kg per hour. For 20 of the 21 companies application took place in a factory production area and in the remaining company application took place in ‘our fully ventilated cast department’.


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No companies reported that ventilation was not applicable or not used for application tasks. Nine companies carried out application tasks in an open area, seven with LEV and two with general ventilation. Three companies used a contained system and four used a partly contained system. RPE use was reported to be not applicable by six companies, of which three used partly contained processes. Four companies reported using no RPE in application tasks, of which one was a contained process. Full facepiece with airline was used by two companies, disposable half mask respirator by two companies and hood or visor with airline by one company. Comparison with the telephone questionnaire could be carried out for two companies. Both reported using RPE for application tasks on both questionnaires. One reported using ventilation on both questionnaires and the other reported use of ventilation on the telephone questionnaire but not the postal. Protective clothing was reported not to be applicable by one company and was not used in application tasks in six companies. The most frequently used types of protective clothing were overalls (13 companies) and boots (12 companies) followed by eye protection in six companies and gloves in four companies. Cleaning The cleaning methods for mixing and application equipment are shown in Table A8.21. Other methods were mix and storage tanks drained down, pyrolis oven and system flushed own with polyol. Seven companies used more than one method of cleaning

Table A8.21

Methods of cleaning mixing and application equipment after use.

Method of cleaning Number of companies %never cleaned 1 5manually cleaned using solvents 12 57automatically cleaned 12 57other 4 19 In nine companies the cleaning takes place in the general work area and in six companies it takes place in a special cleaning area, with an additional three companies reporting that cleaning took place in both these areas. Four companies reported that cleaning took place elsewhere, although three of these also reported cleaning taking place in either the general work area or special cleaning area. Two companies provided incomplete information on ventilation controls and one company reported that ventilation controls were not applicable for cleaning tasks. All other companies reported at least one form of ventilation control. The most frequently used ventilation control was a contained system (by 9 companies) followed by an open area with LEV (6 companies). Two companies used a partly contained system and four companies used an open area with general ventilation. Four companies reported that RPE was not applicable for cleaning tasks, two of which had reported using contained or partly contained systems. Three companies reported that no RPE was worn. The most commonly used RPE for cleaning tasks was a full facepiece with disposable filter (5 companies) followed by half mask with disposable filter (3 companies) and disposable half mask respirator (3 companies).


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In the two companies where both telephone and postal data were available for cleaning tasks, both reported that RPE was not worn on both questionnaires. One of the companies provided information on ventilation, reporting that ventilation was used on the telephone questionnaire but not on the postal questionnaire. Overalls (17 companies) and eye protection (16 companies) were worn by workers at almost all companies when carrying out cleaning tasks, while gloves were worn at ten companies and boots at eight companies. At two companies aprons were worn during cleaning tasks. Sampling In 13 of the 21 companies samples were collected for quality assurance purposes. Samples were taken at various times including every day, every delivery, every finished product block and at intervals of 20 to 30 minutes. There is also great variety in the amount sampled, ranging from 30 ml to one litre, 3 units per day, a solid test slab (150mm x 75mm x 5mm) and a test strip (200mm x 40mm x 5mm). Five companies reported that ventilation controls were not applicable for sampling tasks, three of which had reported that they did not collect samples for quality assurance purposes. Seven companies gave incomplete information on ventilation. Of the remaining nine companies, eight used one type of ventilation control and one used two types. Two companies used a contained system for sampling and seven companies carried out sampling in an open area – three with LEV and four with general ventilation. One of the companies that used an open area with general ventilation also sampled outdoors. Five companies reported that RPE was not applicable for sampling tasks. Three of these had also reported that ventilation controls were not applicable and two gave incomplete information on ventilation. Three companies reported that RPE was not used for sampling tasks and four companies gave incomplete RPE information. The most frequently used type of RPE was full facepiece with disposable filter reported by four companies followed by full facepiece with airline reported by two companies. Other forms of RPE each reported to be used by one company were hood or visor with airline, half mask with disposable filter and disposable half mask respirator. Comparison with the telephone questionnaire was possible for one company. This company reported that RPE was not used in both questionnaires, but reported use of ventilation in the telephone questionnaire and not the postal questionnaire. Eye protection while sampling was worn by workers in 11 companies, and aprons and boots in eight companies. Overalls were worn in five companies and gloves in four companies. Ten companies reported wearing ‘other’ types of protective clothing and three companies reported that wearing of protective clothing for sampling was not applicable. Maintenance In one of the companies no maintenance was carried out. Of the other 20 companies, 10 carried out breakdown maintenance and 12 carried out planned preventive maintenance (including 3 companies which carried out both). Four companies reported carrying out some other kind of maintenance including 24-month rebuild of dispensing units, manual maintenance and weekly operator inspection and cleaning. Five companies reported that ventilation controls were not applicable for maintenance tasks, one of which reported that they did no maintenance. A further four companies gave incomplete information on ventilation controls. In the remaining companies, maintenance was most frequently carried out in an open area, with LEV in 7 companies and with general


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ventilation in 6 companies. One company used a contained system and two companies used a partly contained system. Table A8.22 shows the additional control measures used by the companies for maintenance work.

Table A8.22 Additional control measures used for maintenance work

Control measures Number of companies %no additional control measures 5 24‘permit to work’ system 6 29isolation of delivery lines 11 52purging the tanks and lines 9 43other 4 19not applicable 4 19 Three companies reported that RPE use was not applicable for maintenance work and five companies had incomplete information. Three companies reported that no RPE was used during maintenance. The most frequent type of RPE to be used was full facepiece with airline in five companies, half mask with disposable filter (3 companies) and disposable half mask respirator (3 companies). Hood or visor with airline was used by two companies and powered air filtering respirator and full facepiece with disposable filter by one company each. Information on maintenance tasks was available from both the telephone and postal questionnaires for two companies. In both of these, there was full agreement where data were available. For one company ventilation and RPE use were reported on both questionnaires. The other company reported that RPE was not used on both questionnaires and did not provide information on ventilation. Eye protection and gloves were each reported to be worn by sixteen companies for maintenance tasks and boots by 13 companies. Nine companies reported the use of overalls and two companies said that aprons were worn. Equipment and training Advice from manufacturers of the mixing or application equipment is summarised in Table A8.23. Most reported ‘other’ advice was in-house training or on-site training by equipment manufacturer. Training for equipment operators is shown in Table A8.24. The most frequently reported training was in-house, followed by training from the supplier or manufacturer. The two companies reporting ‘other’ forms of training were ISO 9002 procedures and chemical handling courses.

Table A8.23

Advice provided by manufacturers of mixing and/or application equipment

Advice provided Number of companies %no advice 0 0marketing leaflet 2 10detailed manual 13 62personal or telephone advice from technical expert 12 57video 1 5other 5 24


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Table A8.24 Training for operators of mixing and/or application equipment

Advice provided Number of companies %no training 0 0from the supplier or manufacturer 14 67in-house training 18 86don’t know 0 0other 2 10 Eighteen companies provided information on when local exhaust ventilation was last checked. For sixteen of these companies LEV was checked less than 1 year ago, one company had never had it checked and one company had checked it between 1 and 5 years ago. Checking of RPE is shown in Table A8.25. The three companies reporting ‘other’ intervals for RPE checking reported bi-monthly testing, daily testing by user and disposable half-masks used. Face-fit testing of RPE was reported by only two companies of the 16 who responded to this question.

Table A8.25

Frequency of testing of RPE

Frequency Number of companies %never examined/tested 5 24weekly 4 19monthly 3 14annually 2 10less often than annually 3 14other 3 14 Sixteen companies responded to the question on training of RPE wearers. Of these, 11 companies provided on the job training by an authorised person, four companies reported using a video and four companies reported using written instructions. Three companies reported using training by the equipment manufacturer. Three companies did not provide any RPE training. Frequency of cleaning of RPE is shown in Table A8.26 for the 14 companies which responded to this question. One of the companies using other frequencies of cleaning used disposable RPE, one responded that it was the responsibility of the user, one company cleaned them as required and one company replaced the RPE when necessary. Five companies reported that a written record of how often RPE is examined/tested was kept and 14 companies reported that supervisors checked that the protective equipment was being used properly.

Table A8.26 Frequency of cleaning of RPE

Frequency Number of companies %never cleaned/disinfected 3 14after each use 3 14once a day 3 14once a week 1 5once a month 0 other 4 19


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Table A8.27 shows the ways in which isocyanate chemicals or formulations were used by these companies. Four of the five companies reported used isocyanates for painting items.

Spills or leaks Thirteen of the 21 companies had no significant spill or leak, four companies had a spill or leak every three to four months, three companies once a year and one company reported one major contained spillage in the last 10 years. Clean up procedures usually involved the use of an absorbent material such as granules, sand, sawdust or other inert powder. Fourteen companies reported the use of additional protective equipment during the clean-up procedure. These included boots, overalls, gloves and RPE. Air monitoring and health surveillance Air concentrations of isocyanates had been measured in 16 companies (76%). Regular medical examinations were carried out in 14 companies. These tended to be held at six monthly intervals and included lung function testing. Two companies carried out their medical examinations annually. For five companies isocyanate emissions were controlled using filtration by activated charcoal and by two companies these were controlled using water or other wet chemical scrubbing. Six companies reported other means of control – two of these used LEV and four reported that their emissions were too low to need control.

Emissions are usually monitored annually (6 companies) or monthly (5 companies). One company reported monitoring emissions continuously and one company monitored emissions less often than annually. The remaining 8 companies did not provide information on frequency of monitoring. A8.6 Painting (brush or roller) A8.6.1 Use of isocyanates There were five companies that used isocyanates by painting with a brush or roller. Two of these were in the engineering sector and three from industrial protective coatings. Four companies provided information on what sort of work they did – building maintenance, coatings supply and application, sheet metal company doing their own painting and various industrial services. Two companies were members of a trade organisation, one of the BRMA and one of the Institute of Corrosion

Table A8.27

Distribution of how companies use isocyanate chemicals or formulations. Each cell contains numbers and percentage.

Use of isocyanates Number % Manufacture formulations using or containing isocyanate chemicals

1 20

Uses isocyanate coatings for painting items

4 80

Carries out a service or manufacturing process, which uses isocyanate formulations as a consumable item

1 20


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A8.6.2 Job Details The distributions of total number of employees in companies, number of employees directly exposed to isocyanates and number of employees indirectly exposed to isocyanates are shown in Table A8.28 below. Most of the companies had fewer than 100 employees and fewer than 10 employees directly exposed to isocyanates. None of the companies had any employees indirectly exposed to isocyanates

Table A8.28 Total number of employees, number of employees directly exposed to isocyanates and number of employees indirectly exposed to isocyanates. Each cell contains numbers

and percentage of column total.

Total employees Directly exposed Indirectly exposed Size group Number % Number % Number %

1 to 9 1 20 4 80 0 0 10 to 50 20 0

0 0 0

1 1 20 0 51 to 100 2 40 0 0 0 0 101 to 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 251 to 500 0 0 0 500 + 1 20 0 0 0 0 Total 5 5 0 Seven jobs were reported by the five companies with this pattern of use. Two of these were tradesman with one each of craft operations, fitter, labourer and painter. One job description was missing. Task descriptions included brush painter, brush application, mixing and spraying. Six of the seven jobs were categorised as application and one as mixing. RPE and ventilation was used in all seven jobs, with general ventilation being used in four, LEV in one and two being carried out outdoors. RPE was worn by 100% of workers in each job. A8.6.3 Postal questionnaire results Only one of the five companies completed a postal questionnaire. This was an industrial protective coating company, which also carried out paint spraying. Results from this postal questionnaire are therefore included in section A8.7 - Painting (Spray). A8.7: Painting (spray) A8.7.1 Use of isocyanates The paint spraying process was reported to be used in 79 companies. Twenty seven (34%) of these companies were vehicle manufacturers, 24 (30%) did SMART repair work, 14 (18%) were in the industrial protective coatings sector, six (8%) were in the aerospace and military sector, three (4%) were in the construction/demolition industry, two (2%) were in the rubber manufacturing industry, one was in the coatings and formulations manufacturing industry, one was in the electrical and electronics industry and one was in the engineering sector. Results for companies from all sectors are included in the sections below. In addition, results are shown separately for SMART repairers in section A8.7.4. Forty three companies reported being a member of a trade association. These included the Automotive Trade Association, the British Rubber Manufacturers Association, the Engineering Employers Federation, the Federation of Small Businesses, the Institute of Motor Manufacturers and the Paint and Powder Finishing Association.


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Table A8.29 shows the distribution of how companies reported using isocyanate chemicals or formulations. The majority of companies (74 companies; 94%) reported that they use isocyanate coatings for painting items. Of these companies fourteen (18%) also reported that they carried out a manufacturing process which uses isocyanate chemicals or formulations to produce finished products.

Table A8.29 Distribution of how companies use isocyanate chemicals or formulations. Each cell

contains numbers and percentage. Use of isocyanates Number % Manufactures formulations using or containing isocyanates chemicals

7 9

Uses isocyanate coatings for painting items

74 94

Carries out a manufacturing process which uses isocyanate chemicals or formulations to produce finished products

14 18

Carries out a service or manufacturing process, which uses isocyanate formulations as a consumable item

7 9

Other work involving the use or manufacture of products containing isocyanates

10 13

The distribution of number of employees in companies, number of employees directly exposed to isocyanates and number of employees indirectly exposed to isocyanates are shown in Table A8.30. Company size ranged from 1 to 5500 employees with most companies having between 1 and 50 employees (47 companies; 60%). One company did not give details on the size of their company or on the number of employees in their company who were directly exposed to isocyanates. Most companies (54 companies; 69%) reported that between 1 to 9 employees were directly exposed to isocyanate chemicals or formulations. Five companies did not give details on whether they had any employees who were indirectly exposed to isocyanates. Seven companies reported that they did have employees who were indirectly exposed to isocyanates.

Table A8.30

Total number of employees, number of employees directly exposed to isocyanates and number of employees indirectly exposed to isocyanates. Each cell contains numbers

and percentage of column total.

Total employees Directly exposed Indirectly exposed Size group Number % Number % Number %

1 to 9 24 31 54 69 6 86 10 to 50 23 16 1 51 to 100 9 0

3 0

29 20 14 7 2 3 0

101 to 250 4 5 3 4 0 0 251 to 500 4 1 1 0 0 500 + 17 22 2 3 0 Total 78* 78 7 *One company had missing data for this table


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A8.7.2 Job Details Seventy nine companies gave information on 98 jobs. The majority of these companies (65 companies; 81%) reported one job title involving exposure to isocyanates, with a maximum of four reported jobs. Examples of job titles were aircraft sprayers, commercial and private vehicle finishers, fabricator, industrial painters, maintenance engineer, paint sprayers, top coat sprayers and vehicle refinishers. Ninety seven task descriptions were reported by the 79 companies. For most of these companies (66 companies; 82%), one task description involving exposure to isocyanates was reported and the maximum number of tasks reported was four tasks. Task descriptions reported included blasters/painters, etch coating, paint mixing, painting steel structures, spraying cars and spraying glue. Table A8.31 shows the distribution of RPE and ventilation use by task category. RPE and ventilation controls were not reported to have been used for the task of supervising. For one job no information on either the use of ventilation or the use of RPE was given. No information on the use of ventilation controls was given for six jobs. However, RPE was reported to be used for all of these jobs. Details on the use of ventilation controls and RPE use were reported for 92 jobs. For the majority of these jobs (85 jobs; 92%), ventilation controls were reported to be used in combination with RPE. The types of ventilation reported to be used most often were LEV (52 jobs) followed by contained ventilation (28 jobs).

