A Ticklish Thriller M/M (Ongoing) (2024)

01. An Evening At Barefoot Books

Mikey Adam & Jai

Mikey Dante Carter closed and locked the door of his silver nineteen-eighty corvette convertible and walked across the parking lot of Barefoot Books & Lounge. Luck was very much on his side the day he got that car. He attended a foreclosure auction, and after losing two bids, the young man struck gold on the third and won the corvette. The classic sports car was almost new. It only had one owner and was kept in a garage. Mikey loved the feel of the soft, black leather seats.

Mikey and his older brothers, Adam Grant, and Jai Knight, owned the establishment. Mikey did not get involved in the day-to-day operation of the business. However, he did stop by every day. If they were busy or an employee called out, Mikey would jump in and help wherever they needed him. Mikey was responsible for their selection of books. Being a librarian gave him access to an eclectic assortment of subjects and genres. At the end of the week, he added to and refilled their stock. He also did special orders for customers who wanted a specific book.

Mikey loved the freedom of walking around in socks or barefoot. At least in the carpeted areas. You had to wear shoes while serving food or working behind the counter. Of course, patrons could wear shoes, but most chose not to. The lounge part of the business was twenty-one and older and located on the lower level. Its entrance was on the side of the four-story structure. The first, and second levels, housed the bookstore, seating areas, and offices. Adam's and Jai's office had a hidden staircase behind a bookshelf that led up to their spacious four-bedroom apartment on the top floor. The main entrance for their apartment was at the back of the building. The roof was partially enclosed, with an herb garden, eight-person hot tub, heated pool, and entertainment area.

Tonight, Mikey wore a tight, gold shirt that stopped just above his belly button. He matched it with a pair of dark green jeans and a black elastic belt. Then, he put on his favorite pair of ankle socks. They were thin, predominately grey, with gold stripes across the toes. For shoes, Mikey wore his slip-on black skater shoes. His tan suede jacket completed the outfit. The brunet smiled and started giggling when he saw his brother come outside.

"How's my adorable baby bro this evening?" Adam chuckled and grabbed his younger brother around the waist when he tried dodging him. The twenty-five-year-old hefted his brother over his shoulder. He grinned and tickled the back of Mikey's knees.

"Oh, sh*t! Not the knees." Instantly, the twenty-two-year-old started squealing and writhing from his older brother's tickle assault. Mikey had always been very ticklish, and it was something his family and friends loved to exploit, and he loved it.

The spectacle garnered smiles and chuckles. A few guys stopped to tickle the squirming brunet as they passed. Mikey was the token younger brother for the patrons and the employees. One of the establishment's best customers, Jack, tickled Mikey's neck and armpits. Then he ruffled the brunet's hair and walked to his car.

"Say, you love me, Mikey," Adam ordered. He grinned and tickled his captive's hips.

The new tickle attack had Mikey wildly laughing and thrashing against his brother's muscled body. "Okay, okay! I love you, Adam." The twenty-two-year-old managed to say between his boisterous laughter.

"I love you too, little bro." Adam smiled, set his brother on the ground, and kept his arm around his younger brother till he could stand on his own.

Mikey jumped into his brother’s arms. The younger brunet wrapped his arms around Adam's neck and his legs around his waist. The grunt of surprise made the child-like brunet boyishly giggle. Mikey laid his head on his brother's warm shoulder and kissed his cheek. "I love you, Ad. You're the best brother, ever."

Adam loved how affectionate Mikey was and always had been. The taller brunette smiled and gently ruffled his brother’s hair. “You’re the most awesome brother ever.” Adam chuckled then, kissed Mikey’s cheek, and followed his brother inside.

The brunet slipped his shoes off, then handed them to the man at the door and retrieved his ticket. Excitedly, he greeted Tyler with a hug and kiss on the cheek. “How’s it been this evening?”

Tyler smiled then gave Mikey his nightly tickle hug and instantly had the brunet giggling and squirming. Mikey's slightly higher-pitched giggles were unmistakable. They weren't feminine, but more like a male just before puberty hits. The sound brought a smile to the face of everyone within ear-shot and let them know their favorite kid brother had arrived. 'It's been a pretty good night so far baby bro. Having you here, just made it even better."

