You & Your Strange Brain: A Book of Brains, How they Wo… (2024)

Natalie all_books_great_and_small

2,429 reviews119 followers

August 20, 2020

I received an advance reader copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review via netgalley and the publishers.

You and your strange brain is a bright and interesting book for children aged approximately 9-13 years. This quirky book is jam packed with interesting information for children (even i learned things as an adult!) and brilliant illustrations throughout.

I loved how the book explained things in a child friendly way that was informative yet also fun and easy to follow and understand. I also enjoyed the small experiments dotted through the first half of the book for children to try themselves such as the two noses experiment. I can't wait to try these with the children I work with in September as well as my own little one who will love trying them out.

This book is sure to be a hit with children and adults alike and is educational to boot too!


261 reviews

July 14, 2020

Thanks to Netgalley and Quarto Publishing Group (QEB publishing) for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This book is chock-full of interesting and quirky facts about your brain. I think it's a great book for children aged between 9-12 as it explains the many different parts/aspects of the brain and how each part is responsible for something (eg. the lobes, hormones, neurons, etc.). It reminded me very much of my high school psychology class, but a simplified version of it - which is why I think children between the ages of 9-12 will understand it more, as it does have some terms which younger children may not understand. The book is split up into different sections and features many illustrations which make the facts more exciting to read about. I think it is a book that children will enjoy and a great start to learning about the human brain! 3.5 stars.

    arcs netgalley non-fiction


158 reviews3 followers

August 19, 2020

First of all, I would like to thank @Netgalley and Clive Gifford for the gift of this advanced reader copy in exchange for a fair review.

You and Your Strange Brain is a cute little non-fiction book probably best pitched for the age 9-12 age range. The book was filled with chunks of information about the brain and its functions, which smoothly followed on from the segment before. It also included lots of activities you could try out on the spot to test the information you had been given. Another cute little feature is that it beautifully decorated in colourful pictures that fill the whole page and are very engaging.

Taken from the book:
Dizzy Directions
Lift your right foot off the floor and rotate it clockwise at a regular pace. Now draw the repeated number sixes in the air with your right index finger, starting at the top of the number. After a few sixes, look down at your foot... (Gifford, C, 2020)

I read this book with my children who are slightly younger than the age I believe it best suits but they were absolutely thrilled with it. My 5-year-old was inquisitive and formed logical questions to explore certain subjects further. And we all enjoyed trying out the little experiments. Overall, I give this book 5/5 stars. The language, pace, level and content was consistent throughout.

This is a well written, well-illustrated book that talks about the physiology of the brain as well as some of the more important functions it performs such as filling in optical illusions, controlling emotions, and replacing memories. As an adult, I enjoyed it and would have loved to explore the topics in greater depth but understandably, I am not the intended audience. I was also pleased to learn interesting facts that hadn't been part of my curriculum.

I feel You and Your Strange Brain made a moderate subject area for the age group, a very interesting topic in digestible bite-size pieces. It is a great piece of extracurricular learning material for a child interested in biology whilst still being a fun and interesting read for an absolute beginner. I think children would love this read as much as parents wanting to read it with their children.

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Reading_ Tamishly

4,943 reviews3,041 followers

April 8, 2023

Quarto Publishing Group do not know how to disappoint when it comes to such books!

Their guidebooks are the best!

This lushly detailed guidebook talks about the human brain, describing the different parts and their important functions.

The presentation is fun and the information provided really useful. Perfect for the reading audience, the content do not overload nor does it make things complicated. Much, much, much better than the random science books or videos I would always go for this book to talk and teach about the human brain to the beginners.

Thank you, Quarto Publishing Group- words & pictures, for the advance reading copy.

Emma Katherine

271 reviews15 followers

July 26, 2020

Read my full review here:

Opinions: I simply adore You and Your Strange Brain! It is fun, packed full of interesting knowledge, and inspires children to love science. Something I appreciate about this book is that random facts aren't listed on a page in bullet points; rather, small paragraphs of theories, methods, and explanations guide readers through the book and ensure all key words and definitions are understood. Despite the colourful images and "casual" phrasing, You and Your Strange Brain is educational and provides unique information that anybody of any age would appreciate! The content is displayed in a pleasing and flowing way, making even the craziest scientific theories easy to understand and remember. I couldn't ask for another educational book, this one is insightful yet simple enough that my strange brain will be able to retain the important (and cool) stuff!