Table A8.31 Distribution of RPE and ventilation use by task category. Each cell contains numbers and percentage of row total. Percentages shown in brackets are based on five or less.

RPE and Ventilation Use Task Category

RPE = No & Ventilation = No

RPE = No & Ventilation = Yes

RPE = Yes & Ventilation = Yes


Application 0 0 3 4 70 96 73 Cleaning 0 0 0 0 4 (100) 4 Mixing 0 0 3 (100) 3 3 Mixing and application 0 0

0 0

(100) 0 0 6 100 6

Supervising 0 0 0 0 0 Other 1 (33) 0 0 2 (67) 3 Total 1 6 85 92 A8.7.3 Postal questionnaire results Of the 79 companies that participated in the telephone interview 17 companies, including two SMART repairers, completed postal questionnaires. The postal questionnaires for SMART repairers differed from those used for the other companies (see appendices 6 and 7) and, where applicable, results are presented separately for the companies carrying out SMART repairs, both in the section below and in section A8.7.4. Pattern and nature of work Most companies (9 companies including one SMART repairer; 53%) reported using between 1 and 100 litres of materials containing isocyanates per month. One company reported using 0.07 litres of materials containing isocyanates per month and one company, a SMART repairer, reported using 250 litres of materials containing isocyanates per month. Four (23%) companies reported using more than 1000 litres of materials containing isocyanates per


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month. Two companies did not give details on the quantities of materials containing isocyanates used.

The type of work involving isocyanate chemicals or formulations that was reported included car body repairs and repaints, application of coatings, coating application on ships and rigs, painting sports cars, paint spraying of small aerospace components, painting floor coverings, and respraying of yachts. The two SMART repairers reported using isocyanates to repair stone chips, minor scratches and scuff damage to paintwork. Six (35%) companies, including both SMART repairers, reported that isocyanate chemicals and formulations were used every day. A further four (24%) companies reported that isocyanates were used 2 to 3 times per week. One (6%) company reported that isocyanates were used approximately once per week and six (35%) companies reported that isocyanates were used less than once per week. Isocyanates were reported to be used for more than 7 hours a day by two (12%) companies, for 5-7 hours a day by four (24%) companies, for 3-4 hours a day by three (18%) companies, for 1-2 hours a day by three (18%) companies and for less than 1 hour a day by three (18%) companies. The two SMART repairers carried out paint jobs using isocyanates for 30 to 35 hours per week.

Information on the delivery of isocyanates was not collected for the SMART repairers. Of the other 15 companies, 12 reported that isocyanates were delivered to their company by cans or bottles. Three of these 12 companies also reported that drum containers were used to deliver isocyanates to them. One company reported that isocyanates were delivered via bulk tanker and transferred to holding tanks as well as via intermediate bulk containers. Another company reported that isocyanates were delivered to their company via drum containers and via large totes that are piped to the area. Drum containers were the only means of delivering isocyanates to one company. Mixing Information on mixing processes was not collected for the SMART repairers. Of the other 15 companies, 11 (65%) reported that isocyanate chemicals or formulations were mixed together or with other substances. The quantities of isocyanates that were reported to be mixed together included ‘0.5 litres per mix’, ‘10ml per batch’ and ‘1 part paint to 2 parts thinners’. All 11 companies, plus one additional company which had reported that it did not carry out mixing, reported using manual pouring from a container to transfer isocyanates to the mixing vessel. Two of these companies also had isocyanates delivered via a pipeline and one company also used automatic pouring. Information on the use of ventilation during mixing processes was requested from all 17 companies although no information on ventilation controls was provided by one of the SMART repair companies. The other SMART repair company reported using indoor ventilation with LEV during the paint preparation process. Neither company had given information on the use of ventilation controls during the telephone interview. Amongst the other 15 companies, all reported using ventilation controls although only 11 had reported carrying out mixing. Ten of these 15 companies reported using one type of ventilation controls and five companies reported using more than one type of ventilation controls. The most frequently reported ventilation controls during mixing were open areas with no LEV but with general ventilation (6 companies). Five companies reported using open areas with LEV. Contained ventilation systems were reported to be used by four companies and similarly open area outdoors were reported to be used by four companies. Two companies reported using partly contained ventilation systems and one company reported using other types of ventilation controls.


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Four of the 15 companies that reported in the postal survey that ventilation controls were used had reported during the telephone interview that ventilation controls were used. Another company that reported in the postal survey that ventilation controls were used gave no information in the telephone interview on ventilation controls. One of the two SMART repairers reported that RPE was not worn during mixing and the other reported that full facepiece respirators with an airline, half mask respirators with disposable filters and disposable half mask respirators were worn during mixing. Both companies reported during the telephone interview that RPE was worn. Of the other 15 companies, 11 had reported that they carried out mixing tasks. Of these, two gave no information on RPE use, three did not use RPE and six reported that RPE was worn. None of the companies that did not use RPE had reported the use of contained systems. In addition, three companies which had not reported carrying out mixing tasks, reported the use of RPE for mixing. Six companies reported that one type of RPE was worn and three reported that more than one type of RPE was worn. Disposable half mask respirators were the type of RPE reported most often (5 companies). Half masks with disposable filters were reported to be worn by four companies and full facepiece respirators with an airline were reported to be worn by two companies. One company reported wearing full facepiece respirators with disposable filters and another company reported wearing hoods or visors with an airline. Three companies that reported during the postal survey that RPE was worn had reported during the telephone interview that RPE was worn. One company that reported during the postal survey that RPE was worn had reported during the telephone interview that RPE was not worn. Another company had reported during the postal survey that RPE was not worn yet had reported during the telephone interview that RPE was worn. During mixing, 14 companies reported wearing protective clothing. Two of these companies reported wearing only one item of protective clothing and the remaining 12 companies reported wearing more than one item of protective clothing. Nearly all companies reported wearing overalls and gloves (13 companies) during mixing. Eye protection (9 companies) and boots (8 companies) were also reported to be worn by the majority of companies. Three companies reported that other items of protective clothing were worn and two companies reported that aprons were worn. One company which reported carrying out mixing tasks said that no protective clothing was worn. SMART repairers were not asked specifically about protective clothing for mixing tasks. Application Both SMART repairers companies reported that isocyanates were applied by spray gun, with one also using a brush or roller. Both companies used high volume low pressure sprayers and one also used conventional compressor powered spray equipment. Of the other 15 companies, 13 companies reported that isocyanates were applied via being sprayed by hand. Of these 13 companies, five also reported that isocyanates were applied by brush or roller or some other hand tool, two reported that isocyanates were applied via spraying by automated system, and one reported that isocyanates were applied via injection using a fully automated system. The final two companies reported that a brush or roller or some other hand tool was the only method used to apply isocyanates. Examples of quantities of isocyanate chemicals or formulations that were used for application per hour or per batch included ‘less than ½ litre per batch’, ‘25ml per hour’, ‘approx 10 litre per hour’ and ‘between 20 – 50 gallons’.


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Both SMART repairers reported that 100% of their paint work was carried out in-house at a central factory unit or office. Eight of the other 15 companies reported that isocyanates were applied in a factory production area. Four companies reported that isocyanates were applied on an external site. One company reported that isocyanates were applied in laboratory spray booths. Another company reported that isocyanates were applied in customers spray booths and in lab spray booths and one company reported that isocyanates were applied in a factory production area and in a purpose built spray booth. In the main painting area the types of ventilation controls reported to be used by both SMART repairers were indoor ventilation with LEV and an enclosed paint booth with downdraft ventilation. During the telephone interview both of these companies had reported that ventilation controls were used. Amongst the other 15 companies, all reported using at least one type of ventilation controls, with two companies reporting that they used more than one type of ventilation controls. Seven companies reported that open areas with LEV were used. Four companies reported that contained ventilation was used, four companies reported that open areas with no LEV but with general ventilation were used, three companies reported that open areas outdoors were used and one company reported that other types of ventilation controls were used. Fourteen of the 15 companies that reported during the postal interview that ventilation controls were used had reported during the telephone interview that ventilation controls were used. The remaining company had given no details during the telephone interview on the use of ventilation controls. Both of the SMART repairers reported that RPE was worn when spraying paint. One of these companies reported that full facepiece respirators with an airline were worn and the other company reported that hoods or visors with an airline were worn. During the telephone interview both companies had reported that RPE was worn. Fourteen of the other 15 companies reported wearing RPE. Of these companies, eight reported wearing one type of RPE and six reported wearing more than one type of RPE. Full facepiece respirators with airlines and hoods or visors with airlines were the most frequently reported types of RPE worn during application, each reported by six companies. Powered air filtering respirators were reported to be worn in three companies. Two companies reported wearing full facepiece respirators with disposable filters, two companies reported wearing half mask respirators with disposable filters, two companies reported wearing disposable half mask respirators and one company reported wearing other types of RPE. RPE was reported during the telephone interview to be worn by 12 of the 14 companies that reported wearing RPE during the postal survey. The remaining two companies that had reported wearing RPE during the postal survey had reported during the telephone interview that RPE was not worn. For the company that had reported during the postal survey that RPE was not worn, this company had reported during the telephone interview that RPE was worn. One company gave no information on the use of protective clothing during application. For the remaining 16 companies, all but one wore more than one item of protective clothing. The majority of companies (15 companies) reported wearing overalls. Gloves (14 companies), boots (12 companies) and eye protection (9 companies) were also reported by most companies. Other items of protective clothing were reported to be worn by five companies and aprons were reported to be worn by two companies.


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Cleaning The cleaning method most frequently reported to be used for the mixing and application equipment was manual cleaning using solvents (9 companies; 53%). Three (33%) of these companies also reported that the mixing and application equipment was cleaned automatically. Two companies reported that the equipment was never cleaned and one company reported that some other cleaning method was used. The two SMART repair companies reported that the application equipment was cleaned in the mixing room. For the majority of other companies (7 companies; 46%) the mixing and application equipment was reported to be cleaned in the general work area. Five (33%) companies reported that the equipment was cleaned in a special cleaning area and one (7%) company reported that the equipment was cleaned in the spray booth. Information on use of ventilation during cleaning was not collected from the SMART repairers. Of the other 15 companies, one of the two companies which said they never cleaned the equipment reported that ventilation controls were not applicable to them, and one other company had missing data for this question. Eleven of the remaining thirteen companies reported using one type of ventilation control and two companies reported using more than one type of ventilation controls. The most frequently reported types of ventilation controls were open areas with LEV and open areas with no LEV but with general ventilation, reported by five companies each. Three companies reported using open area outdoors, two companies reported using contained ventilation systems and one company reported using a partly contained ventilation system. One of the companies that reported using ventilation controls during the postal survey had reported using ventilation controls during the telephone survey. No information on RPE use was provided by one company. One of the two companies which said that they never cleaned the mixing and application equipment reported that use of RPE was not applicable, as did one company which did carry out cleaning. Two companies reported that RPE was not worn during cleaning and ten companies reported that RPE was worn. Eight of these companies reported wearing one type of RPE and two reported wearing two types of RPE. Four companies reported wearing half masks with disposable filters. Similarly four companies reported wearing disposable half mask respirators. Full facepiece respirators with an airline were reported to be worn by two companies. One company reported wearing powered air filtering respirators. One company reported the use of RPE for cleaning in both the postal and the telephone questionnaire. Both SMART repairers reported that RPE was used during cleaning, but information on type of RPE was not collected. One company gave no information on the use of protective clothing and thirteen companies reported that protective clothing was worn. The company which did not report the use of protective clothing, did not carry out cleaning of the equipment. All 13 companies reported wearing at least two items of protective clothing. Overalls were reported to be worn by all companies. Ten companies reported wearing boots and ten companies reported wearing gloves. Eye protection was reported to be worn by nine companies, other protective clothing by four companies and aprons by one company. Sampling Information on sampling was not collected from the SMART repairers. Four (24%) companies reported that samples were collected from the process for quality control testing. Two of these companies reported that samples were collected every batch, one company reported that samples were collected hourly and one company reported that samples were collected once per shift. The sizes of samples reported to be taken by these companies were ‘100ml’, ‘1/2 litre’, ‘cup’ and ‘6 x 4 inch panel’.


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Ventilation controls were reported to be used by three of the four companies which carried out sampling and by one company which did not report carrying out sampling. One company reported using a partly contained ventilation system, one company reported using an open area with LEV, one company reported using an open area outdoors and one company reported using both a contained ventilation system and an open area with no LEV but with general ventilation. Three of the four companies which carried out sampling and one company which did not report carrying out sampling reported that RPE was worn. One company reported that only powered air filtering respirators were worn during sampling. The second company reported that only other types of RPE were worn. Both powered air filtering respirators and other types of RPE were reported to be worn by the third company. Half mask respirators with disposable filters and disposable half mask respirators were reported to be worn by the remaining company. All four companies which carried out sampling reported wearing protective clothing, as did two companies which did not report carrying out sampling. Of these six companies, all reported wearing at least two items of protective clothing. Five companies reported using eye protection, similarly five companies reported wearing boots, four companies reported wearing overalls. Aprons, gloves and other unspecified protective clothing were each reported to be worn by three companies.

Information on maintenance was not collected from the SMART repairers. One company reported that no maintenance was carried out on the mixing and application equipment. Eight companies reported that planned preventive maintenance was carried out, and in three of these breakdown maintenance was also done. Two further companies carried out breakdown maintenance, one in combination with other routine maintenance. Four companies reported that only other maintenance was carried out. Other types of maintenance reported include ‘daily clean up and maintenance’ and ‘sprayed equipment is cleaned on a planned quartech procedure’.


The one company which said no maintenance was carried out reported that use of ventilation controls was not applicable, and for one company ventilation data was missing. Thirteen companies reported using ventilation controls, of which seven reported using one type of ventilation control and six reported using more than one type of ventilation controls. Six companies used an open area with LEV. Five companies reported using an open area with no LEV but with general ventilation, four companies reported using open area outdoors, three companies reported using a partly contained ventilation system, two companies reported using a contained ventilation system and one company reported using other types of ventilation controls. Additional control measures for maintenance work were reported to be used by six companies. Five of these companies reported that a “permit to work” system was used, two companies reported that tanks and lines were purged, one company reported that delivery lines were isolated and one company reported that risk assessments and agreements within working areas were used as additional control measures. Information on whether RPE was worn was missing for four companies, while the company which did not carry out maintenance reported that it was not applicable. RPE was reported to be worn in eight companies. Of these eight companies, five reported that one type of RPE was worn and three reported that two types of RPE were worn. Half mask respirators were reported to be worn by five companies. Disposable half mask respirators were reported to be


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worn by four companies. One company reported that powered air filtering respirators were worn and similarly one company reported that full facepiece respirators were worn. No information on the use of protective clothing was given by three companies and the company which did not carry out maintenance reported that protective clothing was not applicable. Ten companies reported using protective clothing, all of which reported wearing at least three items of protective clothing. The item of protective clothing reported most frequently was gloves, which were worn by all ten companies. Most companies (8 or 9 companies) also reported wearing eye protection, overalls and boots. Aprons and other unspecified items of protective clothing were both reported to be worn by two companies. Equipment and training Details of advice received from the manufacturer and training on use of the equipment are summarised in Tables 8.32 and 8.33. The most frequently reported source of advice was a detailed manual. Other advice included technical data sheet and detailed training course organised by manufacturer.