Mikey walked around, greeting various customers. A few of them got waves, handshakes, and a genuine smile. Most got a hug, and a quick tickle, which got reciprocated. Mikey had an impeccable talent for reading people he knew who were comfortable with public displays of affection and who weren't okay with displays of affection. As he mingled, Mikey made sure to ask everyone he greeted if they needed anything and how their evening was. For him, the first and foremost goal was making everyone feel at home and like family. After the customers, he checked with the staff. Finally satisfied, Mikey went to order his usual mocha cappuccino. While waiting, the unsuspecting brunette felt fingertips very lightly tickle his lower back. Thanks to his shirt, his unknown tickler had easy access. Instantly, Mikey became a helpless, high-pitched, giggling mass of squirming limbs. His knees got weak and fell right into his tickler's open arms. The tickle assailant gave the smaller brunet a hug that lifted him off the floor.

When he was back on his feet, Mikey turned to face his tickle attacker. "Not fair, Jai Merlin Knight. You know that's a major tickle spot," Mikey said as he tried to pout and give Jai a stern glare but was unsuccessful because he continued giggling.

Jai chuckled, then leaned his head down and kissed the shorter man on his forehead. "I do know that, and I also know this one is too," Jai wrapped his arms around Mikey and twisted his index finger in the exposed belly button crevice.

"Eek!!" Mikey wriggled and squirmed as laughter flowed from his gut and past his lips like a river. He doubled over and tried pulling his brother's arms loose. As soon as he was set free, Mikey panted and began to recover. The brunet tipped the barista, set his cup on the table, and jumped into his second older brother's arms. "I love you, Jai. Thanks for playing with me." Just like he did with Adam, Mikey laid his head on the twenty-four-year-old man's shoulder and kissed his cheek. "I talked to Lance earlier today. He's planning to spend the weekend with me." Mikey stated after Jai put him down.

Seven years ago, Jai and Adam met at a party and, they fell in love. Their families became very close, which was not a very difficult task. Bryan and Max Carter were already professionally acquainted and friendly with Pam and Tony Knight. The families alternated hosting duties for holidays, weekly Sunday dinners, birthdays, and other parties.

Jai's brother was two years younger than Mikey. He instantly claimed the slightly older teen as his new older brother. For Mikey, the feeling was mutual, and, with Lancelot Arthur Knight around, he was no longer the baby of the family. However, being the baby of the family never bothered Mikey. He liked being a baby brother and coddled. The teens became inseparable and alternated weekend sleepovers. Even though he was twenty, Lance still spent some weekends and part of the summer with Mikey at his lakefront house.

"I love you, Mikey. Always have and always will." Jai lovingly smiled at the younger man and said. "I talked to Lance earlier today. Janice and his classes have been kicking his ass, and he needs a break. Oh, before I forget, Papa Bryan said to remind you about hosting the get-together on Sunday at your place."
Mikey ran his fingers through his slightly curly medium brown, neck-length hair and chuckled. He looked at Jai and said. "Please, there's no way I could forget dinner on Sunday. Papa Tony and Mama Pam are coming over. I'm making a big dinner, and Lance is helping me."

“Does he know that?” Jai snickered and massaged Mikey’s neck and shoulders.

“He will, and if he refuses, I’ll just tickle him into submission.” Mikey squirmed and softly giggled. His neck was very ticklish. “You and Adam could help too.”

“Just let us know what to do, and we’ll be glad to pitch in. After all, you’re always helping us.” Adam said, surprising his fiancee and brother. “Tonight, for instance, you stop in, make the customers feel like family, and tend to their needs. Then, you do the same with the staff. Baby bro, it’s incredible watching your positive energy and loving spirit light up a room.”

Mikey blushed and closed his eyes. "Guys, it's not that much of a big deal. I feel like the patrons are extended family. They're more like brothers and good friends." Mikey paused the brunet, suddenly felt a little dizzy and slightly off balance.