My Favourite Thing: Since I have no Least Favourite Thing, I will discuss two Favourite things! These are not in an order.
1. I love the variety of information included in You and Your Strange Brain! Not only are the basics of neurones and cortexes discussed, readers are given insight on all things to do with brains! Decision making, people of importance, the impact of sleep, long vs short term memory, phobias, historical brain surgery, and even fun games to put the theories to test! You and Your Strange Brain is packed full of information, and despite what it says about brains forgetting unnecessary facts, I believe I will remember every bit of this amazing book!
2. As a science geek, I was overwhelmingly pleased to see that all of the scientific information was 100% correct! Unfortunately, this is a big ask for nonfiction authors today, but Gifford did his research and is supplying young readers with correct data. Even more fun for me, as I already knew how the brain worked, it was thrilling to see why different concepts exist. Even as a student much older than the age of nine, I learned from this book and will forever look back at it when I'm revising for exams!


8,046 reviews39 followers

July 21, 2020

I received an electronic ARC from Quarto Publishing Group – QEB Publishing through NetGalley.
Non-fiction text about the brain for middle grades. Gifford provides a wide variety of data about what the brain is and how it functions. Shorter text boxes and challenges engage upper elementary students. The diagrams and illustrations show readers how the various information fits together.
Terrific format to present important facts in an easy to read format.

    buy-for-bowen middle-grades netgalley-prereads
August 18, 2020

I'll admit, to start, I am heinously bias. From the day I was old enough to grasp that what my mother suffered from, Multiple Sclerosis, was a neurological disorder(among other things), a progressive breakdown of the protective coating of neurons, the Freeway, that carries electrical signals of sensory data from our body to our brains and response data from our brains back to our bodies, I have been fixated on the brain, how it works, why it works and when it doesn't. I didn't return to college to pursue my dream of becoming a Neuroscientist until I was 26 years old. If I had had this book in elementary school? It would have happened straight out of the gate. This is an unbelievable collection of information directed toward middle grade science enthusiasts and reluctant scientists alike. Packed with the vital basics like anatomy, random interesting facts, animal brains, and physiology, You & Your Strange Brain also introduces the fascinating hiccups in scientific history that led to some of the greatest discoveries of all time. Did you know that Phineas Gage took a pipe through the brain and survived?! Or that Giant Squids have donut shaped brains and must be careful not to eat too much, as the food they ingest travels through the center and could cause brain damage!

I can't recommend this title enough for schools, homeschoolers and STEM involved kids. It has been my favorite young non-fiction read and I can't wait to keep a title on my shelf for my own personal reference. The illustrations are clear and beautiful. The facts and information are sharp, relevant and easy to understand. The format is engaging and exciting. I absolutely loved this title. My brain loved this title. I can't wait for my 4 year old to reach the appropriate age to share it with him as well.


114 reviews24 followers

July 20, 2020

Thank you Quarto Publishing Group - QEB Publishing & NetGalley for the eARC of You & Your Strange Brain!

You & Your Strange Brain: A Book of Brains, How they Work and Sometimes Don't by Clive Gifford is an illustrated look at the brain aimed toward younger readers. Ranging from the physical structure of the brain and how it works to specific tasks that our brains assist with, You & Your Strange Brain is an informative and entertaining read. There is a lot of information packed into a relatively short book but the information is presented in a way that is not overwhelming or textbook like. I especially enjoyed the bright illustrations throughout that served as diagrams or detailed the specific facts being discussed.

You & Your Strange Brain is also interactive, as there are several "Brain Lab" breaks throughout the book that ask you to stop reading and put your brain to the test to understand the concepts being discussed. There are also a number of "Brain Games" at the end of the book that kids will love.

You & Your Strange Brain will be a hit with kids who love science when it is released on May 18, 2021!

    2020 ya-recs

Jane Miller

435 reviews10 followers

August 17, 2020

Everything you wanted to know about the brain and more. The 80 pages of this book are packed with unique and hard to believe facts, and information about the brain parts, nerves, hormones , senses. Using clear, attention grabbing illustrations and short snippets of key information the book gives a history of past beliefs about the brain along with current understandings. In addition, it describes many facets of how the brain works, how to improve brain functions and how it can be tricked and mislead you. With suggested activities and examples the reader learns about emotions, memory, intelligence, creativity, fears, phobias, pleasure and risk, the benefits of sleep, the biology of fears, phobia, It offers comparisons to animal brains with little known and entertaining details. At the end of the book are brain games, suggested resources and links to online experiments and activities.
I recommend this book for middle grade students who are interested in understanding the brain and the many, many ways it impacts our lives.