Table A8.32

Advice provided by manufacturers of mixing and/or application equipment

Advice provided Number of companies %no advice 1 6marketing leaflet 5 29detailed manual 11 65personal or telephone advice from technical expert 8 47video 1 6other 3 18

Most companies had received in-house training on use of mixing and/or application equipment.

Table A8.33

Training for operators of mixing and/or application equipment

Advice provided Number of companies* %no training 1 6from the supplier or manufacturer 11 69in-house training 13 81don’t know 0 0other 0 0*One company had missing data for this question Both SMART repair companies reported that the localised ventilation was last checked by a specialist test organisation less than 1 year ago. For the other 15 companies, four companies gave no details on when the local exhaust ventilation was last checked by a specialist, two of which had not reported using LEV. Of the remaining 11 companies the majority (7 companies) reported that LEV was last checked less than one year ago. One company reported that the LEV was never checked. Three companies reported that the LEV was last checked between 1 and 5 years ago.


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The majority (11 companies; 65%) of companies reported that RPE users had not been face-fit tested. Two (12%) companies reported that RPE users had been face-fit tested and four (23%) companies reported that they did not know whether RPE users had been face-fit tested. Information on how often RPE was examined/tested was not given by one company. Of the remaining 16 companies, half reported that RPE was tested weekly. Three companies reported that RPE was tested monthly. Likewise, three companies reported that RPE was tested annually. One company reported that RPE was examined/ tested at the start of every morning and the final company reported that RPE was examined/tested before every use and monthly. On the job training by an authorised person was the type of training most often reported to be received by RPE wearers on how to use the RPE (12 companies; 71%). In addition training by the equipment manufacturer (7 companies) and written training (5 companies) were fairly frequently reported. Video training was reported to have been received by RPE wearers in one company and another company reported that other unspecified training had been received. One company reported that RPE wearers had received no training on how to use the RPE. One company reported that RPE was never cleaned/disinfected and one company reported that disposable respirators were used. Of the 15 remaining companies, eight reported that RPE was cleaned/disinfected after each use. RPE was reported to be cleaned/disinfected once a day by one company, once a week by two companies and once a month by two companies. Eight companies reported that a written record was kept of how often RPE was examined/tested. All 15 non-SMART repair companies reported that the “supervisor” checks that the protective equipment is being used properly.

Spills or leaks Approximately 70% of companies reported that they do not have any significant spills or leaks of more than 1 litre of materials containing isocyanates. One company reported that they have a significant spill or leak every month, three companies reported that they have a significant spill or leak once a year and one company reported that they did not know how often a significant spill or leak occurred.

The clean-up procedures that were reported to be used in the event of a significant spill or leak included isolating the area, and containing the spill with absorbent material such as sand or absorbent blankets. For one company a spill kit was reported to be used and one company reported that a spill team dealt with any such spills or leaks. Air monitoring, health surveillance and environmental controls

It was reported that the air concentration in the workplace was not monitored by seven (41%) companies, five (29%) companies reported that they did not know whether the air concentration was monitored and five (29%) companies reported that the air concentration was monitored. Two of the companies for whom the air concentration was monitored, reported that they were willing to provide a copy of the report/results. Regular medical examinations were reported to occur for employees in ten (59%) companies. The types of medical examinations reported by these ten companies included lung function tests, blood tests, skin tests, hearing tests and eye sight tests. Most companies reported that these tended to be carried out either every 6 months or annually.

Information on environmental controls was not collected from the SMART repairers. Eight companies provided information on the control of isocyanate emissions. Four companies


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used filtration by activated charcoal, of which one also used water or wet chemical scrubbing. Two other companies used water or wet chemical scrubbing, and one of these also used incineration. The other two companies used other methods: ‘empty containers are sent to relevant landfill disposal centres - cert retained’ and ‘dry filtration by exhaust’. Eleven companies provided information of the frequency with which atmospheric emissions of isocyanates were monitored. For the majority of companies (7 companies; 41%) atmospheric emissions of isocyanates were monitored less often than annually. Two companies reported that atmospheric emissions were monitored continuously and two companies reported that these were monitored annually. A8.7.4 SMART repairers Telephone questionnaire Twenty-four SMART repairers who reported using isocyanates participated in the telephone survey. Almost all of these were small companies, with 14 employing fewer than 10 employees and nine employing 10 to 50 employees. The final company employed 101 to 250 employees. Thirteen companies were members of a trade association, of which four were members of the VBRA, three of the MVRA and four of the RMIF. The SMART repairer companies used isocyanate coatings for painting items. Specifically, 2-pack polyurethane paints and lacquers were used on motor vehicles. One company also reported using a sealer containing isocyanates. Twenty-three of the 24 companies had fewer than 10 employees who were directly exposed to isocyanates, and only two companies reported having any employees who were indirectly exposed (fewer than 10 for one company, and an unspecified number for the other). Almost all of the SMART repairers reported just one task where isocyanates were used, with a total of 28 tasks across the 24 companies. Jobs were almost all paint sprayers, panel beaters or refinishers, with two owners and a heating engineer. Tasks involved spray painting and cleaning of equipment. Ventilation was used in all tasks, with 17 tasks where LEV was used, nine contained processes and one task carried out outside. RPE was worn by 100% of workers in all tasks. Postal questionnaire Only two SMART repair companies completed the postal questionnaire. One of these used 250 litres of material containing isocyanates per month and one used 35 litres. Isocyanates were reported to be used to repair stone chips, minor scratches and scuff damage to paintwork. SMART paint work techniques were always carried out in-house at a central factory unit or office. The two companies used isocyanates every day and for a total of 30 to 35 hours per week. One of the companies reported using indoor ventilation with LEV during the mixing process, but said that no RPE was worn. The second company did not provide any information on ventilation but reported use of RPE. Both companies had reported using RPE for mixing tasks on the telephone questionnaire but had not provided any information on ventilation. Both companies reported that isocyanates were applied by spray gun, with one also using a brush or roller. Both companies used high volume low pressure sprayers and one also used conventional compressor powered spray equipment. One company had received advice on the use of the spray equipment from a marketing leaflet and detailed manual and the other


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company received personal or telephone advice from a technical expert at the supplier or manufacturer. In both companies, operators had received in-house training on how to use the spray equipment and in one company training had also been received from the supplier or manufacturer. The company that also used brush application of paints reported that hood or visor with airline was used during this work. The companies reported the use of ventilation controls and RPE during application tasks on both the postal and telephone questionnaires. One company used indoor ventilation with LEV and one used an enclosed paint booth with downdraft ventilation. RPE worn was a full facepiece respirator with an airline in one company and hood or visor with airline in the other. Application equipment was cleaned in the mixing room and both companies reported the use of RPE during this task. In one company automated cleaning equipment (an enclosed solvent machine) was used. Information on the type of RPE and on ventilation controls during cleaning was not collected. RPE was checked annually in one company and monthly in the other, and localised ventilation was checked less than one year ago in both companies. Neither company reported face-fit testing of RPE, one company reported that it did not take place and the other did not know whether or not it happened. Both companies provided training in the use of RPE, one company provided on the job training and written instructions and the other provided training by the equipment manufacturer. RPE was cleaned after each use in one company and once a month in the other. Both companies reported that there had never been a significant spill or leak of isocyanates. Neither company had carried out air monitoring, although one of these did not know if it had ever been done. Both companies carried out employee medical examinations. One company did once a year breathing tests and the other did lung function, blood and hearing tests but did not specify how often these were done. A8.8 PU Spraying A8.8.1 Use of isocyanates Seven companies used isocyanates in PU spraying, all of which were in the Rigid Foam sector. Three companies provided information on what sort of work they did, all of which were concerned with industrial and domestic insulation service. All seven companies were members of a trade organisation, four were members of the British Urethane Foam Contractors Association (BUFCA), one was a member of the British Rubber Manufacturers Association (BRMA) and one was a member of the Engineering Employers Federation. The final company did not provide information on the trade association name. Table A8.32 shows the ways in which isocyanate chemicals or formulations were used by the companies. Five of the seven companies reported using isocyanates to produce a finished product. Three of these described the finished product as insulation services, one as insulation of wall cavities, and one as polyurethane. The formulation manufactured using isocyanate chemicals was polyurethane foam components and the coatings used for painting items were 2-pack polyurethane paints and polyurethane protective coating. The two companies using isocyanates as a consumable item both described this as roof, wall or cavity insulation.


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Table A8.32 Distribution of how companies use isocyanate chemicals or formulations. Each cell

contains numbers and percentage. Use of isocyanates Number % Manufacture formulations using or containing isocyanate chemicals

1 14

Uses isocyanate coatings for painting items

2 29

Carries out a service or manufacturing process, which uses isocyanate chemicals or formulations to produce a finished product

5 71

Carries out a service or manufacturing process which uses isocyanate formulations as a consumable item

2 29

A8.8.2 Job details The distributions of total number of employees in companies, number of employees directly exposed to isocyanates and number of employees indirectly exposed to isocyanates are shown in Table A8.33 below. More than half of the companies had fewer than 10 employees and all had fewer than 10 employees directly exposed to isocyanates. One company had employees indirectly exposed to isocyanates.

Table A8.33 Total number of employees, number of employees directly exposed to isocyanates and number of employees indirectly exposed to isocyanates. Each cell contains numbers

and percentage of column total.

Total employees Directly exposed Indirectly exposed Size group Number % Number % Number %

1 to 9 4 57 7 100 0 0 10 to 50 1 14 0 0 1 100 51 to 100 1 14 0 0 0 0 101 to 250 1 14 0 0 0 0 251 to 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 + 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 7 7 1 Ten jobs were reported by these seven companies. Four of these were operatives or polyurethane operatives, five were some kind of sprayer or sprayer’s assistant and one was a labourer. Eight of the task descriptions associated with these jobs were spraying, one was casting and one was foam filling. Eight of the ten jobs were categorised as application, one as a combination and one as a process task. All ten jobs used ventilation of some kind, and all except one application task reported the use of RPE. The most commonly used ventilation was working outdoors (5 companies) followed by LEV (4 companies). Where RPE was worn, it was worn by 100% of workers in each job. A8.8.3 Postal questionnaire results Two of the five companies completed the postal questionnaire.


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Pattern and nature of work One company used 2 tonnes of material containing isocyanates per month and one company used 5 tonnes per month. In both companies isocyanates were used for spraying foam on a daily basis. One of the companies used the isocyanates for more than 7 hours a day and the other used them for 5 to 7 hours. Isocyanates were delivered using drum containers in both companies. Mixing One of the two companies reported mixing isocyanate chemicals or formulations, in 3% to 12% quantities per batch. The isocyanates were transferred to the mixing vessel by manual pouring from a container or were dispensed from a machine. Mixing was carried out in an open area with LEV. A full facepiece with airline or full facepiece with disposable filter was used when working on mixing tasks. Protective clothing worn when mixing consisted of eye protection, overalls, boots and gloves. This protective clothing was reported by both companies even though only one had reported carrying out mixing tasks. Application Both companies reported using isocyanates in hand spraying, one company also poured them by hand and the other company also used them by injection with some manual involvement. No information was provided on quantities of isocyanates applied. In one of the companies the application took place in a factory production area, in the other company it took place both on an external site (tanks and vessels ducting) and in empty industrial buildings and roof spaces. One company provided information on ventilation used for application tasks, but not RPE. This company reported that application was carried out in an open area with LEV. In the telephone questionnaire this company had also reported that ventilation was used, but that the type of ventilation varied, and that 100% of workers used RPE. The second company provided no information on ventilation and reported that no RPE was worn for application tasks. This was consistent with the telephone questionnaire where it was stated that RPE was not worn, although in the telephone questionnaire it had been stated that LEV was used for the application tasks. Overalls were worn for application tasks in both companies, but no other protective clothing was worn. Cleaning The mixing and application equipment was manually cleaned using solvents in both companies, with one company reporting that they used disposable containers. Cleaning took place in the general work area in both companies. Information on ventilation used during cleaning was reported by only one company which used an open area with LEV and some other unspecified type of ventilation. The second company was the only one to report use of RPE for cleaning tasks. In this company a hood or visor with airline was used. Workers in both companies wore eye protection while doing cleaning tasks, while workers in one company additionally wore overalls.


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Sampling Neither of the two companies reported collecting samples for quality assurance testing purposes, although both provided some information on ventilation and RPE used for sampling tasks. One company reported that a contained system was used for sampling tasks, while the other company did not provide any information on ventilation. Both companies used powered air filtering respirators for sampling tasks. Both companies reported that eye protection and an apron would be worn during sampling tasks. Maintenance One company carried out breakdown maintenance and the other company carried out planned preventive maintenance. Information on ventilation controls used was provided by one company which used an open area with LEV. As an additional control measure for maintenance one company used isolation of delivery lines, the other company reported that additional control measures were not applicable. One company said that the use of RPE was not applicable for maintenance tasks while the other gave no information on RPE use. Eye protection was used for maintenance tasks in one of the companies while the other company reported that protective clothing was not applicable for this task. Equipment and training Advice from the manufacturer of the mixing and/or application equipment had been received in the form of a detailed manual in both companies and additionally in a marketing leaflet and in the form of personal or telephone advice from a technical expert in one of the companies. Equipment operators received in-house training in both companies. In one company LEV was last checked less than one year ago and in the other it was never checked. RPE was examined or tested weekly in one company and monthly in the other. Neither company carried out face-fit testing. In one company RPE wearers had received on the job training by an authorised person, in the other company training was by the equipment manufacturer and by written instructions. RPE was cleaned once a week in both companies. Neither company reported that a written record was kept of how often RPE was examined or tested, whereas in both companies the supervisor checked that the protective equipment was being used properly. Spills or leaks Neither of the companies had experienced a significant spill or leak. In the event of a spill or leak, it would be cleaned up by containing the spill with sand. No additional items of protective clothing would be used during the clean-up. Air monitoring, health surveillance and environmental controls One of the companies monitored the air concentration of isocyanates. The same company carried out regular medical checks of employees comprising twice yearly general health, lung function and urine tests. No information was provided on the control of isocyanate emissions, although one company reported that they were below the regulation requirements. The same company reported that emissions were monitored annually.