Adam and Jai noticed their brother's eyes were not as bright and sparkly as usual, and when he had to momentarily steady himself, they both got very concerned. However, they knew asking about Mikey's health was tricky. He was always so independent and didn't want to burden anyone that he kept things to himself. At least, until he absolutely had to say something. "Bro, are you feeling okay? You stumbled a little just now, and your eyes are slightly dimmer." Adam said as he brought his lips to Mikey's forehead. He noticed his brother did feel warmer than he should.

Mikey's demeanor changed a little bit. He wasn't upset at his brother, but he also didn't want to admit to anyone he'd been feeling run down and hadn't been sleeping as good or as long as he needed. Mikey had always been an energetic person, running all over the place, like he was the energizer bunny. The brunet closed his eyes, sighed, and hoped he could pull off the small fib he had to come up with. "Yeah, I'm fine, just been running around all day." Mikey took a deep breath, partly due to the need for more oxygen, and the other part was he pulled off his explanation.

Jai and Adam exchanged glances. The duo knew Mikey well enough to know he was trying not to make them worry. The pair of soon-to-be husbands sighed and shook their heads. "Okay, we're just concerned about our bro. Ya, know what, why don't you stay with us tonight? Your room's always made up and free. It'll be awesome having our Mikey with us tonight. Maybe we can get Lance to come and spend the night too. We'll have a real brother's night in." Jai said excitedly. His soft brown eyes glittered with happiness over his idea. Adam chuckled at his fiancee's almost child-like giddiness. He wrapped the shorter man in his arms and lovingly kissed his lips.

Seeing his brother's love for one another brought a smile to Mikey's face. He was truly happy for them. The moment they met, Jai and Mikey hit it off. The brunet remembered when Jai took him aside the night, he proposed to Adam. Jai told Mikey how much Adam meant to him. Then he did something that surprised the younger man. Jai looked into Mikey's eyes and asked him for his blessing. It still made Mikey giggle when he remembered Jai's answer after Mikey asked him why he was being asked and not their Dads. Jai looked at him, smiled, and said, "I'm not stupid. Mikey, I know if you don't want the marriage to happen, it won't. You've got your family and mine wrapped around your finger." The two men giggled and embraced before Mikey gave his blessing. The brunet shook his head of the happy memory.

"Bros, I'm more than grateful you look out for me, but I'll be fine. I'm planning on getting another cappuccino and curling up on my favorite sofa, with my favorite book from the Murder, She Wrote series "Murder, On The QE2." Besides, I only live fifteen, maybe twenty minutes away."

"Mikey, we just wish you lived closer to us, the family, and that you didn't live alone. What if something happened to you driving or while you're at home?" Adam placed his arm around Mikey's shoulder and pulled his brother into a warm embrace. "You know, we love you and are just worried about our brother. The entire family would be lost if something happened to you, Mikey."

Tears trailed down the three young men's cheeks as they huddled in a group hug. "Adam, Jai, please don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I've lived at the lake for two years now, and nothing has happened. I've got my panic room, pistols, rifles, baseball bat, pepper spray, and when I'm out running, my body cam is on, and my knife is strapped to my arm. Add to that, I'm still doing self-defense at the police gym, and you know damn well those guys don't play. I'm in good shape and can hold my own in a fight if I have to. Mikey paused and kissed his brother's cheeks. "I know the one thing I can always count on is the two of you having my back." The brunet paused. "And, not just for tickling." He giggled and wiggled his fingers between Jai's ribs.

As soon as he felt the invading fingers, Jai started giggling and jerking side to side. “Of course we love you, Mom, Dad, and Lance do too. You know, the old man’s got his officer’s driving by your house and around the lake every few hours.” Jai said, once his tickle attack ceased, and he recovered.

“Yeah, I told him how grateful I am his guys are looking out for the three of us. I noticed he’s got Dakota patrolling during his shifts. Did I tell you, he’s stopped by and had a soda or coffee with me a couple times.” Mikey stopped and blushed. “I… I really think he might like me, and honestly, I’m really starting to like him. I suspect Papa Tony’s been working to set us up.”

Mikey’s brothers grinned and nodded. “Yeah, Dad came to us and asked if you were still single. He then told us, in confidence, you and Dakota had something in common but didn’t give details. He thought the two of you might hit it off and be really good for each other.” Jai confirmed.