Sam Young

90 reviews2 followers

July 29, 2020

Thank you Quarto Publishing Group - QEB Publishing & NetGalley for the eARC of You & Your Strange Brain!

You & Your Strange Brain: A Book of Brains, How they Work and Sometimes Don't by Clive Gifford is an illustrated, Browse (coffee table) style book look at the brain. I think its prime audience is Middle Years KS3/4. It is informative and entertaining, and a book adults would enjoy sharing with readers. The layout of the book with informative illustrations and factual bites make it easy to digest. This by no means dumbs the book down.
The book is interactive, as there are several "Brain Lab" breaks through the book that ask you to stop reading and test your brain to understand the concepts being discussed. I found myself doing these even before being asked to try it out! At the end of the book there are extra treats, more Brain Teasers. a find out more page with suggestions for further reading and websites to look at, and a Glossary and Index.


1,013 reviews

August 31, 2020

Well, brain is not strange, is just complex and there is yet not a full way of understanding how it really works. However, it´s a long way since the times when the Egyptians pulled the brains out through dead people nostrils before starting the mummification process, as they considered this part of the body disposable and completely uninteresting. This book explores in an easygoing way while maintaining the scientific standards and language. It´s a perfect additional material for mid-grade students, which makes easy an overview of the various functionalities and everyday human challenges of the brain. It shows, for instance, how the brain works, what the sleep cycle is important, and how to maintain the memory and your brain fit - some useful exercises and resources at provided at the end of the book. It makes it a good basis for further academic research and investigation for the little curious minds.
Disclaimer: Book offered by the publisher in exchange for an honest review


1,279 reviews

August 22, 2020

Thank you to the publisher and author for providing me with a digital ARC of this title via Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

I work as an elementary school librarian and am always on the lookout for new books to add to our library. It is an added bonus when I can find a nonfiction title that the kids will actually want to read. You & Your Strange Brain fits that bill. The title is catchy and would appeal to kids. The illustrations are fun and really colorful. I really like the type format used as it appears more like a graphic novel or like the records books that are so popular. Instead of a lot of text to read, kids can find pictures or subjects that are interesting to them and read the little blurbs there. This is an interesting, appealing, fun and best of all educational book that I would happily purchase for my students.

Wayne McCoy

4,061 reviews25 followers

August 20, 2021

'You & Your Strange Brain: A Book of Brains, How they Work, and Sometimes Don't' by Clive Gifford and Anne Wilson is a non-fiction book about our brains for younger readers.

The book is divided in to three sections then divided in to quick chapters that include pictures, descriptions and even fun experiments to do. Along the way, the reader will learn what the brain operates in the body, how a brain develops over the years and how the brain works to protect us and help us be creative.

I liked this science book for younger readers and even did a few of the experiments as I reviewed the book. The information presented is in digestible chunks and includes color illustrations.

I received a review copy of this ebook from Quarto Publishing Group - QEB Publishing, words & pictures, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.

    childrens non-fiction


1,953 reviews33 followers

August 20, 2020

What do you know about your brain? It is one part of our body that we are still learning about though we already know a lot. Reading this book will show you how the brain works. Did you know the brain controls your actions? This book will give you many facts. It includes fun brain tests to do and the answers. It has a selection of books to read if you want to know more about the brain.. there is a glossary included. There is an index too. I learned a lot about the brain myself! This is a fun book that may inspire you to become a scientist or doctor.

Disclaimer: I received an arc of this book from the author/publisher from Netgalley. I wasn’t obligated to write a favorable review or any review at all. The opinions expressed are strictly my own.


188 reviews

February 17, 2021

Zum Inhalt

A fascinating book full of insights into how the brain controls your actions, reactions, and emotions in ways you've never imagined.

Discover why you can’t tickle yourself, why adults like foods they hated as children, and how some sneaky creatures have the ability to take over the brains of other species.

What a book - full of information abiout your brain, how it works and what ist does and how awesome it is! Recommended to everyone who likes Science at its best! A lot of illustratzions are inside, many riddles and a lot of fu.

Note: 1+++ or A+

Thanks for making my brain laugh with this great ARC, the opinion is mine!