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Appendix 9: Detailed observations from site surveys Company 1 Brush and roller painting in commercial ship repair dockyard The roller application of the paint was monitored on two consecutive days. On day one, two painters were involved in this task, whilst on day two there were four. Painters worked in pairs on different mobile platforms. In each case, one operator was responsible for moving the platform into position and so consequently carried out less roller application. Two sizes of long handled rollers were used to apply the coating, with the smaller roller being used at the seams and edging and the larger roller for all other areas. For each batch of coating, 17.5 litres of Hempel Hempathane Topcoat 55219 (weatherwork grey) was mixed with 2.5 litres of isocyanate curing agent (Hempel Durcisseur 95370). The isocyanate present in the curing agent was HDI, hexamthylene-1,6-diisocyanate. On the first day of sampling, one batch of coating was mixed prior to sampling and approximately 18 litres of product was applied. On the second day, three batches of paint were mixed, with only one being mixed during the sampling period. The curing agent was poured into the topcoat drum and stirred using a long stick to achieve an even consistency. This task lasted approximately two minutes and the mixture was then poured into the roller trays. The hull of the ship was uncovered, and apart from protective clothing, the painters had no physical protection from the elements. On both days of sampling the wind was gusting in varying directions. No respiratory protective equipment was worn. Most of the painters wore either a face visor attached to their hard hat or safety glasses. Cotton overalls were worn over their personal clothing and rigger-type gloves were also worn. Some painters also wore overcoats or high visibility jackets for part or all of the sampling period. One painter wore a Tyvek coverall on top of cotton overalls and it was evident that this had been used on a previous occasion. This worker also wore spectacles, which did not include any side protection. One painter who was sampled on both days wore a cotton snood on the second day. The painters took occasional rest breaks on the platform in order to smoke. Tea breaks were taken at the dock bottom. No hand washing facilities were evident in any of these areas. It was noted that the hands and face and neck area of all the painters were splashed with small spots of paint at the end of the sampling periods and that the painters smoked, ate and drank without firstly washing their hands. The results appear to confirm the general observation that the operator of the platform tended to have a lower exposure to isocyanates than the second worker, although this difference is not obvious in the results for the team on platform 2. Company 2 Vehicle manufacturing - Vans The company produced light commercial vehicles using continuous automatic production lines. Spray painting of coloured and clear top coats or lacquers was entirely automatic, but manual spraying was necessary to correct defects and damaged areas which came to light during pre and post assembly stages. The paints used for this work were HDI based and the spraying work was performed in modern spray paint booths which seemed to be highly effective in controlling airborne matter in the worker’s breathing zone and in isolating others from the source of exposure. This company also used an MDI based adhesive and sealant for fixing the windscreen and other glazing units to the vehicle surrounds. Mainly this was


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applied by robot, but workers were required to manually fix the window to the frames and consequently were potentially exposed by skin contact and by inhaling vapours. These three areas are described in detail in the following sections. Spot Repair area A High Velocity Low Pressure (HVLP) spray gun system was used to apply pre-mixed base coat and top coat paint in the spot repair area. The average time for each spray job was approximately 2-3 minutes. Each painter wore an air-fed visor during spraying. This was worn at all times during the spray job but was removed during non-spraying activities. Lint free overalls and rigger boots were worn at all times and disposable vinyl gloves were worn during spraying. Spray application of paints was monitored on four occasions. Each spray job lasted only a couple of minutes with the remaining monitoring period being spent moving the chassis into the curing area and preparing the next item to be painted. The materials used on the day included both base coats and clear (top) coats. All coatings used contained aliphatic isocyanates and HDI. The hardeners used on the day of sampling included ICI Paints P210-832 2k MS Express hardener and P210-872. The two-part formulation was mixed into the spray gun pot each time. Approximately 100ml of paint formulation was applied in any one spray-painting task. One painter was also monitored during the cleaning of the spray guns at the end of the shift. This work was done using a special cleaning booth situated in the mixing area and incorporated LEV. Excess paint in the spray guns was firstly poured into a drum situated on the floor at the side of the extract booth. This was left open at all times and there was LEV applied to this area. The painter pressed a foot paddle, which sprayed Safety-Kleen thinners through the gun. The solvents were poured out and air was then blasted through the gun. The guns were then dried using paper tissues. Safety goggles and Ansell Edmont SolVex gloves were worn throughout this task as were lint free overalls. General assembly area In the general assembly area, paint repair jobs on completed vehicles were undertaken in a second designated spray booth. One painter was involved in the process at the time of survey. Designated production operators “masked” the vehicle, indicating the area to be painted. The painter then moved the vehicle into the spray booth, which was approximately 25 feet in length and incorporated down-draught ventilation. Before commencing spraying the painter ensured that all access doors to the spray booth were closed. A HVLP spray gun was used to apply the base paints and clear coats. These paints were pre-mixed in a separate area by an assistant. Once spraying was completed, the vehicle was moved into the curing area where it remained for approximately 15 minutes and the next vehicle to be painted was moved into position. The painter wore a compressed air fed visor at all times during spraying, although this was removed during non-spraying activities. Lint free overalls and rigger boots were worn at all times and although vinyl gloves were present in the spray booth these were not worn. The painter was monitored on two occasions. During the first occasion, one spray job lasting 2-3 minutes was undertaken, with the painter moving vehicles in and out of the spray booth for the remaining time period. During the second monitoring period the painter undertook two spray jobs, with each of these again only lasting a couple of minutes. As before, the remaining monitoring period was spent moving cars in and out of the spray booth. During each paint application, base coat paint was firstly applied, followed by a clear topcoat and very small quantities, for example, no more than 250ml were applied in total for each spray job. The coatings used on the day contained aliphatic polyisocyanate and HDI. The hardeners


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used included ICI Paints P210-790 2k Express hardener and P210-832 2k MS Express hardener. Glazing area Glazing panels were fixed to the window frames using an isocyanate adhesive/sealant (Dow Automotive Betaseal 1720). The operators applied an activator (Dow Automotive Betawipe VP 04604) onto the glazing panels using a special applicator and the adhesive was applied to the glazing panel by robot. The operators then lifted and pressed the panels into position. The adhesive contained 0.1 to less than 1% MDI. Four operators were monitored for three-quarters of the 06.00-14.00 shift and three operators were monitored for half of the 14.00-22.00 shift. During the first shift, two operators were involved in the assembly of glazing panels to the vehicles, one fixed mirrors and rubber beading and applied mastic activator to the windscreen, with the final operator being responsible for general maintenance of the robotic applicators and conveyor systems. During the second shift all the operators were involved in the glazing assembly as they rotated around the production line. The work is undertaken in the general workshop area, which was naturally ventilated. RPE was not worn. All operators used Ansell Picolon T10 or Stringknit gloves, which provided no chemical protection. During the glazing work, there was limited potential for dermal contact with the adhesive, but on one occasion a window was shattered and the operators cleaned up the broken glass and scraped the adhesive from the window frame. As a result, the worker’s arms were contaminated with the adhesive product.

All of the measured exposures from this workplace were very low and only one sample was above the LOQ. The airborne concentration for this sample was 0.03 mg/m3 and was obtained from one of the paint sprayers, taken over a 15-minute period Company 3 Modelling and prototype development This company specialised in the design and development of character and branded products, which involved moulding prototype models using various polyurethane resins. Casting of prototype moulds was carried out in a designated moulding shop. The two parts of each mould were secured using adhesive tape leaving an opening at the top through which resin could be poured in. Two part formulations are used, with the required polyol and isocyanate formulations being poured into a measuring jug by the casting technician and mixed together by simply swirling the products round the jug. The mix ratio for all the polyols / isocyanate formulations used was 1:1 (by weight). The amount of polyol / isocyanate mixture produced for each casting ranged from 30-250g depending on the size of mould being used. A small amount of acetone and colouring was added to the mixture and the technician used his (gloved) fingers and hand to manually mix the ingredients. Each mixing task lasted only a couple of minutes. Local extract ventilation was situated directly above the mixing area and was considered to be operating correctly.

After the urethane mixture had been poured into the mould the assembly was placed in a vacuum unit for a few minutes. In this enclosed process, the resin was degassed, thereby minimising the risk of imperfections due to bubble formation. Once completed, the mould was removed and left to cure in the general work area or in the curing oven at 700C for the


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required time period. During room temperature curing, the mould was left in an area where LEV was present. Again, the LEV was considered to be working correctly. Once the resin had set, the technicians removed the casts from the moulds and trimmed off any excess material. Two casting technicians worked in the moulding shop. Both casting technicians were monitored and separate personal samples were obtained for the morning and afternoon work periods. The isocyanate chemicals / formulations used on the day of the survey contained MDI and isophorone diisocyanate. The senior casting technician prepared three casting mixtures during the first sampling period (product mixtures used were 1, 2 and 3) with a total amount of 390g of isocyanate containing products being used. Two casting mixtures were prepared during the second sampling period (product mixture 4 used on both occasions), with a total amount of 460g of isocyanate containing products being used. The second casting technician prepared two casting mixtures during the first sampling period (product mixtures used were 1 and 2) with a total amount of 175g of isocyanate containing products being used. He prepared three casting mixtures during the second sampling period (product mixture 2 used on both occasions), with a total amount of 110g of isocyanate containing products being used. When not casting, both technicians prepared moulds for casting, or removed the cured moulds from their casts. No respiratory protection was worn by the technicians however a Sundstrom half mask respirator with P3 (210/310) and ABE1 (gas/organic) filters were available. Both technicians wore cotton overalls and disposable latex gloves. The gloves were worn throughout the mixing task and when dispensing the chemical resins. Occasionally the gloves were also worn when transferring the moulds from the vacuum unit to the curing oven. In all cases the airborne isocyanate concentrations were below the LOD. However, the company was recommended to revise their product handling procedures in order to eliminate the potential for dermal exposure. This could easily be achieved by using a spatula for stirring rather than the gloved fingers of one hand. Company 4 Composite panel manufacturing This company was involved in produced of block rigid foam panels for use as insulation units in construction. Part of the process also involved lamination of plywood to the foam panels using an isocyanate based adhesive. The latter work was done infrequently and took place in a separate warehouse area. Rigid foam production An automated enclosed production line was used to manufacture the rigid foam panels, with operators carrying out designated tasks along the line. At the top end of the process, rolls of aluminium-backed film were fed into the production conveyor. Polyol resin, isocyanate monomer and other additives were metered into the system from bulk storage tanks and intermediate bulk containers (IBC) to the application


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head. The mixture was sprayed from the applicator head at low pressure onto the lower film as it passed along the line. The isocyanate formulations used in the process was Huntsman Polyurethanes Suprasec 5005, containing 30-60% MDI. The polyol used was Huntsman Polyurethanes Daltolac R452, containing 0.1-1.0% MDI. Pentane was used as the blowing agent, which promoted the expansion of the foam to the required depth and density. Two operators were located at the chemical end of the process and occasionally entered the main enclosure to remove waste, to sample the foam, clean the spray head (using a compressed air jet), or to set up the line for a new product. The enclosure contained LEV however it was noted that the access doors to the tunnel and panel to the spray enclosure were poorly fitting. The foam cured rapidly as it moved along the conveyor system, where it then passed through an enclosed saw machine where it was cut to the required size. LEV was also present in this enclosure. An operator was positioned here to ensure that the correct specifications were met and blockages did not occur. The cut panels were then conveyed to the warehouse area where they were allowed to cool before being stored and packed for dispatch. Six operators worked on various sections of the production line on each shift and five were monitored on two shifts. The operators tended to spend the majority of their working period in the one area of the process during the sampling period though occasionally moved to other areas for short periods of time depending on how effective the line was working. During the first shift there was blockage in the saw machine occurred which ceased production for approximately two hours. All the operators were involved in clearing this blockage and setting the process running correctly again. The saw operator was heavily involved in clearing the blockage and spent a great deal of time removing foam from inside the enclosure of the saw machine. No respiratory protection was worn during normal production. However it was noted that a Racal air fed helmet was located at the top end of the production line where the polyol / isocyanate mixture was applied. This equipment was intended to be used for cleaning major spillages or for other major maintenance tasks. All the operators wore cotton overalls. The top end operators wore cotton rigger gloves during the survey. Disposable vinyl gloves were also available however these were not used during the survey. The saw machine operator on the first shift wore a disposable nuisance dust mask (Moldex 2405 FFP25) whilst working inside the machine during the breakdown period. The workers at the top end of the process where the chemicals were store and applied had significant potential for inhalation and dermal contact during cleaning of the spray bar and when clearing blockages within the production conveyor system. Two of the ten samples obtained from the block rigid foam production were above the LOQ, at 0.004 and 0.007 mg/m3, although these were for workers in downstream areas of the process (saw operator and material storage). Detailed inspection of the results showed that the measured isocyanate concentrations were based on suspected prepolyers, so it is likely that this was due to some unknown interference. Laminating Plywood panels of size approximately 2.4 m x 1.8 m were bonded to block rigid foam slabs using an isocyanate-based adhesive. The adhesive used was Paramelt Dynol U 462 S, which contained 25-50 MDI. Three operators were involved in this work, which was done only occasionally. The first operator placed the block rigid foam panels onto a conveyor belt. The panels were fed through an adhesive spray (approximately 1 metre in width) and then a water spray, which was intended to accelerate the curing process. The adhesive was metered into the spray head from a drum container situated next to the process. Two operators removed the coated panels


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from the conveyor while the adhesive was still wet, stacking them on a trolley and placing plywood on top. The plywood / rigid foam panels were stacked in batches of 16. After a batch was completed, the trolley was moved into one of three presses. All three presses were filled in approximately 16 minutes and the panels left to cure for approximately one hour. During this curing period, the operators carried out general warehouse duties and brought in more foam and plywood panels for subsequent use. The feeder operator covered up the adhesive spray heads when not in use. The process was naturally ventilated and the main warehouse doors were open at all times during the sampling period. No respiratory protective equipment was worn. Two operators wore cotton overalls, the other wearing a short-sleeved t-shirt and trousers. All three operators wore disposable vinyl gloves during the task. Two operators were monitored with the first feeding on the block rigid foam panels and the second removing the treated panels from the conveyor. During the sampling period two laminating tasks as described above were completed. The measured exposures for the laminating task were higher, at 0.008 and 0.012 mg/m3, but again these were assessed on the basis of suspected pre-polymers detected during the analysis, which may be due to some unknown interference. Company 5 Vehicle manufacturing - Cars This company was a major manufacturer of automobiles and used a continuous, highly automated production line process. Spray painting was carried out in which isocyanates were used in the clear coat or lacquer finish for car bodies and colour matched bumpers. In a second area, polyurethane foam was used in an injection moulding process to produce the rigid fascias for dashboard elements of the cars. Injection moulding Thermo plastic granules were fed into injection moulding machines where they were heated up to 220/2300C. The granules melted and moulded to form a “skin”, which was ejected, trimmed and placed into a press to cure. The skin was then placed onto a second injection machine, comprising a carousel of separate moulds. The polyurethane was injected into each mould, thereby making the rigid dashboard panel. The polyurethane products used were Bayer AG Desmodur (MDI) and Bayer Bayfill polyol resin. These chemicals were stored in drums in a separate storage area and transferred to the process by direct feeds. The injection moulding was an enclosed process and a high level of automation was used for the chemical transfers. Several operators were present in the production area, although only two were monitored on the day of survey. The first operator removed and trimmed the moulded “skin” liner and the second removed the cured product from the carousel. No respiratory protective equipment was worn. Lint free gloves and hearing protection were worn, with operators also wearing short-sleeved t-shirts and work trousers. Spray painting The bumpers and other car parts were sprayed with a various coloured coatings and clear lacquer in three spray booths. The parts were conveyed through the spray booths and the painters worked inside these booths. Only the clear top-coat contained isocyanates so the painters carrying out this work were identified for sampling. The main spray painting of car bodies was done in one of two continuous spray booths. The car bodies were conveyed through the spray booths at a speed of approximately 4.2 m/min