“How are you feeling about the prospect of a new relationship? I mean, you haven’t dated anyone in two years.” Adam asked and placed his arm around Mikey’s shoulder, pulling him into a hug.

“I think Dakota’s very nice, and he’s definitely my type. If he’s interested and doesn’t mind being monogamous, I’d be willing to take a chance. Who knows, he might be the one.” Jai smiled and wiped his brother’s tears. The brothers shared a group hug, and kiss, then went their separate ways. Mikey headed to the mystery section to get the book he mentioned earlier. After picking up his favorite novel, the brunet staked out his favorite sofa. Mikey loved how soft the full-length dark red, plush sofa was. Sitting his cup on the side table, then, removing his phone from his pocket, Mikey laid on his stomach and set off on his imaginary cruise. Mikey’s legs kicked back and forth lazily as he paused to sip his drink. He rejoined Jessica as she boarded the ship, with the hope, of an uneventful crossing, as it was called in the story.

Dakota & Mikey

Dakota Nickolas Buckingham ended his shift. The twenty-seven-year-old officer placed everything he did not bring home in his locker. Once he made sure the safety to his service revolver was on, he placed it in its holster, threw it in his locker, and slammed the door shut. Dakota slipped on his black Vans, put his work shoes in the gym bag, grabbed his backpack, and left the precinct. Outside, the officer did his routine of thoroughly examining his car before driving off. Instead of going straight home, the young man headed for Barefoot. He hoped Mikey would be there, and the two could talk. The officer knew he had feelings for the younger man and hoped Mikey felt the same way. He thought about how Commissioner Knight took him under his wing and asked him to regularly patrol the street Mikey lived on, as well as the Barefoot Lounge.

Nine months earlier, Dakota suffered a horrifying ordeal that almost killed him. It happened when he discovered Will, his ex-boyfriend, had joined a gang. After six months of recovery, the officer returned to work. Tony did not elaborate but told the younger man that he and Mikey shared a similar experience. Before Dakota knew it, he was pulling into the parking lot of Barefoot Books. As he got out of his SUV, the raven-haired man noticed he parked beside Mikey’s corvette and took that as a good omen.

“Dakota, how was your shift?” Tyler greeted the officer warmly with a hug.

“Pretty docile, thanks for asking. How about here?” Dakota smiled and returned the hug, then surveyed his surroundings. One reason was to find Mikey.

“The same here. You looking for Mikey?” The bouncer asked with a knowing smirk. Thanks to Adam and Jai, he knew about the attempt to get the two men together.

“Am I really that obvious?” Dakota’s ears perked up when he heard Mikey’s squeals and giggles.

Tyler chuckled and shook his head. “Nope, not in the least, and I honestly mean that. Jai and Adam told me about Tony trying to get you and Mikey together. All I gotta say is, I approve. Just don’t hurt our kid brother. He’s special and a loving angel.”

“That he is Tyler, that he is. It’s really cool, knowing you got our backs.” The two men shared another hug before Dakota went to get his coffee. The adorable sight of Mikey getting tickled made Dakota smile, which surprised him. Whenever the young man saw someone he liked being so playful and flirtatious, Dakota would become jealous and swear he was being cheated on. However, this time was different. He knew that was Mikey’s child-like personality and his way of making patrons feel like family. It also helped that Mikey didn’t focus his attention on one guy. Except for his brothers, Tyler, and a few other employees.

Dakota ordered his coffee. While waiting, he continued thinking. If they dated, the officer knew, he’d never hinder or limit any of Mikey’s playful personality. Doing so would eradicate the magic that made Mikey special. His thoughts drifted to Tyler calling the younger brunet “our kid brother and an angel.” Dakota smiled as visions of Mikey being tickled while wearing a halo and angel’s wings played like a movie. He softly chuckled while thinking it could actually happen.

Mikey was so engrossed in his book that he didn’t notice someone was slowly and quietly getting closer to him. His feet were screaming trap and tickle us as they swung back and forth. He had just reached the first murder when suddenly, Mikey caught the scent of a familiar cologne, then a fingertip slowly and lightly tickled along his curved arches. Mikey dropped his book and began giggling as he tried to keep his feet away from his tickler. However, his attempts were in vain. The unseen assailant successfully trapped both feet in the crook of his strong arm.