Pam Chantrell

549 reviews11 followers

August 8, 2020

An interesting book filled with interesting facts for middle schoolers. It doesn't answer the question about taste really other than to say tastes change as we get older. It would have been good to have a section on learning differences e.g. dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia because of the age that this is aimed at - kids are noticing differences between themselves and peers more and more and having a section on this might make it easier on some kids in the classroom. Well put together, good graphics and some additional brain teasers too.



93 reviews2 followers

August 19, 2020

This is a fantastic non-fiction book all about the brain. It is really well presented with pictures and diagrams that are really child friendly.
The book is divided into sections about the brain, sight, memory, feelings etc
What I really liked were the extra facts throughout as well as the quick activities to try that demonstrate the information about the brain.
I found this really interesting and easy to read. I will definitely purchase a copy for my classroom, the kids will love it. Can't believe it's not out until May 2021. Already added to my wishlist!

Donna Maguire

4,505 reviews115 followers

August 26, 2020

Review to be added to Amazon UK and US on 18th May 2021 – publication day!

I really enjoyed this book and it was full of facts and the images are wonderful!

They whole layout of the book was perfect - it was great and I can see this one being a hit with children aged 9-13, which is the main target audience!

That said I read it as an adult and thought it was fab so can see it being one to pick up really for all ages if you want a quick understanding on what the brain is all about!

It is 5 stars from me for this one – very highly recommended!!

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222 reviews2 followers

September 2, 2020

Great information in a fun and interesting format that I feel most adolestants will grasp. Younger kids may not get it as well but parents or caregivers could easily make it more understandable and simple for them as well. I loved the illustrations with the content. I feel is a great book for this time of covid and staying indoors more. An oppurtunity to really feed kids brains especially with the little lab activites for kids to test their own brains. I feel anyone could learn more fun knowledge about our brains in this book.

Soumya Gudiyella

89 reviews3 followers

September 29, 2020

A great informative book about the brain. Each page is filled with awesome facts about how our brain functions. In addition, the book also has a 'brain lab section', which has simple activities that tell how our brain operates. The book is filled with great illustrations. In general, I felt that every page has a ton of information and it would be better for younger kids to read by themselves if the material is spaced better. Overall, this book would be of interest to kids who want to know more about how their bodies function.

Emma Nelson

212 reviews8 followers

August 11, 2020

You and Your Strange Brian is a wonderfully illustrated, descriptive book, enlightening the reader with all facts concerning the human brain.
Children in key stage two would definitely benefit from reading this book as it has lots of interesting facts and even Teachers can learn a thing or two - I know I did.

There is enough information to keep the children interested and the pictures that accompany the text are bright too.

Excellent book by Clive Gifford.


335 reviews5 followers

August 30, 2020

I got this on Netgalley in exchange for an honest review!
This is a really well written and illustrated non-fiction book about the brain, and even I as an adult felt like I learned some new things! I like how there is not too much text per page, but that it doesn't compromise the facts presented! Everything is well explained and the examples given to make it more understandable are well selected. I would really recommend this to anyone!


1,405 reviews4 followers

August 25, 2020

I received a free ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This book is full of colorful illustrations and lots of information. It's got some humorous text. I think this is the perfect mix to keep kids interested in reading. It's hard to keep kids interested in non-fiction, but this book will.


1,081 reviews4 followers

July 11, 2020

"You & Your Strange Brain" is a short non-fiction book for children on what the human brain is capable of and its basic mechanics.

I liked the illustrations and how the book broke down a very complex subject.


11.7k reviews111 followers

Want to read

July 20, 2020

Note: I received a digital review copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley.

    arc digital informative


56 reviews2 followers

August 11, 2020

Simple yet interesting book that will introduce young minds to the world of the mind and the brain. It is delightfully informative with detailed photos and even mind games.


241 reviews19 followers

March 16, 2021

This was so much fun! My interest for the human brain started last year when I followed a class called Neurology for my major. A lot of the things in this book are things I already knew, but I learned a lot of new things as well! It's quite easy to follow and the language isn't too hard. I loved all the different illustrations and examples. Would recommend reading this one if you're somewhat interested in this topic.

Thanks to the author and publisher for giving me a free copy in exchange for an honest review!

    read-in-2020 review-copy
You & Your Strange Brain: A Book of Brains, How they Wo… (2024)
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