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and were painted by robotic units. Manual spray painting was done for areas where the robots could not reach. Again, conventional compressed air spray guns were used. Painters worked inside the spray booths continuously, only leaving for designated rest breaks. All painters were monitored during the survey on several occasions throughout their shift, monitoring only when they were spraying clear coats. The workers in the spray paint booths had no involvement in mixing or preparation of the paints. The paints were pumped directly to the spray booths from a remote chemical storage area. Due to time limitations it was not possible to include any air monitoring in this area, but the area was briefly inspected. The paints ingredients were supplied to the company in special purpose bulk containers, which had self-sealing connections enabling spill-free coupling and uncoupling of supply lines. However, there was evidence of some minor spills from the transfer points, so it appears in practice that total containment was not achieved. Nevertheless the system appeared to operate efficiently. Both main spray booths were approximately 38 x 6m in length and included down draught ventilation. Water scrubbers were situated under the spray booth floor to capture excess paint spray. The painters could only enter the spray booths through doors in the central corridor and these were kept shut at all other times. There was no significant paint odour in the central corridor, indicating a high level of containment in the booth. All the painters wore a Willson air fed visor when working in the spray booth. Lint free overalls and a hood (worn under the air fed mask) were also worn. Ansell Edmont Stringknit lint free gloves were worn beneath Ansell Edmont Solvex gloves. It was observed that the painters cut off the fingers from the Solvex gloves before use, presumably to aid dexterity or to prevent the hands becoming too hot. Ear plugs were also worn. The RPE was worn at all times in the spray paint, although workers would often raise their visor up to talk to each other. While the worker in question would not be spraying at this time, other workers in the area would still be spraying. The majority of the samples obtained at this site were less than the LOD. This was unexpected, given the nature of the tasks and probably indicates the high degree of control achieved by this particular company. While this company applied state of the art technology to the manufacturing process, it was noted that there was very high emphasis on production, and less so on occupational hygiene. There were some indicators that health and safety management was not given prominence. For example, it was very difficult to identify which paints contained isocyanates because the file of material safety data sheets for the company had not been updated since completion, more than 10 years prior to the date of survey. Company 6 Flexible foam manufacturing This company was involved in production of flexible polyurethane foam seat mouldings and other similar products. Five operators were involved in the process, each producing different components, e.g. arm rests, seat cushions, etc. The basic manufacturing process for each item was similar and is described as follows: The isocyanate chemical products used for the process included Polyol resin and Huntsman “Suprasec” 2028 containing 25% MDI. These were stored in IBCs on a rack system at one end of the work area. At the time of survey there was no direct feed from the IBC to the


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injection mould units and the operators were required to transfer the chemical from the IBC to drum containers and then use a siphon pump to transfer the chemicals to the holding tanks for the moulding units. The metal moulds for the various seat components were wiped with a release agent (Sonneborn and Rieck-Jaxa) before moulding began. The outer fabric of the seat component was placed into the mould and secured using metal screws and masking tape. The polyol and isocyanate were mixed automatically via the applicator head which was mounted on a boom over the workstation. The operators moved the application head into position and released the mixture until the mould was completely covered. This only took a few seconds to complete. The lid of the mould was closed and locked shut and the foam was left to expand and cure for approximately 20 minutes. The foam injection head was placed over a plastic waste bin and flushed with methylene chloride after use. The methylene chloride was dispensed automatically, although the reservoir for the moulding unit needed to be topped up occasionally. Once cured, the seat component was removed from the mould and stored on shelving near by. Respiratory protective equipment was not worn. Two operators wore disposable overalls (Tyvek suit and cotton overalls respectively). Comfit disposable latex gloves were available in the area and two operators were observed to wear these most of the time during foam application. Gloves were only worn by one operator during the decanting of products from the IBCs. There was no dedicated LEV for the various workstations, except for one which was used mainly to control exposure to a release agent that was sprayed onto one of the moulds. The area was generally well ventilated at the time of survey, although this was by leaving the outer doors to the building open. There were measurable airborne concentrations for this company, although exposures were below the MEL. This indicated that the level of control could be improved and it was recommended that the isocyanate delivery systems were improved and additional ventilation should be applied to the work stations. Company 7 Composite panel manufacturing This company manufactured structural steel wall and roofing panels insulated with polyurethane foam. These were manufactured on a purpose built production line. Large rolls of steel lining material were fed into the production line at the top end of the process and a polyurethane resin mixture was sprayed at low pressure onto the metal lining using a reciprocating spray bar as it passed along the conveyor system. The isocyanate component was Elastogran Lupranate M50 preparation, containing MDI, and the polyol was Elastogran Elastophor H 1131/5/0. A catalyst (Elastogran KX 958) was used in the process and pentane was used as the blowing agent. These formulations were piped to the metering and mixing area from IBC and bulk tanks. The quantity of each component used in the mixture depended on the specification of the composite panels being made at the time. The polyurethane applicator head was provided with local exhaust ventilation and an overhead fan provided some additional air movement in the general area. As the metal lining passed through and into the main tunnel the foam expanded to the desired specification. An operator supervised the spray application from a small open ended booth located next to the line and a second worker assisted from time to time. They were frequently in close proximity to the application heads carrying out additional inspections or adjustments to the equipment. The composite panels were formed as the two sections of metal lining material came together inside the tunnel. The line passed through an enclosed saw machine, which cut the composite


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panels to the desired size. An operator supervised the panels leaving the saw machine, periodically checking that they were to the correct specification and brushed away excess dust. Four operators were involved with moving the cut panels from the conveyor belt, stacking these up for removal by forklift truck. In the afternoon these men were also involved in “cutting back” panels. This involved using small powered saws to remove small sections of the metal and cutting back the polyurethane foam. This process was dusty and a moveable vacuum cleaner with flexi-ducting was used to clean up the dust. At the end of the shift the foam supervisor stripped the mixing unit and spray bar and left the components to soak in dimethyformamide (DMF) overnight. This task took approximately 15 minutes to complete. LEV was positioned below the spray application belt and both the foam expanding and saw areas were enclosed. It was noted that a draft from the overhead fan was disrupting the airflow around the foam application head thus affecting the effectiveness of the LEV system. Roof mounted fans were present in the general process area and these were switched on for a period of time during the afternoon shift. All operators wore company uniform of short sleeved t-shirts and trousers. The foam application supervisor wore safety glasses when working near the spray head. Disposable nitrile gloves were also worn during the cleaning of the application head. A full-face mask (ARCO filter A2B2E2K2) was present in the control booth, but this was not used as it was intended only for use when changing the isocyanate filter in the pipeline or in the event of an isocyanate spillage. All of the isocyanate concentrations measured for this company were less than the LOD for the method. Company 8 Chemical processing/manufacturing This company is a major chemical manufacturer, supplying polyurethane components and systems to end user companies. There was no isocyanate monomer production at the site, these being imported from producers outside UK. The process is therefore partly a repackaging operation, with some mixing and blending to produce formulations of the correct specifications for the end user application. Isocyanates are delivered to the site in bulk tankers and transferred to holding tanks. These chemicals may be transferred to IBCs or steel drums and then dispatched out to customers. At the time of survey an MDI product was being transferred into IBCs. One operator was involved with this work, which was usually carried out one day per week. The IBC was moved onto a floor level scale and a feed line was placed into the filler aperture at the top of the container. Local extract ventilation with flexible ducting was moved near to the opening and the MDI was delivered into the container. After approximately 5 minutes the container had been filled and the operator lifted the feed nozzle and placed the end into a small container to capture drips. A lid was then secured in place and the filled IBC was moved to one side. On the day of sampling 20 x 1250 kg IBCs were filled. The main loading door was left open during the process and the operator explained that it would normally be left open unless the weather was very cold. During this process the operator wore safety glasses, a hard hat and VVCount 3402 PVC gauntlets. The gauntlets were put on half-way through the task before the feed nozzle was removed. The operator also wore a fleece jacket, shirt and trousers.


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TDI pre-polymers were manufactured in a second area using two reaction vessels through which TDI monomer was reacted, with excess TDI being removed by vacuum stripping. The excess TDI and prepolmers were drummed off and moveable local extract ventilation was positioned over the fill points for the drums. The efficiency of these extraction points was considered to be very good, based on the results of smoke tracer tests. Two operators were involved in this process, which ran continually throughout the day. Both operators wore safety glasses, hardhats and white rigger type gloves. One of the operators also wore a cotton boiler suit. An air hood was present in the area for use during specific maintenance tasks or for dealing with spillages. Vicount superglove PVC gloves were also lying in the area though these were not worn.

Laboratory staff conducted a range of quality control tests on samples obtained from the site. MDI samples were used for foam testing and TDI samples were tested to ensure that the conditions in the TDI plant were correct. Some of the tests were carried out on an open bench whereas the others were tested in a fume cupboard or using small moveable local extract ventilation hoods.

One of the lab technicians was also responsible for disposal of waste material. This was done outside. Small 0.5l pots were opened and placed on a rack positioned over the waste container and left to drain while the technician returned to the lab. Once drained, the empty containers were placed in a black bag and disposed of in a skip. Approximately 100 pots were emptied during the sampling period. All the laboratory staff wore safety glasses, white lab coats and disposable Finex PF latex supergloves.

The sampling results showed that airborne isocyanate concentrations in the main production areas were all less very low. One of the samples from the MDI loading operation was quantified at 0.002 mg/m3, while the remaining levels were all less than the LOQ or the LOD. Company 9 Chemical Processing/manufacturing This company designed, developed and manufactured a range of polyurethane systems and ancillary products. Operators’ exposures to isocyanates were monitored during the blending and decanting of formulations in the production area and also product development / quality assurance (QA) testing in the laboratory area. An MDI formulation was prepared by mixing two different primary products together in a 200 kg drum. During the survey, Hyperlast 2875046 was mixed with Hyperlast 100. The primary products were stored on a rack system in the warehouse area and transferred to the dispensing area when required. The substances were dispensed from the 200 kg drum containers using a tap and funnel, with drums being handled using an electric truck / lifter. The secondary product container was installed onto a rotator and left for approximately 2 hours. It was noted that taps were changed from empty to full drums and this practice has the potential for skin contact. When decanting formulations, LEV was positioned and clamped onto the drum. It was noted that the positioning of the LEV hood was not ideal, although a basic smoke tube test showed that it effectively captured the smoke. The high level of air flow through the system seemed to compensate for the relatively poor positioning of the exhaust hood. Respiratory protective equipment was not worn during this task. An air fed mask was available, but was intended for tasks where the exposure duration exceeded 20 minutes, in accordance with the company’s own safety procedures. Eye protection, safety boots and a


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hard hat were worn, as were vinyl medical inspection gloves. Nitrile rubber gauntlets were provided but these were not worn. Laboratory staff conducted a range of QA tests on chemical samples obtained from the site. This work involved dispensing small quantities (approximately 100ml) of material into plastic beakers from applicator guns and testing the viscosity and curing rates. This was undertaken on an open bench, which was naturally ventilated. Respiratory protective equipment was not worn during this task. Eye protection, overalls and safety boots were worn, as were vinyl disposable gloves. The results of the isocyanate sampling procedure for this workplace were all less than the LOD. Company 10 Copper cylinder manufacturing This company manufactured various types of hot water storage vessels to trade, which are insulated in-house using polyurethane foam. Workers’ exposure to isocyanates was monitored during the preparation and spray application of the polyurethane foam onto the copper cylinders. Two operators were present in the spray area. One of these workers was in charge of the spraying process while the second worker assisted with the preparation and movement of cylinders to and from the area. Cylinder preparation involved drying-off the copper cylinders after they had been pressure tested. The cylinders were heated with propane flame until they were visibly dry. Next the open ends of the plumbing points were covered over using sticky tape. This was done to prevent the pipes being blocked by the polyurethane foam. Lastly, jigs were attached to the top of each cylinder so that it could be hung up onto the conveyor track. A semi-automated spray system was used to apply the polyurethane foam. This was located in an open-ended ventilated booth with a ‘water curtain’ type emission abatement system. The cylinders were moved into the spray booth by the conveyor and the operator set up the spray head to suit the dimensions of the cylinder. The cylinder was rotated in the booth while the spray gun applied the polyurethane foam, moving up and down a track, so that the surface was fully covered. The spraying took approximately 2-minutes to complete for each cylinder. For very small cylinders the operator removed the spray gun from the track and manually operated the spray gun. As the polyurethane was being sprayed, the operator usually moved away from the operating panel to do various other tasks. This included removing jigs and cutting the excess material from the plumbing points on coated cylinders. This was done using a knife and a hole-saw fitted to a portable drill. It was noted that both operators would occasionally stand close to the spray booth to watch the spray process. The spray booth was evaluated using a smoke tracer test and the air velocity across the face of the booth was found to be low and the enclosure not entirely effective. A Drager half-face mask respirator with A1B1E1K1P1 type 672 filter was present in the area, but was not worn. This appeared to be old and in poor condition. Overalls and safety boots were worn. North latex inspection gloves were also available though these were not worn due to dexterity requirements. (Part of the sprayers’ job involves


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applying sticky labels, which also stick to the gloves). Consequently the hands of the operator became visibly contaminated with foam. The assistant operator wore rigger-type gloves. The products used during the survey were Baxenden Isocynate 174 and Isofoam 558586H (green). The solvent Baxenden 1-methoxy-2-propanol was also used during the process to clean out the spray gun. This was applied using a hand-held applicator during pauses in production. On the day of survey a total of 65 cylinders were sprayed, equating to a spray duration of approximately 120minutes. Typically, three cylinders would be processed in a fifteen minute period, depending on their size.

Both short term and long term sampling was carried out in this workplace. In the majority of cases the results were below the LOD or LOQ. For one of the short term samples collected on the spray operator, an isocyanate concentration equivalent to 0.003 mg/m3 was measured. One of the long-term samples, measured over a half-shift period, collected from the assistant operator was 0.003 m g/m3. Company 11 Rubber manufacturing This company manufactures rubber tyres for automotive applications and were identified through the telephone survey of isocyanate users. However, when we arrived at the site we were informed that the company no longer used isocyanates at this particular site. The survey was therefore cancelled.

Company 12 Vehicle manufacturing - trucks This company manufacture a range of trucks, building up the bodies and fittings from engines and chassis supplied by other manufacturers. The truck bodies and chassis components are spray painted with epoxy-based primer paint at this location and then overlaid with polyurethane paint at a second depot at a different part of the country (see company 20). This only became apparent after having visited the first site and the company personnel were unaware of the significance of the differences between the epoxy and polyurethane paints. While on site, it was noted that workers were using polyurethane mastic to seal gaps in the truck container compartments and this task was monitored. The metal was firstly degreased using PPG WM295 Deltron Envirobase equipment cleaner and PPG DX310 D845 high strength degreaser. These were applied to the metalwork using cloths and manually rubbed clean. A team of 3-4 workers were involved with this work. T-Euro polyurethane sealer was used to fill in gaps in the bare metal hopper before the unit was painted. This mastic product contained MDI. The sealant was applied using a pneumatic powered applicator. After each bead of sealant was laid down, the operator used a cloth to wipe away excess material from the surface and smoothed across the sealed are. The nozzle of the applicator was also wiped using the cloth. Roof fans are in place where the tasks are undertaken although a pungent odour from the solvent cleaners was noticeable. Respiratory protective equipment was not worn, although 3M type 6941 (FFA1P2D) disposable respirators were available. The operators wore safety spectacles, Tyvek overalls, Mapa Professional nitrile gloves and safety boots.