“Ya know, little boys shouldn’t flaunt their adorably cute feet like that. Especially when they’re so incredibly ticklish. Anyone could come along and do this….” The sentence was finished by five fingernails, lightly dragging up and down the center of Mikey’s helpless soles. As soon as the nails touched the fabric-covered feet, the brunette became a writhing and struggling mass of laughter and squeals.

Adam, Jai, and Tyler watched the two men, from the side, with smiles.

“You’d better hope I don’t get my hands on you, Dakota.” Mikey did his best to sound intimidating. Although, combine his ticklishness with the boyish laughter, how intimidating could he hope to be?

“Aww, you’re too adorable to make threats.” The officer snickered and began stripping Mikey’s socks off.

“Hey, don’t take my socks. That’s cheating.”

“Such an unruly young boy needs to be punished.” Dakota’s nails rapidly but lightly scratched back and forth across the balls of the defenseless pair of feet. The ticklish man thrashed and pounded the sofa with his fists while desperately trying to wriggle free. His boisterous laughter turned to silent gasps. Mikey truly loved the ticklish attention and hoped he could return the favor. Dakota’s amused laughter blended with Mikey’s. He slowed down the ticklish assault. His fingertips danced across the giggling man’s soft soles, treating them like a dance floor. “If I stop, can I sit with you?” Dakota paused, so Mikey could catch his breath and reply.

“You can sit with me, even if you don’t stop, handsome.” Mikey blushed while still giggling.

Dakota’s eyes brightly lit up, and a smile graced his olive skin. “Mikey, you’re cute, sexy, and I love your laugh and your adorable dimpled smile.” He saw his angel boy lean over to retrieve his socks from the floor. The sight of the exposed back and sides were too much to ignore. Dakota leaned over and firmly kneaded his fingers right above both hips. An extremely girlish screech flew from Mikey’s plump lips and was quickly followed by his wild high-pitched laughter.

“That’s sooo not fair. You sneak attacked a real bad tickly spot.” Mikey had managed to turn on his back. Unfortunately, that meant his belly button was now in Dakota’s sight. Within seconds, Mikey was once again wriggling and writhing side to side as his tickle monster’s index finger twisted and prodded along the deep crevice surrounding Mikey’s belly button.

Dakota loved having Mikey in such a ticklish situation. He’d always had a fetish for feet and tickling, as well as a few other things. He also saw Mikey’s obvious enjoyment and knew they’d have a lot of laughs together. After another second of playing with his ticklish boy, the twenty-seven-year-old stopped his assault and joined Mikey on the sofa.

“Mikey Dante Carter, you need to keep your voice down.” Both Dakota and Mikey turned to see Adam and Jai standing behind them, with hands-on their hips. “Really, you of all people, should be more respectful in a bookstore.” The fiances were fighting hard not to give in to the rising laughter.

“And, you call yourself a librarian. Well, I never.” Jai snickered the second he stopped speaking. That was all it took for all four guys to start laughing uncontrollably.

“We saw the two of you playing. No matter what either of you decides, we support your decisions.” Adam said, giving his brother and Dakota a hug.

“Just be loving with each other, and don’t hurt one another.” Jai said, and followed his fiance’s example. Then the two headed for their office.

“Your brothers, hell, everyone in here looks out for you. That’s awesome.”

“They get a bit overprotective at times, but they’re always there for me. I love them for it. Wait! You can’t sit down yet.” Mikey sat against the sofa arm and brought his knees up to his chest.

“Why not?” Dakota’s voice was filled with concern he’d taken things too far.

“You’re not properly dressed. I have a strict policy, both here and inside my house, no one sits with me.” Mikey paused for dramatic effect.

Dakota got a heartbroken look on his face. “Oh, okay, I can take a hint. I’ll see you, I guess.” Hoping Mikey didn’t see his tears, Dakota turned to walk away. His attempt was thwarted by Mikey’s grip on his wrist.

“With shoes on. No one sits with me, with shoes on. Unless they have a good reason, like chronic foot odor, and even that I overlook. Provided, it’s not too bad.”

Dakota smiled when he heard Mikey's signature giggle. He slipped his Vans off and plopped down on the sofa. His smile got wider as Mikey's feet were placed in his lap, and his feet were placed in Mikey's. "I have to admit, Mikey, you really got me good with that one." Dakota melted into the arm of the plush sofa and sighed as Mikey's nimble fingers gently massaged his sore sock-clad feet. The younger brunet hit a couple spots that made the officer slightly flinch and softly giggle while his toes curled inside the socks. "Are you really a librarian?" He asked, just before gasping as Mikey's soft lips kissed the balls of his size twelve feet.

A soft giggle escaped Mikey's lips, and his toes slightly curled when Dakota started massaging his bare feet. "Yeah, I am actually a librarian." The brunet paused and giggled when he saw his companion's expression. "You look surprised." Mikey continued his giggling. Partly because of Dakota's surprise and partly because his big cop's fingers were lightly grazing the top and sides of his feet and toes. "I also read to the kids, tutor high school and college students, come here, run the Saturday and Sunday night bingo games, and every other week, I help with the food pantry," Mikey smirked and decided to cure his curiosity.

“Damn, you’re a busy b...” Dakota’s sentence abruptly halted. His usually calm baritone voice was replaced by very boyish giggling and cackles. “You weren’t supposed to figure out my feet are ticklish yet.”

Everyone close to them watched Mikey transform the six-foot burly cop into a squirming giggly schoolboy.

“Hmm, looks like my sexy cop’s as ticklish as I am.” Mikey giggled and wrapped his arm around Dakota’s struggling feet. Facing his prey and laughing evilly, the brunet rapidly scratched his nails across and up and down both wriggling soles.

“Not the nails. It tickles.” The officer’s laughter echoed around the corner where they sat.

“I’ll stop if you agree to one thing.”

“Whatever it is, I’ll do it. Dakota’s laughter was becoming raspier, and he was panting heavily. Inside, he was in heaven. It had been a long time since anyone tickled him anywhere, let alone his feet.

“Be my boyfriend. I want a monogamous relationship.” Mikey paused his tickling, leaned down, and softly kissed each one of Dakota’s wiggling sock-clad toes.

“You didn’t have to stop tickling me.” Dakota squeaked and softly giggled from Mikey’s kisses. “With or without tickles, I’d love to be your boyfriend.” He leaned down, then kissed and playfully nibbled Mikey’s flexing toes. Dakota loved hearing Mikey squeal and the feel of his toes scrunching. “I really like you and want to get to really know each other.”

“I want the same thing. You’re hot and really fun to talk to. I like you, Kota, a lot.” Mikey lightly blushed and boyishly grinned.

“I like that.” Dakota smiled at the sound of the nickname Mikey gave him. “No one’s ever called me Kota before.”

Mikey softly giggled. “Kota just seems to fit you.” The two shared another chuckle and gave each other a loving hug. After talking and cuddling a bit more, the couple exchanged numbers and got ready to leave. Adam, Jai, and Tyler surprised Dakota when they hugged him and welcomed him to the family.

“I’m glad I stopped in tonight. Thanks for an amazing evening, Mikey.” Dakota bashfully smiled while drawing an invisible line on the pavement with the toe of his shoe.

“I’m glad you tickled me and said yes to going out. Umm, I’m usually not the first to ask, but can I kiss you? I wanted to all night.”

“I’d love that, my sweet baby boy.” Dakota wrapped his arms around Mikey’s waist and pulled him into a loving embrace. Mikey lifted his head and gazed into his boyfriend’s light hazel-colored eyes. As soon as their lips touched, they both gasped into each other’s mouths. Both men saw lightning strikes and fireworks going off. Finally, the need to breathe caused the heavily panting, sweat-covered couple to separate.

“That was…” Mikey started saying.

“Incredibly mind-blowing.” Dakota finished Mikey’s sentence, causing them to blush and start giggling. “Can I call you in the morning?”

“Of course, sexy. Hell, you can call me tonight, if you want. Be safe going home, Kota.”

“I just might do that. You be safe too, my sweet angel boy.” The two shared one more hug and a less passionate kiss. Dakota got in his car, watched Mikey leave, and headed home.

A Ticklish Thriller M/M (Ongoing) (2024)
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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.