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Sampling was carried out for the duration of a hopper sealing task. This took approximately two hours to complete from beginning to end. Approximately one 300ml tube of sealant was used by each worker. A total of six samples were collected for this task and all were less than the LOD. Company 13 Conveyor belt manufacturing This company manufactured rubber conveyor belts and manufactured isocyanate based adhesives for their own use in the process. Operators’ exposure to isocyanates was monitored during the manufacture of the polyurethane splicing paste Part A, one part of a two part adhesive product which is used to join conveyor belts together. The manufacture of the polyurethane splicing paste was carried out in a designated room, separate from the general work area. The process was infrequent, usually being carried out no more than once a month. Only one operator was involved in the process, with a second individual occasionally being involved in labelling and moving of the finished tins from the area. Two 25 kg drums of Castomer E 1007 were opened by the operator and poured into a large mixing vessel. These empty drums were left open in the room. A mixing head was then lowered into the vessel and various other ingredients were added to the isocyanate while the blender was operating. The mixture was then left for approximately 30 minutes to ensure uniform consistency. During this time the operator worked elsewhere in the building. On completion of the blending operation the operator decanted the formulation into 2.5 kg tins. This was done manually while sitting next to the mixer, by releasing product from the vessel using a release handle at the bottom of the mixing vessel. Once filled, each tin was placed in the centre of the room until the job was complete. The operator used a scraper and tipped the mixing vessel towards him in order to extract the remaining product from the vessel. The batch comprised a total of thirty 2.5 kg tins, with the entire procedure taking approximately 23 minutes to complete. A second batch of a different product was made later in the day. In this instance Castomer E 1007 was mixed manually with plasticizer and carbon black. Eighteen 2.5 kg tins were laid out in the centre of the room on vinyl sheeting. Approximately 1 kg of Castomer E 1007 was manually poured into each of these from a 25 kg drum. Some of the isocyanate product was spilled onto the vinyl sheeting and this was not immediately cleaned up. Once all the tins were filled, the operator systematically placed each tin onto a set of scales and added Hostaflam 810 and carbon black and more isocyanate to achieve the desired formulation. The mixture was stirred using a spatula while the various components were added. Each tin was then placed to one side of the room. Once all the tins were filled these were capped and labelled. LEV was present alongside the mixing head and the door to the room was left open at all times, thereby providing some general ventilation. Based on a smoke tube test; the LEV was considered to be operating correctly. However, it was noted that the LEV hood was not always placed in the ideal location to capture dust and vapours. The operator wore a boiler suit and disposable vinyl gloves during these tasks. A 3M type 9320 particulate respirator (FFP2) was worn during mixing but not while decanting.


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Sampling was carried out for the duration of each the individual tasks, each lasting from 15 to 30 minutes. Two of the six samples collected were above the LOD at 0.001 and 0.003 mg/m3. There was however, a significant amount of skin contact with the various chemical involved in the process and recommendations were made to improve the working practices and protective clothing provided.


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Company 14

This company code was not used as the original survey was postponed due to a plant breakdown. The company was revised at later reported as Company No. 23.

Three long-term exposure samples were collected (one for each worker) and a number of short term task-based samples were collected during the mixing operations. One of the long-term samples recorded an airborne concentration of 0.002 mg/m3, but all the remaining samples were less than the LOD or LOQ.

Not used

Company 15 Printing and Laminating The company produced laminated materials for applications in the construction and decorative industry. Operators’ exposure to isocyanates was monitored during mixing of the adhesive used and during the laminating process itself. The company formulates adhesive coatings in-house in order to meet the requirements of customers. The printed materials are manufactured using one laminating machine which normally runs continuously for at least 72 hours per week. One operator set up and supervised the machine, with a second person helping. The second operator was also responsible for mixing together adhesives as well as carrying out general warehouse duties. At the time of survey, the laminating adhesive was mixed in a side room near the laminating process. 80 kg of the main solvents were weighed and added into a large mixing vessel, with a mixing head being lowered into the drum and switched on. The isocyanate component was weighed out (3.6 kg of methylenebis (4-phenyl isocyanate)) and poured into the drum during mixing. The surface of the mixer was open to atmosphere. The addition of the mixture components took approximately 10-12 minutes, with the components then being left to mix for approximately 30 minutes to ensure uniform consistency. While the materials were being mixed the operator worked elsewhere in the building. Moveable LEV was present near the mixing head however this was not always suitably placed to ensure effective capture of vapours. No other ventilation controls were present. The operators wore a 3M half mask with a 3M type 6055 A2 disposable organic vapour filter cartridges. Safety goggles and disposable latex gloves were also worn during the mixing task. One of the operators also wore a boiler suit. On occasion it was noted that the operator’s gloved hands were contaminated with small spots of adhesive. Four batches of adhesive were mixed during the survey. Once mixing was completed a small quantity (approx. 20ml) of adhesive was removed for quality control purposes. This was taken to the lab area where it was weighed, heated and reweighed. This task lasted only a few minutes. The doors to the lab area were left open and the operator wore the same PPE as worn during the mixing task. The mixing head was then removed from the drum which was then sealed and moved to the laminating machine for use. Again it was noted that the operator’s gloved hands were contaminated with small spots of adhesive during this task.


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Company 16 Printing and Laminating This company was an industrial nameplate and logo specialist, manufacturing labels using a variety of processes including tufflex, graphic overlays and injection moulding. Applications include point-of-sale products, the automotive industry, industrial machinery and electronic equipment. In this particular survey, airborne isocyanate concentrations were monitored during the application of a resin onto various labels using a laminating machine.

The drums were changed approximately once per month, meaning that approximately 10 kg of each component was mixed each day.

LEV was provided next to the drip tray and at a point directly underneath. There was no local extract ventilation next to the application heads. A smoke tracer test was carried out at both LEV points, and this indicated that the extraction was not capable of effectively capturing vapours. This was brought to the attention of a maintenance operator, who checked the slot extraction and found that a panel had slipped out of position. This was rectified although it had limited impact on the efficiency of the extract. Local extract ventilation was also positioned near to the solvent cleaning area. Again this was found to be ineffective on the basis of the smoke tracer test. Extraction points were located at various points along the conveyor belt during the curing process and dilution ventilation was also present in the area, with air being introduced into the room from ceiling vents and extracted out at floor level near

The laminating process was carried out in a designated area using DEMAK label coating system technology. One operator was involved in the process, although a maintenance operator and a supervisor also entered the room during the sampling period to check on the process. The chemical components are fed directly from 200 kg drums to enclosed mixing vessels contained in the laminating machine. The chemicals used were identified as SE Special Engines Casting Resin LCR 540 and SE Special Engines DK 940-DK941 polyurethane resin hardener, which contained 1-2% isophorone di-isocynate.

The mixed formulation was dispensed onto sheets of polyester/vinyl labels using a fully automated application system. The number of applicator heads used was determined by the number of labels on the sheet. The operator placed the sheets on a panel which was then placed onto the conveyer belt. The applicator heads moved across the conveyer belt, dispensing the resin onto the surface of the labels. Once dispensed, the heads moved back over to a drip tray until the next panel moved into position. This drip tray contained the surplus resin. The coated labels passed through a series of heaters for approximately 25-30 minutes and were removed by the operator and then placed onto a cooling rack. The operator did not come into direct contact with either cured or uncured resin during this process. After each job the application heads were cleaned using an automated solvent flushing system using dichloromethane. The solvent was run through the heads into an enclosed container, and the heads were purged with air. This process was repeated twice on each occasion and took only a few minutes to complete. The operator placed a cover around the cleaning area to prevent splashes and worked away from the area during the cleaning operation. Once cleaned, the operator set up new label runs. This involved adjusting the number of application heads and the spacing of these in relation to the polyester/vinyl sheets. This task took approximately 5-10 minutes, with the operator testing the process to ensure the resin was being dispensed correctly. The operator worked close to the application heads and drip tray during this period. Cleaning and setting up the application heads was repeated seven times during the sampling period.


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the application and cleaning area. The air was filtered and re-circulated back into the room. The operator did not wear respiratory or personal protective equipment during the survey.

A total of three short term samples were collected, during cleaning of the applicator heads between production runs. One of these recorded an isocyanate concentration of 0.004 mg/m3. The long term sample collected from the laminator operator was less than the LOD. Company 17 Specialist insulation and moulding services This company carried out various custom moulding and coating services for industrial clients. The company activities involved casting, moulding and spraying of polyurethane onto a range of substrates e.g. steel, aluminium, etc. Operators’ exposure to isocyanates was monitored during spray coating and casting tasks. Two operators applied polyurethane coatings to various items using airless spray guns. Hyperlast isocyanate 7855185, containing 10-30% MDI, was used with Hyperlast 7980153 polyol (50:50 mix ratio). 25 kg drums of each component were attached to a mixing machine via tubing, with the resulting mixture being fed directly to the spray gun. Each sprayer used approximately 35 kg of each component during the monitoring period. Spray application was not continuous during the monitoring period as operators also moved items in and out of the spray booths. The operators each worked in one of two separate spray booths. Spray booth 1 was in a separate room and the item being sprayed was placed in the centre. One side of the room was backed with filters. The door was kept closed during spray periods although there was a window open to the other production areas. Spray booth 2 was located outside this room and was open-ended with filter units installed at the point of extraction. This booth was normally used for smaller items. Willson compressed air visors were worn by the operators during spraying, one of which also had a Tyvek hood attached, which covered the head. One of the operators was observed removing the mask in order to speak to another employee, but continued to spray the coating. Safety boots and Click 200 disposable vinyl gloves were also worn during spraying. One of the operators wore cotton overalls whilst the other wore a Tyvek suit. In the casting area, each operator worked at a separate casting work station, where the various chemicals were mixed together. Isocyanate pre-polymers were heated in a separate oven and decanted into measuring jugs when needed. At the workstation, 4,4-Methylenenbis-(2-chloranile) (MbOCA) was poured from a heated container via a tap into a measuring jug. The required amount of each component was weighed and mixed together with pigments if required. The resulting mixture was poured into the mould which was then left to cure either in an oven or on a hot plate. The length of the curing time depended on the system being used at the time. The pre-polymer chemicals used during the day of the survey all contained TDI. Each of the casting booths were provided with local exhaust ventilation. In two instances the extraction point was located at the top of the booth. These were considered to be adequate, based on a smoke-tracer test. The remaining two booths were fitted with filter units and one of these was deemed inadequate based on the smoke test. All the operators wore Tyvek suits, safety boots and heat resistant gloves.


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The measured airborne isocyanate concentrations were low, although one sample obtained from a casting operator was measured as 0.005 mg/m3. It was recommended that the LEV at the various workstations should be thoroughly inspected and repaired if necessary.

A range of printing and laminating machines was used on site. However, only one of the laminating machines was set up to use isocyanate-based formulations. The process operated 24-hours per day, with one operator per 8-hour shift.

Company 18 Aluminium casting This company produced aluminium castings used in the automotive industry. Airborne concentrations of isocyanates were monitored during the manufacture of resin bonded sand cores. The formation of the resin cores was achieved using two automatic moulding machines. One operator was present at each machine and the process ran continuously 24-hrs per day. The manufacturing process was fully automatic and semi-enclosed, with local extract ventilation also provided. A “tool” or mould was placed into the core making machine by hand, and the operator closed the machine doors using the control panel. A sand and resin mixture was fed into the tool under pressure from hoppers and enclosed pipeline. The resin used was a 50:50 mixture of Ashland Isocure X25MOD (50-60% diphenylmethane diisocynate (various isomers)) and Isocure X18 (phenolic resin). These were piped directly into the mixing chamber from a 100 kg IBC located close by. The wet mix ratio was <1% wet resin by weight with sand. Triethylamine was used as a catalyst and this was blown through to harden and cure the resin sand mixture. The catalyst was stored outside the production areas and fed into the machine via piping. Once the cycle was complete and the core formed, the doors of the machine were opened and the operator removed the cores from the tool by hand. Excess sand was brushed off and the operators placed the cores on a trolley for storage before being used in the aluminum casting process. This process was repeated continuously every couple of minutes throughout the shift. Occasionally the operators cleaned the tool using compressed air and sprayed Demotex A, a spray release agent on the tool. Both operators wore safety glasses, safety boots, hearing protection, trousers and a short sleeved t-shirt. Cotton gloves were also worn during the sampling period. Although Supertouch disposable nitrile gloves were available in the area, these were not used Both machine operators were monitored over the majority of their shift and both measured isocyanate concentrations were less than the LOD.

Company 19 Printing and Laminating This company manufactured printed film products i.e. printed and laminated cellophane, polypropylene and paper products for food wrappers.

The laminating process was carried out using a Simplex laminator machine. The laminating adhesive used was a 2-part formulation manufactured by National Starch & Chemical detailed below: Duro-Flex 945 Urethane adhesive containing approximately 35–50% MDI and DuroFlex C45 containing Polyester Polyol with no reported isocyanate content.


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The monitoring survey was designed to measure airborne concentrations during normal operations with isocyanate formulations and also during the worst case situation. The worst case situation was considered to be during the wash up period between different batch runs. Monitoring was carried out across two shifts. The two components of the adhesive system were supplied in 200 litre steel drums, which were stored near to the work area. One of each drum was installed on a drum rack near to the laminating machine and these were used to top-up the reservoir on the laminating machine when required. The drums on the rack were fitted with taps to enable the chemicals to be poured into the appropriate reservoir. This was done once during the morning shift. The two parts of the adhesive were pumped to the laminating machine via a mixing head, and this was dispensed into a reservoir in which the application roller sits. Two reels of film were loaded onto the machine and one of these was coated with adhesive as it made contact with the application roller. The two films were bonded together by being pressed through a nip roller system and then rolled onto a spool at the output stage of the machine. At the end of the batch it was necessary to change the application roller so the adhesive reservoir and the surface of the roller were thoroughly cleaned before being removed. This was done once during the afternoon shift. For this task, the operator wiped the excess and dried adhesive from the rollers using ethyl acetate applied using rags. Small containers of ethyl acetate were located next to the laminating machine. The rollers were dried off using clean rags and then removed from the machine. The wash up period took approximately 30 minutes to complete and the machine was then set up for the next run. During the wash up period the operator wore chemical protective gloves. However, it was noted that these gloves were left lying in the dirty area around the chemical reservoir for the laminating machine. No other protective clothing was worn. LEV was situated above the application roller and at the nip roller stage. The efficiency of the LEV arrangement was evaluated using a simple smoke tracer test and both hoods were considered to be operating correctly. All three samples collected from this survey, long-term and short-terms samples, were less than the LOD. Company 20 Vehicle manufacturing - Trucks This survey was the second site of the same company identified previously as number 12. At this location the truck bodies were spray painted with a polyurethane coating. This was done in a large down draft spray booth. At the time of survey two workers were involved with the preparation and paint application work on one new truck. All of the paint preparation, spraying and cleaning of equipment was done within the spray booth. The paint used for the work was PPG Fleet Delfleet HS4+1. This was a two-pack paint and the isocyanate was contained in the hardener component. The MSDS for the paint system indicated that the paint contained HDI. The mixing ratio for the two components was 4 parts topcoat to 1 part hardener.


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Preparation of the vehicle was done during the first half of the shift. The spray painting work was done in two separate sessions after the lunch break. The paint was mixed and dispensed into the pressure pots for the spray guns. The spray paint system was a Devilbiss HVLP arrangement. This mixing task took approximately 10 minutes to complete. The first spray coating took approximately 30 minutes to complete. The two operators worked independently on different parts of the vehicle and each used approximately 5 litres of paint. The second coat was applied approximately 1-hour after the first coat and this took 50 minutes to complete and the same quantity of paint was applied. The paint sprayers wore Devilbiss air-fed visors, Tyvek disposable overalls and Mapa Ultranitrile protective gloves during the spray painting. Lightweight latex disposable gloves were used for mixing and other paint handling tasks.

The total batch quantity of product being produced was 1783 kg, which comprised 110 kg of TDI.

The RPE was worn during the paint mixing work and at all time during spray painting. The extract ventilation for the spray booth was turned on during the spray painting work and was left on for a while after completion. There were no obvious paint odours outside the spray booth, indicating a high level of containment. However, the extraction did not appear to be very effective at reducing the airborne concentrations inside the booth. This was evidenced by a relatively high level of paint deposition on the workers’ overalls, visors and gloves.

The results of the sampling procedure confirmed the initial observation that aerosol concentrations were not being adequately controlled. For the spray painting work, airborne concentrations from 0.027 to 0.136 mg/m3 were measured. During the mixing task, isocyanate concentrations of 0.032 and 0.039 mg/m3 were recorded. It was noted that the breathing apparatus was in relatively good condition so it is was concluded that the workers were being adequately protected against these isocyanate levels Nevertheless the company was informed of the results and recommendations were made to carry out thorough inspection and tests of the spray booth system to ensure that airborne concentrations were being reduced as far as reasonably practicable. Company 21 Chemical processing/manufacturing The company manufactures a range of adhesives, sealants and coatings. One of the products produced was a photo polymer resin product used in the printing industry, which contained TDI. The work area contained a number of reaction vessels accessed via a mezzanine floor. A control room was situated on the mezzanine level and the operators were able to remotely monitor and control the process conditions from this room. The control room itself was ventilated and kept at positive pressure with respect to the adjacent work area. The reaction vessels were able to be unloaded at ground level, usually by gravity feed to drum containers. At the time of survey there was only one process operator involved with the loading and sampling tasks. One QA technician was involved with analysis of small samples of the formulation. There were three other workers present in the production area, although these people were excluded from the work area during TDI loading activities.


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The manufacturing process commenced with the addition of various resins to the reaction vessel. This was done prior to the start of sampling. The process operator was fitted with a personal sampler and a static sample was set up in the vicinity of the reaction vessel. The operator then transferred two drums of TDI to the work area by truck and these were lifted to the mezzanine level using the fork lift. The drums were then moved onto scales located close to the reaction vessel and a siphon tube was inserted into one of the drums. The other end of the tube was connected to a port on the reaction vessel via a gate valve. The operator gradually opened the valve to the siphon tube and the vacuum within the reaction vessel drew the TDI from the drum into the vessel. The siphon tube was purged of TDI by drawing a quantity of polyol resin into the reaction vessel from a plastic bucket. Approximately 250 ml of liquid catalyst was then added to the process. This was done by pouring the liquid from a paper cup into the neck of a partly opened gate valve. The process vacuum drew the liquid into the vessel with no observable spillage. The above operation took approximately 45 minutes to complete and the process was left for approximately 1-hour to mix. During the TDI loading task, the operator wore an ARCO full face filtering respirator, fitted with an ABEK2P2 (combination gas and dust) filter. The operator also wore cotton overalls and Ansell Duratouch disposable vinyl gloves. A rubber apron was available for use but was not worn. Self contained breathing apparatus is provided for use in emergency situations. One set was located in the control room and a second set was located outside the building. A sample was collected from the process by the process operator and this was evaluated by the QA technician who advised that additional catalyst was required to fully react the residual TDI. This was added and left to mix for a further hour. A final sample was collected from the vessel and this was also analysed by the QA technician, who advised that the product was within specification for this stage of the process. Before samples were collected from the vessel, the vacuum source was isolated and the pressure vessel was brought to atmospheric by admitting air through a valve. The loading hatch was then opened. A paper cup was fixed to a hook on a long handled tool and this was dipped into the mixture and withdrawn. The paper cup was then placed into a plastic bucket and a small sample was manually poured into a small bottle for transfer to the laboratory. The bottle was wiped clean with paper towels. During this task no RPE was worn, but the operator wore the disposable vinyl gloves. There was significant potential for skin contact as the paper cup and hook attachment were covered with the formulation. The waste materials were placed into a plastic container with some neutralising fluid and covered. The quality control tests carried out were seen as low risk activities due to the small quantities of materials being handled. Nevertheless, sampling was carried out for reassurance purposes. The QC technician carried out two separate tests during the day, each lasting approximately 25 minutes. The work was done on a workbench in a separate laboratory. The bench was fitted with a canopy-type extraction hood, but this was not working at the time. The technician weighed out 2 grams of the sample into a beaker and this was mixed using an automatic stirrer for approximately 15 minutes. After mixing, the operator added a titration solution using a burette until the indicating colour disappeared. The technician wore the company clothing but did not wear gloves or RPE. All of the samples from this procedure were low. The highest of the results obtained were collected form the QC technician, which was surprising given the working environment and work practices involved. This result was due to the presence of a suspect pre-polymer isocyanate on these samples, which could have been non-isocyanate intereference.


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Recommendations were made to the company to improve the manual sample collection procedures since there was a significant potential for skin contact using the observed method.

During spray application it was observed that the operator frequently sprayed at or above head height and there was a great deal of spray back, which gradually fell to ground level. It was observed that the visor was not worn fully over the face being worn upwards to prevent most of the foam from falling onto the face. The operators’ goggles were also covered in cling film which was removed and replaced when contaminated with foam. When the operator descended the scaffolding their arms and chest, visor and mask were grossly contaminated with foam.

The results of the sampling procedure showed that the airborne isocyanate concentrations measured for the spray assistant task were below the 8-hour TWA MEL. However, airborne concentrations were markedly higher during spray activities and in one instance the short term MEL was nearly exceeded. However, the RPE provided for use by the company were considered to be in good condition and suitable for use in this application. It was concluded that the workers were being adequately protected by the use of the RPE and protective clothing, but recommendations were made to the company to improve some of the procedural systems, e.g. they should take additional measures to prevent unauthorised access to the work area.

Company 22 Contract Insulation Services This company carried out contract insulation services, involving the spraying and injecting of urethane foams in the agricultural, industrial, shipping and domestic markets. On the day of survey, the company was involved with spray application of polyurethane foam insulation to the interior of an agricultural building, located on farmland. The polyurethane system used for this job was Isothane Agrispray OS two component 1:1 ratio, modified polyurethane rigid foam system. Isothane M27 was the isocyanate component used, containing 60-100% diphenylmethane 4,4 di-isocyanate. The drums and proportioning unit were located in a separate area adjacent to the main area where the polyurethane foam was being applied. The entrance to the building was left open and the connecting door between the spray and the preparation area was also left open. The foam system was sprayed onto the inner surface of the roof, with the operator working on scaffolding. The size of the work area was approximately 70ft (l) x 45ft (b) x 18ft (h). No forced ventilation was provided for this area. Two operators were involved in the process. At any one time, one operator applied the foam system with the second operator supervising the sprayer and compressor and moving the scaffolding, working predominantly in the general spray area at ground level. The operators swapped tasks in the afternoon. During spray application the operators wore a compressed air supply Sundstrom half mask respirator (with Clarifair submicron unit). This has an assigned protection factor of 20. A Tyvek suit, hood and neck cover were worn with Ansell Econohands plus 87-195 protective gloves, protective goggles and visor. The operators smeared Vaseline over the exposed skin on their face prior to spraying which was wiped off after the spray period. When the operators were not involved in the spraying task they wore a Tyvek suit and chrome cotton gloves. The operators stated that the overalls and gloves are replaced daily.

The operators estimated that 0.5 tonne of the foam system (approximately 250 kg of isocyanate and 250 kg polyol) was applied during the survey.


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Company 23 Printing and laminating The manufacturing process carried out by this company involved production of a wide range of flexible packaging materials for wrapping food, confectionery, toiletries, etc. Two laminating machines were used on site, each having one operator working a 12-hour shift. Only one of the two laminating machines (Simplex) used isocyanate based formulations during the survey. The monitoring survey was designed to measure airborne concentrations during normal operations with isocyanate formulations and also during the worst case situation. The worst case situation was considered to be during the wash up period between different batch runs. A two component adhesive was used in the process. Drums of Liofol UN 7720-21 (containing approximately 25% diphenylmethane-4,4-diisocyanate) and Liofol hardener UN 6085-22 were located next to the laminating machines. The two components were mixed and piped to the dispensing head. The mix ratio was 100 Liofol UN 7720-21: 40 Liofol hardener UN 6085-22. The adhesive was dispensed onto a roller, which coated the film as it passed through the machine. A sensor was located above the adhesive reservoir and this ensured that the correct amount of adhesive was being dispensed. A second film was bonded to the pre-coated film by pressing the two surfaces together on a set of rollers at the end of the machine. The laminated material was fed onto a spool, which was removed for storage when full. LEV was situated above the application roller. This automatically moved into position when the adhesive was dispensed. LEV was also positioned next to the nip rollers where the two films were bonded together. Roof fans were also observed in the general working area. The efficiency of the LEV arrangement was evaluated using a simple smoke tracer test and both hoods were considered to be operating correctly. At the end of each batch run the rollers were cleaned. The adhesive dispenser was switched off just before the end of the run, thereby ensuring that the adhesive reservoir was empty before the rollers were changed over. The operator wiped the excess and dried adhesive from the rollers using ethyl acetate applied using rags. Small containers of ethyl acetate were located next to the laminating machine and were generally left open to atmosphere. The rollers were dried off using clean rags and then removed from the machine. The wash up period took approximately 15 minutes and the machine was then set up for the next run. The operator wore trousers and a short sleeved t-shirt. During the wash up period the operator wore disposable Senso fit latex gloves. It was not possible to establish how much adhesive was used during the sampling periods however the production supervisor advised that approximately 280 kg of mixed adhesive (200 kg of Liofol UN 7720-21) was normally used each day. The results of the sampling procedure showed that airborne isocyanate concentrations over the long-term and during peak exposure periods (short-term sampling) were less than the LOD.


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Company 24 Fridge manufacturing This company produced refrigerators for domestic and commercial use. Polyurethane foam was used as the fridge insulation and sampling was carried out to monitor exposure of the workers on the main production lines. The polyurethane system comprised three parts: an isocyanate (Elastogran B228), a polyol resin (Elastogran Elastopor H 2030/65.0T) and a blowing agent (cyclopentane, CAS 287-92-3). The isocyanate used in this application was MDI.The cyclopentane was automatically blended with the polyol resin and the isocyanate and polyol resin components were circulated around the factory in a piped ring-main system. Each of the foaming stations tapped into the ring main and the two parts were mixed together at the foaming head at high pressure (150 bar). Once combined, the material expanded and rapidly set to form rigid foam. The foaming heads were all designed to be self-cleaning, so no solvents were used for flushing. The self clean mechanism was also very effective at reducing manual contact with the polyurethane foam. The products were delivered to site by road tanker and were transferred to bulk tanks in a bunded area outside the factory building. It was estimated that the company used approximately 12 tonnes of isocyanate and 5 tonnes polyol every week. Production of refrigerator cabinets on the main production line was highly automated and the majority of workers were involved with final assembly operations and were not exposed to isocyanates. The outer steel case and the inner plastic liner of the refrigerator were pressed together and transferred to the foam line. The polyurethane foam was automatically injected into the cavity between the fridge casings using an automatic delivery system. This was done in four separate enclosed booths. There were two operators involved with the maintenance of the foam application system. These workers carried out regular visual checks on each of the four production booths and cleared out any blockages that occurred. Each of the booths is ventilated and interlocked to prevent release of polyurethane foam when the access doors are opened. Both operators were selected for sampling. Production of refrigerator doors was done in a separate area, comprising three identical work stations. Each work station had an open ended ventilated booth containing a series of presses on a rotating ‘drum’. The operator loaded the two halves of each door onto the press and a robot foam-head traversed the open press and dispensed the polyurethane foam onto the inner surface of the door liner. The two door sections were then pressed together and the frame rotated, allowing access to the next press in the series. The operator removed the completed door from the press and then repeated the process. Contact with the foam was minimal as the operator only handled the clean, external door surfaces. Also, the potential for inhalation exposure was reduced as the operator usually turned away from the process when the foam was being dispensed in order to fetch the next set of door panels. All three foam operators were selected for sampling. In the technical products department, a team of workers were involved in constructing specialist refrigerators. The cabinets were built up on wooden frames and then transferred to the foaming station. There were three separate foaming heads. Two were fixed units and one was mounted on a boom, which could be positioned over a range of different sized jigs. In the case of the fixed head units, the cabinet was loaded into the jig and the foam operator simply


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activated the dispensing unit from a control panel. This discharged a metered quantity of polyurethane foam into the cavity of the fridge cabinet. The foam ‘shot’ took approximately 2 – 22 seconds to discharge, depending on the size of the fridge under construction. After a few minutes the doors of the jig were opened and the finished unit was removed. The operator responsible for loading and unloading scraped away any excess cured polyurethane foam from the internal surface of the jig and from around the port on the fridge cabinet. In doing this, the operator placed his head inside the jig enclosure. In the case of the boom mounted foaming head, the cabinets were loaded and unloaded from the jigs in the same manner as previously described, but there was greater potential for exposure during the dispensing task. For each shot, the foam operator attached a cardboard tube to the nozzle of the foam head. This was used as a nozzle to guide the foam into the filling port on the fridge cabinet. The operator activated the foaming head while holding the boom in position. On completion, the operator lifted the boom away and detached the cardboard tube and discarded this to a waste bin. The operator noted that the cardboard tubes have been known to fail, causing the foam to be sprayed out, although this did not happen on the day of survey. One operator controlled the foaming head, which a second worker was involved with loading and unloading the cabinets from the jigs. A third worker was involved with drilling out cabinets to enable various fixtures to be fitted. This involved drilling into cured polyurethane foam. All three of these workers were identified for sampling. No specific protective clothing was worn by any of the operators, except for the foam operator at the technical products department. This worker wore eye protection during the foaming task. Maintenance workers are occasionally exposed to polyurethane component chemicals, e.g. when servicing foaming heads. It is understood that maintenance engineers use dichloromethane to remove cured polyurethane foam from metal components. However, it was not possible to observe any of these maintenance tasks at the time of survey. A total of eight long-term samples were collected during the survey and all isocyanate concentrations were less than the LOD, indicating that exposures were being adequately controlled.


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Table A9.1 Detailed results from workplace surveys

Sample ID Company and job description Task description

Sample time (min)

Volume (litres)

Total isocyanate

concentration (mg/m3) as NCO Note

1. Ship repair - Commercial dockyard 827/01/001 Painter (Team 1 - Day 1) Brush and roller application

236 496 <0.001 <LOD 827/01/002 Painter (Team 1 - Day 1) Brush and roller application 236 472 0.002 827/01/004 Painter (Team 2 - Day 2) Brush and roller application 195 390 <0.001 <LOQ 827/01/005 Painter (Team 2 - Day 2) Brush and roller application 194 378 <0.001 <LOQ 827/01/009 Painter (Team 1 - Day 2) Brush and roller application 185 370 0.002 827/01/010

Painter (Team 1 - Day 2)

Brush and roller application

186 381 <0.001 <LOQ

2. Vehicle manufacturing (Commercial vans) 827/02/001 Vehicle assembly Glazing operator - assembly 238 476 <0.001 <LOD 827/02/002 Vehicle assembly Glazing line, maintenance 228 456 <0.001 <LOQ 827/02/003 Vehicle assembly Glazing operator - assembly 222 444 <0.001 <LOD 827/02/004 Vehicle assembly Glazing operator - assembly 227 454 <0.001 <LOD 827/02/005 Vehicle finishing Touch-up painter 185 370 <0.001 <LOD 827/02/006 Vehicle finishing Touch-up painter 185 370 <0.001 <LOD 827/02/007 Vehicle finishing Spot repair painter 15 30 0.031 827/02/008 Vehicle finishing Spot repair painter

Spot repair painter 15 30 <0.001 <LOD

827/02/010 Vehicle finishing 16 32 <0.001 <LOD 827/02/011 Vehicle finishing Spot repair painter 17 34 <0.001 <LOQ 827/02/012 Vehicle finishing Spot repair painter 15 30 0.002 827/02/013 Vehicle assembly Glazing operator - assembly 206 402 <0.001 <LOD 827/02/014 Vehicle assembly Glazing operator - assembly 203 396 0.003 827/02/015 Vehicle assembly Glazing operator - assembly 204 398 <0.001 <LOD


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Sample ID Company and job description Task description

Sample time (min)

Volume (litres)

Total isocyanate

concentration (mg/m3) as NCO Note

827/02/016 Vehicle finishing Spray painter - 2K Spray booth 22 44 <0.001 <LOD 827/02/017

Vehicle finishing

Spray painter - 2K Spray booth

21 42 <0.001 <LOD

3. Modelling and prototype development 827/03/001 Casting technician

Casting technician Mixing and casting 185 370 <0.001 <LOD

827/03/002 Mixing and casting 186 372 <0.001 <LOD 827/03/003 Casting technician Mixing and casting 80 160 <0.001 <LOD 827/03/004

Casting technician

Mixing and casting

83 166 <0.001 <LOD

4. Manufacturing of composite panels (rigid foam) 827/04/001 Process operator Chemicals 245 392 <0.001 <LOD 827/04/002 Process operator

Process operator Chemicals 246 504 <0.001 <LOD

827/04/003 Saw operator 241 494 <0.001 <LOD 827/04/004 Process operator Storage of cured products 236

236 483 <0.001 <LOD

827/04/005 Warehousing Fork truck driver 483 <0.001 <LOD 827/04/006 Process operator Chemicals 189 369 <0.001

<0.001 <LOQ


Process operator Chemicals 187 180

318 <LOD Process operator Storage of cured products 360 <0.001 <LOD

827/04/009 Process operator Saw operator 178 356 0.004 827/04/010 Process operator Cured products storage 175 350 0.007 827/04/011 Laminating Gluing panels onto boards 209 418 0.008 827/04/012


Gluing panels onto boards

207 383 0.012

5. Vehicle manufacturing (Cars) Spray painter 827/05/001 Painting car bumpers 255 510 <0.001 <LOD


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Sample ID Company and job description Task description

Sample time (min)

Volume (litres)

Total isocyanate

concentration (mg/m3) as NCO Note

827/05/002 <0.001 Spray painter Painting car bumpers 131 249 <LOD 827/05/003827/05/004

Spray painter Painting car bumpers 257 514 <0.001 <LOD Process operator Injection moulding 490 980 <0.001 <LOD

827/05/005 Process operator Injection moulding 496 992 0.001 827/05/006 Spray painter Painting car bumpers 128 256 <0.001 <LOD

827/05/007 Spray painter Painting car bumpers 249 486 <0.001 <LOD 827/05/008 Spray painter Painting car bumpers 234 468 <0.001 <LOD 827/05/009 Spray painter Painting car bumpers 127 260 <0.001 <LOD 827/05/011 Spray painter Painting car bodies (clear coat) 69 138 <0.001 <LOD 827/05/012 Spray painter Painting car bodies (clear coat) 68 136 <0.001 <LOD 827/05/013 Spray painter Painting car bodies (clear coat) 69 138 <0.001 <LOD 827/05/014 Spray painter Painting car bodies (clear coat) 67 134 <0.001 <LOD 827/05/015 Spray painter Painting car bodies (clear coat) 126 258 <0.001 <LOD 827/05/016 Spray painter Painting car bodies (clear coat) 118 236 <0.001 <LOD 827/05/017 Spray painter Painting car bodies (clear coat) 108 219 <0.001 <LOD 827/05/018 Spray painter Painting car bodies (clear coat) 103 206 <0.001 <LOD 827/05/019 Spray painter Painting car bodies (clear coat) 109 218 <0.001 <LOD 827/05/020 Spray painter Painting car bodies (clear coat) 111 222 <0.001 <LOD 827/05/021 Spray painter Painting car bodies (clear coat) 120 240 <0.001 <LOD 827/05/022 Spray painter Painting car bodies (clear coat) 120 240 <0.001 <LOD 827/05/023 Spray painter Painting car bodies (clear coat) 128 262 <0.001 <LOD 827/05/024 Spray painter Painting car bodies (clear coat) 123 246 <0.001 <LOD 827/05/025

Spray painter

Painting car bodies (clear coat)

113 226 <0.001 <LOD

6. Flexible foam manufacturing 827/06/001 Moulding operator Dispensing PU 358 698 0.002


827/06/002 Moulding operator Dispensing PU 362 724


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Sample ID Company and job description Task description

Sample time (min)

Volume (litres)

Total isocyanate

concentration (mg/m3) as NCO Note

827/06/003 Moulding operator Dispensing PU 354 708 0.005 827/06/004 Moulding operator Dispensing PU

Dispensing PU 357 714 0.010

827/06/005 Moulding operator 348 696 0.005 827/06/007

Moulding operator

Dispensing PU

281 548 <0.001 <LOD

7. Manufacturing of composite panels (rigid foam) 827/07/001 Process operator Metal handling operator 622 622 <0.001 <LOD 827/07/002 Process operator

Process operator Foam section operator 668 668 <0.001 <LOD

827/07/003 Saw operator 648 648 <0.001 <LOD 827/07/004 Process operator Unloading cured product 610 610 <0.001 <LOD 827/07/005 Process operator Unloading cured product 610 610 <0.001 <LOD 827/07/006 Static By foam head 78 78 <0.001 <LOD 827/07/007 Static By foam head 57 57 <0.001 <LOD 827/07/008

Process operator

Cleaning foam head

26 49 <0.001 <LOD

8. Chemical processing/manufacturing 827/08/01 Process operator TDI plant operator 430 860 <0.001 <LOD 827/08/02 Process operator TDI plant operator 427 833 <0.001 <LOQ 827/08/03 Process operator MDI operator 195 390 <0.001 <LOD 827/08/04 Laboratory technician QC lab 305 610 <0.001 <LOQ 827/08/05 Laboratory technician QC lab 322 644 <0.001 <LOQ 827/08/06 Process operator MDI operator 77 150 0.002 827/08/07 Process operator MDI operator 66 132 <0.001 <LOQ 827/08/08 Laboratory technician QC lab 106 212 <0.001 <LOD 827/08/11 Static

Static MDI IBC filling station 56 56 <0.001 <LOD

827/08/12 TDI plant by drum fill point 84 80 <0.001 <LOQ


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Sample ID Company and job description Task description

Sample time (min)

Volume (litres)

Total isocyanate

concentration (mg/m3) as NCO Note

827/08/13 Static MDI IBC filling station 82 74 0.002 827/08/14


MDI IBC filling station

90 90 0.001

9. Chemical processing/manufacturing 827/09/01 Process operator Formulation blending 74 148 <0.001 <LOD

827/09/02 Process operator QA testing 113 226 <0.001 <LOD 827/09/03 Process operator QA testing 116 232 <0.001 <LOD 827/09/04 Process operator QA testing 168 336 <0.001 <LOD 827/09/05

Process operator

Decanting/QA testing

57 114 <0.001 <LOD

10. Copper cylinder manufacturing 827/10/001 Process operator Cylinder spraying 15 30 <0.001 <LOD 827/10/002 Process operator

Process operator Cylinder preparation 100 200 <0.001 <LOQ

827/10/003 Cylinder spraying 13 13 <0.001 <LOD 827/10/004 Process operator Cylinder spraying 15 15 0.003 827/10/005 Process operator Cylinder spraying 15 15 <0.001 <LOD 827/10/006 Process operator Cylinder spraying 60 60 <0.001 <LOD 827/10/007 Process operator Cylinder preparation 145 290 0.003 827/10/008

Process operator

Cylinder spraying

62 62 <0.001 <LOD

12. Vehicle manufacturing (Trucks) 827/12/005 Assembly Sealing hopper with mastic 65

45 130 <0.001 <LOD

827/12/006 Assembly Sealing hopper with mastic 90 <0.001 <LOD 827/12/007 Assembly Sealing hopper with mastic 43 86 <0.001

<0.001 <LOD

827/12/008 Assembly Sealing hopper with mastic 117 234 <LOD 827/12/009 Assembly Sealing hopper with mastic 106 212 <0.001 <LOD


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Sample ID Company and job description Task description

Sample time (min)

Volume (litres)

Total isocyanate

concentration (mg/m3) as NCO Note

827/12/010 Assembly Sealing hopper with mastic 78 156 <0.001 <LOD

13. Conveyor belt manufacturing 827/13/01 Process operator Mixing product 15 30 <0.001 <LOD 827/13/02 Process operator Decanting product 23 46 0.003 827/13/03 Process operator Mixing product 15 30 <0.001 <LOD 827/13/04 Process operator Decanting product 28 56 <0.001 <LOD 827/13/05 Process operator Direct mixing and decanting 37 74 0.001 827/13/06

Process operator

Direct mixing and decanting

38 76 <0.001 <LOD

15. Laminating 827/15/01 Laminators assistant - 1

Supervising process 255 510 <0.001 <LOD

827/15/02 Laminator Supervising process 332 664 <0.001 <LOD827/15/03 Laminators assistant - 1 Mixing chemicals 15 30 <0.001 <LOD 827/15/04 Laminators assistant - 1 Mixing / quality control 15 30 <0.001 <LOQ 827/15/05 Laminators assistant - 1 Mixing chemicals 16 32 <0.001 <LOD 827/15/06 Laminators assistant - 1 Mixing chemicals 31 62 <0.001 <LOD 827/15/07 827/15/08

Laminators assistant - 2 Supervising process 157 314 0.002Laminators assistant - 2

Mixing chemicals

28 56 <0.001 <LOD

16. Laminating 827/16/01 Process operator Resin application 309 608 <0.001 <LOD

827/16/02 Process operator Cleaning applicator heads 15 30 0.004 827/16/03 Process operator Cleaning/changing applicator heads 24 47 <0.001 <LOD 827/16/05

Process operator

Cleaning/changing applicator heads

21 42 <0.001 <LOQ

17. Specialist insulation and moulding services


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Sample ID Company and job description Task description

Sample time (min)

Volume (litres)

Total isocyanate

concentration (mg/m3) as NCO Note

827/17/01 PU sprayer Spraying PU onto metal items 240 470 0.001 827/17/02 PU sprayer Spraying PU onto metal items 205 410 <0.001 <LOQ 827/17/03 Caster / foreman Mixing chemicals and casting 316 632 <0.001

0.001 <LOQ

827/17/04 Caster Mixing chemicals and casting 308 616 827/17/05 Caster Mixing chemicals and casting 313 626 0.005 827/17/06


Mixing chemicals and casting

314 628 <0.001 <LOD

erator Core manufacture 384 768 1 <LOD



18. Aluminium casting Machine op827/18/01 <0.00


Machine operator

Core manufacture

396 792 <0.001 <LOD

19. Laminating 827/19/01 Laminator - 1 Supervising process 305 610 <0.001 <LOD 827/19/02 Laminator - 1 Supervising process 206 391 <0.001 <LOD 827/19/03

Laminator - 2

Cleaning rollers/topping up

30 60 <0.001 <LOD

20. Vehicle manufacturing (Trucks) 827/20/01 Painter

PainterMixing paint 10

10 20 0.032

0.039 827/20/02 Mixing paint 20827/20/03 Painter Spraying first coat 46* 0.088 827/20/04 Painter Spraying first coat 16 32*

52* 0.136


Painter Spraying second coatSpraying second coat

27 0.027 Painter 23 0.069

* estimated volumes due to filter clogging

21. Chemical processing/manufacturing 827/21/01 Process operator - foreman TDI loading 46 92 <0.001 <LOD


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Sample ID Company and job description Task description

Sample time (min)

Volume (litres)

Total isocyanate

concentration (mg/m3) as NCO Note

827/21/02 Process operator - foreman Extraction of samples (preliminary) 52 104 <0.001 <LOD 827/21/03 Laboratory technician QC testing 23 46 0.001 827/21/04 Process operator - foreman Extraction of sample (final) 70 140 <0.001 <LOQ 827/21/05 Laboratory technician QC testing 26 52 0.003




Next to mixing vessel

150 165 <LOD

- tech products 426 <LOQ

22. Contract Insulation Services 827/22/01 Sprayer - 1 PU spraying 115 207 0.014 827/22/02 Sprayer - 2 assisting in area 113

19 226 <0.001

0.005 <LOQ

827/22/03 Sprayer - 1 Sprayer - 2

PU spraying assisting in area

38 273

827/22/04 138 0.002 827/22/05 Sprayer - 1 PU spraying 16

51 32 0.027

827/22/07 Sprayer - 2 PU spraying 100 0.048 827/22/08 Sprayer - 1 assisting in area 83 166 0.002 827/22/09

Sprayer - 2

PU spraying

16 32 0.066

23. Laminating 827/23/01 Laminator Supervising process 187 383 <0.001

<0.001 <LOQ

827/23/02 Laminator Wash up task 15 30 <LOD 827/23/04


Supervising process

62 126 <0.001 <LOD

24. Fridge manufacturing Foam Op 827/24/01 Dispensing foam 809 <0.001

<0.001 827/24/02 Operator - tech products Operator - tech products

Loading/unloading units 423 846 <LOQ 827/24/03 Drilling out cabinets 425 850 <0.001 <LOD 827/24/04 Foam op. door line 1 Loading/unloading doors 428 856 <0.001 <LOD 827/24/05 Foam op. door line 2 Loading/unloading doors 353 706 <0.001 <LOD


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Sample ID Company and job description Task description

Sample time (min)

Volume (litres)

Total isocyanate

concentration (mg/m3) as NCO Note

827/24/06 Foam op. door line 3 Loading/unloading doors 433 866 <0.001 <LOD 827/24/07 Foam op. cabinet line 1 Clearing blockages 345 655 <0.001 <LOD 827/24/08 Foam op. cabinet line 2 Clearing blockages 326 652 <0.001 <LOD


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